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King calls for expanding local production of pharmaceuticals, medical supplies

AMMONNEWS - His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday urged the public and private sectors to expand the local production of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for domestic consumption and for exporting purposes.During a visit to the Royal Medical Services’ (RM

Israel lanza ataques contra Irán, según funcionario estadounidense

El reporte se produjo poco después de que fuentes locales informaran de explosiones en la ciudad de Isfahán, en el centro de Irán, así como en la gobernación de As-Suwayda, en Siria, y en la zona de Bagdad y la gobernación de Babil, en Irak. The post Is

Israel lanza ataques contra Irán, según funcionario estadounidense

El reporte se produjo poco después de que fuentes locales informaran de explosiones en la ciudad de Isfahán, en el centro de Irán, así como en la gobernación de As-Suwayda, en Siria, y en la zona de Bagdad y la gobernación de Babil, en Irak. The post Israel lanza ataques contra Irán, según funcionario estadounidense first appeared on Cubadebate.

Presidente de Adidas celebra vínculos con el deporte cubano

«Nos satisface que podamos volver a trabajar de conjunto», aseveró minutos después de anunciar que, además de garantizar el vestuario a las delegaciones de la Isla asistentes a las citas parisinas, la marca acompañará durante el próximo cuat

Presidente de Adidas celebra vínculos con el deporte cubano

«Nos satisface que podamos volver a trabajar de conjunto», aseveró minutos después de anunciar que, además de garantizar el vestuario a las delegaciones de la Isla asistentes a las citas parisinas, la marca acompañará durante el próximo cuatrienio al COC. The post Presidente de Adidas celebra vínculos con el deporte cubano first appeared on Cubadebate.

Resultados Electrizantes en la Serie Nacional de Béisbol: Duelos Cerrados y Sorpresas en el Diamante

En el primer juego de la subserie, Guantánamo superó a Artemisa con un marcador de 5-3, gracias a una sólida actuación del lanzador Enyer Fernández, quien logró su segunda victoria de la temporada. Miguel Lahera cargó con la derrota para Artemisa. The

Resultados Electrizantes en la Serie Nacional de Béisbol: Duelos Cerrados y Sorpresas en el Diamante

En el primer juego de la subserie, Guantánamo superó a Artemisa con un marcador de 5-3, gracias a una sólida actuación del lanzador Enyer Fernández, quien logró su segunda victoria de la temporada. Miguel Lahera cargó con la derrota para Artemisa. The post Resultados Electrizantes en la Serie Nacional de Béisbol: Duelos Cerrados y Sorpresas en el Diamante first appeared on Cubadebate.

Burkina Faso expulsa a tres diplomáticos franceses acusados de subversión

Los tres diplomáticos fueron declarados “persona non grata” y se les pidió que abandonaran el país en las próximas 48 horas, según el documento del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Burkina Faso que fue enviado a la embajada francesa el jueves.  T

Burkina Faso expulsa a tres diplomáticos franceses acusados de subversión

Los tres diplomáticos fueron declarados “persona non grata” y se les pidió que abandonaran el país en las próximas 48 horas, según el documento del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Burkina Faso que fue enviado a la embajada francesa el jueves.  The post Burkina Faso expulsa a tres diplomáticos franceses acusados de subversión first appeared on Cubadebate.

Italian Embassy celebrates blossoming ties with Saudi Arabia on first ‘Made in Italy Day’

RIYADH: The Italian Embassy in Riyadh on Tuesday celebrated the inaugural “Made in Italy Day” with the opening of a new visa application center and exhibition space. Giuliano Fragnito, the deputy head of the mission, told Arab News the event provided a
Saudi Arabia

Italian Embassy celebrates blossoming ties with Saudi Arabia on first ‘Made in Italy Day’

RIYADH: The Italian Embassy in Riyadh on Tuesday celebrated the inaugural “Made in Italy Day” with the opening of a new visa application center and exhibition space. Giuliano Fragnito, the deputy head of the mission, told Arab News the event provided an opportunity to showcase Italian expertise in a variety of fields, including the fashion, design, automotive and space industries. “Today we are celebrating ‘Made in Italy Day,’ which is a day that celebrates the creativity, innovation and the territories of Italy and Italy’s products,” he said.

UN Security Council vote exposes practically full isolation of US — Russia’s UN mission

Vasily Nebenzya described the US veto as a «fruitless attempt to stop the inexorable course of history»

UN Security Council vote exposes practically full isolation of US — Russia’s UN mission

Vasily Nebenzya described the US veto as a «fruitless attempt to stop the inexorable course of history»

Palestine’s full UN membership more urgent now than ever before — China’s envoy

Fu Cong denied claims that direct talks with Israel are a vital precondition for Palestine’s UN membership

Palestine’s full UN membership more urgent now than ever before — China’s envoy

Fu Cong denied claims that direct talks with Israel are a vital precondition for Palestine’s UN membership

US veto for Palestinian membership proves Washington’s anti-Palestinian stance — Hamas

The movement called upon the international community to «break free from Washington’s influence and support the struggle of the Palestinian people»

US veto for Palestinian membership proves Washington’s anti-Palestinian stance — Hamas

The movement called upon the international community to «break free from Washington’s influence and support the struggle of the Palestinian people»

Algeria pledges to return to Palestinian membership issue — envoy

«The overwhelming support for Palestine’s membership makes it crystal clear that the State of Palestine is worthy of its rightful place among member states of the United Nations,» Amar Bendjama said

Algeria pledges to return to Palestinian membership issue — envoy

«The overwhelming support for Palestine’s membership makes it crystal clear that the State of Palestine is worthy of its rightful place among member states of the United Nations,» Amar Bendjama said

임윤찬 “내 안의 용암 토해낸 느낌…손도 완벽 회복”

“10년 동안 속에 있던 용암을 이제야 밖으로 토해낸 느낌입니다.” 피아니스트 임윤찬(20)이 19일 첫 정규 스튜디오 앨범 ‘쇼팽: 에튀드’를 발매했다. 세계적 레이블 ‘데카’를 통해 발매된 이
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

임윤찬 “내 안의 용암 토해낸 느낌…손도 완벽 회복”

“10년 동안 속에 있던 용암을 이제야 밖으로 토해낸 느낌입니다.” 피아니스트 임윤찬(20)이 19일 첫 정규 스튜디오 앨범 ‘쇼팽: 에튀드’를 발매했다. 세계적 레이블 ‘데카’를 통해 발매된 이 앨범에는 ‘쇼팽:에튀드’ 10번과 24번 연습곡 24개가 담겼다. 미국 뉴잉글랜드음악원(NEC)에 재학 중인 임윤찬은 현재 머무르고 있는 보스턴에서 국내 언론들과 온라인 인터뷰를 갖고 “이그나츠 프리드만 등 굉장히 많은 음악가들로부터 영감을 받았지만 이 나이에 꼭 이 산을 꼭 넘고 싶다는 의지가 이 음반을 만든 것 같다”고 말했다. “블라디미르 호로비츠가 ‘음표 뒤에는 항상 숨겨진 내용이 있는데 해석하는 사람들은 그것을 반드시 알아야 한다’고 했어요. 저는 에튀드 뿐 아니라 다른 곡을 연주할 때도 철저하게 고민하고 어떻게 표현해야 할까를 고민합니다. 그 과정이 힘들고 오래 걸리지만, 그렇게 해야 한다고 생각해요.” 악보 너머의 이야기에 파고들기 위해 임윤찬은 쇼팽의 마지막 제자 에밀 데콩브를 사사한 알

이재명, 박영선 총리 기용설에 “협치 빙자한 협공”

이재명 더불어민주당 대표가 19일 최근 인적쇄신과 관련해 협치를 빙자한 협공이라고 밝혔다. 이 대표는 페이스북에 올린 글에서 “협치를 빙자한 협공에 농락 당할 만큼 민주당이 어리석지 않다
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

이재명, 박영선 총리 기용설에 “협치 빙자한 협공”

이재명 더불어민주당 대표가 19일 최근 인적쇄신과 관련해 협치를 빙자한 협공이라고 밝혔다. 이 대표는 페이스북에 올린 글에서 “협치를 빙자한 협공에 농락 당할 만큼 민주당이 어리석지 않다”고 적었다. 대통령실 인선 하마평이 무성한 시점과 맞물려 있어 이 대표가 박영선 전 중소벤처기업부 장관의 국무총리 기용설 등을 저격한 것이 아니냐는 관측이 나온다. 앞서 윤석열 대통령이 차기 국무총리와 비서실장에 문재인 정부 인사인 박영선 전 장관과 양정철 전 민주연구원장을 검토하고 있다는 보도가 나왔다.양 전 원장은 측근들에게 기용 가능성을 일축했다. 하지만 박 전 장관은 전날 페이스북에 “지금 대한민국의 미래를 생각한다면 너무도 중요한 시기여서 협치가 긴요하다”고 밝혀 박 전 장관의 총리 입각설이 현실화되는 것 아니냐는 목소리가 나왔다. 이 대표는 이날 최고위원회의를 마친 뒤 취재진과 만나 해당 게시물의 의미를 묻는 질문에 답하지 않았다.[서울=뉴시스]

Verdachten aangehouden voor inbraak woning parlementariër Aviankoi

Waterkant Manschappen van het Regio Bijstand Team Paramaribo (RBTP) hebben na goed speurwerk Gianny J. (24) en Ivaristo J. (17) aangehouden voor inbraak in de woning van VHP-parlementariër Henk Aviankoi. Het tweetal is overgedragen aan de recherche van Regi

Verdachten aangehouden voor inbraak woning parlementariër Aviankoi

Waterkant Manschappen van het Regio Bijstand Team Paramaribo (RBTP) hebben na goed speurwerk Gianny J. (24) en Ivaristo J. (17) aangehouden voor inbraak in de woning van VHP-parlementariër Henk Aviankoi. Het tweetal is overgedragen aan de recherche van Regio Paramaribo. Op dinsdag 26 maart deed Aviankoi aangifte van gekwalificeerde diefstal uit zijn woning. Die ochtend vertrok […] Het bericht Verdachten aangehouden voor inbraak woning parlementariër Aviankoi verscheen eerst op Waterkant.


郭顏慧/核稿編輯 中東衝突一觸即發,伊朗第三大城伊斯法罕(Isfahan)機場附近19日凌晨傳出爆炸巨響,美國官員稍早證實,以色列飛彈擊中伊朗境內一處目標。 伊朗半官方媒...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


郭顏慧/核稿編輯 中東衝突一觸即發,伊朗第三大城伊斯法罕(Isfahan)機場附近19日凌晨傳出爆炸巨響,美國官員稍早證實,以色列飛彈擊中伊朗境內一處目標。 伊朗半官方媒...…

紐約哥大逾百名親巴勒斯坦學生被捕 將面臨退學處分

黃其豪/核稿編輯 以色列與巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)已鏖戰逾6個月,美國各大專院校頻頻爆發反戰示威。紐約哥倫比亞大學日前授權紐約警方拆除反以色列團體設置的營地,超...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報

紐約哥大逾百名親巴勒斯坦學生被捕 將面臨退學處分

黃其豪/核稿編輯 以色列與巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)已鏖戰逾6個月,美國各大專院校頻頻爆發反戰示威。紐約哥倫比亞大學日前授權紐約警方拆除反以色列團體設置的營地,超...…


訂閱【自由追新聞】 全新的視界!新聞話題不漏接,快訂閱YouTube 【自由追新聞】,記得開啟小鈴鐺哦!…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


訂閱【自由追新聞】 全新的視界!新聞話題不漏接,快訂閱YouTube 【自由追新聞】,記得開啟小鈴鐺哦!…

مسخره کردن اسرائیل توسط رسانه های عربی در پاسخ به ایران

رسانه های عربی به تمسخر اسرائیل پرداختند.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

مسخره کردن اسرائیل توسط رسانه های عربی در پاسخ به ایران

رسانه های عربی به تمسخر اسرائیل پرداختند.

جدیدترین خبر از وضعیت تاسیسات هسته‌ای در استان اصفهان

منابع موثق اعلام کرده‌اند: تاسیسات هسته‌ای در استان اصفهان در امنیت کامل است.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

جدیدترین خبر از وضعیت تاسیسات هسته‌ای در استان اصفهان

منابع موثق اعلام کرده‌اند: تاسیسات هسته‌ای در استان اصفهان در امنیت کامل است.

B.C. Mountie's appeal of sex crime convictions dismissed

B.C.'s highest court has dismissed an appeal by an RCMP officer who was found guilty of sex crimes involving teen girls, upholding his conviction. - Canada - Public RSS

B.C. Mountie's appeal of sex crime convictions dismissed

B.C.'s highest court has dismissed an appeal by an RCMP officer who was found guilty of sex crimes involving teen girls, upholding his conviction.

Judge says 'no evidence fully supports' murder case against Umar Zameer as jury starts deliberations

The judge presiding over the trial of a man accused of fatally running over a Toronto police officer is telling jurors the possible verdicts they may reach based on the evidence in the case. - Canada - Public RSS

Judge says 'no evidence fully supports' murder case against Umar Zameer as jury starts deliberations

The judge presiding over the trial of a man accused of fatally running over a Toronto police officer is telling jurors the possible verdicts they may reach based on the evidence in the case.

Обвиниха в тероризъм 16-годишния, намушкал епископ в Сидни

Междувременно продължава разследването на бунта, избухнал след нападението

Обвиниха в тероризъм 16-годишния, намушкал епископ в Сидни

Междувременно продължава разследването на бунта, избухнал след нападението

Може ли да настъпи нова гражданска война в САЩ

Възможна ли е гражданска война в САЩ четете в следващите редове

Може ли да настъпи нова гражданска война в САЩ

Възможна ли е гражданска война в САЩ четете в следващите редове

Глава Пентагона и министр обороны Норвегии обсудили Украину

Норвегия оказала значительную поддержку как коалиции возможностей ВВС, так и коалициям интегрированных возможностей противовоздушной и пр
Последние новости на сайте

Глава Пентагона и министр обороны Норвегии обсудили Украину

Норвегия оказала значительную поддержку как коалиции возможностей ВВС, так и коалициям интегрированных возможностей противовоздушной и противоракетной обороны.

Почти всю Украину охватила воздушная тревога

Сигналы раздались в столице около 04.40. Почти сразу тревога была объявлена и во многих областях на севере, востоке и центре, а также на юге и мес
Последние новости на сайте

Почти всю Украину охватила воздушная тревога

Сигналы раздались в столице около 04.40. Почти сразу тревога была объявлена и во многих областях на севере, востоке и центре, а также на юге и местами на западе страны.

Всю Украину охватила воздушная тревога

В воздушное пространство Украины вошли крылатые ракеты, запущенные российской стратегической авиацией.
Последние новости на сайте

Всю Украину охватила воздушная тревога

В воздушное пространство Украины вошли крылатые ракеты, запущенные российской стратегической авиацией.

Россияне атаковали Днепр баллистикой - мониторинговые каналы

В областях Украины раздается тревога из-за запуска врагом шахедов и ракет. В ряде городов прошли взрывы.
Последние новости на сайте

Россияне атаковали Днепр баллистикой - мониторинговые каналы

В областях Украины раздается тревога из-за запуска врагом шахедов и ракет. В ряде городов прошли взрывы.

Туск заявил, что ситуация на фронте критическая

Политик отметил важность усиления оборонной помощи Киеву странами-партнерами, в частности для противодействия ракетному и дроновому террор
Последние новости на сайте

Туск заявил, что ситуация на фронте критическая

Политик отметил важность усиления оборонной помощи Киеву странами-партнерами, в частности для противодействия ракетному и дроновому террору со стороны РФ.

Jail, caning for man who sexually assaulted step-niece; victim was only 13 then

SINGAPORE – A woman who was sexually exploited by her step-uncle as a teenager broke her silence about it several years later, after she spotted the man in public while she was with her husband and in-laws. On April 18, the 39-year-old man, who is the youn

Jail, caning for man who sexually assaulted step-niece; victim was only 13 then

SINGAPORE – A woman who was sexually exploited by her step-uncle as a teenager broke her silence about it several years later, after she spotted the man in public while she was with her husband and in-laws. On April 18, the 39-year-old man, who is the younger brother of her stepmother, was sentenced to 18 years’ jail and 24 strokes of the cane by the High Court. He had pleaded guilty to two charges of aggravated sexual assault by penetration and one charge of outrage of modesty. Another eight charges for various sexual offences, including sexual penetration of a minor, were taken into consideration. The man cannot be named because of a gag order to protect the identity of the victim, who is now 27 years old. She was 13 years old when he began committing sexual acts on her. In 2010, they moved together with their families to live in a maisonette flat. The victim and her sister shared a room on the second level, while the man’s room was on the first level.  That year, the perpetrator, who was then 26 years old, began entering the victim’s room at night while she and her sister were sleeping.

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