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Šią savaitę Rusijos kariniai lėktuvai Belgorodo srityje „pametė“ tris aviacines bombas FAB-500. Vien per pastaruosius tris pavasario mėnesius skaičiuojama daugiau nei 30 tokių incidentų. Kaip rašo „Ukrinform“, tai pranešė rusų „Telegra

30 eurų baudą padidino iki 320 eurų: įspėja, kad to nepadarę pinigų nesusigrąžinsite

Jeigu jūsų nepasiektų informacija apie gautą baudą, o tada staiga antstoliai nuskaičiuotų daugiau nei 300 eurų, greičiausiai manytumėte, kad įvyko klaida. Vis tik gali būti, kad pinigų ir neatgautumėte dėl vienos paprastos smulkmenos. Speciali

30 eurų baudą padidino iki 320 eurų: įspėja, kad to nepadarę pinigų nesusigrąžinsite

Jeigu jūsų nepasiektų informacija apie gautą baudą, o tada staiga antstoliai nuskaičiuotų daugiau nei 300 eurų, greičiausiai manytumėte, kad įvyko klaida. Vis tik gali būti, kad pinigų ir neatgautumėte dėl vienos paprastos smulkmenos. Specialistės aiškinimu, jei įrodytumėte, kad apie paskirtą baudą jūsų tikrai nepasiekė jokie pranešimai, atsirastų galimybė nuskaičiuotus pinigus atgauti.

Купленный через интернет лотерейный билет принес выигрыш в 460 000 евро

Накануне вечером, 12 июня, в телепередаче «Большая лото-среда» был разыгран джекпот Bingo loto – сумма выигрыша составила 461 209 евро.
В мире - ERR

Купленный через интернет лотерейный билет принес выигрыш в 460 000 евро

Накануне вечером, 12 июня, в телепередаче «Большая лото-среда» был разыгран джекпот Bingo loto – сумма выигрыша составила 461 209 евро.

Президент Эстонии назвал преимущество велосипеда перед автомобилем

Президент Алар Карис находится с визитом на островах Муху, Сааремаа и Хийумаа. Его способ передвижения там отличается от традиционного.
В мире - ERR

Президент Эстонии назвал преимущество велосипеда перед автомобилем

Президент Алар Карис находится с визитом на островах Муху, Сааремаа и Хийумаа. Его способ передвижения там отличается от традиционного.

Обвиненные в причинении смерти по неосторожности охранники ТЦ Iso Omena оправданы

Уездный суд Западной Уусимаа отклонил все обвинения в адрес шести охранников торгового центра Iso Omena, которые обвинялись в причинении смерти
В мире - ERR

Обвиненные в причинении смерти по неосторожности охранники ТЦ Iso Omena оправданы

Уездный суд Западной Уусимаа отклонил все обвинения в адрес шести охранников торгового центра Iso Omena, которые обвинялись в причинении смерти по неосторожности.


財經新聞 - 自由時報



焦點股》穎崴:漲停鎖住 將挑戰千元大關

半導體測試介面廠穎崴(6515)日前公布5月合併營收雖呈現雙減,但全年營運展望樂觀,帶動穎崴今股價攻上漲停993元鎖住,短線將挑戰千元。 穎崴5月合併營收為3.55億...…
財經新聞 - 自由時報

焦點股》穎崴:漲停鎖住 將挑戰千元大關

半導體測試介面廠穎崴(6515)日前公布5月合併營收雖呈現雙減,但全年營運展望樂觀,帶動穎崴今股價攻上漲停993元鎖住,短線將挑戰千元。 穎崴5月合併營收為3.55億...…


高佳菁/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕台積電(2330)今(13)日除息,股價強勢以923元開出,上演秒填息戲碼,盤中股價最高達935元,市值破24兆元大關,股價與市值再創新高,台積電股價走
財經新聞 - 自由時報


高佳菁/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕台積電(2330)今(13)日除息,股價強勢以923元開出,上演秒填息戲碼,盤中股價最高達935元,市值破24兆元大關,股價與市值再創新高,台積電股價走強...…

Mukhtar Ansari’s bro lauds Yogi, says ‘Modi magic over’

SP MP Afzal Ansari praised Yogi Adityanath for helping BJP win 30 seats in UP, contrasting it with PM Narendra Modi's limited impact. He blamed the UP govt for the death of his brother Mukhtar Ansari in Banda jail.
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Mukhtar Ansari’s bro lauds Yogi, says ‘Modi magic over’

SP MP Afzal Ansari praised Yogi Adityanath for helping BJP win 30 seats in UP, contrasting it with PM Narendra Modi's limited impact. He blamed the UP govt for the death of his brother Mukhtar Ansari in Banda jail.

‘Country wants answer’: Rahul slams PM over J&K attacks

Rahul Gandhi criticized PM Modi for failing to address terrorist attacks in J&K's Reasi, Kathua, and Doda on June 9 during the Union Council of ministers' oath-taking ceremony.
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

‘Country wants answer’: Rahul slams PM over J&K attacks

Rahul Gandhi criticized PM Modi for failing to address terrorist attacks in J&K's Reasi, Kathua, and Doda on June 9 during the Union Council of ministers' oath-taking ceremony.

Kuwait fire: Some charred beyond recognition, Air Force plane ready to bring bodies back, says MoS Kirti Vardhan Singh

Speaking to the reporters at Delhi airport before the departure, Singh told ANI: «We had a meeting last evening with the PM... The situation will be cleared the moment we reach there... The situation is that the victims are mostly burn victims and some
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Kuwait fire: Some charred beyond recognition, Air Force plane ready to bring bodies back, says MoS Kirti Vardhan Singh

Speaking to the reporters at Delhi airport before the departure, Singh told ANI: «We had a meeting last evening with the PM... The situation will be cleared the moment we reach there... The situation is that the victims are mostly burn victims and some of the bodies have been charred beyond recognition. A DNA test is underway to identify the victims. An Air Force plane is on the ready. As soon as the bodies are identified, the kin will be informed and our airforce plane will bring the bodies back.»

Tamil Nadu chief minister Stalin condoles demise of 40 Indians in Kuwait fire incident

Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin expressed condolences over the tragic death of over 40 Indians in a fire at a labor housing facility in Kuwait's Mangaf area. He directed efforts to assist affected Tamils and provided helpline numbers. Prime Minister Modi
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Tamil Nadu chief minister Stalin condoles demise of 40 Indians in Kuwait fire incident

Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin expressed condolences over the tragic death of over 40 Indians in a fire at a labor housing facility in Kuwait's Mangaf area. He directed efforts to assist affected Tamils and provided helpline numbers. Prime Minister Modi offered financial aid, and MEA ensured medical care and repatriation arrangements.

Under current provisions, special status for states unviable; Centre has option to release financial packages for Bihar and Andhra

With a coalition government at the Centre, the demand for special status by states like Bihar and Andhra Pradesh is again in focus. Modi 3.0 will be under pressure from their two important coalition partners JDU from Bihar and TDP from Andhra Pradesh to gran
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Under current provisions, special status for states unviable; Centre has option to release financial packages for Bihar and Andhra

With a coalition government at the Centre, the demand for special status by states like Bihar and Andhra Pradesh is again in focus. Modi 3.0 will be under pressure from their two important coalition partners JDU from Bihar and TDP from Andhra Pradesh to grant special status to their states.

أطباء ينبهون إلى وجود أكثر من مليون مصاب بداء السكري بدون علاجات

قالت رابطة أطباء التخدير والإنعاش بالشمال إن حوالي 1.5 مليون مغربي لا تصلهم علاجات وزارة الصحة والحماية الاجتماعية، موضحة، ضمن بلاغ لها، أن ال
Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية

أطباء ينبهون إلى وجود أكثر من مليون مصاب بداء السكري بدون علاجات

قالت رابطة أطباء التخدير والإنعاش بالشمال إن حوالي 1.5 مليون مغربي لا تصلهم علاجات وزارة الصحة والحماية الاجتماعية، موضحة، ضمن بلاغ لها، أن التقديرات الرسمية تشير إلى إصابة 2,7 مليون مواطن مغربي بداء السكري، بينهم 27 ألف طفل، في حين إحصائيات وزارة الصحة تفيد بأن هناك فقط مليونا و200 ألف مريض بالسكري فقط، هم من […] The post أطباء ينبهون إلى وجود أكثر من مليون مصاب بداء السكري بدون علاجات appeared first on Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية.

Karas Ukrainoje. Katastrofiški Rusijos nuostoliai – uždarys 57 kalėjimus, nes visi kaliniai kare

Rusijoje planuojama uždaryti mažiausiai 57 kolonijas, nes daugumoje jų nėra kam sėdėti – visi kaliniai išsiųsti arba siunčiami į karą Ukrainoje. Apie tai pranešė Ukrainos Nacionalinio pasipriešinimo centras. Svarbiausi įvykiai: 07:00 | Kata

Karas Ukrainoje. Katastrofiški Rusijos nuostoliai – uždarys 57 kalėjimus, nes visi kaliniai kare

Rusijoje planuojama uždaryti mažiausiai 57 kolonijas, nes daugumoje jų nėra kam sėdėti – visi kaliniai išsiųsti arba siunčiami į karą Ukrainoje. Apie tai pranešė Ukrainos Nacionalinio pasipriešinimo centras. Svarbiausi įvykiai: 07:00 | Katastrofiški Rusijos nuostoliai – uždarys 57 kalėjimus, nes visi kaliniai kare Ukrainos Nacionalinio pasipriešinimo centras praneša, kad Rusijoje dėl kalinių trūkumo planuojama uždaryti mažiausiai 57 kolonijas.

G7 leaders to call for more military aid to Ukraine, mostly in air defense — newspaper

Besides, Japan is expected to announce more restrictions on individuals and legal entities from third states, including China

G7 leaders to call for more military aid to Ukraine, mostly in air defense — newspaper

Besides, Japan is expected to announce more restrictions on individuals and legal entities from third states, including China

Посол США в НАТО высказалась о вступлении Украины в Альянс

США считают, что Украина для вступления еще должна «выполнить определенную работу», чтобы отвечать критериям, и проводить реформы, необ
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Посол США в НАТО высказалась о вступлении Украины в Альянс

США считают, что Украина для вступления еще должна «выполнить определенную работу», чтобы отвечать критериям, и проводить реформы, необходимые для членства.

Итоги 12.06: Удар по Кривому Рогу и санкции

Российская армия нанесла удар по жилому сектору в Кривом Роге; США ввели широкий пакет санкций против России. Корреспондент.net выделяет главн
Последние новости на сайте

Итоги 12.06: Удар по Кривому Рогу и санкции

Российская армия нанесла удар по жилому сектору в Кривом Роге; США ввели широкий пакет санкций против России. Корреспондент.net выделяет главные события вчерашнего дня.


【更多內容 請見影片】 訂閱【自由追新聞】 全新的視界!新聞話題不漏接,快訂閱YouTube 【自由追新聞】,記得開啟小鈴鐺哦!…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


【更多內容 請見影片】 訂閱【自由追新聞】 全新的視界!新聞話題不漏接,快訂閱YouTube 【自由追新聞】,記得開啟小鈴鐺哦!…


黃其豪/核稿編輯 聯合國調查委員會(Commission of Inquiry)12日公布的報告顯示,以色列和哈瑪斯(Hamas)均在加薩戰爭初期犯下戰爭罪;且以色列的行為進一步...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


黃其豪/核稿編輯 聯合國調查委員會(Commission of Inquiry)12日公布的報告顯示,以色列和哈瑪斯(Hamas)均在加薩戰爭初期犯下戰爭罪;且以色列的行為進一步...…

金與正反對無效 韓媒:日本5月中旬已密會北韓

郭顏慧/核稿編輯 北韓領導人金正恩胞妹金與正與日相岸田今(2024)年3月隔空喊話欲促成雙方峰會未果,然而南韓《中央日報》13日報導,日本與北韓政府高層官員5月中旬已在蒙古烏蘭...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報

金與正反對無效 韓媒:日本5月中旬已密會北韓

郭顏慧/核稿編輯 北韓領導人金正恩胞妹金與正與日相岸田今(2024)年3月隔空喊話欲促成雙方峰會未果,然而南韓《中央日報》13日報導,日本與北韓政府高層官員5月中旬已在蒙古烏蘭...…

Will GE be called this year? Still a lot of work to be done at home and abroad, says PM Wong

KUALA LUMPUR – There is still a lot of work to be done domestically and externally to take Singapore forward, and the general election will be called at an appropriate time, said Prime Minister Lawrence Wong on June 12. He was responding to a question on w

Will GE be called this year? Still a lot of work to be done at home and abroad, says PM Wong

KUALA LUMPUR – There is still a lot of work to be done domestically and externally to take Singapore forward, and the general election will be called at an appropriate time, said Prime Minister Lawrence Wong on June 12. He was responding to a question on whether people should expect a general election this year, during an interview with the Singapore media on his introductory visits to Brunei and Malaysia on June 11 and 12. Since PM Wong took office in May, there has been speculation that the upcoming general election, due by November 2025, may be called this year – as early as September. The first step on the road to an election is the formation of a committee to review electoral boundaries. In early June, the Elections Department said the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) had not been convened. On June 12, PM Wong said: “Eventually, at the time that we decide it’s appropriate, and an election has to be called, people will know. Same for the EBRC. Eventually, when it is convened and it has done its work, people will know, and then I suppose everyone will get ready for the elections.

Feeling burned out? Half of workers in Singapore are mentally or physically exhausted by their work, survey shows

SINGAPORE — Nearly half of workers in Singapore feel exhausted after a day at work, a recent survey by health technology provider Telus Health has shown. The survey points to the growing risk of burnout among workers and a need for greater mental health s

Feeling burned out? Half of workers in Singapore are mentally or physically exhausted by their work, survey shows

SINGAPORE — Nearly half of workers in Singapore feel exhausted after a day at work, a recent survey by health technology provider Telus Health has shown. The survey points to the growing risk of burnout among workers and a need for greater mental health support, said the firm. The report, which was released on June 13, showed that 47 per cent of workers in Singapore feel mentally or physically exhausted by their work. Exhaustion is one of the three main symptoms of burnout, which is also characterised by diminished performance and cynicism, said Telus Health's director for Asia Haider Amir. The study showed that two-thirds of workers here have at least one of these three indicators of burnout, with those under the age of 40 being three times more likely to feel extremely burnt out than workers over 50. The same group was also nearly twice as likely as workers over 50 to find it difficult to be motivated to do their work. Workers said the top reason for burnout was having too much work — this was cited by 27 per cent of respondents.

Sim Lim Square shop owner and diner at nearby eatery brawl over blocked store entrance

A squabble between a diner and shop owner escalated into a brawl at Sim Lim Square last Wednesday (June 5). The altercation occurred at around lunchtime on the second floor of the complex, reported Shin Min Daily News. A video of the fight circulating onli

Sim Lim Square shop owner and diner at nearby eatery brawl over blocked store entrance

A squabble between a diner and shop owner escalated into a brawl at Sim Lim Square last Wednesday (June 5). The altercation occurred at around lunchtime on the second floor of the complex, reported Shin Min Daily News. A video of the fight circulating online shows a man with black hair slamming another man with blond hair against the shutters of a shop named Sexy Corner and repeatedly pummeling him. The former is the diner while the latter is believed to be the owner of the shop, which sells sex toys, according to the Chinese daily. Both men end up tussling on the floor as a group of onlookers try in vain to break up the fight. The diner subsequently wraps both legs around the other man's head, pinning him down. The onlookers eventually manage to separate the duo. The police were also called to the scene, reported Shin Min. Responding to AsiaOne’s queries, the police confirmed a report was lodged and investigations are ongoing.

Red Cross initiative educates 14,000+ students on Disaster Risk Reduction

Over 14,000 primary and secondary school students along with their teachers have been recipients of extensive awareness campaigns aimed at enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) knowledge. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Red Cross initiative educates 14,000+ students on Disaster Risk Reduction

Over 14,000 primary and secondary school students along with their teachers have been recipients of extensive awareness campaigns aimed at enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) knowledge.

Gov’t initiates dialogue, VTU says conciliation time over

The Secretary General (SG) of the Vanuatu Teachers Union (VTU) was absent from yesterday’s conciliation meeting called by the Labour Commissioner, involving the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), Teaching Service Commission (TSC) and VTU. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Gov’t initiates dialogue, VTU says conciliation time over

The Secretary General (SG) of the Vanuatu Teachers Union (VTU) was absent from yesterday’s conciliation meeting called by the Labour Commissioner, involving the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), Teaching Service Commission (TSC) and VTU.

PM and Indian High Commissioner launch new ICT Centre

The new India-Vanuatu Centre of Excellence in Information Technology (CEIT) was launched this week at the Vanuatu Institute of Technology (VIT) by Prime Minister (PM) Charlot Salwai and the High Commissioner of India to New Zealand (accredited to Vanuatu), Ms - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

PM and Indian High Commissioner launch new ICT Centre

The new India-Vanuatu Centre of Excellence in Information Technology (CEIT) was launched this week at the Vanuatu Institute of Technology (VIT) by Prime Minister (PM) Charlot Salwai and the High Commissioner of India to New Zealand (accredited to Vanuatu), Ms…

18yr Old Sentenced to 3yrs and 7 Months for Sexual Assault

On the 23rd May 2024 Anthony David was sentenced to 3 years 6 months and 16 days imprisonment for two counts of unlawful sexual intercourse and one count of acts of indecency with a young person by judge Vincent Lunabek. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

18yr Old Sentenced to 3yrs and 7 Months for Sexual Assault

On the 23rd May 2024 Anthony David was sentenced to 3 years 6 months and 16 days imprisonment for two counts of unlawful sexual intercourse and one count of acts of indecency with a young person by judge Vincent Lunabek.