
'There were no winners yesterday', Vaz hails return of normality to transport sector

A day after public transport operators withdrew their services in an all-island protest over certain aspects of Jamaica's new road traffic law, Transport Minister Daryl Vaz is reporting that normality is returning. Vaz, who...

'There were no winners yesterday', Vaz hails return of normality to transport sector

A day after public transport operators withdrew their services in an all-island protest over certain aspects of Jamaica's new road traffic law, Transport Minister Daryl Vaz is reporting that normality is returning. Vaz, who...

World Bank predicts 2% growth for Jamaica this year

WASHINGTON, CMC -The World Bank on Tuesday predicted that economic growth in the Caribbean is expected to strengthen to 7.1 per cent this year, with the Jamaican economy registering two per cent growth. The robust performance region wide is...

World Bank predicts 2% growth for Jamaica this year

WASHINGTON, CMC -The World Bank on Tuesday predicted that economic growth in the Caribbean is expected to strengthen to 7.1 per cent this year, with the Jamaican economy registering two per cent growth. The robust performance region wide is...

Former head of the Institute of Jamaica, Beverley Hall-Alleyne, dies

Beverley Hall-Alleyne, linguist and a former executive director of the Institute of Jamaica (IOJ), noted for work on African-Jamaican culture, has died.  She died on Saturday at hospital.  She served as head of the IOJ, Jamaica's...

Former head of the Institute of Jamaica, Beverley Hall-Alleyne, dies

Beverley Hall-Alleyne, linguist and a former executive director of the Institute of Jamaica (IOJ), noted for work on African-Jamaican culture, has died.  She died on Saturday at hospital.  She served as head of the IOJ, Jamaica's...

60-y-o man dies from gunshot wound to the head in Frazer's Content

A 60-year-old man has become the latest victim of gun violence in the crime-prone Frazer's Content community of St Catherine. He has been identified as Michael Steadman, unemployed, of Frazer's Boulevard, Spanish Town, St Catherine. It...

60-y-o man dies from gunshot wound to the head in Frazer's Content

A 60-year-old man has become the latest victim of gun violence in the crime-prone Frazer's Content community of St Catherine. He has been identified as Michael Steadman, unemployed, of Frazer's Boulevard, Spanish Town, St Catherine. It...

WHO and Somalia collaborate to strengthen disease outbreak response

Mogadishu (HOL) — Amid a severe humanitarian crisis, Somalia's vulnerability to disease outbreaks is high. The country has taken a major step to address this by implementing the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) system, a move that promise
Hiiraan Online

WHO and Somalia collaborate to strengthen disease outbreak response

Mogadishu (HOL) — Amid a severe humanitarian crisis, Somalia's vulnerability to disease outbreaks is high. The country has taken a major step to address this by implementing the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) system, a move that promises to transform public health responses.

Appie Mussa: The Evolution of a Digital Savant

London (HOL) - In the vast and unpredictable world of social media, where content creators flicker in and out of existence like digital phantoms, few have managed to capture and sustain public attention with the same finesse as Appie, known off-screen as Abdu
Hiiraan Online

Appie Mussa: The Evolution of a Digital Savant

London (HOL) - In the vast and unpredictable world of social media, where content creators flicker in and out of existence like digital phantoms, few have managed to capture and sustain public attention with the same finesse as Appie, known off-screen as Abdulahi Mussa Ali.

Briefing - Minimum breaks and rest periods in occasional road passenger transport - 11-06-2024

Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on minimum breaks and rest periods for road freight and passenger transport drivers does not take into account the nature of occasional bus and coach services or the specific needs of their drivers. To address this situation, the E
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Minimum breaks and rest periods in occasional road passenger transport - 11-06-2024

Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on minimum breaks and rest periods for road freight and passenger transport drivers does not take into account the nature of occasional bus and coach services or the specific needs of their drivers. To address this situation, the European Commission has proposed amendments to this legislation in order to introduce more flexible rules regarding the splitting up of breaks and the scheduling of daily and weekly rest periods. In the European Parliament, the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) was responsible for the file. The TRAN report was adopted in committee on 16 November 2023 and voted in plenary on 12 December 2023. Interinstitutional negotiations resulted in a provisional agreement, which was approved in the TRAN committee on 14 February 2024 and voted during Parliament's March plenary session. The final act was signed on 24 April and the regulation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 2 May 2024. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - European Media Freedom Act - 11-06-2024

An independent media is a pillar of democracy and an important part of the economy, helping to shape public opinion and hold those in power to account. In recent years, however, there have been increasingly worrying trends across the EU, as documented in the
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - European Media Freedom Act - 11-06-2024

An independent media is a pillar of democracy and an important part of the economy, helping to shape public opinion and hold those in power to account. In recent years, however, there have been increasingly worrying trends across the EU, as documented in the annual rule of law reports by the European Commission, and by other tools such as the Media Pluralism Monitor. The European Media Freedom Act introduces a new set of rules to promote media pluralism and independence across the EU. The aim is to prevent political interference in editorial decisions and ensure transparency of media ownership. The act seeks to protect journalists from having to disclose their sources and from the use of spyware against them. It also sets requirements for audience measurement systems and transparent allocation of state advertising. Media content should be better protected against online content removal, and a new European board for media services will be established. The Council and Parliament reached a political agreement on 15 December 2023. The Council (at Coreper level) endorsed the agreed text on 19 January 2024. Parliament adopted the text during its plenary session of 13 March 2024. The regulation will apply from 8 August 2025, with some exceptions for certain articles. Fifth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages in the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - The European Council's role at the start of the new EU institutional cycle - 11-06-2024

The European Union's institutional cycle begins anew every five years with the elections to the European Parliament. This is a crucial moment, as it updates both the hardware (the institutional leadership) and the software (the political priorities) of the EU
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - The European Council's role at the start of the new EU institutional cycle - 11-06-2024

The European Union's institutional cycle begins anew every five years with the elections to the European Parliament. This is a crucial moment, as it updates both the hardware (the institutional leadership) and the software (the political priorities) of the EU. The European Council, composed of the Heads of State or Government of the EU Member States, plays a significant role in both processes. Not only is it directly or indirectly involved in the choice of who fills most of the top EU positions, it also establishes the EU's long-term political priorities through setting its Strategic Agenda. This briefing outlines the EU's institutional cycle and highlights the European Council's role in this cycle in institutional terms. It also describes the processes involved in the allocation of EU top institutional jobs and the adoption of the EU's long-term priorities. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

‘Think of Our Children’s Future’ – President Malvatumauri on Teachers Strike

Following the ongoing teachers' strike, the Malvatumauri Council of Chiefs is requesting a reconciliation between the involved parties – “the strike is impacting the education and future of Vanuatu's children.”
dailypost.vu - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

‘Think of Our Children’s Future’ – President Malvatumauri on Teachers Strike

Following the ongoing teachers' strike, the Malvatumauri Council of Chiefs is requesting a reconciliation between the involved parties – “the strike is impacting the education and future of Vanuatu's children.”

Sahara marocain : la Slovénie salue le Plan marocain d'autonomie comme «une bonne base» pour un règlement définitif

La Slovénie a salué le Plan marocain d'autonomie comme «une bonne base pour parvenir à une solution définitive et consensuelle» au différend régional autour du Sahara marocain, sous les auspices du Secrétaire général des Nations unies et

Sahara marocain : la Slovénie salue le Plan marocain d'autonomie comme «une bonne base» pour un règlement définitif

La Slovénie a salué le Plan marocain d'autonomie comme «une bonne base pour parvenir à une solution définitive et consensuelle» au différend régional autour du Sahara marocain, sous les auspices du Secrétaire général des Nations unies et de son Envoyé personnel. Cette position a été exprimée dans le communiqué conjoint publié à l'issue des entretiens, tenus mardi à Rabat, entre le ministre des Affaires étrangères, de la Coopération africaine et des Marocains résidant à l'étranger, Nasser (...) - COOPERATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Yolia Rance Boussamba ou l'exemple de la jeune entrepreneure

Elle est étudiante à l'Université Omar Bongo du Gabon. Elle a compris la nécessité d'entreprendre pour diversifier ses sources de revenus. Le but, être autonome. Yolia Rance Boussamba, c'est son nom. Elle achève son Master 2 au département des Littér

Yolia Rance Boussamba ou l'exemple de la jeune entrepreneure

Elle est étudiante à l'Université Omar Bongo du Gabon. Elle a compris la nécessité d'entreprendre pour diversifier ses sources de revenus. Le but, être autonome. Yolia Rance Boussamba, c'est son nom. Elle achève son Master 2 au département des Littératures africaines et s'adonne à l'entrepreneuriat pour gagner dignement sa vie. Elle travaille et trouve du plaisir dans la création artisanale des meubles. Entre les cours et ses activités extra académique, Yolia Rance Boussamba sait gérer (...) - ARTS & CULTURE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

«La rencontre surprise entre le Chef de l'Etat Oligui Nguema et moi»

Le Président de la Transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, n'était pas attendu à l'Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku (USTM) à Franceville, dans le Haut-Ogooué. Administratifs, enseignants et étudiants ont été surpris de son arrivée d

«La rencontre surprise entre le Chef de l'Etat Oligui Nguema et moi»

Le Président de la Transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, n'était pas attendu à l'Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku (USTM) à Franceville, dans le Haut-Ogooué. Administratifs, enseignants et étudiants ont été surpris de son arrivée dans les entrailles de ce temps de savoir au sud du Gabon. Le Pr Nicaise Lépengué, Vice-Recteur de l'USTM a été agréablement surpris par celui qui tient désormais les destinées du pays entre ses mains. Il raconte. Il était 15 heures environ (...) - LIBRE PROPOS / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Their artwork once hung on the walls of an upscale inn. The artists want it back

Artists Wayne Maloney and Michelle Penney Rowe say when the Doctor’s House Inn and Spa closed, their artwork disappeared and they haven't been able to reach the owner. They’re speaking out in hopes their artwork will be found.
CBC | Canada News

Their artwork once hung on the walls of an upscale inn. The artists want it back

Artists Wayne Maloney and Michelle Penney Rowe say when the Doctor’s House Inn and Spa closed, their artwork disappeared and they haven't been able to reach the owner. They’re speaking out in hopes their artwork will be found.

Doug Ford's paper-bag order caught LCBO execs by surprise

Ontario Premier Doug Ford's order to the LCBO to bring back paper bags caught the Crown corporation's management off guard, emails obtained by Radio-Canada reveal.
CBC | Canada News

Doug Ford's paper-bag order caught LCBO execs by surprise

Ontario Premier Doug Ford's order to the LCBO to bring back paper bags caught the Crown corporation's management off guard, emails obtained by Radio-Canada reveal.

High-level delegation from China-Africa TVET Alliance visits Seychelles to enhance exchanges

Seychelles and China are looking to improve their collaborative exchanges in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to enhance the skills of the youth of the island nation as they enter the world of work. Seychelles signed an agreement with t
Seychelles News Agency

High-level delegation from China-Africa TVET Alliance visits Seychelles to enhance exchanges

Seychelles and China are looking to improve their collaborative exchanges in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to enhance the skills of the youth of the island nation as they enter the world of work. Seychelles signed an agreement with the China-Africa TVET Alliance in 2022, which allows for exchanges and training for Seychellois teachers and students. This was organised to develop local teachers as well as the curriculum and also to help in developing the leadership of the schools. A delegation from the China-Africa TVET Alliance consisting of high Chinese officials and heads of technical schools is in Seychelles to discuss the possibilities of establishing training cooperation and exchanges with the professional centres in the island nation.   «We periodically bring the flagship TVET institutions from China to the Seychelles, so that they can meet physically with the Ministry of Education and the institutions, to discuss potential areas of collaboration,» said Mark Gong Zhiwu, the director general for Africa in in the China-Africa TVET Alliance. The Chinese delegation on Tuesday joined members of local professional institutes  to share what their schools offer as well as learn what the institutions in Seychelles are doing, during a meeting held at the Seychelles Maritime Academy. The director general for TVET, Jean Alcindor, with members of the Chinese delegation.  (Seychelles News Agency)  Photo License:  CC-BY  Zhiwu shared that already there are numerous activities done as part of the collaboration and teachers and students have gone for short courses in China. «For the students, they will have the opportunity to study both in China and Seychelles, and the best performing students will also be given the chance to earn a dual degree recognised by both countries,» Zhiwu added. Meanwhile, the director general for TVET in the Ministry of Education, Jean Alcindor, said Seychelles has really benefitted a lot from this collaboration. A fourth cohort of teachers will head to China soon while Seychelles is looking for China's expertise to develop a proper TVET curriculum. «The four institutions that have visited Seychelles have numerous expertise, such as mechanical-electronic engineering, automotive engineering, agriculture, artificial intelligence, and other areas, which Seychelles greatly benefit from,» said Alcindor. He added that the visit will allow the local institutions to look for their own personal partnerships to offer better and more courses to their students. China was expected to help Seychelles set up a specialised TVET school and Alcindor explained that they are searching for alternate locations. «The ministry though is exploring their options, such as working more closely with professional institutions to be able to offer more opportunities for our young students, until such time that the school, which we desperately need, is ready,» added Alcindor.

Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory

I always thought that nuclear war would occur with almost no warning. I never would have guessed we would slowly stumble toward it, escalation after escalation.
BlackListed News

Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory

I always thought that nuclear war would occur with almost no warning. I never would have guessed we would slowly stumble toward it, escalation after escalation.

Trudeau Pushes Online Censorship Bill To “Protect” People From “Misinformation”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week complained that governments have allegedly been left without the necessary tools to “protect people from misinformation.”
BlackListed News

Trudeau Pushes Online Censorship Bill To “Protect” People From “Misinformation”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week complained that governments have allegedly been left without the necessary tools to “protect people from misinformation.”

Mercury crosses 45°C in North India, IMD issues heatwave warning as temperatures set to rise over next 5 days

Heatwave conditions returned to parts of North India on Monday after a slight respite over the last few days, with temperatures crossing 45 degrees Celsius in many areas. The India Meteorological Department said northwest and east India are in for another spe
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Mercury crosses 45°C in North India, IMD issues heatwave warning as temperatures set to rise over next 5 days

Heatwave conditions returned to parts of North India on Monday after a slight respite over the last few days, with temperatures crossing 45 degrees Celsius in many areas. The India Meteorological Department said northwest and east India are in for another spell of extreme heat, with temperatures expected to rise by two to three degrees over the next five days.

Sacrificing hundreds of innocents in Nuseirat to save others unacceptable, Lavrov says

The Russian foreign minister noted that the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and Jordan took part in the negotiations in various formats, which were devoted, among other things, to the release of hostages

Sacrificing hundreds of innocents in Nuseirat to save others unacceptable, Lavrov says

The Russian foreign minister noted that the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and Jordan took part in the negotiations in various formats, which were devoted, among other things, to the release of hostages

Ukraine needs $10-30 bln of investment annually over 10 years to recover — Prime Minister

For the second year in a row, Ukraine is drawing up a budget with a record deficit, hoping to cover the bulk of this deficit with help from Western partners

Ukraine needs $10-30 bln of investment annually over 10 years to recover — Prime Minister

For the second year in a row, Ukraine is drawing up a budget with a record deficit, hoping to cover the bulk of this deficit with help from Western partners

Climate problems could undermine foundations of national security — SCO Secretary-General

«In recent years, the SCO has prioritized ecology and environmental protection in cooperation and has taken a number of preventive and proactive measures to work more closely in the fields of ecology, environmental protection, including water resources,

Climate problems could undermine foundations of national security — SCO Secretary-General

«In recent years, the SCO has prioritized ecology and environmental protection in cooperation and has taken a number of preventive and proactive measures to work more closely in the fields of ecology, environmental protection, including water resources,» Zhang Ming said

Ukrainian peace activists should keep in mind Kiev's ban on dialogue with Russia — Lavrov

The Russian foreign minister recalled that in September 2022, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree banning all Ukrainian officials from negotiating with Russian President Vladimir Putin's government

Ukrainian peace activists should keep in mind Kiev's ban on dialogue with Russia — Lavrov

The Russian foreign minister recalled that in September 2022, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree banning all Ukrainian officials from negotiating with Russian President Vladimir Putin's government

Saudi crown prince receives crown prince of Kuwait in Jeddah

RIYADH: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received on Tuesday the Crown Prince of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, upon his arrival in Jeddah.   
Saudi Arabia

Saudi crown prince receives crown prince of Kuwait in Jeddah

RIYADH: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received on Tuesday the Crown Prince of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, upon his arrival in Jeddah.   

West Africa: AllAfrica Named 'Financial Media of 2024' by BRVM

[allAfrica] Abidjan -- AllAfrica Global Media has been awarded the 2024 Financial Media of the Year Prize by the West African regional stock exchange known as BRVM (Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières).
AllAfrica News: Latest

West Africa: AllAfrica Named 'Financial Media of 2024' by BRVM

[allAfrica] Abidjan -- AllAfrica Global Media has been awarded the 2024 Financial Media of the Year Prize by the West African regional stock exchange known as BRVM (Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières).

Rwanda: Pascal Hamenyimana and the Timid Reintegration of a Former 'Génocidaire'

[JusticeInfo.net] In the wake of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis, Emmanuel Sehene Ruvugiro covered the trials of genocide suspects before the specialized chambers of the traditional courts and later before the gacaca courts, on behalf of local newspapers
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Rwanda: Pascal Hamenyimana and the Timid Reintegration of a Former 'Génocidaire'

[JusticeInfo.net] In the wake of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis, Emmanuel Sehene Ruvugiro covered the trials of genocide suspects before the specialized chambers of the traditional courts and later before the gacaca courts, on behalf of local newspapers. He later joined Agence Hirondelle in 2007 and JusticeInfo.net in 2015 as a freelance reporter on the same cases. A Rwandan investigative journalist based in Kigali, he has collaborated with Syfia Grands Lacs (2006-2008) and Le Point Afrique (2020-2021) on social

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