
Émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : opération des forces de l'ordre, barrages, dégâts...

Près de trois semaines après le début des émeutes, la situation en Nouvelle-Calédonie reste très tendue. Les forces de l'ordre ont mené une opération d'envergure, mais les barrages restent importants. Côté économique, l'heure est au bilan et les d

Émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : opération des forces de l'ordre, barrages, dégâts...

Près de trois semaines après le début des émeutes, la situation en Nouvelle-Calédonie reste très tendue. Les forces de l'ordre ont mené une opération d'envergure, mais les barrages restent importants. Côté économique, l'heure est au bilan et les dégâts sont colossaux. Le point sur la situation.

Detained suspect planned knife attack at Saint-Etienne football stadium during Olympics

French Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin pointed out that 60% of terror attacks are being carried out with knives

Detained suspect planned knife attack at Saint-Etienne football stadium during Olympics

French Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin pointed out that 60% of terror attacks are being carried out with knives

Georgian PM slams ODIHR’s opinion of foreign agent law as legally void

According to ODIHR, the law has serious drawbacks making it incompatible with international human rights standards and the country’s commitments as an OSCE members

Georgian PM slams ODIHR’s opinion of foreign agent law as legally void

According to ODIHR, the law has serious drawbacks making it incompatible with international human rights standards and the country’s commitments as an OSCE members

US-led coalition’s aircraft violate Syrian airspace three times in past day

Apart from that, according to Yury Popov, five violations of the deconfliction protocols of December 9, 2019 were reported in Syria in the past 24 hours

US-led coalition’s aircraft violate Syrian airspace three times in past day

Apart from that, according to Yury Popov, five violations of the deconfliction protocols of December 9, 2019 were reported in Syria in the past 24 hours

People evacuated from Moscow subway’s Sportivnaya station — emergency management services

According to officials, the incident happened due to a «small technical malfunction»

People evacuated from Moscow subway’s Sportivnaya station — emergency management services

According to officials, the incident happened due to a «small technical malfunction»

FACTBOX: Accident on Moscow subway’s red line

A technical malfunction disrupted traffic between the University and Park Kultury stations on the subway’s red line. According to the city authorities, no one was hurt

FACTBOX: Accident on Moscow subway’s red line

A technical malfunction disrupted traffic between the University and Park Kultury stations on the subway’s red line. According to the city authorities, no one was hurt

Smart Cities Expo empowers cognitive living in KSA amid urbanization wave

RIYADH: Smart cities have become an essential part of Saudi Arabia’s urban development priorities, reflecting the Kingdom’s dedication to using technology for sustainable urban growth. As part of the Kingdom’s strategic vision for digital transformatio
Saudi Arabia

Smart Cities Expo empowers cognitive living in KSA amid urbanization wave

RIYADH: Smart cities have become an essential part of Saudi Arabia’s urban development priorities, reflecting the Kingdom’s dedication to using technology for sustainable urban growth. As part of the Kingdom’s strategic vision for digital transformation and urban development, Smart Cities Saudi Expo is set to take place from Sept. 24-26 at the Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Saudi foreign minister meets Iraqi counterpart

BEIJING: Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan met Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dr. Fuad Hussein in Beijing on Friday. The two sides affirmed their strong fraternal relations and discussed ways to enhance and devel
Saudi Arabia

Saudi foreign minister meets Iraqi counterpart

BEIJING: Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan met Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dr. Fuad Hussein in Beijing on Friday. The two sides affirmed their strong fraternal relations and discussed ways to enhance and develop them across various fields. They also exchanged views on recent regional and international developments, foremostly the situation in Gaza and the continuing efforts to address it.

45 Saudis train in traditional crafts at the House of Artisans in Qatif

RIYADH: A total of 45 young men and women have enrolled in the Heritage Commission’s training and development program to be conducted over 12 months at the House of Artisans at the Al-Ramis project in Qatif, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The program aim
Saudi Arabia

45 Saudis train in traditional crafts at the House of Artisans in Qatif

RIYADH: A total of 45 young men and women have enrolled in the Heritage Commission’s training and development program to be conducted over 12 months at the House of Artisans at the Al-Ramis project in Qatif, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The program aims to preserve heritage and equip young individuals with the skills to work in traditional handicrafts.

Badael launches anti-smoking initiative

RIYADH: Badael, a Public Investment Fund company, has announced the launch of its “Let’s Clear the Air” anti-smoking campaign on the occasion of the company’s one-year anniversary, which coincides with World No Tobacco Day on May 31.
Saudi Arabia

Badael launches anti-smoking initiative

RIYADH: Badael, a Public Investment Fund company, has announced the launch of its “Let’s Clear the Air” anti-smoking campaign on the occasion of the company’s one-year anniversary, which coincides with World No Tobacco Day on May 31.

Al-Rabeeah underlines mine clearance role

BAKU: Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, adviser at the Royal Court and general supervisor of the Saudi aid agency KSrelief, has affirmed the Kingdom’s role in mine removal as part of its humanitarian initiatives. KSrelief’s efforts aim to improve the environment, pro
Saudi Arabia

Al-Rabeeah underlines mine clearance role

BAKU: Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, adviser at the Royal Court and general supervisor of the Saudi aid agency KSrelief, has affirmed the Kingdom’s role in mine removal as part of its humanitarian initiatives. KSrelief’s efforts aim to improve the environment, protect civilians — especially women and children — and build skills, ensure safety, preserve public health, and reduce the hazardous impacts of mines on individuals and communities.

Akhnoor bus tragedy: J&K transport dept suspends 6 RTO officials; DM orders magisterial probe

The Jammu administration established a 24-hour helpline after a meeting to assist the families of the victims. The initiative aims to provide support and information to those affected by the incident.
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Akhnoor bus tragedy: J&K transport dept suspends 6 RTO officials; DM orders magisterial probe

The Jammu administration established a 24-hour helpline after a meeting to assist the families of the victims. The initiative aims to provide support and information to those affected by the incident.

30 arrested in New York after Jamaican food truck found selling guns and drugs

A Jamaican food truck owner is among 30 people arrested and charged after it was discovered that food containers served by the truck came not just with Jamaican meals, but drugs and guns, according to law enforcement agents in New York. Law...

30 arrested in New York after Jamaican food truck found selling guns and drugs

A Jamaican food truck owner is among 30 people arrested and charged after it was discovered that food containers served by the truck came not just with Jamaican meals, but drugs and guns, according to law enforcement agents in New York. Law...

Female pedestrian killed in St Catherine

Twenty-year-old customer service representative, Brittny Hunter, was killed in a vehicular collision as she attempted to cross Walks Road in St Catherine on Friday. Hunter, who resided in Commodore, Linstead in the parish, reportedly...

Female pedestrian killed in St Catherine

Twenty-year-old customer service representative, Brittny Hunter, was killed in a vehicular collision as she attempted to cross Walks Road in St Catherine on Friday. Hunter, who resided in Commodore, Linstead in the parish, reportedly...

“One Forest Youth Initiative : Gardiens des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale”

Le One Forest Youth Initiative (OFYI) joue un rôle essentiel dans la préservation des forêts et la lutte contre le changement climatique en Afrique Centrale. En tant qu'organisation de jeunesse leader, elle s'engage activement pour la gestion durable des f

“One Forest Youth Initiative : Gardiens des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale”

Le One Forest Youth Initiative (OFYI) joue un rôle essentiel dans la préservation des forêts et la lutte contre le changement climatique en Afrique Centrale. En tant qu'organisation de jeunesse leader, elle s'engage activement pour la gestion durable des forêts tropicales à travers plusieurs initiatives telles que le reboisement, la sensibilisation et le plaidoyer pour la protection des écosystèmes forestiers. Depuis ce vendredi 31 mai 2024, une forte délégation de l'OFYI prend part au (...) - ENVIRONNEMENT / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Fabrice Augan Ntchango : un Gabonais engagé en faveur de l'entreprenariat social

Lancé par Fabrice Augan Ntchango, Akewa est un accélérateur de startups dont la mission est de promouvoir l'innovation sociale. Issu d'une famille d'entrepreneurs sociaux, le Gabonais Fabrice Augan Ntchango a toujours aspiré à marcher dans les pas de se

Fabrice Augan Ntchango : un Gabonais engagé en faveur de l'entreprenariat social

Lancé par Fabrice Augan Ntchango, Akewa est un accélérateur de startups dont la mission est de promouvoir l'innovation sociale. Issu d'une famille d'entrepreneurs sociaux, le Gabonais Fabrice Augan Ntchango a toujours aspiré à marcher dans les pas de ses proches dans l'espoir d'apporter sa pierre à l'édifice de l'entreprenariat dans son pays. Fabrice est parvenu à transformer son rêve en réalité puisqu'il est aujourd'hui le promoteur d'Akewa, l'un des premiers accélérateurs (...) - SOCIETE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Le Chef de l'État reçoit l'Envoyé personnel du Président de la République française

Paris , le 30 mai 2024-Le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'État, Son Excellence le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a reçu en audience ce jour monsieur Jean -Marie Bockel, Envoyé personnel du Président de la Répu

Le Chef de l'État reçoit l'Envoyé personnel du Président de la République française

Paris , le 30 mai 2024-Le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'État, Son Excellence le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a reçu en audience ce jour monsieur Jean -Marie Bockel, Envoyé personnel du Président de la République française. Faisant suite à la rencontre qu'il y a eu entre l'homme politique français et le Chef de l'État en mars dernier , l'entretien du jour constitue une continuité des échanges sur les accords militaires qui lient les deux pays. (...) - COOPERATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

'The time to prepare is now': Officials brace for a hot summer in B.C.

While mild – and in some cases damp – weather may be persisting in parts of B.C., the next extreme heat event could arrive as early as next week, according to a warning preparedness meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada.
CTVNews.ca - Canada - Public RSS

'The time to prepare is now': Officials brace for a hot summer in B.C.

While mild – and in some cases damp – weather may be persisting in parts of B.C., the next extreme heat event could arrive as early as next week, according to a warning preparedness meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Up to 100 nations are registered to participate in 2024 BRICS Games in Russia’s Kazan

The 2024 BRICS Games will be held in Kazan on June 12-23 and will feature events in 20 different sports

Up to 100 nations are registered to participate in 2024 BRICS Games in Russia’s Kazan

The 2024 BRICS Games will be held in Kazan on June 12-23 and will feature events in 20 different sports

Palestine must be urgently granted sovereignty, territories, Turkish foreign minister says

«If you let Palestine work as a full-fledged state, the international community will no longer have to help Palestine so intensively,» Hakan Fidan stressed

Palestine must be urgently granted sovereignty, territories, Turkish foreign minister says

«If you let Palestine work as a full-fledged state, the international community will no longer have to help Palestine so intensively,» Hakan Fidan stressed

New sanctions on Russian metals not affecting Norilsk Nickel sales

According to the company's department director Mikhail Borovikov, traditionally Norilsk Nickel have never supplied the metal to the exchange and tried to make 99% of sales to end users

New sanctions on Russian metals not affecting Norilsk Nickel sales

According to the company's department director Mikhail Borovikov, traditionally Norilsk Nickel have never supplied the metal to the exchange and tried to make 99% of sales to end users

Israel pummels Gaza as troops push into central Rafah

Israeli forces on Friday struck targets across the Gaza Strip, with witnesses reporting air raids around the southern city of Rafah, the latest focus of the nearly eight-month war.
Hiiraan Online

Israel pummels Gaza as troops push into central Rafah

Israeli forces on Friday struck targets across the Gaza Strip, with witnesses reporting air raids around the southern city of Rafah, the latest focus of the nearly eight-month war.

Can 'Whitby Woman' save the Tories from election disaster? The Brexit-backing 60-somethings who could decide Rishi Sunak's fate on July 4

Pollsters believe that the verdict of a category of Brits who are female, largely in their 60s and backed Brexit will be critical on July 4.
News | Mail Online

Can 'Whitby Woman' save the Tories from election disaster? The Brexit-backing 60-somethings who could decide Rishi Sunak's fate on July 4

Pollsters believe that the verdict of a category of Brits who are female, largely in their 60s and backed Brexit will be critical on July 4.

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