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MoMo, the Hardest-Working Elephant in Show Biz, Turns 65

Thousands turn out as Yangon Zoo throws jumbo-sized birthday bash The post MoMo, the Hardest-Working Elephant in Show Biz, Turns 65 appeared first on The Irrawaddy.

جيش الاحتلال: إطلاق ثلاثة صواريخ من جنوب لبنان تجاه الجليل الأعلى

أعلن جيش الاحتلال عن إطلاق ثلاثة صواريخ من جنوب لبنان تجاه الجليل الأعلى وقصفنا بالمدفعية مصادر النيران. المصدر:اليوم السابعجيش الاحتلال: إ
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جيش الاحتلال: إطلاق ثلاثة صواريخ من جنوب لبنان تجاه الجليل الأعلى

أعلن جيش الاحتلال عن إطلاق ثلاثة صواريخ من جنوب لبنان تجاه الجليل الأعلى وقصفنا بالمدفعية مصادر النيران. المصدر:اليوم السابعجيش الاحتلال: إطلاق ثلاثة صواريخ من جنوب لبنان تجاه الجليل الأعلى

وزير الخارجية سامح شكرى يتوجه إلى تركيا فى زيارة ثنائية

صرح السفير أحمد أبو زيد، المتحدث الرسمى باسم بوزارة الخارجية، بأن السيد سامح شكرى وزير الخارجية توجه يوم الجمعة 19 ابريل الجارى من جنوب أفريقي
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وزير الخارجية سامح شكرى يتوجه إلى تركيا فى زيارة ثنائية

صرح السفير أحمد أبو زيد، المتحدث الرسمى باسم بوزارة الخارجية، بأن السيد سامح شكرى وزير الخارجية توجه يوم الجمعة 19 ابريل الجارى من جنوب أفريقيا إلى تركيا فى زيارة ثنائية. المصدر:اليوم السابعوزير الخارجية سامح شكرى يتوجه إلى تركيا فى زيارة ثنائية

الأرصاد تحذر: منخفض صحراوى سيؤثر على أغلب مناطق الجمهورية يوم الثلاثاء

قال محمود القياتى عضو المركز الإعلامى لهيئة الأرصاد، إن يوم الأربعاء الماضى شهدنا رياح الخماسين أو المنخفض الصحراوى، ونشهد الآن استقرارًا ف
rss-أخبار عاجلة

الأرصاد تحذر: منخفض صحراوى سيؤثر على أغلب مناطق الجمهورية يوم الثلاثاء

قال محمود القياتى عضو المركز الإعلامى لهيئة الأرصاد، إن يوم الأربعاء الماضى شهدنا رياح الخماسين أو المنخفض الصحراوى، ونشهد الآن استقرارًا فى الأحوال الجوية المصدر:اليوم السابعالأرصاد تحذر: منخفض صحراوى سيؤثر على أغلب مناطق الجمهورية يوم الثلاثاء

الصحة الفلسطينية: استشهاد طفل برصاص الاحتلال في مخيم نور شمس

أعلنت الصحة الفلسطينية عن استشهاد طفل برصاص الاحتلال في مخيم نور شمس بمدينة طولكرم شمال الضفة الغربية، وذلك وفقا لخبر عاجل على قناة القاهرة ا
rss-أخبار عاجلة

الصحة الفلسطينية: استشهاد طفل برصاص الاحتلال في مخيم نور شمس

أعلنت الصحة الفلسطينية عن استشهاد طفل برصاص الاحتلال في مخيم نور شمس بمدينة طولكرم شمال الضفة الغربية، وذلك وفقا لخبر عاجل على قناة القاهرة الإخبارية. المصدر:اليوم السابعالصحة الفلسطينية: استشهاد طفل برصاص الاحتلال في مخيم نور شمس

مظلة للحماية الاجتماعية.. تعرف على جهود التحالف الوطنى للعمل الأهلى

استطاع التحالف الوطنى للعمل الأهلى التنموى، على مدار الفترة الماضية أن يكون بمثابة مظلة حماية اجتماعية تسع الأكثر استحقاقًا، فقد انطلق من ال
rss-أخبار عاجلة

مظلة للحماية الاجتماعية.. تعرف على جهود التحالف الوطنى للعمل الأهلى

استطاع التحالف الوطنى للعمل الأهلى التنموى، على مدار الفترة الماضية أن يكون بمثابة مظلة حماية اجتماعية تسع الأكثر استحقاقًا، فقد انطلق من البداية على أسس سليمة المصدر:اليوم السابعمظلة للحماية الاجتماعية.. تعرف على جهود التحالف الوطنى للعمل الأهلى

Jeremy Clarkson is left shaken as Kaleb Cooper is treated by medics after a nasty accident in Clarkson's Farm trailer

Jeremy Clarkson is left visibly shaken as dramatic scenes in the third series of Clarkson's Farm see Kaleb Cooper treated by medics after a nasty accident.
News | Mail Online

Jeremy Clarkson is left shaken as Kaleb Cooper is treated by medics after a nasty accident in Clarkson's Farm trailer

Jeremy Clarkson is left visibly shaken as dramatic scenes in the third series of Clarkson's Farm see Kaleb Cooper treated by medics after a nasty accident.

Workshy Brits could lose handouts after 12 months as Rishi Sunak warns benefits bill is 'unsustainable' and 'life worries' are not a reason to dodge jobs - suggesting specialist teams NOT GPs should decide if people are signed off sick

In a major pre-election speech, Rishi Sunak pledged to crack down on the country's 'sick note culture', insisting normal 'life worries' are not a reason to be signed off.
News | Mail Online

Workshy Brits could lose handouts after 12 months as Rishi Sunak warns benefits bill is 'unsustainable' and 'life worries' are not a reason to dodge jobs - suggesting specialist teams NOT GPs should decide if people are signed off sick

In a major pre-election speech, Rishi Sunak pledged to crack down on the country's 'sick note culture', insisting normal 'life worries' are not a reason to be signed off.

Moment Alison Hammond's hunky Russian boyfriend, 29, skinny dips in freezing lake at Putin's summer hideout - as friend says 'strong and silent' masseur is 'perfect' for This Morning star

Model and masseur David Putman, who is 20 years younger than fun loving Alison, 49, dived into the water at remote beauty in the Caucasus Mountains close to where he was born.
News | Mail Online

Moment Alison Hammond's hunky Russian boyfriend, 29, skinny dips in freezing lake at Putin's summer hideout - as friend says 'strong and silent' masseur is 'perfect' for This Morning star

Model and masseur David Putman, who is 20 years younger than fun loving Alison, 49, dived into the water at remote beauty in the Caucasus Mountains close to where he was born.

We'll give you a sick note because we're too scared to say no! GPs admit they dole out letters to patients they haven't even SEEN over fears they'll get negative reviews online

GPs are routinely writing sick notes for patients they have not seen. Doctors admit '95 per cent' of requests are waved through without assessing the patient first and are 'rarely ever' denied.
News | Mail Online

We'll give you a sick note because we're too scared to say no! GPs admit they dole out letters to patients they haven't even SEEN over fears they'll get negative reviews online

GPs are routinely writing sick notes for patients they have not seen. Doctors admit '95 per cent' of requests are waved through without assessing the patient first and are 'rarely ever' denied.

Video gamer, 28, who was first British person to be charged with 'swatting' after he made hoax emergency call to US police which ended in victim being shot twice by a SWAT team avoids jail

Gamer Robert Walker-McDaid was spared jailed for making a hoax call to a terrorist hotline about a rival who was shot in the face by US police.
News | Mail Online

Video gamer, 28, who was first British person to be charged with 'swatting' after he made hoax emergency call to US police which ended in victim being shot twice by a SWAT team avoids jail

Gamer Robert Walker-McDaid was spared jailed for making a hoax call to a terrorist hotline about a rival who was shot in the face by US police.

'Now that I have your attention ...': Rahul Gandhi's innovative strategy to make people hear him

Congress leader and candidate from Wayanad Rahul Gandhi captured public attention on Friday by addressing urgent problems of unemployment and poverty in a unique video featuring his pet dog on social media platform X. Gandhi criticizes Prime Minister Narendr
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'Now that I have your attention ...': Rahul Gandhi's innovative strategy to make people hear him

Congress leader and candidate from Wayanad Rahul Gandhi captured public attention on Friday by addressing urgent problems of unemployment and poverty in a unique video featuring his pet dog on social media platform X. Gandhi criticizes Prime Minister Narendra Modi for high unemployment rates and pushing millions below the poverty line.

Acord în cadrul NATO asupra trimiterii de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană în Ucraina

Statele membre NATO au ajuns la un acord cu privire la trimiterea de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană suplimentare în Ucraina, printre care baterii de rachete Patriot, a anunţat vineri secretarul general al Alianţei Nord-Atlantice, Jens Stoltenberg, transm

Acord în cadrul NATO asupra trimiterii de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană în Ucraina

Statele membre NATO au ajuns la un acord cu privire la trimiterea de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană suplimentare în Ucraina, printre care baterii de rachete Patriot, a anunţat vineri secretarul general al Alianţei Nord-Atlantice, Jens Stoltenberg, transmit AFP şi Reuters.

Obiectul pe care nimeni nu s-ar aștepta ca Andreea Esca să îl aibă în casă. Aris Eram: „Multe chestii foarte folositoare” VIDEO

Când vine vorba de vedetele din România, locuințele lor sunt adesea subiect de curiozitate pentru fani. De data aceasta, Aris Eram, fiul celebrei prezentatoare TV Andreea Esca, a făcut publice câteva detalii cel puțin interesante din casa părinților s

Obiectul pe care nimeni nu s-ar aștepta ca Andreea Esca să îl aibă în casă. Aris Eram: „Multe chestii foarte folositoare” VIDEO

Când vine vorba de vedetele din România, locuințele lor sunt adesea subiect de curiozitate pentru fani. De data aceasta, Aris Eram, fiul celebrei prezentatoare TV Andreea Esca, a făcut publice câteva detalii cel puțin interesante din casa părinților săi din Snagov.

„Dragoste pe muchie de cuțit”, exclusiv pe SkyShowtime. Când va avea loc premiera VIDEO

Comedia romantică „Dragoste pe muchie de cuțit” intră pe streaming, pe platforma SkyShowtime. Filmul este produs de Papa Pictures și regizat de Germain Kanda și îi are în distribuție pe Carmen Tănase, Ada Galeș, Răzvan Bănică, Marian Râlea,

„Dragoste pe muchie de cuțit”, exclusiv pe SkyShowtime. Când va avea loc premiera VIDEO

Comedia romantică „Dragoste pe muchie de cuțit” intră pe streaming, pe platforma SkyShowtime. Filmul este produs de Papa Pictures și regizat de Germain Kanda și îi are în distribuție pe Carmen Tănase, Ada Galeș, Răzvan Bănică, Marian Râlea, Sandu Pop, Alin Panc, Gabriela Popescu și Ruxandra Șerban.

Bărbat arestat după racolarea unei copile în scop sexual. Polițiștii i-au găsit in calculator materiale pornografice cu minori

Un bărbat a fost arestat preventiv, vineri, pentru 30 de zile, fiind acuzat de pornografie infantilă şi racolarea minorilor în scopuri sexuale, în calculatorul şi telefonul său fiind depistate materiale pornografice care înfăţişează copii în ipos

Bărbat arestat după racolarea unei copile în scop sexual. Polițiștii i-au găsit in calculator materiale pornografice cu minori

Un bărbat a fost arestat preventiv, vineri, pentru 30 de zile, fiind acuzat de pornografie infantilă şi racolarea minorilor în scopuri sexuale, în calculatorul şi telefonul său fiind depistate materiale pornografice care înfăţişează copii în ipostaze sexuale explicite.

Lavrov acuză Chișinăul că vrea să transforme Transnistria într-un focar de tensiune

Kremlinul, prin intermediul ministrului de Externe, Serghei Lavrov, acuză Chișinăul că vrea să transforme regiunea separatisă Transnistria ,,într-un focar de tensiune”. Reprezentanții Guvernului moldovean neagă acuzațiile, reiterând că doresc re

Lavrov acuză Chișinăul că vrea să transforme Transnistria într-un focar de tensiune

Kremlinul, prin intermediul ministrului de Externe, Serghei Lavrov, acuză Chișinăul că vrea să transforme regiunea separatisă Transnistria ,,într-un focar de tensiune”. Reprezentanții Guvernului moldovean neagă acuzațiile, reiterând că doresc rezvolarea pașnică a conflictului transnistrean.

Blinken reveals US stance on potential Israeli invasion of Rafah

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said Washington is against a full-scale Israeli military operation in Gaza Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Blinken reveals US stance on potential Israeli invasion of Rafah

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said Washington is against a full-scale Israeli military operation in Gaza Read Full Article at

Send murderers directly to front lines – Ukraine’s justice minister

Send murderers directly to front lines, Ukraine’s justice minister is urging, reasoning that their experience makes them better killers Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Send murderers directly to front lines – Ukraine’s justice minister

Send murderers directly to front lines, Ukraine’s justice minister is urging, reasoning that their experience makes them better killers Read Full Article at

Russian exports to Africa exceed sales to Americas – media

Africa’s share of imports from Russia surged in 2023 as North and South America saw a marked year-on-year decline Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Russian exports to Africa exceed sales to Americas – media

Africa’s share of imports from Russia surged in 2023 as North and South America saw a marked year-on-year decline Read Full Article at

Suspect arrested after Iranian consulate bomb threat

A man is in custody after threatening to blow himself up inside Iran’s diplomatic mission in Paris with a fake suicide vest Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Suspect arrested after Iranian consulate bomb threat

A man is in custody after threatening to blow himself up inside Iran’s diplomatic mission in Paris with a fake suicide vest Read Full Article at

EU sanctions Israeli ‘extremists’

European Union has blacklisted four Israeli settlers and two organizations over alleged abuses of Palestinian human rights in the West Bank Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

EU sanctions Israeli ‘extremists’

European Union has blacklisted four Israeli settlers and two organizations over alleged abuses of Palestinian human rights in the West Bank Read Full Article at

В Армении заявили о начавшейся демаркации границы с Азербайджаном

Между Арменией и Азербайджаном началась демаркация границы. Об этом заявили в аппарате премьер-министра страны Никола Пашиняна, передает г
В мире - Рамблер

В Армении заявили о начавшейся демаркации границы с Азербайджаном

Между Арменией и Азербайджаном началась демаркация границы. Об этом заявили в аппарате премьер-министра страны Никола Пашиняна, передает госагентство «Арменпресс».

Was positive but is now «angry, frustrated and annoyed»

Birna Rún Arnarsdóttir, a resident of Grindavík, was one of many residents of Grindavík who turned out at Austurvöllur yesterday to protest the work methods of the real estate company Þórkatla, which is handling the government buyouts of properties in - News in English

Was positive but is now «angry, frustrated and annoyed»

Birna Rún Arnarsdóttir, a resident of Grindavík, was one of many residents of Grindavík who turned out at Austurvöllur yesterday to protest the work methods of the real estate company Þórkatla, which is handling the government buyouts of properties in Grindavík.

Planning for a safe route for visitors at the eruption site

The Icelandic Tourist Board leads a workgroup that has the task of preparing facilities for those who want to view the volcanic eruption in Sundhnúkagígar crater row, where one crater is erupting. - News in English

Planning for a safe route for visitors at the eruption site

The Icelandic Tourist Board leads a workgroup that has the task of preparing facilities for those who want to view the volcanic eruption in Sundhnúkagígar crater row, where one crater is erupting.

مظاهرات حاشدة باليمن تحت شعار 'معركتنا مستمرة حتى تنتصر غزة'

خرجت مظاهرات حاشدة في اليمن، اليوم الجمعة، تضامناً مع الشعب الفلسطيني، ونصرةً لقضيته العادلة، ولإسناد مقاومته، وتنديداً باستمرار مجازر الإب
قناة العالم الأخبارية

مظاهرات حاشدة باليمن تحت شعار 'معركتنا مستمرة حتى تنتصر غزة'

خرجت مظاهرات حاشدة في اليمن، اليوم الجمعة، تضامناً مع الشعب الفلسطيني، ونصرةً لقضيته العادلة، ولإسناد مقاومته، وتنديداً باستمرار مجازر الإبادة الإسرا...

15-y-o Irwin High student fatally stabbed in attack, school in mourning

Students and teachers at Irwin High School in St James are in mourning over the stabbing death of a 15-year-old boy during an attack by a group of students on Thursday afternoon. The deceased has been identified as Raniel Plummer.  When our...

15-y-o Irwin High student fatally stabbed in attack, school in mourning

Students and teachers at Irwin High School in St James are in mourning over the stabbing death of a 15-year-old boy during an attack by a group of students on Thursday afternoon. The deceased has been identified as Raniel Plummer.  When our...

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