Africa: Harm Reduction in Smoking - Prof. David Khayat Advocates for a Pragmatic Approach
[allAfrica] World Cancer Day was celebrated on February 4, providing an opportunity for oncologists and scientists to discuss new ways to combat this devastating disease. During his visit to Dakar in Senegal, Professor David Khayat, a medical oncologist at thAfrica: Harm Reduction in Smoking - Prof. David Khayat Advocates for a Pragmatic Approach
[allAfrica] World Cancer Day was celebrated on February 4, providing an opportunity for oncologists and scientists to discuss new ways to combat this devastating disease. During his visit to Dakar in Senegal, Professor David Khayat, a medical oncologist at the Bizet Clinic in Paris and former president of the French National Cancer Institute, gave an exclusive interview to allAfrica. In the interview, he advocates for a pragmatic approach to smoking control, emphasizing harm reduction strategies.