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Even as Israel pounds Gaza into rubble, carrying out what has been described as a genocide in the process, many of its supporters are attempting to change the subject, instead decrying a supposedly new wave of dangerous antisemitism across American universi

Xi Jinping offers Australia to form ‘mature, fruitful’ partnership

Chinese leader specified that Beijing seeks to develop connections with Canberra based on principles of mutual benefit and respect

Xi Jinping offers Australia to form ‘mature, fruitful’ partnership

Chinese leader specified that Beijing seeks to develop connections with Canberra based on principles of mutual benefit and respect

Стоматолог-ортопед Аракелян: Инстасамка меняла композитные виниры на керамические

24-летняя певица Инстасамка (настоящее имя Дарья Зотеева – прим.) известна своим провокационным образом. Артистка не раз прибегала к изменени
Мода и стиль -

Стоматолог-ортопед Аракелян: Инстасамка меняла композитные виниры на керамические

24-летняя певица Инстасамка (настоящее имя Дарья Зотеева – прим.) известна своим провокационным образом. Артистка не раз прибегала к изменению внешности с помощью пластики. Сайт «Страсти» вместе со стоматологом-ортопедом «Олимп Клиник» Альбертом Аракеляном попытался разобраться, а какие изменения с зубами перенесла исполнительница.

中國在太平洋的威脅 台灣與菲律賓都面臨危險

美國《國家評論》(National Review)6月30日報導指出,中國在南海的軍事活動日益頻繁,不僅對台灣構成威脅,更將菲律賓推到了風口浪尖。6月下旬,2艘中國海警船攻擊了...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報

中國在太平洋的威脅 台灣與菲律賓都面臨危險

美國《國家評論》(National Review)6月30日報導指出,中國在南海的軍事活動日益頻繁,不僅對台灣構成威脅,更將菲律賓推到了風口浪尖。6月下旬,2艘中國海警船攻擊了...…

對決少子化危機! 南韓宣布成立「人口戰略企劃部」

李欣潔/核稿編輯 南韓政府今天(1日)宣布成立「人口戰略企劃部」,由副總理兼任部長,負責評估各部會和地方政府的人口政策,並針對低出生率、高齡化、人力資源、移民等方面進行規劃,
國際新聞 - 自由時報

對決少子化危機! 南韓宣布成立「人口戰略企劃部」

李欣潔/核稿編輯 南韓政府今天(1日)宣布成立「人口戰略企劃部」,由副總理兼任部長,負責評估各部會和地方政府的人口政策,並針對低出生率、高齡化、人力資源、移民等方面進行規劃,還可...…

中國再贈香港貓熊 特首期許「成為港人親密家人」

黃其豪/核稿編輯 香港行政長官李家超今早(1日)宣布,中國同意再贈香港1對貓熊,並稱港府已經與港澳辦及大陸林草局展開對接,商討貓熊赴港的安排,預計將由香港海洋公園照顧。 綜...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報

中國再贈香港貓熊 特首期許「成為港人親密家人」

黃其豪/核稿編輯 香港行政長官李家超今早(1日)宣布,中國同意再贈香港1對貓熊,並稱港府已經與港澳辦及大陸林草局展開對接,商討貓熊赴港的安排,預計將由香港海洋公園照顧。 綜...…

Nuo liepos 1-osios keičiasi apylinkių teismų veiklos teritorijos

Praėjusių metų birželį Seimui pritarus teismų reformai, nuo šių metų liepos 1 d. įgyvendinami apylinkių teismų ir jų rūmų veiklos pokyčiai, apjungiant ar perskirstant teismų veiklos teritorijas.

Nuo liepos 1-osios keičiasi apylinkių teismų veiklos teritorijos

Praėjusių metų birželį Seimui pritarus teismų reformai, nuo šių metų liepos 1 d. įgyvendinami apylinkių teismų ir jų rūmų veiklos pokyčiai, apjungiant ar perskirstant teismų veiklos teritorijas.

I dag kommer disse lovendringene

I dag trer en rekke nye lover og regler i kraft. Blant annet blir det dyrere å lease bil, strengere straff for ungdomskriminelle og kutt i kontantstøtten.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

I dag kommer disse lovendringene

I dag trer en rekke nye lover og regler i kraft. Blant annet blir det dyrere å lease bil, strengere straff for ungdomskriminelle og kutt i kontantstøtten.

Økte brukerinntekter, men lavere lønnsomhet for norske aviser i fjor

Målt etter lønnsomhet ble 2023 ett av de svakeste årene for norske aviser siden finanskrisen. Det viser tall fra Medietilsynet.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Økte brukerinntekter, men lavere lønnsomhet for norske aviser i fjor

Målt etter lønnsomhet ble 2023 ett av de svakeste årene for norske aviser siden finanskrisen. Det viser tall fra Medietilsynet.

White House photographer blows whistle on Biden's cognitive health as he reveals aides knew for MONTHS he was not fit for office

After Joe Biden's horrendous debate performance, current and former aides are saying the quiet part out loud and revealing what the President is like behind the scenes.
News | Mail Online

White House photographer blows whistle on Biden's cognitive health as he reveals aides knew for MONTHS he was not fit for office

After Joe Biden's horrendous debate performance, current and former aides are saying the quiet part out loud and revealing what the President is like behind the scenes.

Cogne travolta da frane e torrenti in piena: “Strade cancellate, l’acqua portava via tutto”

Il paese isolato e senza luce, oltre 600 persone evacuate in elicottero. “Abbiamo paura, aiutateci” > Cronaca

Cogne travolta da frane e torrenti in piena: “Strade cancellate, l’acqua portava via tutto”

Il paese isolato e senza luce, oltre 600 persone evacuate in elicottero. “Abbiamo paura, aiutateci”

Palermo, il party abusivo sull’Isola delle Femmine: “Scempio nella riserva”

I festeggiati, due gemelli, Vito e Antonio Triolo, giovani medici noti per i party assai esclusivi con cui ogni anno celebrano il doppio compleanno. Fra gli invitati, professionisti, imprenditori e gente nota in città > Cronaca

Palermo, il party abusivo sull’Isola delle Femmine: “Scempio nella riserva”

I festeggiati, due gemelli, Vito e Antonio Triolo, giovani medici noti per i party assai esclusivi con cui ogni anno celebrano il doppio compleanno. Fra gli invitati, professionisti, imprenditori e gente nota in città

Bolivia: Militar que lideró intento de golpe dijo tener apoyo de algunas embajadas, según reporte preliminar

El destituido excomandante del Ejército Juan José Zuñiga habría comentado en una reunión previa al intento de golpe de Estado, el pasado 26 de junio, que tenía apoyo de "algunas embajadas' para tomar el poder, informó este domingo el ministro de Gobier

Bolivia: Militar que lideró intento de golpe dijo tener apoyo de algunas embajadas, según reporte preliminar

El destituido excomandante del Ejército Juan José Zuñiga habría comentado en una reunión previa al intento de golpe de Estado, el pasado 26 de junio, que tenía apoyo de "algunas embajadas' para tomar el poder, informó este domingo el ministro de Gobierno (Interior) de Bolivia, Eduardo Del Castillo. The post Bolivia: Militar que lideró intento de golpe dijo tener apoyo de algunas embajadas, según reporte preliminar first appeared on Cubadebate.

Santiago arrincona a Industriales en postemporada beisbolera

Santiago de Cuba venció este domingo 5-4 a Industriales en 11 entradas y mantuvo su invicto en la postemporada de la 63 Serie Nacional de Béisbol, colocándose a un triunfo de sacar boleto a semifinales. The post Santiago arrincona a Industriales en postemp

Santiago arrincona a Industriales en postemporada beisbolera

Santiago de Cuba venció este domingo 5-4 a Industriales en 11 entradas y mantuvo su invicto en la postemporada de la 63 Serie Nacional de Béisbol, colocándose a un triunfo de sacar boleto a semifinales. The post Santiago arrincona a Industriales en postemporada beisbolera first appeared on Cubadebate.

Copa América: Ecuador enfrentará a Argentina en cuartos de final tras empatar con México

El empate 0-0 con México en el State Farm Stadium de Glendale, Arizona, sirvió este domingo a Ecuador para acceder a cuartos de final, donde enfrentará a Argentina, líder del grupo A. Ecuador quedó segundo del grupo B detrás de Venezuela, que goleó a J

Copa América: Ecuador enfrentará a Argentina en cuartos de final tras empatar con México

El empate 0-0 con México en el State Farm Stadium de Glendale, Arizona, sirvió este domingo a Ecuador para acceder a cuartos de final, donde enfrentará a Argentina, líder del grupo A. Ecuador quedó segundo del grupo B detrás de Venezuela, que goleó a Jamaica, 3-0. The post Copa América: Ecuador enfrentará a Argentina en cuartos de final tras empatar con México first appeared on Cubadebate.

«Выросло количество покупателей из Африки»: фон планов запрета гражданам России покупать недвижимость в Эстонии

​Финляндия упрощает процесс изъятия недвижимости у россиян. До этого страна ввела обязательную процедуру получения разрешения для покупк
В мире - Postimees

«Выросло количество покупателей из Африки»: фон планов запрета гражданам России покупать недвижимость в Эстонии

​Финляндия упрощает процесс изъятия недвижимости у россиян. До этого страна ввела обязательную процедуру получения разрешения для покупки жилья гражданами третьих стран. Rus.Postimees решил понять, какие планы у руководства Эстонии относительно запретов владения недвижимостью россиянами, как на запрет влияет долгосрочный ВНЖ, сколько всего в стране собственников из РФ и какие иностранцы сегодня покупают недвижимость в Эстонии чаще всего.

ОПРОС НЕДЕЛИ ⟩ «Трудно представить, откуда правительство возьмет деньги»: жители Таллинна о проекте Rail Baltica

На сегодняшний день оценочная стоимость проекта Rail Baltica выросла в четыре раза и угрожает серьезным дефицитом бюджета. Rus.Postimees решил выяснит
В мире - Postimees

ОПРОС НЕДЕЛИ ⟩ «Трудно представить, откуда правительство возьмет деньги»: жители Таллинна о проекте Rail Baltica

На сегодняшний день оценочная стоимость проекта Rail Baltica выросла в четыре раза и угрожает серьезным дефицитом бюджета. Rus.Postimees решил выяснить мнение жителей Таллинна о необходимости этого проекта и о возможных источниках финансирования.

黃國昌:民眾黨反對提高罷免門檻 但連署與程序要嚴謹

政治新聞 - 自由時報

黃國昌:民眾黨反對提高罷免門檻 但連署與程序要嚴謹


重申「罷免謝國樑」傷害民主 蔣萬安:他有任何需要都支持

政治新聞 - 自由時報

重申「罷免謝國樑」傷害民主 蔣萬安:他有任何需要都支持


校長霸凌代理教師致輕生 監院糾正嘉義市府、嘉北國小

政治新聞 - 自由時報

校長霸凌代理教師致輕生 監院糾正嘉義市府、嘉北國小


Google’s Jigsaw Expands Efforts to Combat Online “Toxicity” and Invest in Censorship Tools

Google’s Jigsaw started out as Google Ideas – and Eric Schmidt’s idea back in 2010 was for it to serve as a way of researching “issues at the intersection of technology and geopolitics.”
BlackListed News

Google’s Jigsaw Expands Efforts to Combat Online “Toxicity” and Invest in Censorship Tools

Google’s Jigsaw started out as Google Ideas – and Eric Schmidt’s idea back in 2010 was for it to serve as a way of researching “issues at the intersection of technology and geopolitics.”

Inside The Secret Talks Behind US-India Digital Tax Agreement

Discover how the US and India are reshaping global tax policies with their groundbreaking digital tax extension agreement! Uncover the reasons behind this pivotal decision and how it could affect tech giants and everyday consumers alike. Dive into the detail
BlackListed News

Inside The Secret Talks Behind US-India Digital Tax Agreement

Discover how the US and India are reshaping global tax policies with their groundbreaking digital tax extension agreement! Uncover the reasons behind this pivotal decision and how it could affect tech giants and everyday consumers alike. Dive into the details of the negotiations and learn why this move is causing waves in financial markets worldwide.

JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo Accounts Used in Alleged $92,000,000 Money Laundering Scheme: Report - The Daily Hodl

An alleged $92 million money laundering scheme went “right through” three of the largest banks in the US, according to a new report.
BlackListed News

JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo Accounts Used in Alleged $92,000,000 Money Laundering Scheme: Report - The Daily Hodl

An alleged $92 million money laundering scheme went “right through” three of the largest banks in the US, according to a new report.

The Real Story Behind The 50-Year-Old U.S.-Saudi Oil Contract That Didn’t Exist

Finance expert Henry C. Johnston debunks rumors about a supposed U.S.-Saudi oil contract expiring, which some claimed would spell the end of the petrodollar system. Instead, he explains that the real shift is happening due to new economic alliances among BRIC
BlackListed News

The Real Story Behind The 50-Year-Old U.S.-Saudi Oil Contract That Didn’t Exist

Finance expert Henry C. Johnston debunks rumors about a supposed U.S.-Saudi oil contract expiring, which some claimed would spell the end of the petrodollar system. Instead, he explains that the real shift is happening due to new economic alliances among BRICS nations, especially China, Russia, and India, who are trading oil using their own currencies. Johnston suggests these rumors might be pushing for more yuan-based oil trades with China offering advanced tech in return. Meanwhile, U.S. sanctions are intensifying currency battles, with the yuan maintaining its value against the ruble despite pressure.

Chemical incident at £695-a-night luxury hotel and country club shuts venue and sees fire service scramble to deal with plume as residents ordered to keep windows and doors shut

EXCLUSIVE: Guests who had been staying on the posh estate, which boasts of a 3,000 square metre Roman-inspired spa for the weekend, were 'evacuated' from the buildings.
News | Mail Online

Chemical incident at £695-a-night luxury hotel and country club shuts venue and sees fire service scramble to deal with plume as residents ordered to keep windows and doors shut

EXCLUSIVE: Guests who had been staying on the posh estate, which boasts of a 3,000 square metre Roman-inspired spa for the weekend, were 'evacuated' from the buildings.

Far-right National Rally win first round of elections in France with leader Marine Le Pen declaring President Macron's alliance was 'almost wiped out' as it is forced into third

Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally won the first round of legislative elections on Sunday, leaving incumbent president Emmanuel Macron's centrist alliance lagging in third
News | Mail Online

Far-right National Rally win first round of elections in France with leader Marine Le Pen declaring President Macron's alliance was 'almost wiped out' as it is forced into third

Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally won the first round of legislative elections on Sunday, leaving incumbent president Emmanuel Macron's centrist alliance lagging in third

Renauld White dies at 80: Breakout Black model and Guiding Light soap actor passed away in New York City

Fashion designer Jeffrey Banks, a longtime confidante of White's, confirmed White had been in hospice care at the time of his passing.
News | Mail Online

Renauld White dies at 80: Breakout Black model and Guiding Light soap actor passed away in New York City

Fashion designer Jeffrey Banks, a longtime confidante of White's, confirmed White had been in hospice care at the time of his passing.

Taylor Swift's Eras Tour inner circle revealed: Meet the band members and backup dancers who have been by her side for DECADES - and serve as her surrogate family on the road

Taylor Swift has been blowing fans away with her jaw-dropping performance on her sold-out Eras Tour. But, she hasn't been doing it alone, she has had her band and vocalists at her side through it all.
News | Mail Online

Taylor Swift's Eras Tour inner circle revealed: Meet the band members and backup dancers who have been by her side for DECADES - and serve as her surrogate family on the road

Taylor Swift has been blowing fans away with her jaw-dropping performance on her sold-out Eras Tour. But, she hasn't been doing it alone, she has had her band and vocalists at her side through it all.

Biden's family tells him to 'keep fighting' during crisis talks at Camp David as son Hunter emerges as a key advisor after debate debacle against Trump sparked calls for him to drop out of presidential race

Joe Biden 's entire family has gathered at Camp David to discuss the president's future after his shockingly bad debate against Donald Trump.
News | Mail Online

Biden's family tells him to 'keep fighting' during crisis talks at Camp David as son Hunter emerges as a key advisor after debate debacle against Trump sparked calls for him to drop out of presidential race

Joe Biden 's entire family has gathered at Camp David to discuss the president's future after his shockingly bad debate against Donald Trump.

Fishers warned to seek safe harbour ahead of Hurricane Beryl

Fishers on Jamaica's cays and banks are being advised to evacuate immediately and start returning to the mainland. The Meteorological Service of Jamaica says other small craft operators in Jamaica's coastal waters are advised to return to...

Fishers warned to seek safe harbour ahead of Hurricane Beryl

Fishers on Jamaica's cays and banks are being advised to evacuate immediately and start returning to the mainland. The Meteorological Service of Jamaica says other small craft operators in Jamaica's coastal waters are advised to return to...

Woman who allegedly fatally stabbed her child's father during an argument charged

Police have charged a woman who allegedly fatally stabbed her child's father at St John's Road in Spanish Town, St Catherine, on Wednesday.  Twenty-one-year-old Antonette Pitt, otherwise called 'Sheni', of St John's...

Woman who allegedly fatally stabbed her child's father during an argument charged

Police have charged a woman who allegedly fatally stabbed her child's father at St John's Road in Spanish Town, St Catherine, on Wednesday.  Twenty-one-year-old Antonette Pitt, otherwise called 'Sheni', of St John's...

French far right eyes power after election win

France's far right was on Sunday eyeing a historic chance to form a government and claim the post of prime minister after winning the first round of legislative elections with the centrist forces of President Emmanuel Macron coming in only third. But it rema
Seychelles News Agency

French far right eyes power after election win

France's far right was on Sunday eyeing a historic chance to form a government and claim the post of prime minister after winning the first round of legislative elections with the centrist forces of President Emmanuel Macron coming in only third. But it remained unclear if the far-right National Rally (RN) party of Marine Le Pen would win the absolute majority of seats in the new National Assembly in the July 7 second round. That is what it would need to be certain of taking power and for Le Pen's protege Jordan Bardella, 28, to become prime minister. Macron had stunned the nation and baffled even some allies by calling snap polls after the RN trounced his centrist forces in European Parliament elections this month. But that gamble risks backfiring, with Macron's alliance now expected to win a far smaller minority contingent in parliament. That would make the president a far less powerful figure for the remaining three years of his term. Projections from prominent French polling firms gave the RN 33.2-33.5 percent of the vote, compared to 28.1-28.5 percent for the left-wing New Popular Front alliance, and 21.0-22.1 percent for Macron's centrist camp. The polling agencies projected this would give the RN a majority of seats in the 577-seat National Assembly after the second round. But it was far from clear the party would garner the 289 seats needed for an absolute majority. The projections varied sharply, with Ipsos forecasting 230-280 seats, Ifop 240-270 and Elabe the only organisation to put it in the range of an absolute majority on 260-310 seats. In a statement, Macron called for a «broad» alliance against the far right in the second round, which will see run-off votes where there was no outright winner in the first round. The leftwing alliance and the president's camp will be hoping that tactical voting to prevent RN candidates winning seats will leave it short of the absolute majority. French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who is likely to be forced to resign after the second round, warned the far right was now at the «gates of power». The RN should not get a «single vote» in the second round, he said. «We have seven days to spare France from catastrophe,» said Raphael Glucksmann, a key figure in the left-wing alliance. - 'Prime minister of all French' - With the French facing their most polarising choices in recent history, turnout soared to 65 percent, way above the turnout in 2022 polls of just 47.5 percent. Macron said the high turnout in the first round spoke of «the importance of this vote for all our compatriots and the desire to clarify the political situation». The arrival of anti-immigration and eurosceptic RN in government would be a turning point in French modern history and be the first time a far-right force has taken power in the country since World War II when it was occupied by Nazi Germany. «Nothing is won and the second round is decisive,» Le Pen, who has long worked to distance the party from its extremist origins, told supporters. «We need an absolute majority so that Jordan Bardella is in eight days named prime minister by Emmanuel Macron.» Bardella said he wanted to be the «prime minister of all French». This would create a tense period of «cohabitation» with Macron, who has vowed to serve out his term until 2027. Bardella has said he will only form a government if the RN wins an absolute majority in the elections. - 'Heavy defeat' - The alternative is months of political paralysis and negotiations to find a solution for a sustainable government that can survive no-confidence votes. Hard-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon said Macron's centrist alliance had suffered a «heavy and undisputable» defeat in the snap polls. Risk analysis firm Eurasia Group said the RN now looked «likely» to fall short of an absolute majority. France was facing «at least 12 months with a rancorously blocked National Assembly and -- at best -- a technocratic government of 'national unity' with limited capacity to govern», it added. Macron's decision to call the snap vote sparked uncertainty in Europe's second-biggest economy. The Paris stock exchange suffered its biggest monthly decline in two years in June, dropping by 6.4 percent, according to figures released on Friday. The turmoil also risks undermining Macron's stature as an international leader taking a prime role in helping Ukraine fight the Russian invasion. In the immediate aftermath of the second round he is due to attend the NATO summit in Washington. French daily Liberation urged voters to unite to halt the march of the far-right. «After the shock, form a block,» the newspaper said on its Monday front page. © Agence France-Presse

나경원, 한동훈 겨냥 “피해자였다 가해자? 난 학폭 추방 운동 중”

국민의힘 당권주자인 나경원 후보는 1일 한동훈 후보가 자신을 향해 “학교폭력 피해자에서 가해자가 된 것 같다”고 발언한 데 대해 “저는 학폭 추방 운동을 하고 있다”고 반박했다. 나 후보
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

나경원, 한동훈 겨냥 “피해자였다 가해자? 난 학폭 추방 운동 중”

국민의힘 당권주자인 나경원 후보는 1일 한동훈 후보가 자신을 향해 “학교폭력 피해자에서 가해자가 된 것 같다”고 발언한 데 대해 “저는 학폭 추방 운동을 하고 있다”고 반박했다. 나 후보는 이날 국회에서 기자들과 만난 자리서 한 후보가 자신을 향해 “그때(지난해 3·8 전당대회)는 일종의 학폭 피해자였는데, 지금은 학폭 가해자 쪽에 서 있는 것 같다”고 말한 데 대해 이같이 답했다. 앞서 나 후보는 지난해 전당대회에서 대표 출마를 고려하다가 친윤(친윤석열)계 초선들이 ‘연판장’을 돌리며 불출마를 압박하는 등의 사태를 겪은 끝에 출마를 포기한 바 있다. 나 후보는 “저는 그때 학폭 피해자였기 때문에 계파 정치가 가져오는 폐해를 누구보다 잘 안다”면서 “한쪽은 윤심팔이를 하고 있고, 한쪽은 또 하나의 줄 서기를 만들고 있다”며 원희룡 후보와 한 후보를 모두 비판했다. 그는 “저는 양쪽의 잠재적 학폭 가해자들로부터 학폭 추방 운동을 하고 있다”며 “여당 대표 역할을 잘 할 수 있는 중요한 요건 중 하나