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Когда вы тратите крупную сумму на покупку гаджетов, вполне справедливо ожидать, что вы получите подлинный продукт. Но вас могут обмануть и пр

Сбербанк сохранил дневные ограничения на переводы после новых правил ЦБ

Сбербанк не отменил ограничения на число и размер денежных переводов в сутки после вступления с 1 мая в силу закона, отменяющего комиссии на п
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Сбербанк сохранил дневные ограничения на переводы после новых правил ЦБ

Сбербанк не отменил ограничения на число и размер денежных переводов в сутки после вступления с 1 мая в силу закона, отменяющего комиссии на переводы между счетами одного клиента до 30 млн руб. в месяц, следует из условий переводов Сбербанка и комментария представителя кредитной организации РБК. Сбербанк позволяет переводить до ₽30 млн в месяц без комиссии лишь при соблюдении суточного лимита, из-за чего его клиенты не могут отправить более ₽2 млн в день. Закон о бесплатных переводах самому себе вступил в силу с 1 мая.

نظام رقابي جديد على المنشآت والمواد الغذائية بداية العام المقبل

تعتزم وزارة التغيّر المناخي والبيئة، إطلاق نظام جديد خاص بالرقابة والتفتيش على الغذاء ومنشآته داخل الدولة، مطلع العام More...

نظام رقابي جديد على المنشآت والمواد الغذائية بداية العام المقبل

تعتزم وزارة التغيّر المناخي والبيئة، إطلاق نظام جديد خاص بالرقابة والتفتيش على الغذاء ومنشآته داخل الدولة، مطلع العام More...

Brann i næringsbygg i Lillestrøm – naboer bes om å holde seg inne

Det brenner kraftig i store deler av et bygg i Nittedalsgata i Lillestrøm sentrum. Politiet ber beboere i området om å holde seg inne og lukke vinduer.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Brann i næringsbygg i Lillestrøm – naboer bes om å holde seg inne

Det brenner kraftig i store deler av et bygg i Nittedalsgata i Lillestrøm sentrum. Politiet ber beboere i området om å holde seg inne og lukke vinduer.

Enighet i det sentrale lønnsoppgjøret for sykepleiere

I det sentrale lønnsoppgjøret er sykepleiere ved sykehus sikret et lønnsvekst på minst 22.000 kroner. Nå venter lokale forhandlinger på de enkelte sykehusene.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Enighet i det sentrale lønnsoppgjøret for sykepleiere

I det sentrale lønnsoppgjøret er sykepleiere ved sykehus sikret et lønnsvekst på minst 22.000 kroner. Nå venter lokale forhandlinger på de enkelte sykehusene.

Universitatea Craiova a câștigat în fața FCSB. De la FCSB au lipsit câţiva titulari

Universitatea Craiova a învins-o pe FCSB cu scorul de 2-0 (1-0), luni seara, pe teren propriu, în etapa a opta a fazei play-off a Superligii de fotbal, după ce roş-albaştrii au cucerit titlul în runda trecută.

Universitatea Craiova a câștigat în fața FCSB. De la FCSB au lipsit câţiva titulari

Universitatea Craiova a învins-o pe FCSB cu scorul de 2-0 (1-0), luni seara, pe teren propriu, în etapa a opta a fazei play-off a Superligii de fotbal, după ce roş-albaştrii au cucerit titlul în runda trecută.

7 mai: ziua în care a început procesul mareşalului Ion Antonescu. În 1999, Papa Ioan Paul al II-lea a venit în România

În data de 7 mai 1946, la Bucureşti, începea procesul Mareşalului Ion Antonescu, în urma căruia acesta avea să fie condamnat la moarte şi executat, alături de alţi câţiva membri ai guvernului său. Tot într-o zi de 7 mai au murit poeţii George T

7 mai: ziua în care a început procesul mareşalului Ion Antonescu. În 1999, Papa Ioan Paul al II-lea a venit în România

În data de 7 mai 1946, la Bucureşti, începea procesul Mareşalului Ion Antonescu, în urma căruia acesta avea să fie condamnat la moarte şi executat, alături de alţi câţiva membri ai guvernului său. Tot într-o zi de 7 mai au murit poeţii George Topîrceanu şi Octavian Goga.

Arabia Saudită avertizează Israelul împotriva efectuării operațiunii la Rafah

Ministerul de Externe asaudit a cerut comunității internaționale să „intervină imediat pentru a opri actele de genocid în desfășurare comise de forțele de ocupație împotriva populației civile fără apărare din teritoriile palestiniene ocupate

Arabia Saudită avertizează Israelul împotriva efectuării operațiunii la Rafah

Ministerul de Externe asaudit a cerut comunității internaționale să „intervină imediat pentru a opri actele de genocid în desfășurare comise de forțele de ocupație împotriva populației civile fără apărare din teritoriile palestiniene ocupate”.

«Hamās» paziņo, ka piekrīt Ēģiptes un Kataras piedāvājumam pamieram Gazā

Teroristiskās organizācijas «Hamās» vadība paziņojusi, ka pieņem Ēģiptes un Kataras priekšlikumu par pamieru, lai apturētu septiņus mēnešus ilgstošo karu ar Izraēlu. 
В мире - LSM.LV

«Hamās» paziņo, ka piekrīt Ēģiptes un Kataras piedāvājumam pamieram Gazā

Teroristiskās organizācijas «Hamās» vadība paziņojusi, ka pieņem Ēģiptes un Kataras priekšlikumu par pamieru, lai apturētu septiņus mēnešus ilgstošo karu ar Izraēlu. 

US tells Israel it won’t back Rafah operation ‘as currently planned’

An attack on the Gaza city would cause more Palestinian deaths and disrupt aid deliveries, the US State Department has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

US tells Israel it won’t back Rafah operation ‘as currently planned’

An attack on the Gaza city would cause more Palestinian deaths and disrupt aid deliveries, the US State Department has said Read Full Article at

France doesn’t want ‘regime change’ in Russia – Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron has denied that the West seeks a “regime change” in Russia while reaffirming his nation’s support for Kiev Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

France doesn’t want ‘regime change’ in Russia – Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron has denied that the West seeks a “regime change” in Russia while reaffirming his nation’s support for Kiev Read Full Article at

Asistieron Raúl y Díaz-Canel a homenaje póstumo al general Leonardo Andollo

El General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, líder de la Revolución cubana, asistió en horas tempranas de este lunes al homenaje póstumo en el Panteón de los Veteranos de la Necrópolis de Colón al general de división de la Reserva, Leonardo Andollo Vald

Asistieron Raúl y Díaz-Canel a homenaje póstumo al general Leonardo Andollo

El General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, líder de la Revolución cubana, asistió en horas tempranas de este lunes al homenaje póstumo en el Panteón de los Veteranos de la Necrópolis de Colón al general de división de la Reserva, Leonardo Andollo Valdés, fallecido el pasado 3 de mayo. También el primer secretario del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, participó en las honras fúnebres. The post Asistieron Raúl y Díaz-Canel a homenaje póstumo al general Leonardo Andollo first appeared on Cubadebate.

Jornadas contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia: Educar en el respeto y la no discriminación

Educar en el respeto y la no discriminación son pilares de la XVII edición de las Jornadas contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia en Cuba, cuyas actividades se efectúan del 2 al 18 de mayo en La Habana y Mayabeque. The post Jornadas contra la Homofobia y la T

Jornadas contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia: Educar en el respeto y la no discriminación

Educar en el respeto y la no discriminación son pilares de la XVII edición de las Jornadas contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia en Cuba, cuyas actividades se efectúan del 2 al 18 de mayo en La Habana y Mayabeque. The post Jornadas contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia: Educar en el respeto y la no discriminación first appeared on Cubadebate.

مصر للطيران: 50% تخفيضا على الرحلات الدولية وفرصة للفوز بـ1000 ميل إضافى

احتفالًا بالعيد 92 على إنشاء الشركة الوطنية مصر للطيران، أعلنت الشركة تقديم تخفيض وقدره 50% لعملائها على الرحلات الدولية، وذلك خلال حجزهم تذكر
شبكة سودافاكس

مصر للطيران: 50% تخفيضا على الرحلات الدولية وفرصة للفوز بـ1000 ميل إضافى

احتفالًا بالعيد 92 على إنشاء الشركة الوطنية مصر للطيران، أعلنت الشركة تقديم تخفيض وقدره 50% لعملائها على الرحلات الدولية، وذلك خلال حجزهم تذكرة السفر يوم 7 مايو، على أن يكون السفر خلال الفترة من 7 مايو حتى 31 أكتوبر 2024 مع تطبيق كافة الشروط والأحكام. كما تقدم الشركة أيضًا فرصة للفوز بألف ميل إضافي في … سودافاكس

ياسمين عبد العزيز عن أحمد العوضى: عارفين إننا بنحب بعض وأنا عملت استخارة وعمرة

حلت النجمة ياسمين عبد العزيز، ضيفة في برنامج “صاحبة السعادة” المذاع على قناة Dmc، الذي تقدمه الفنانة والإعلامية إسعاد يونس، وبسؤالها عن ع
شبكة سودافاكس

ياسمين عبد العزيز عن أحمد العوضى: عارفين إننا بنحب بعض وأنا عملت استخارة وعمرة

حلت النجمة ياسمين عبد العزيز، ضيفة في برنامج “صاحبة السعادة” المذاع على قناة Dmc، الذي تقدمه الفنانة والإعلامية إسعاد يونس، وبسؤالها عن عودتها للفنان أحمد العوضي قالت ياسمين عبد العزيز: “أنا عن نفسى عملت استخارة وعملت عمرة ودعيت ربنا واللى ربنا رايده يكون، فيه حاجات بتاعة ربنا”. وتابعت ياسمين عبد العزيز: “أنا بسيب الحاجة على … سودافاكس

Чем отличался москвич от провинциала: 5 привычек, которые поражали советских жителей

Россия отдельно, Москва отдельно — это подтвердит вам любой. Точно так же было и в СССР — определить тогда москвичей было очень легко, ведь э

Чем отличался москвич от провинциала: 5 привычек, которые поражали советских жителей

Россия отдельно, Москва отдельно — это подтвердит вам любой. Точно так же было и в СССР — определить тогда москвичей было очень легко, ведь эти привычки выдавали их с головой.

5 женских имен, обладательницы которых всю жизнь страдают от неудач в личной жизни

Счастливая карма или сущее проклятие? Рассказываем о женщинах, чьи имена могут сыграть с ними злую шутку.

5 женских имен, обладательницы которых всю жизнь страдают от неудач в личной жизни

Счастливая карма или сущее проклятие? Рассказываем о женщинах, чьи имена могут сыграть с ними злую шутку.

Over 50 Hamas targets hit by Israel near Rafah — IDF

Spokesperson Daniel Hagari added that Israel continues preparations for a military operation in Rafah and calls on local residents to evacuate to safer places

Over 50 Hamas targets hit by Israel near Rafah — IDF

Spokesperson Daniel Hagari added that Israel continues preparations for a military operation in Rafah and calls on local residents to evacuate to safer places

Abbas hopes for full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza — WAFA

The president also «called on the international community to exert pressure on Israel» to make its government stop its aggression against the Palestinian people and «to continue efforts aimed at ending the Israeli occupation of the land of t

Abbas hopes for full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza — WAFA

The president also «called on the international community to exert pressure on Israel» to make its government stop its aggression against the Palestinian people and «to continue efforts aimed at ending the Israeli occupation of the land of the State of Palestine»

US doesn’t plan to adjust nuclear posture due to Russia’s announced drills — official

«We have not seen any reason to adjust our own nuclear posture and in response to these announcements, nor any indications that Russia is preparing to use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine,» Matthew Miller said

US doesn’t plan to adjust nuclear posture due to Russia’s announced drills — official

«We have not seen any reason to adjust our own nuclear posture and in response to these announcements, nor any indications that Russia is preparing to use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine,» Matthew Miller said

Israel’s operation in Rafah comes as response to attack on border crossing — diplomat

Yulia Rachinsky-Spivakov said that Israel, together with its international partners, has created a humanitarian zone, providing safety and vital infrastructure for displaced Gaza residents

Israel’s operation in Rafah comes as response to attack on border crossing — diplomat

Yulia Rachinsky-Spivakov said that Israel, together with its international partners, has created a humanitarian zone, providing safety and vital infrastructure for displaced Gaza residents

Pauri bears brunt as Uttarakhand fires continue to rage

Monday witnessed 20 fresh fire incidents in Uttarakhand, ravaging some 52 hectares of forest land, with Garhwal, particularly Pauri district, bearing the brunt. In Pauri, the fire reached sports department's Indoor Stadium, damaging a building and documents.
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Pauri bears brunt as Uttarakhand fires continue to rage

Monday witnessed 20 fresh fire incidents in Uttarakhand, ravaging some 52 hectares of forest land, with Garhwal, particularly Pauri district, bearing the brunt. In Pauri, the fire reached sports department's Indoor Stadium, damaging a building and documents. Students and staff were safe. IAF dispatched one of its MI-17 V5 choppers to aid efforts in Pauri Garhwal's Dob village. An IAF officer said the chopper conducted three sorties, dropping 14,600 litres of water.

Specify timeline to pay damages for razed houses: HC to Assam

Gauhati high court has directed Assam govt to specify in a week the «time by which compensation will be paid» to the six families whose houses were demolished in Nagaon district in 2022. The houses were demolished a day after a mob set Batadrava p
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Specify timeline to pay damages for razed houses: HC to Assam

Gauhati high court has directed Assam govt to specify in a week the «time by which compensation will be paid» to the six families whose houses were demolished in Nagaon district in 2022. The houses were demolished a day after a mob set Batadrava police station ablaze in protest against the custodial death of a fish vendor, Safiqul Islam, on May 21, 2022.

Mahayuti drops 12 MPs & MVA just 1; for BJP, 'winnability' key

Mahayuti comprising the Shiv Sena-BJP-NCP (Ajit Pawar) alliance has dropped 12 sitting MPs across Maharashtra. While BJP has dropped 7 sitting MPs, the Eknath Shinde-led Sena has dropped 5. The NCP had only one sitting MP in Sunil Tatkare, who has been repeat
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Mahayuti drops 12 MPs & MVA just 1; for BJP, 'winnability' key

Mahayuti comprising the Shiv Sena-BJP-NCP (Ajit Pawar) alliance has dropped 12 sitting MPs across Maharashtra. While BJP has dropped 7 sitting MPs, the Eknath Shinde-led Sena has dropped 5. The NCP had only one sitting MP in Sunil Tatkare, who has been repeated from Raigad. The Congress had only one sitting MP, Suresh Dhanorkar, from Chandrapur, who passed away. One BJP MP Girish Bapat from Pune too passed away last year.

Won't tolerate Mamata's didigiri, says West Bengal governor, draws TMC wrath

Bengal governor CV Ananda Bose returned to Kolkata on Monday and ignited a fresh confrontation with state govt, saying he will not tolerate CM Mamata Banerjee's «didigiri». His remarks prompted swift reactions from Trinamool, which said the «
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Won't tolerate Mamata's didigiri, says West Bengal governor, draws TMC wrath

Bengal governor CV Ananda Bose returned to Kolkata on Monday and ignited a fresh confrontation with state govt, saying he will not tolerate CM Mamata Banerjee's «didigiri». His remarks prompted swift reactions from Trinamool, which said the «consequences will not be good». Bose has issued a gag order on Raj Bhavan staffers, instructing them not to speak to police and has «banned» cops and state finance minister Chandrima Bhattacharya from Raj Bhavan.

2 pet Rottweilers maul 5-year-old in Tamil Nadu; owners arrested

Two full-grown Rottweiler dogs - untethered and aggressive - mauled a five-year-old girl in a park in Chennai's Thousand Lights on Sunday. Her mother, who tried to rescue the child, also suffered bites. Locals claimed the dogs had a history of attacks on anim
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

2 pet Rottweilers maul 5-year-old in Tamil Nadu; owners arrested

Two full-grown Rottweiler dogs - untethered and aggressive - mauled a five-year-old girl in a park in Chennai's Thousand Lights on Sunday. Her mother, who tried to rescue the child, also suffered bites. Locals claimed the dogs had a history of attacks on animals and people. Suraksha R, the daughter of the park's watchman, Ragu, is in ICU with severe injuries to the scalp, back and arm, and is scheduled to undergo plastic surgery on Thursday. Her mother Sonia is also receiving treatment for scrapes and bruises.

Concern over speeding in Fredericton neighbourhood grows after 2 teens, young adult killed in crash

Three people – including two teens – are dead, and two others are injured after a crash that has left a greater Fredericton community shaken. - Canada - Public RSS

Concern over speeding in Fredericton neighbourhood grows after 2 teens, young adult killed in crash

Three people – including two teens – are dead, and two others are injured after a crash that has left a greater Fredericton community shaken.

Officer convicted of on-duty rape no longer with Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary says an officer convicted in 2021 of raping a woman while on duty is no longer with the force. - Canada - Public RSS

Officer convicted of on-duty rape no longer with Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary says an officer convicted in 2021 of raping a woman while on duty is no longer with the force.

Report warns of dramatic rise in antisemitic incidents in Canada in 2023

Antisemitism in Canada exploded last year as the war unfolding in Israel and Gaza was used to 'justify' the targeting of Jews in Canada, B'nai Brith said Monday as it released its latest report on antisemitism. - Canada - Public RSS

Report warns of dramatic rise in antisemitic incidents in Canada in 2023

Antisemitism in Canada exploded last year as the war unfolding in Israel and Gaza was used to 'justify' the targeting of Jews in Canada, B'nai Brith said Monday as it released its latest report on antisemitism.