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Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) president Samantha Becotte says she was not surprised that teachers voted no to the province's latest contract offer. Both sides appear ready and willing to resume negotiations.

Gimnasia venció a Atlético Tucumán sobre la hora para avanzar en la Copa Argentina

Con gol de Nicolás Colazo al minuto 90, Gimnasia y Esgrima venció por 2-1 como visitante a Atlético Tucumán y espera rival para los octavos de final de la Copa Argentina, que saldrá del ganador entre Rosario Central y Barracas Central.

Gimnasia venció a Atlético Tucumán sobre la hora para avanzar en la Copa Argentina

Con gol de Nicolás Colazo al minuto 90, Gimnasia y Esgrima venció por 2-1 como visitante a Atlético Tucumán y espera rival para los octavos de final de la Copa Argentina, que saldrá del ganador entre Rosario Central y Barracas Central.

Dallas Mavericks venció a los Timberwolves y tomó ventaja en la final del Oeste

Dallas Mavericks venció con un ajustado 105-108 a los Timberwolves en Minnesota y tomó ventaja inicial en la final de la Conferencia Oeste de la NBA. La figura fue el esloveno Luka Doncic, con 33 puntos, seis rebotes y ocho asistencias. El segundo duelo de

Dallas Mavericks venció a los Timberwolves y tomó ventaja en la final del Oeste

Dallas Mavericks venció con un ajustado 105-108 a los Timberwolves en Minnesota y tomó ventaja inicial en la final de la Conferencia Oeste de la NBA. La figura fue el esloveno Luka Doncic, con 33 puntos, seis rebotes y ocho asistencias. El segundo duelo de la serie al mejor de siete será el viernes, nuevamente en el Target Center de Mineápolis.

Diputados RN insisten en oponerse al fast track de seguridad

José Miguel Castro cuestionó que la agenda acordada no incluya propuestas como responsabilidad penal adolescente o ingreso clandestino. La ministra Carolina Tohá aclaró que esos proyectos «no tendrán la prioridad de tiempo en el plazo inmediato&raq

Diputados RN insisten en oponerse al fast track de seguridad

José Miguel Castro cuestionó que la agenda acordada no incluya propuestas como responsabilidad penal adolescente o ingreso clandestino. La ministra Carolina Tohá aclaró que esos proyectos «no tendrán la prioridad de tiempo en el plazo inmediato», no que no serán discutidos.

猥褻性侵國小女兒3年110次 鬼父確定判關12年8月

社會新聞 - 自由時報

猥褻性侵國小女兒3年110次 鬼父確定判關12年8月


捍衛市民血汗錢 台南市警局:阻詐及打詐均是六都第1

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捍衛市民血汗錢 台南市警局:阻詐及打詐均是六都第1


用路人小心!桃市新增20處路口科技執法 6月1日起取締違規

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用路人小心!桃市新增20處路口科技執法 6月1日起取締違規



曾德峰/核稿編輯 立法院會24日將續審國會職權修正相關法案,民眾黨主席柯文哲前幕僚、政治評論員吳靜怡表示,24日將會有更多人走上街頭,黃國昌只是一顆帶蔥味的藍色小藥丸,戰鬥是要比..
政治新聞 - 自由時報


曾德峰/核稿編輯 立法院會24日將續審國會職權修正相關法案,民眾黨主席柯文哲前幕僚、政治評論員吳靜怡表示,24日將會有更多人走上街頭,黃國昌只是一顆帶蔥味的藍色小藥丸,戰鬥是要比...…


政治新聞 - 自由時報




第16任總統賴清德、副總統蕭美琴於20日宣誓就職,拉美各友邦元首率團來台觀禮。外交部今(23日)表示,這次因公無法親自來台的瓜地馬拉總統阿雷瓦洛(Bernardo Aréval...…
政治新聞 - 自由時報


第16任總統賴清德、副總統蕭美琴於20日宣誓就職,拉美各友邦元首率團來台觀禮。外交部今(23日)表示,這次因公無法親自來台的瓜地馬拉總統阿雷瓦洛(Bernardo Aréval...…

인천, 물병 투척 자진 신고 124명 ‘조건부 홈 무기한 출입 금지’

프로축구 K리그1 인천 유나이티드가 지난 11일 인천축구전용경기장에서 열린 FC서울과의 ‘하나은행 K리그1 2024’ 12라운드 홈 경기 종료 이후 물병을 투척했던 사실을 자진 신고한 인원 124명에게
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

인천, 물병 투척 자진 신고 124명 ‘조건부 홈 무기한 출입 금지’

프로축구 K리그1 인천 유나이티드가 지난 11일 인천축구전용경기장에서 열린 FC서울과의 ‘하나은행 K리그1 2024’ 12라운드 홈 경기 종료 이후 물병을 투척했던 사실을 자진 신고한 인원 124명에게 홈 경기 무기한 출입 금지 중징계를 결정했으며 봉사활동 100시간 이수 시 해제가 가능하다고 23일 밝혔다. 인천은 사건 발생 이후 이틀 뒤인 지난 13일부터 투척 인원 자진 신고제를 운용했다. 해당 경기에서 확인한 그라운드 내 물병은 총 105개이며 지난 19일까지 자진 신고한 인원은 총 124명이다. 지난 22일 인천은 구단 자체 징계위원회를 열고 법조계, 인천시, 구단 이사진 및 임원 등의 위원과 함께 자진 신고 인원의 무기한 출입 금지 징계를 확정했다. 단 구단이 지정한 봉사활동을 100시간 이수할 경우 징계 해제가 가능하다. 봉사활동을 시행하는 인원은 구단 홈 경기 동안 경기장 바깥쪽에서 청소와 물품 검사 등 팬들을 위한 봉사를 하며 구단의 ‘건전한 축구 관람 문화 캠페인’을 선도한다.

Российский вратарь «Флориды» Бобровский признан первой звездой матча против «Рейнджерс»

Российский вратарь «Флориды» Сергей Бобровский признан первой звездой финала Восточной конференции плей‑офф НХЛ против «Рейнджерс». Подро
Спорт -

Российский вратарь «Флориды» Бобровский признан первой звездой матча против «Рейнджерс»

Российский вратарь «Флориды» Сергей Бобровский признан первой звездой финала Восточной конференции плей‑офф НХЛ против «Рейнджерс». Подробнее…

스페이스X, 최초 ‘첩보위성’ 발사…“미 국가정찰국 스파이 임무”

미국 일론 머스크가 운영하는 스페이스X가 처음으로 ‘스파이 임무용’ 위성을 우주로 쏘아 올렸다. 이는 미 정보기관인 국가정찰국(NRO)의 ‘정찰용 위성 집합체’ 구축을 위한 것이다. 22일(현지
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 IT/의학 뉴스

스페이스X, 최초 ‘첩보위성’ 발사…“미 국가정찰국 스파이 임무”

미국 일론 머스크가 운영하는 스페이스X가 처음으로 ‘스파이 임무용’ 위성을 우주로 쏘아 올렸다. 이는 미 정보기관인 국가정찰국(NRO)의 ‘정찰용 위성 집합체’ 구축을 위한 것이다. 22일(현지시각) UPI 뉴스 등 현지 언론에 따르면, 스페이스X는 이날 오전 4시께 캘리포니아주 반덴버그 우주국 기지에서 NROL-146 위성이 탑재된 팰컨9 로켓을 우주로 발사했다. 이 위성은 스페이스X가 만든 첫 번째 첩보위성으로, NRO의 스파이 임무를 수행할 것으로 알려졌다. NRO는 올해 안에 6차례의 추가 발사를 계획 중이며, 이를 통해 장기적으로 ‘정찰용 영상 위성 집합체’를 구축할 계획이라고 밝혔다. 이는 기관의 정보 수집 능력을 높이기 위한 조치로, 실제 NRO는 이 같은 위성 발사로 정보 수집이 10배 증가할 것으로 예상하기도 했다. 트로이 마인크 NRO 수석 부국장은 “향후 10년 동안 여러 궤도에 있는 우주선 수를 4배로 늘리는 것을 목표로 한다”며 “더 작고 더 많은 수의 위성을 사용하

„Visi pamėlę, įkvepia tik kelis kartus per minutę“: ką paramedikai regi Stoties rajone

Vargu, ar būtų galima rasti vilnietį, kuris nežinotų Stoties rajone sklandančio reputacijos šešėlio. Rajonas dažnai asocijuojamas su girtuokliaujančiais ir nuo narkotikų apsvaigusiais asmenimis. Nors kalbinti pašnekovai tikina, kad situaci
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

„Visi pamėlę, įkvepia tik kelis kartus per minutę“: ką paramedikai regi Stoties rajone

Vargu, ar būtų galima rasti vilnietį, kuris nežinotų Stoties rajone sklandančio reputacijos šešėlio. Rajonas dažnai asocijuojamas su girtuokliaujančiais ir nuo narkotikų apsvaigusiais asmenimis. Nors kalbinti pašnekovai tikina, kad situacija dabar geresnė negu anksčiau, bet vis tiek per savaitę šiame rajone perdozuoja bent 3 ar 4 žmonės ir jų gyvybes gelbėja medikai. 

Extenderán empleo de Biomodulina T a la atención primaria de salud

La atención primaria de Salud incluirá el uso de la Biomodulina T, a partir de los resultados positivos de este medicamento cubano en el tratamiento de infecciones en niños y adultos mayores. The post Extenderán empleo de Biomodulina T a la atención prim

Extenderán empleo de Biomodulina T a la atención primaria de salud

La atención primaria de Salud incluirá el uso de la Biomodulina T, a partir de los resultados positivos de este medicamento cubano en el tratamiento de infecciones en niños y adultos mayores. The post Extenderán empleo de Biomodulina T a la atención primaria de salud first appeared on Cubadebate.

Israeli war cabinet tells negotiators to resume hostage release talks with Hamas

The instructions were given after a four-hour war cabinet meeting on May, 22, the Jerusalem Post newspaper wrote

Israeli war cabinet tells negotiators to resume hostage release talks with Hamas

The instructions were given after a four-hour war cabinet meeting on May, 22, the Jerusalem Post newspaper wrote

If INDIA bloc wins, who will be PM? What Kejriwal said

Arvind Kejriwal addressed speculations about his potential candidacy for the prime ministerial position in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. During an interview with PTI Videos on Thursday, Kejriwal unequivocally stated that he harbors no aspirations to
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

If INDIA bloc wins, who will be PM? What Kejriwal said

Arvind Kejriwal addressed speculations about his potential candidacy for the prime ministerial position in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. During an interview with PTI Videos on Thursday, Kejriwal unequivocally stated that he harbors no aspirations to assume the role of prime minister, even if the INDIA alliance secures a victory in the polls.

Israel furious as European trio recognises Palestinian state

Israel reacted with fury after three European countries said Wednesday they would recognise a Palestinian state, more than seven months into the devastating Gaza war. Ireland, Norway and Spain said they would formally recognise the State of Palestine on May
Seychelles News Agency

Israel furious as European trio recognises Palestinian state

Israel reacted with fury after three European countries said Wednesday they would recognise a Palestinian state, more than seven months into the devastating Gaza war. Ireland, Norway and Spain said they would formally recognise the State of Palestine on May 28, drawing praise from many Arab and Muslim states. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the move amounted to a «reward for terror», after Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its October 7 attack which sparked the Gaza war. Israel said it was recalling its envoys to Dublin, Oslo and Madrid for «urgent consultations» and also summoned the three European ambassadors for a rebuke. European Union foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell posted on X that he would work with the bloc's 27 members «to promote a common EU position based on a 2-state solution». Israel's far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, on his first visit since October 7 to the contested religious site of the Temple Mount in the Old City of Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, said the recognition rewarded «murderers and aggressors». His visits to the site -- known as the Al-Aqsa mosque compound to Muslims -- have been cited by Hamas as one reason for the group's October attack on Israel, which it called «Al-Aqsa Flood». The White House said President Joe Biden opposed unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state, saying it should be realised «through direct negotiations». Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan warned Israel not to withhold funding intended for the Palestinian Authority in retaliation. Most Western governments, including the United States, say they are willing to recognise Palestinian statehood one day -- but not before thorny issues such as final borders and the status of Jerusalem are settled. Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said «recognition of Palestine is a means of supporting the moderate forces which have been losing ground in this protracted and brutal conflict». «In the midst of a war, with tens of thousands killed and injured, we must keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution for Israelis and Palestinians alike: Two states, living side by side, in peace and security.» Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said Netanyahu was «causing so much pain, destruction and resentment in Gaza and the rest of Palestine that the two-state solution is in danger». And Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris called the October 7 attack «barbaric» but stressed that «a two-state solution is the only way out of the generational cycles of violence, retaliation and resentment». - 'Important step' - According to the Palestinian Authority, which rules parts of the occupied West Bank, 142 of the 193 UN member countries already recognise a Palestinian state. The Palestine Liberation Organization, seen internationally as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, hailed Wednesday's moves as «historical». Hamas also welcomed «an important step towards affirming our right to our land», while Bassem Naim, a senior Hamas political bureau member, said it would mark «a turning point in the international position on the Palestinian issue». A Palestinian in Gaza's southern city of Rafah, Ismail Hassuna, 46, said the European trio's decision was a step that «will restore hope» and should help in efforts to «stop Israel from its heinous crimes». Political analyst Ines Abdul Razek, who heads the Palestine Institute for Public Democracy, called the decision symbolic but «not a great victory». She said what was needed was «actual measures, including sanctions and arms embargoes» against Israel. Hamas's October 7 attack resulted in the deaths of more than 1,170 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally of Israeli official figures. The militants also took 252 hostages, 124 of whom remain in Gaza, including 37 the army says are dead. On Wednesday a hostages campaign group released footage of five Israeli female soldiers being captured by militants on October 7 and taken away. Speaking about the video, Netanyahu vowed to continue fighting Hamas to «ensure what we have seen tonight never happens again». Israel's retaliatory offensive has killed at least 35,709 people in Gaza, mostly women and children, according to the Hamas-run territory's health ministry. Israel also imposed a siege that has deprived Gaza's 2.4 million people of most water, food, medical and fuel supplies, and brought much of the population to the brink of famine. - Deadly fighting - Fierce fighting has raged around Rafah, the last part of Gaza to face a ground invasion, where an AFP team reported more bombardment early Wednesday. Heavy battles have also rocked Gaza's northern and central areas where Hamas forces have regrouped, and more Israeli strikes have hit Gaza City, Jabalia and Zeitun. Israel said its troops were fighting on the ground in Rafah and Jabalia, and three more soldiers were killed on Wednesday, bringing the army's toll since the ground offensive began on October 27 to 287. Ten people were killed in the central town of Al-Zawaida overnight, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital said, and Gaza's civil defence agency said six bodies were recovered from the rubble of a house in Jabalia. Israel's military said soldiers had carried out targeted raids on dozens of Hamas military compounds in Jabalia. The World Health Organization has said northern Gaza's last two functioning hospitals, Al-Awda and Kamal Adwan, were besieged, trapping more than 200 patients. Israeli troops began their ground assault on Rafah early this month, defying international opposition over fears for the more than one million civilians trapped there. Israel ordered mass evacuations from Rafah, and the UN says more than 800,000 people have fled. Heavy fighting has also rocked the other major Palestinian territory, the occupied West Bank, where an Israeli raid entered its second day in the city of Jenin. The Ramallah-based Palestinian health ministry said Israeli forces had killed 10 people since the fighting began on Tuesday morning. © Agence France-Presse

Big crowds in Iran capital for president's funeral

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led prayers for late president Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday as huge crowds thronged the capital Tehran for his funeral procession. Flanked by top officials, Khamenei said prayers over the coffins of the eight dead f
Seychelles News Agency

Big crowds in Iran capital for president's funeral

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led prayers for late president Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday as huge crowds thronged the capital Tehran for his funeral procession. Flanked by top officials, Khamenei said prayers over the coffins of the eight dead from Sunday's helicopter crash, who also included foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. A sea of mourners filled the open space around Tehran university, where the prayers were held before the funeral procession moved on to Enghelab and Azadi squares. State television said Raisi, who had been widely seen as Khamenei's most likely successor as supreme leader, had received a «millionfold farewell» from the people of Tehran. «We have lost a prominent personality. He was a very good brother. He was an efficient, competent, sincere, and serious official,» Khamenei told visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani. The leader of Palestinian militant group Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, joined the procession, as did the deputy leader of Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Naim Qassem. «I say once again... we are sure that the Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its support for the Palestinian people,» Haniyeh told the crowd to chants of «Death to Israel». - Foreign guests - Iran's acting president, Mohammad Mokhber, later received heads and representatives of countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia and Europe. Tunisian President Kais Saied and Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani attended an afternoon ceremony in which around 60 countries took part, said state news agency IRNA. Egypt's top diplomat, Sameh Shoukry, was also at the ceremony. He is the first Egyptian foreign minister to visit Tehran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Member countries of the European Union were among the absentees of the ceremony while some non-member countries, including Belarus and Serbia had their representatives. In the capital, huge banners have gone up hailing the late president as «the martyr of service», while others bade «farewell to the servant of the disadvantaged». Tehran residents received phone messages urging them to join the funeral procession. «I was sad, I came to calm my heart and calm the heart of the supreme leader,» said one mourner who gave her name only as Maryam and said she had travelled from Varamin, south of Tehran, to pay her last respects. Raisi's helicopter crashed into a fog-shrouded mountainside in northwestern Iran on Sunday as his entourage headed back to the city of Tabriz after attending a ceremony on the border with Azerbaijan. A huge search and rescue operation was launched, involving help from the European Union, Russia and Turkey. State television announced Raisi's death early on Monday. The Iranian military said Wednesday that domestically produced drones had played the key role in locating the crash site. - Burial in Mashhad - Funeral ceremonies for Raisi and his entourage began on Tuesday with processions through Tabriz and the Shiite clerical centre of Qom drawing tens of thousands of black-clad mourners. From Tehran, the bodies will be taken to Iran's second city of Mashhad, Raisi's hometown in the northeast, where he will be buried on Thursday evening after funeral rites at the Imam Reza shrine. Khamenei, who wields ultimate authority in Iran, has declared five days of national mourning and assigned vice president Mohammad Mokhber, 68, as caretaker president until a June 28 election for Raisi's successor. Iran's top nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri, who was Amir-Abdollahian's deputy, has been named acting foreign minister. The country's armed forces chief Mohammad Bagheri has ordered an investigation into the cause of the helicopter crash. Raisi was elected president in 2021, succeeding the moderate Hassan Rouhani at a time when the economy was battered by US sanctions imposed over Iran's nuclear activities. The ultra-conservative's time in office saw mass protests, a deepening economic crisis and unprecedented armed exchanges with arch-enemy Israel. After his death, Russia and China sent their condolences, as did NATO, while the UN Security Council observed a minute's silence. Messages of condolence also flooded in from Iran's allies around the region, including the Syrian government as well as Hamas and Hezbollah. © Agence France-Presse

Verkoold lijk aangetroffen bij blussen woningbrand

Waterkant Bij het blussen van een woningbrand vanmiddag op de hoek van de Van Dijk- en Theodorusstraat in Suriname, is een verkoold lijk aangetroffen. De redactie van Waterkant.Net verneemt dat het gaat om het lichaam van een meisje. Een hoogbouw woning op bo

Verkoold lijk aangetroffen bij blussen woningbrand

Waterkant Bij het blussen van een woningbrand vanmiddag op de hoek van de Van Dijk- en Theodorusstraat in Suriname, is een verkoold lijk aangetroffen. De redactie van Waterkant.Net verneemt dat het gaat om het lichaam van een meisje. Een hoogbouw woning op bovengenoemd adres, opgetrokken uit hout, werd compleet door de brand verwoest. Een belendend pand […] Het bericht Verkoold lijk aangetroffen bij blussen woningbrand verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

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Waterkant De politie van Richelieu heeft deze maand in korte tijd twee gevallen genoteerd van zelfdoding door middel van intoxicatie van een verdelgingsmiddel. Het gaat om een scholier van 15 jaar en een manspersoon van middelbare leeftijd, meldt de politie v

Twee personen in korte tijd overleden na inname verdelgingsmiddel

Waterkant De politie van Richelieu heeft deze maand in korte tijd twee gevallen genoteerd van zelfdoding door middel van intoxicatie van een verdelgingsmiddel. Het gaat om een scholier van 15 jaar en een manspersoon van middelbare leeftijd, meldt de politie van Regio Oost Suriname. De twee gevallen staan afzonderlijk van elkaar en beide personen zijn in […] Het bericht Twee personen in korte tijd overleden na inname verdelgingsmiddel verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Automobilist verliest controle en duikt in trens

Waterkant Deze personenauto is woensdagavond in de trens beland langs de Ronald Koorndijkweg in Suriname. De bestuurder verklaarde dat hij plotseling de controle over het stuur verloor en daardoor met de wagen in de trens terechtkwam. Er deden zich geen pers

Automobilist verliest controle en duikt in trens

Waterkant Deze personenauto is woensdagavond in de trens beland langs de Ronald Koorndijkweg in Suriname. De bestuurder verklaarde dat hij plotseling de controle over het stuur verloor en daardoor met de wagen in de trens terechtkwam. Er deden zich geen persoonlijke ongelukken voor. Een sleepdienst werd ingeschakeld om het voertuig te bergen en af te voeren. Het bericht Automobilist verliest controle en duikt in trens verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Всё, Телеграм теперь уподобился «плохим» корпорациям?

Вопреки ценностям, которыми бравировал Павел Дуров во время своего интервью Такеру Карлсону, некоторые администраторы крупных телеграм-бот
Наука - Хабрахабр

Всё, Телеграм теперь уподобился «плохим» корпорациям?

Вопреки ценностям, которыми бравировал Павел Дуров во время своего интервью Такеру Карлсону, некоторые администраторы крупных телеграм-ботов (~сотни тысяч DAU) буквально только что получили вот такое сообщение: Читать сообщение

[Перевод] Моделируем флюиды, огонь и дым в режиме реального времени

Замечания о математике, алгоритмах и методах, применяемых при компьютерной симуляции флюидов (например, огня и дыма) в режиме реального време
Наука - Хабрахабр

[Перевод] Моделируем флюиды, огонь и дым в режиме реального времени

Замечания о математике, алгоритмах и методах, применяемых при компьютерной симуляции флюидов (например, огня и дыма) в режиме реального времени.Исходный код к этой статье выложен на GitHub.Огонь как явление очень интересен с точки зрения компьютерной графики. Раньше огонь было принято имитировать. Например, в фильме «Властелин колец» Питера Джексона для изображения огня использовались спрайты с огромным количеством дыма (на тот момент симуляция флюидов обходилась слишком дорого, даже при бюджете блокбастера). Когда требовалось моделировать огонь в режиме реального времени, например, в видеоиграх, использовались почти исключительно нефизические подходы. Читать далее