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تباحث رئيس الحكومة، عزيز أخنوش، اليوم الخميس بالمنامة، مع رئيس الحكومة اللبنانية، نجيب ميقاتي، وذلك على هامش أعمال الدورة الثالثة والثلاثين


張浩群/核稿編輯 洋基今天將與巨人展開客場三連戰,這也將是「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge)生涯首次在巨人主場出戰,出生自加州、從小身為巨人球迷的他,也透露自己其實在2...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報


張浩群/核稿編輯 洋基今天將與巨人展開客場三連戰,這也將是「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge)生涯首次在巨人主場出戰,出生自加州、從小身為巨人球迷的他,也透露自己其實在2...…

MLB》壽星主帥羅伯斯今迎52歲生日 山本由伸等人齊祝福

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 今年美國時間5月31日是道奇總教練羅伯斯(Dave Roberts)52歲生日,球員賽前也向主帥祝賀,「日本最強投」山本由伸也用英語「Happy Bir...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》壽星主帥羅伯斯今迎52歲生日 山本由伸等人齊祝福

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 今年美國時間5月31日是道奇總教練羅伯斯(Dave Roberts)52歲生日,球員賽前也向主帥祝賀,「日本最強投」山本由伸也用英語「Happy Bir...…

PLG》聯盟公布首波自由球員名單 鋼鐵人2將入列

PLG季後賽如火如荼進行中,聯盟今率先公布首波自由球員名單,鋼鐵人兩球員施晉堯、陳冠全今夏成為自由身。 施晉堯與陳冠全去年在周儀翔交易案從領航猿來到鋼鐵人,33歲的「...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

PLG》聯盟公布首波自由球員名單 鋼鐵人2將入列

PLG季後賽如火如荼進行中,聯盟今率先公布首波自由球員名單,鋼鐵人兩球員施晉堯、陳冠全今夏成為自由身。 施晉堯與陳冠全去年在周儀翔交易案從領航猿來到鋼鐵人,33歲的「...…

Роналду плакал несколько минут после поражения от «Аль-Хилаля» в финале саудовского Кубка: сначала – лежа на поле, затем – сидя на скамейке

«Аль-Наср» потерпел поражение в финале Кубка короля Саудовской Аравии.

Хвича дал «ПСЖ» согласие на подписание долгосрочного контракта. Парижане могут включить в сделку с «Наполи» своих игроков (L’Equipe)

L’Equipe утверждает, что вингер «Наполи» дал парижанам согласие на заключение долгосрочного контракта.
Спорт -

Хвича дал «ПСЖ» согласие на подписание долгосрочного контракта. Парижане могут включить в сделку с «Наполи» своих игроков (L’Equipe)

L’Equipe утверждает, что вингер «Наполи» дал парижанам согласие на заключение долгосрочного контракта.

Кубок Стэнли. «Даллас» играет с «Эдмонтоном» в 5-м матче финала Запада

НХЛ Кубок Стэнли Финал Запада Счет в серии: 2-2 ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: время начала матча – московское.
Спорт -

Кубок Стэнли. «Даллас» играет с «Эдмонтоном» в 5-м матче финала Запада

НХЛ Кубок Стэнли Финал Запада Счет в серии: 2-2 ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: время начала матча – московское.

تعرف على مواعيد قطارات القاهرة - الإسكندرية والعكس

يقدم اليوم السابع قائمة بالقطارات المكيفة والقطارات الروسية العادية التى تعمل على خط (القاهرة - الإسكندرية، والعكس)، ومواعيد قيامها.. المصدر:
rss-أخبار عاجلة

تعرف على مواعيد قطارات القاهرة - الإسكندرية والعكس

يقدم اليوم السابع قائمة بالقطارات المكيفة والقطارات الروسية العادية التى تعمل على خط (القاهرة - الإسكندرية، والعكس)، ومواعيد قيامها.. المصدر:اليوم السابعتعرف على مواعيد قطارات القاهرة - الإسكندرية والعكس

Trump and his allies believe that criminal convictions will work in his favor

The former president plans to use the New York hush money case to drive up support and portray himself as the victim of politically motivated charges.
Post Politics

Trump and his allies believe that criminal convictions will work in his favor

The former president plans to use the New York hush money case to drive up support and portray himself as the victim of politically motivated charges.

With Trump convicted, his case turns toward sentencing and appeals

Pivotal proceedings remain ahead. It’s unclear how his sentence may influence the campaign, and the appeals process is expected to go beyond Election Day.
Post Politics

With Trump convicted, his case turns toward sentencing and appeals

Pivotal proceedings remain ahead. It’s unclear how his sentence may influence the campaign, and the appeals process is expected to go beyond Election Day.

La alternativa formación de U. Católica para la visita a Coquimbo Unido

Debido a las bajas, el técnico Tiago Nunes preparó una formación alternativa en Universidad Católica para el duelo contra Coquimbo Unido en el «Francisco Sánchez Rumoroso», programado para el domingo a las 20:00 horas en la fecha 15 del Campe

La alternativa formación de U. Católica para la visita a Coquimbo Unido

Debido a las bajas, el técnico Tiago Nunes preparó una formación alternativa en Universidad Católica para el duelo contra Coquimbo Unido en el «Francisco Sánchez Rumoroso», programado para el domingo a las 20:00 horas en la fecha 15 del Campeonato.

How the Arabian oryx became a symbol of environmental regeneration in Saudi Arabia

JEDDAH: The Arabian oryx, a desert antelope native to the peninsula, holds immense cultural significance, evidenced by its many ancient rock-art depictions found throughout the region. And yet, this distinctive species was driven to the brink of extinction.
Saudi Arabia

How the Arabian oryx became a symbol of environmental regeneration in Saudi Arabia

JEDDAH: The Arabian oryx, a desert antelope native to the peninsula, holds immense cultural significance, evidenced by its many ancient rock-art depictions found throughout the region. And yet, this distinctive species was driven to the brink of extinction. The Arabian oryx has been rescued from oblivion thanks to the proactive rewilding efforts of Saudi Arabia’s conservationists — reversing the devastating toll that years of overhunting and habitat loss has taken on its fragile population.

French artist produces rich portrayals of Saudi history, culture

JEDDAH: Joel Alessandra, the renowned French comic book artist, travelled through Saudi Arabia recently so that he could portray the nation’s rich culture and heritage. Known for his innovative use of coffee and watercolors in his drawings, Alessandra’
Saudi Arabia

French artist produces rich portrayals of Saudi history, culture

JEDDAH: Joel Alessandra, the renowned French comic book artist, travelled through Saudi Arabia recently so that he could portray the nation’s rich culture and heritage. Known for his innovative use of coffee and watercolors in his drawings, Alessandra’s visit was facilitated by the French Embassy and the Alliance Francaise Saudi Arabia. Having visited Riyadh, Alkhobar and AlUla, Alessandra found himself captivated by the charm of Al-Balad, Jeddah’s old town.

FSC assessing legal options after losing court battle to control SSL

The Financial Services Commission (FSC) says it is assessing its options, including possible legal avenues, after the Supreme Court ruled today at the regulator should hand over control of fraud-hit investment firm Stocks and Securities...

FSC assessing legal options after losing court battle to control SSL

The Financial Services Commission (FSC) says it is assessing its options, including possible legal avenues, after the Supreme Court ruled today at the regulator should hand over control of fraud-hit investment firm Stocks and Securities...

سباق «غناضة» للمحامل الشراعية ينطلق 8 الجاري

ينظم نادي أبوظبي للرياضات البحرية 8 الجاري، سباق غناضة للمحامل الشراعية فئة 60 قدماً، ضمن برنامج النادي للسباقات More...

سباق «غناضة» للمحامل الشراعية ينطلق 8 الجاري

ينظم نادي أبوظبي للرياضات البحرية 8 الجاري، سباق غناضة للمحامل الشراعية فئة 60 قدماً، ضمن برنامج النادي للسباقات More...

ريال مدريد يطلب «الأبطال» الـ 15.. ودورتموند يراهن على المفاجأة

يبحث ريال مدريد الإسباني عن مزيد من المجد حين يخوض اليوم، على ملعب «ويمبلي» في العاصمة البريطانية لندن، نهائي دوري More...

ريال مدريد يطلب «الأبطال» الـ 15.. ودورتموند يراهن على المفاجأة

يبحث ريال مدريد الإسباني عن مزيد من المجد حين يخوض اليوم، على ملعب «ويمبلي» في العاصمة البريطانية لندن، نهائي دوري More...

3 خطط علمية «إماراتية» في مؤتمر مدريد لطب كرة القدم

سجل الطب الرياضي الإماراتي حضوره في المؤتمر السنوي لطب كرة القدم، الذي أقيم بملعب أتليتيكو مدريد الإسباني، واختتم More...

3 خطط علمية «إماراتية» في مؤتمر مدريد لطب كرة القدم

سجل الطب الرياضي الإماراتي حضوره في المؤتمر السنوي لطب كرة القدم، الذي أقيم بملعب أتليتيكو مدريد الإسباني، واختتم More...

About 40 explosions heard in skies over borderline city of Belgorod

The governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said that as a result of the Ukrainian forces’ air attack, four houses in the village of Razumnoye were damaged

About 40 explosions heard in skies over borderline city of Belgorod

The governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said that as a result of the Ukrainian forces’ air attack, four houses in the village of Razumnoye were damaged

Belgium not to allow using its F-16 jets outside Ukraine — PM

Alexander De Croo also urged Europe and the United States to remain united and do their utmost in order to defend themselves and help Ukraine

Belgium not to allow using its F-16 jets outside Ukraine — PM

Alexander De Croo also urged Europe and the United States to remain united and do their utmost in order to defend themselves and help Ukraine

US, Ukraine to finalize bilateral talks on security arrangements in next several weeks

Spokesperson for the US Department of State Matthew Miller said that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba also discussed the situation on the battlefield and the upcoming Switzerland-hosted «Summit on Peace i

US, Ukraine to finalize bilateral talks on security arrangements in next several weeks

Spokesperson for the US Department of State Matthew Miller said that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba also discussed the situation on the battlefield and the upcoming Switzerland-hosted «Summit on Peace in Ukraine»

G7, EU discuss sanctions to target ‘Russian SWIFT’ — Bloomberg

According to the agency, these measures would target third-country financial institutions using the Bank of Russia’s Financial Messaging System

G7, EU discuss sanctions to target ‘Russian SWIFT’ — Bloomberg

According to the agency, these measures would target third-country financial institutions using the Bank of Russia’s Financial Messaging System

自認4瓶啤酒下肚不超標 男二度酒駕遇同一警開罰扣車

社會新聞 - 自由時報

自認4瓶啤酒下肚不超標 男二度酒駕遇同一警開罰扣車


用購物籃掩飾偷拍 北市大賣場「攝」狼被逮

社會新聞 - 自由時報

用購物籃掩飾偷拍 北市大賣場「攝」狼被逮


台南永康工廠火警!濃煙猛竄天際 消防灌救中

台南永康區三民街一家工廠今天上午發生火警,現場濃煙密布,由於一旁就是中山高,行車視線恐受影響,消防隊員現正全力灌救中。 市府消防局於8點13分獲報,永康區三民街內的一家工...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

台南永康工廠火警!濃煙猛竄天際 消防灌救中

台南永康區三民街一家工廠今天上午發生火警,現場濃煙密布,由於一旁就是中山高,行車視線恐受影響,消防隊員現正全力灌救中。 市府消防局於8點13分獲報,永康區三民街內的一家工...…

Tonight's the night: Behind the scenes snaps show Rod Stewart's son Liam partying the night away with project manager fiance and rock star dad at $1,000-a-night resort ahead of lavish Dubrovnik wedding

Ice hockey star Liam, 28, announced his engagement to project manager Nicole Artukovich last July, two months before they welcomed their first child together, a son called Louie.
News | Mail Online

Tonight's the night: Behind the scenes snaps show Rod Stewart's son Liam partying the night away with project manager fiance and rock star dad at $1,000-a-night resort ahead of lavish Dubrovnik wedding

Ice hockey star Liam, 28, announced his engagement to project manager Nicole Artukovich last July, two months before they welcomed their first child together, a son called Louie.

Britain's most eligible bachelor gets married: William is an usher, Harry is nowhere to be seen and the groom is godfather to both Archie and Prince George. RICHARD KAY reveals all

He is the catch of the year, probably the decade. Tall, handsome, intelligent and loyal, with warm eyes that hide a natural reserve. Hugh Grosvenor, 33, the 7th Duke of Westminster, is also extremely wealthy.
News | Mail Online

Britain's most eligible bachelor gets married: William is an usher, Harry is nowhere to be seen and the groom is godfather to both Archie and Prince George. RICHARD KAY reveals all

He is the catch of the year, probably the decade. Tall, handsome, intelligent and loyal, with warm eyes that hide a natural reserve. Hugh Grosvenor, 33, the 7th Duke of Westminster, is also extremely wealthy.

VERY awkward questions over the viral charity allotment 'poisoned with salt': Carly Burd raised £250,000 amid fury at 'vandalism'. A year on, GUY ADAMS joins those asking what became of the money... and how true her story is

One sunny day last April, the Canons Gate Allotments in Harlow played host to a bona fide media circus. ITV 's Good Morning Britain had come to town with a green-fingered team.
News | Mail Online

VERY awkward questions over the viral charity allotment 'poisoned with salt': Carly Burd raised £250,000 amid fury at 'vandalism'. A year on, GUY ADAMS joins those asking what became of the money... and how true her story is

One sunny day last April, the Canons Gate Allotments in Harlow played host to a bona fide media circus. ITV 's Good Morning Britain had come to town with a green-fingered team.

A midnight encounter and why the last person to see Lucan alive was an 'infatuated' former deb who defended him to the grave...

Goodbye, Susie - thank you. That brief sentence, uttered on a doorstep in East Sussex in the early hours of Friday, November 8, 1974, are the last words known to have been spoken by Lord Lucan.
News | Mail Online

A midnight encounter and why the last person to see Lucan alive was an 'infatuated' former deb who defended him to the grave...

Goodbye, Susie - thank you. That brief sentence, uttered on a doorstep in East Sussex in the early hours of Friday, November 8, 1974, are the last words known to have been spoken by Lord Lucan.

ANDREW NEIL: Just when the West has never been in greater need of American leadership... that sound you can hear from Moscow and Beijing is the clinking of glasses as the U.S. tears itself apart in the most bitter election in memory

The 2024 race to be President of the United States has just caught fire. Thursday's conviction of Donald Trump on 34 criminal counts in a hush-money trial has divided an already polarised country.
News | Mail Online

ANDREW NEIL: Just when the West has never been in greater need of American leadership... that sound you can hear from Moscow and Beijing is the clinking of glasses as the U.S. tears itself apart in the most bitter election in memory

The 2024 race to be President of the United States has just caught fire. Thursday's conviction of Donald Trump on 34 criminal counts in a hush-money trial has divided an already polarised country.

國際油價週線收黑 市場靜候OPEC+會議結果

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕國際油價週五(5月31日)下跌,本週週線收黑,投資人等候週日(6月2日)舉行的OPEC+會議,該會議將決定減產協議是否延長。 《路透》報導,紐約西
財經新聞 - 自由時報

國際油價週線收黑 市場靜候OPEC+會議結果

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕國際油價週五(5月31日)下跌,本週週線收黑,投資人等候週日(6月2日)舉行的OPEC+會議,該會議將決定減產協議是否延長。 《路透》報導,紐約西德州...…

黃仁勳喊「台灣是非常重要國家」 小粉紅氣瘋超崩潰:制裁不了

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳5月26日抵台,一舉一動都是各界關注焦點。不過因為他日前在鏡頭前直言「台灣是非常重要的國家」,瞬間引起大批中國網友
財經新聞 - 自由時報

黃仁勳喊「台灣是非常重要國家」 小粉紅氣瘋超崩潰:制裁不了

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳5月26日抵台,一舉一動都是各界關注焦點。不過因為他日前在鏡頭前直言「台灣是非常重要的國家」,瞬間引起大批中國網友崩潰不滿...…