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Eiropa pašlaik atrodas situācijā, kādā tā bija 1938. gadā un Ukraina šobrīd cīnās par to, lai nepieļautu plaša kara izcelšanos, tādēļ Rietumiem ir jāizmanto šī iespēja un jāpanāk Ukrainas uzvara, Tallinā notiekošajā Lennarta Meri kon

Priorities of Russia-North Korea partnership determined in 2000, Putin says

«The bilateral declarations signed back then defined the main priorities and areas of our constructive multidimensional partnership for years to come,» the Russian leader noted

Priorities of Russia-North Korea partnership determined in 2000, Putin says

«The bilateral declarations signed back then defined the main priorities and areas of our constructive multidimensional partnership for years to come,» the Russian leader noted

Turkey helped Moscow thwart second attack after Crocus — newspaper

The attack was being prepared by members of Wilayat Khorasan, which has links to the Islamic State terrorist organization which is outlawed in Russia, Hurriyet said

Turkey helped Moscow thwart second attack after Crocus — newspaper

The attack was being prepared by members of Wilayat Khorasan, which has links to the Islamic State terrorist organization which is outlawed in Russia, Hurriyet said

Putin vows support for North Korea’s fight for independence

«Russia has incessantly supported and will support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their struggle against the treacherous, dangerous and aggressive enemy,» the Russian leader underlined

Putin vows support for North Korea’s fight for independence

«Russia has incessantly supported and will support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their struggle against the treacherous, dangerous and aggressive enemy,» the Russian leader underlined

Doctors reveal condition that could be behind Biden's bizarre 'freezing' episodes... after 81-year-old has second statue moment in one week

President Joe Biden's advanced age is a major sore point heading into the upcoming election, and the 81 year-old's recent spate of public gaffes are raising more concerns.
News | Mail Online

Doctors reveal condition that could be behind Biden's bizarre 'freezing' episodes... after 81-year-old has second statue moment in one week

President Joe Biden's advanced age is a major sore point heading into the upcoming election, and the 81 year-old's recent spate of public gaffes are raising more concerns.

West Bengal post-poll violence: BJP's fact finding team visits Amtala

A BJP fact-finding team, led by Ravi Shankar Prasad and other leaders, investigated post-poll violence against party workers in West Bengal. They met victims, highlighting instances of assaults and threats, condemning the state government's alleged inaction.
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

West Bengal post-poll violence: BJP's fact finding team visits Amtala

A BJP fact-finding team, led by Ravi Shankar Prasad and other leaders, investigated post-poll violence against party workers in West Bengal. They met victims, highlighting instances of assaults and threats, condemning the state government's alleged inaction. Prasad emphasized the plight of victims and criticized Mamata Banerjee's administration, while seeking national-level intervention to address the situation.

Babri demolition removed: What are the changes made in NCERT textbooks?

The education ministry body NCERT has made changes to the Class 12 political science textbook, causing significant political controversy. Opposition parties have criticized the BJP-led NDA government, accusing it of promoting the «RSS agenda.» Th
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Babri demolition removed: What are the changes made in NCERT textbooks?

The education ministry body NCERT has made changes to the Class 12 political science textbook, causing significant political controversy. Opposition parties have criticized the BJP-led NDA government, accusing it of promoting the «RSS agenda.» The revisions by NCERT have led to responses from a wide range of political figures. The changes include the removal of topics such as the 2002 Gujarat riots and the Babri mosque demolition.

Mutharika honours Chilima: “Had rare courage and wisdom in decision making, always honest and transparent.”

Former Malawi leader, Professor Peter Mutharika has honoured the departed vice president Saulos Chilima by decorating hims with beautiful words, saying he embodied rare courage and wisdom in decision-making, always guided by principles of honesty and transpar
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Mutharika honours Chilima: “Had rare courage and wisdom in decision making, always honest and transparent.”

Former Malawi leader, Professor Peter Mutharika has honoured the departed vice president Saulos Chilima by decorating hims with beautiful words, saying he embodied rare courage and wisdom in decision-making, always guided by principles of honesty and transparency. Writing on his Facebook page after attending the burial, Mutharika underlined that their journey together in the political […] The post Mutharika honours Chilima: “Had rare courage and wisdom in decision making, always honest and transparent.” appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Cashmadam, Dorothy Kingstone, not off court’s hook: Her corruption case in court on Aug 29

Socialite Dorothy Kingstone Zeze popularly known as Cash Madam in social media platforms will be back in court on August 29, 2024 after a two year break to answer charges of abuse of money at Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (Mera). The socialite briefly ap
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Cashmadam, Dorothy Kingstone, not off court’s hook: Her corruption case in court on Aug 29

Socialite Dorothy Kingstone Zeze popularly known as Cash Madam in social media platforms will be back in court on August 29, 2024 after a two year break to answer charges of abuse of money at Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (Mera). The socialite briefly appeared before the Lilongwe Resident magistrate court on Friday along with former […] The post Cashmadam, Dorothy Kingstone, not off court’s hook: Her corruption case in court on Aug 29 appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Tobacco earnings continue to impress: Hits $258.2 million in 9wks of sales

Proceeds from the country’s major export crop, tobacco reached, $258.2 million at the end of last week or week nine of tobacco sales, figures from the market operator, AHL Tobacco Sales, show. A weekly tobacco update published by AHL indicates that the 202
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Tobacco earnings continue to impress: Hits $258.2 million in 9wks of sales

Proceeds from the country’s major export crop, tobacco reached, $258.2 million at the end of last week or week nine of tobacco sales, figures from the market operator, AHL Tobacco Sales, show. A weekly tobacco update published by AHL indicates that the 2024 price trend has always been higher throughout the entire nine weeks of […] The post Tobacco earnings continue to impress: Hits $258.2 million in 9wks of sales appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Наталье Антоновой 50 лет — и эти три упражнения позволяют ей иметь пресс 20-летней

Простая тренировка, на которую вы потратите не больше 15 минут в день, уже скоро покажет первые результаты.

Наталье Антоновой 50 лет — и эти три упражнения позволяют ей иметь пресс 20-летней

Простая тренировка, на которую вы потратите не больше 15 минут в день, уже скоро покажет первые результаты.

Разведенная Нюша угодила в скандал с 5 млн рублей

Концерт певицы оказался под угрозой срыва. Жители Оренбурга возмущены завышенной стоимостью выступления звезды.

Разведенная Нюша угодила в скандал с 5 млн рублей

Концерт певицы оказался под угрозой срыва. Жители Оренбурга возмущены завышенной стоимостью выступления звезды.

Бабушка 18-летней невесты Лепса: «С чего вы решили, что свадьба уже? Сначала венчание»

Публика подозревает, что роман Григория и Авроры — это очередные отношения для пиара. Однако родственники девушки не отрицают, что свадебно

Бабушка 18-летней невесты Лепса: «С чего вы решили, что свадьба уже? Сначала венчание»

Публика подозревает, что роман Григория и Авроры — это очередные отношения для пиара. Однако родственники девушки не отрицают, что свадебному торжеству быть.

磨砂膏、浴鹽袋夾帶K毒走私 香港黑幫來台租屋接貨被逮

社會新聞 - 自由時報

磨砂膏、浴鹽袋夾帶K毒走私 香港黑幫來台租屋接貨被逮


嘉縣退休刑警槍殺案判無期 另涉非法填土再判1年2個月

社會新聞 - 自由時報

嘉縣退休刑警槍殺案判無期 另涉非法填土再判1年2個月


台東監理站帶酒駕初犯者前往殯儀館講習 盼體驗生命可貴

社會新聞 - 自由時報

台東監理站帶酒駕初犯者前往殯儀館講習 盼體驗生命可貴


ФОТО. Странная кража в Литве: воры взломали известную студию красоты и украли только волосы для наращивания


Aprovizionarea cu apă a milioane de oameni, amenințată din cauza stratului mic de zăpadă de pe Himalaya

Milioane de oameni care depind de topirea zăpezilor din Himalaya pentru a se aproviziona cu apă se confruntă anul acesta cu un risc serios de lipsă a apei din cauza diminuării ninsorilor, au avertizat luni cercetătorii citați de AFP.

Aprovizionarea cu apă a milioane de oameni, amenințată din cauza stratului mic de zăpadă de pe Himalaya

Milioane de oameni care depind de topirea zăpezilor din Himalaya pentru a se aproviziona cu apă se confruntă anul acesta cu un risc serios de lipsă a apei din cauza diminuării ninsorilor, au avertizat luni cercetătorii citați de AFP.

O treime din terenurile agricole sunt supuse deșertificării. Cum își gestionează România resursele de apă

O treime din suprafața arabilă a României prezintă risc de aridizare și chiar deșertificare, arată un studiu publicat de Ministerul Mediului, în anul 2023.

O treime din terenurile agricole sunt supuse deșertificării. Cum își gestionează România resursele de apă

O treime din suprafața arabilă a României prezintă risc de aridizare și chiar deșertificare, arată un studiu publicat de Ministerul Mediului, în anul 2023.

Anunțul ambasadei SUA cu privire la Visa Waiver. Ce ne pun în vedere Statele Unite

România se află pe ultima sută de metri în ceea ce priveşte îndeplinirea criteriilor de admitere în programul Visa Waiver, a declarat ambasadorul României în Statele Unite ale Americii, Dan-Andrei Muraru, care s-a declarat „foarte optimist" că vo

Anunțul ambasadei SUA cu privire la Visa Waiver. Ce ne pun în vedere Statele Unite

România se află pe ultima sută de metri în ceea ce priveşte îndeplinirea criteriilor de admitere în programul Visa Waiver, a declarat ambasadorul României în Statele Unite ale Americii, Dan-Andrei Muraru, care s-a declarat „foarte optimist" că vom primi în curând statutul de membru în acest program

Central Africa: France to Reduce Military Presence in West and Central Africa

[RFI] France is planning to reduce its military presence in West and Central Africa to around 600 troops in line with President Emmanuel Macron's plans to limit the French military footprint in the region.
AllAfrica News: Latest

Central Africa: France to Reduce Military Presence in West and Central Africa

[RFI] France is planning to reduce its military presence in West and Central Africa to around 600 troops in line with President Emmanuel Macron's plans to limit the French military footprint in the region.

Kenya: Security Beefed Up Around Parliament As Planned Demonstrations Declared Illegal

[Capital FM] Nairobi -- Security has been enhanced around Parliament as Nairobi Police boss Adamson Bungei outlawed the planned demonstrations against the Finance Bill 2024.
AllAfrica News: Latest

Kenya: Security Beefed Up Around Parliament As Planned Demonstrations Declared Illegal

[Capital FM] Nairobi -- Security has been enhanced around Parliament as Nairobi Police boss Adamson Bungei outlawed the planned demonstrations against the Finance Bill 2024.

Мбаппе сломал нос в первой игре на Евро

Нападающий сборной Франции и мадридского Реала неудачно провел стартовый матч чемпионата Европы против Австрии.
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Мбаппе сломал нос в первой игре на Евро

Нападающий сборной Франции и мадридского Реала неудачно провел стартовый матч чемпионата Европы против Австрии.

Под Краснодаром вспыхнула нефтебаза - соцсети

Под удар попал терминал по перевалке наливных нефтепродуктов и химических грузов ООО Югнефтехимтранзит в поселке Чушка.
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Под Краснодаром вспыхнула нефтебаза - соцсети

Под удар попал терминал по перевалке наливных нефтепродуктов и химических грузов ООО Югнефтехимтранзит в поселке Чушка.

НАТО инвестировал €1 млрд в ИИ, роботов и космические технологии

Инновационный фонд НАТО (NIF) подтвердил, что он непосредственно инвестировал в четыре европейские технологические компании.
Последние новости на сайте

НАТО инвестировал €1 млрд в ИИ, роботов и космические технологии

Инновационный фонд НАТО (NIF) подтвердил, что он непосредственно инвестировал в четыре европейские технологические компании.

В Рязанской области России произошло смертельное ДТП

Число погибших сначала составляло семь человек, однако впоследствии выросло до восьми. Еще 21 человек пострадал в результате этой аварии.
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В Рязанской области России произошло смертельное ДТП

Число погибших сначала составляло семь человек, однако впоследствии выросло до восьми. Еще 21 человек пострадал в результате этой аварии.

Селин Дион появилась на показе своего документального фильма

Фильм рассказывает о жизни певицы с момента, когда ей впервые поставили диагноз синдром мышечной скованности, и о ее борьбе с ним.
Последние новости на сайте

Селин Дион появилась на показе своего документального фильма

Фильм рассказывает о жизни певицы с момента, когда ей впервые поставили диагноз синдром мышечной скованности, и о ее борьбе с ним.

金融股漲聲響起!投信卡位4金釵 鍾情於它再掃近萬張

高佳菁/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕在三大法人買超台股191億元,指數漲260點再創新高,而今(18日)主要功臣之一金融股,也成為投信買超的主要對象,前10大就有4檔是金融股,其中又以
財經新聞 - 自由時報

金融股漲聲響起!投信卡位4金釵 鍾情於它再掃近萬張

高佳菁/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕在三大法人買超台股191億元,指數漲260點再創新高,而今(18日)主要功臣之一金融股,也成為投信買超的主要對象,前10大就有4檔是金融股,其中又以華南金...…


林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕全球掀起人工智慧(AI)浪潮,「女股神」伍德(Cathie Wood)創辦的方舟投資(Ark Invest)似乎也不想錯過這個絕佳投資機會,方舟投資週一(...…
財經新聞 - 自由時報


林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕全球掀起人工智慧(AI)浪潮,「女股神」伍德(Cathie Wood)創辦的方舟投資(Ark Invest)似乎也不想錯過這個絕佳投資機會,方舟投資週一(...…