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Maia Sandu, la summitul pentru pace din Elveția: Pacea în Ucraina înseamnă și pacea în Moldova

Președintele moldovean, Maia Sandu, a declarat, la summitul pentru pace care are loc în Elveția, că pacea Ucrainei este pacea Moldovei, reafirmând angajamentul de neclintit al Moldovei pentru restaurarea păcii în Ucraina și în Europa”.

Maia Sandu, la summitul pentru pace din Elveția: Pacea în Ucraina înseamnă și pacea în Moldova

Președintele moldovean, Maia Sandu, a declarat, la summitul pentru pace care are loc în Elveția, că pacea Ucrainei este pacea Moldovei, reafirmând angajamentul de neclintit al Moldovei pentru restaurarea păcii în Ucraina și în Europa”.

Serbia aprobă proiectul privind devolarea celei mai mari mine de litiu din Europa

Preşedintele sârb Aleksandar Vucic se pregăteşte să dea undă verde gigantului minier anglo-australian Rio Tinto pentru dezvoltarea celei mai mari mine de litiu din Europa, la doi ani după ce Belgradul a anulat proiectul, a anunţat duminică publicaţi

Serbia aprobă proiectul privind devolarea celei mai mari mine de litiu din Europa

Preşedintele sârb Aleksandar Vucic se pregăteşte să dea undă verde gigantului minier anglo-australian Rio Tinto pentru dezvoltarea celei mai mari mine de litiu din Europa, la doi ani după ce Belgradul a anulat proiectul, a anunţat duminică publicaţia Financial Times, transmite Reuters.

電動車市疲軟 晶片大廠Onsemi宣布全球裁員1000人

歐祥義/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕外媒報導,鑑於電動車市場疲軟以及客戶庫存過剩,美國車用晶片製造大廠「安森美(Onsemi)」作為因應,宣布將在全球裁員約1000人,約佔該公司員工
財經新聞 - 自由時報

電動車市疲軟 晶片大廠Onsemi宣布全球裁員1000人

歐祥義/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕外媒報導,鑑於電動車市場疲軟以及客戶庫存過剩,美國車用晶片製造大廠「安森美(Onsemi)」作為因應,宣布將在全球裁員約1000人,約佔該公司員工的3.3...…

世界工廠崩塌剩回憶!中國徵集東莞記憶翻車 釣出老司機暢談色情業

陳麗珠/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾是世界工廠的中國東莞,在大批台商及外商撤離後,經濟呈現墜崖態勢,GDP年增率從高峰期的2位數一路探底,2023年只剩2.6%,這幾年又因美中加速脫
財經新聞 - 自由時報

世界工廠崩塌剩回憶!中國徵集東莞記憶翻車 釣出老司機暢談色情業

陳麗珠/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾是世界工廠的中國東莞,在大批台商及外商撤離後,經濟呈現墜崖態勢,GDP年增率從高峰期的2位數一路探底,2023年只剩2.6%,這幾年又因美中加速脫鉤...…

中國愛迪達爆貪腐 德國總公司調查中

英國《金融時報》16日報導,在高管被控盜用數百萬歐元公款後,德國運動品牌巨擘「愛迪達」(Adidas)已就發生在中國的大規模行賄,展開調查。 報導指出,1封據稱是由「...…
財經新聞 - 自由時報

中國愛迪達爆貪腐 德國總公司調查中

英國《金融時報》16日報導,在高管被控盜用數百萬歐元公款後,德國運動品牌巨擘「愛迪達」(Adidas)已就發生在中國的大規模行賄,展開調查。 報導指出,1封據稱是由「...…

В Ярвамаа в результате столкновения с поездом погиб водитель автомобиля

В воскресенье, 16 июня, в волости Тюри в Ярвамаа произошло тяжелое ДТП, в котором погиб человек, движение поездов было нарушено.
В мире - ERR

В Ярвамаа в результате столкновения с поездом погиб водитель автомобиля

В воскресенье, 16 июня, в волости Тюри в Ярвамаа произошло тяжелое ДТП, в котором погиб человек, движение поездов было нарушено.

Веске: льготная цена не должна зависеть от пола покупателя

Предприятия могут проводить различные рекламные кампании, но они не должны устанавливать разные цены на товары в зависимости от пола покупа
В мире - ERR

Веске: льготная цена не должна зависеть от пола покупателя

Предприятия могут проводить различные рекламные кампании, но они не должны устанавливать разные цены на товары в зависимости от пола покупателя, заявил уполномоченный по гендерному равноправию и равному обращению Кристиан Веске.

Ветеринар: животных лечат при помощи альтернативной медицины

Домашним животным в Эстонии в случае болезни ветеринары назначают лечение и проводят операции, также есть возможность провести химиотерапи
В мире - ERR

Ветеринар: животных лечат при помощи альтернативной медицины

Домашним животным в Эстонии в случае болезни ветеринары назначают лечение и проводят операции, также есть возможность провести химиотерапию в случае онкологии или восстановительное лечение в случае ортопедических проблем. Однако не все хозяева соглашаются на предложенное лечение, а выбирают альтернативные методы.

Zelensky seeks internationally agreed peace plan to present to Russia

As world leaders lined up to offer their support at summit for peace in Ukraine Saturday, President Volodymyr Zelensky voiced hope of garnering international agreement around a proposal to end the war that he could present to Moscow. More than two years afte
Seychelles News Agency

Zelensky seeks internationally agreed peace plan to present to Russia

As world leaders lined up to offer their support at summit for peace in Ukraine Saturday, President Volodymyr Zelensky voiced hope of garnering international agreement around a proposal to end the war that he could present to Moscow. More than two years after Russia invaded, leaders and senior officials from more than 90 states gathered in a Swiss mountainside resort for a two-day summit dedicated to Kyiv's plan to end the largest European conflict since World War II. Most voiced strong support for Ukraine, demanding a «just peace». Others, however, criticised Moscow's exclusion and warned Kyiv it would need to compromise if it wanted to end the war. In his opening remarks, Zelensky told the assembly: «We must decide together what a just peace means for the world and how it can be achieved in a lasting way. »Then it will be communicated to the representatives of Russia, so that at the second peace summit we can fix the real end of the war.« Kyiv has previously said Russia would be invited to a second summit -- a position many countries backed Saturday. - 'Capitulation' - The summit comes as Ukraine is struggling on the battlefield, where it is outmanned and outgunned. On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded Ukraine's effectively surrender if it wanted to even begin peace talks. Putin's call for Ukraine to withdraw from the south and east of the country -- already rejected by Zelensky as an »ultimatum« -- were widely dismissed. »He is not calling for negotiations, he is calling for surrender,« US Vice President Kamala Harris said. »All us are committed to build a sustainable peace... Such a peace cannot be a Ukrainian capitulation,« French President Macron said. »There is one aggressor and a victim,« he added. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned that any ceasefire without »serious negotiations with a roadmap towards a lasting peace... would only legitimise Russia's illegal land grab«. EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen took a similar line, arguing: »Freezing the conflict today with foreign troops occupying Ukrainian land is not an answer. «In fact, it is a recipe for future wars of aggression.» - 'Difficult compromise' - It was a more mixed message, however, from outside Ukraine's traditional circle of backers. Saudi Arabia, an energy ally of Russia, told Kyiv it would have to make a «difficult compromise» if it wanted to end the conflict. «And here it is essential to emphasise that any credible process will need Russia's participation,» Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud said. China, which struck a «no-limits» strategic partnership with Moscow days before the February 2022 invasion, did not send a delegation to the conference in protest at Russia's exclusion. And Kenya's President William Ruto criticised the latest Western measures against Russia, this week's G7 deal to offer a $50-billion loan to Ukraine secured against profits of frozen Russian assets. «Just as Russia's invasion of Ukraine was unlawful and unacceptable, the unilateral appropriation of Russian assets is equally unlawful,» Ruto said. The range of positions on display hints at the difficulty Kyiv faces in securing agreement for any settlement that it would be happy to send to Russia. Turkey, a potential mediator, issued a stark assessment of the need for action, warning the war risked spilling outside Ukraine or ending in the use of nuclear weapons. «This conference ... might be the last exit before the bridge,» Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan cautioned. - Gaza comparisons - Attendees at Saturday's summit were wrangling over a possible final joint declaration, according to sources close to the discussions cited by Swiss public news agency Keystone-ATS. Kyiv has insisted that terms like «Russian aggression» and references to its «territorial integrity» appear in any joint communique. It was not clear, however, if more than 90 countries could get behind such wording. And as Zelensky lent heavily on the UN Charter and international law to criticise Russia's invasion, some world leaders drew parallels with the Israel-Hamas war. «Only the respect of international law and human rights can guarantee peace. The same applies to the conflict in Gaza,» said Chile's President Gabriel Boric. Zelensky did not say whether he was prepared to engage with Putin directly in talks to end the conflict, though he has in the past ruled out direct talks with him. On Sunday, delegates will focus on three areas: nuclear safety, freedom of navigation and food security, and humanitarian issues. That includes prisoners of war and the issue of Ukrainian children taken to Russia or Russian-controlled parts of Ukraine. G7 leaders this week agreed its $50-billion loan for Ukraine, and Kyiv also inked a 10-year security agreement with Washington for military aid and training. On Friday, the European Union's 27 member states agreed «in principle» on beginning accession negotiations with Ukraine. © Agence France-Presse

Газзаев считает, что Евро-2024 многое теряет без сборной России: «Конечно, да. Мы всегда были конкурентоспособны. Помним Евро-2008 и ЧМ-2018»

– Чемпионат Европы теряет многое от того, что на нем нет сборной России? – Конечно, да.

Критика сборной Бразилии от Роналдиньо была частью рекламной кампании: «Я бы никогда не предал бразильский футбол. Парням нужна поддержка»

Ранее бывший форвард сборной Бразилии и «Барселоны» раскритиковал «селесао». Роналдиньо заявил, что сборная играет плохо, а большинство игр
Спорт -

Критика сборной Бразилии от Роналдиньо была частью рекламной кампании: «Я бы никогда не предал бразильский футбол. Парням нужна поддержка»

Ранее бывший форвард сборной Бразилии и «Барселоны» раскритиковал «селесао». Роналдиньо заявил, что сборная играет плохо, а большинство игроков команды средние.

Американская пловчиха Гретхен Уолш побила мировой рекорд на 100 м баттерфляем

Американская пловчиха Гретхен Уолш установила мировой рекорд на дистанции 100 метров баттерфляем В Индианаполисе проходили национальных от
Спорт -

Американская пловчиха Гретхен Уолш побила мировой рекорд на 100 м баттерфляем

Американская пловчиха Гретхен Уолш установила мировой рекорд на дистанции 100 метров баттерфляем В Индианаполисе проходили национальных отборочные соревнования на Олимпийские игры.

«Ростов» подписал вратаря сборной Таджикистана Ятимова за 250 тысяч долларов

Клуб Мир РПЛ объявил о трансфере 25-летнего футболиста.
Спорт -

«Ростов» подписал вратаря сборной Таджикистана Ятимова за 250 тысяч долларов

Клуб Мир РПЛ объявил о трансфере 25-летнего футболиста.

Откуда будете смотреть матч Сербия – Англия? Отметьтесь на общей карте болельщиков


Ruotsalainen tähtiravuri Francesco Zet palasi näyttävästi voittokantaan Bodenin suurkisassa

Örjan Kihlströmin ajokki täräytti pöytään uuden kilpailuennätyksen. Suomalaisille tuli menestystä oheislähdöistä
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Ruotsalainen tähtiravuri Francesco Zet palasi näyttävästi voittokantaan Bodenin suurkisassa

Örjan Kihlströmin ajokki täräytti pöytään uuden kilpailuennätyksen. Suomalaisille tuli menestystä oheislähdöistä

Kokoomus päätti kannattaa koko ikäluokkaa koskevaa asevelvollisuutta – IS seuraa puoluekokousta

Petteri Orpo (kok) valittiin lauantaina jo viidennelle puheenjohtaja­kaudelleen. Sunnuntaina valitaan varapuheenjohtajat.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Kokoomus päätti kannattaa koko ikäluokkaa koskevaa asevelvollisuutta – IS seuraa puoluekokousta

Petteri Orpo (kok) valittiin lauantaina jo viidennelle puheenjohtaja­kaudelleen. Sunnuntaina valitaan varapuheenjohtajat.

Сербия — Англия: когда начало, где смотреть онлайн матча ЕВРО‑2024 16 июня

Матч первого тура группового этапа чемпионата Европы по футболу 2024 года между сборными Сербии и Англии пройдет 16 июня. Подробнее…
Спорт -

Сербия — Англия: когда начало, где смотреть онлайн матча ЕВРО‑2024 16 июня

Матч первого тура группового этапа чемпионата Европы по футболу 2024 года между сборными Сербии и Англии пройдет 16 июня. Подробнее…

Российская фигуристка стала мамой. Красотка не устояла перед футболистом

А ведь до встречи с Константином Елена всех отшивала! Подробнее…
Спорт -

Российская фигуристка стала мамой. Красотка не устояла перед футболистом

А ведь до встречи с Константином Елена всех отшивала! Подробнее…

Israel announces pause in fighting in southern Gaza Strip for humanitarian purposes

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it will introduce a tactical pause in combat operations from 08:00 to 19:00 (Moscow time) daily

Israel announces pause in fighting in southern Gaza Strip for humanitarian purposes

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it will introduce a tactical pause in combat operations from 08:00 to 19:00 (Moscow time) daily

Conference on Ukraine in Switzerland is a trial of Russia — lawmaker

The senator noted that the countries participating in the conference know the statements that Russian President Vladimir Putin made on June 14 at a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry and they are discussing them

Conference on Ukraine in Switzerland is a trial of Russia — lawmaker

The senator noted that the countries participating in the conference know the statements that Russian President Vladimir Putin made on June 14 at a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry and they are discussing them

Criminals who took hostages in Rostov accused of preparing terrorist act in 2023

As the court found, being followers of a radical ideology, Akiyev, Gireyev and Tsitskiyev voluntarily united to commit terrorist crimes

Criminals who took hostages in Rostov accused of preparing terrorist act in 2023

As the court found, being followers of a radical ideology, Akiyev, Gireyev and Tsitskiyev voluntarily united to commit terrorist crimes

Arafat sermon projected to reach 1 billion listeners worldwide

ARAFAT: The Arafat sermon delivered on Saturday at Namira Mosque in Makkah was projected to reach a staggering 1 billion listeners around the world, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The sermon was translated live into 20 languages as part of the groundbreak
Saudi Arabia

Arafat sermon projected to reach 1 billion listeners worldwide

ARAFAT: The Arafat sermon delivered on Saturday at Namira Mosque in Makkah was projected to reach a staggering 1 billion listeners around the world, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The sermon was translated live into 20 languages as part of the groundbreaking initiative launched by Saudi Arabia’s King Salman in 2018. There were also non-simultaneous translations into 17 other languages.

Hajj reaches its pinnacle; number of pilgrims placed at 1.83 million

JEDDAH: Muslims from around the world congregated on Saturday at a sacred hill in Saudi Arabia for worship and reflection amid sweltering heat. The ritual at Mount Arafat, known as the hill of mercy, is considered the peak of the Hajj pilgrimage. It is ofte
Saudi Arabia

Hajj reaches its pinnacle; number of pilgrims placed at 1.83 million

JEDDAH: Muslims from around the world congregated on Saturday at a sacred hill in Saudi Arabia for worship and reflection amid sweltering heat. The ritual at Mount Arafat, known as the hill of mercy, is considered the peak of the Hajj pilgrimage. It is often the most memorable for pilgrims, who stand together asking God for mercy, blessings, prosperity and good health.

225 pilgrims treated for heat stress and fatigue on second day of Hajj

ARAFAT, Makkah: Some 225 cases of pilgrims suffering from heat stress and fatigue had been treated at the Medical Center for Heat Exhaustion and Sunstroke in Makkah, the Saudi Press Agency said early Sunday. The cases were reported on Saturday, the second d
Saudi Arabia

225 pilgrims treated for heat stress and fatigue on second day of Hajj

ARAFAT, Makkah: Some 225 cases of pilgrims suffering from heat stress and fatigue had been treated at the Medical Center for Heat Exhaustion and Sunstroke in Makkah, the Saudi Press Agency said early Sunday. The cases were reported on Saturday, the second day of Hajj, when pilgrims ascended Mount Arafat to ask God for mercy, blessings, prosperity and good health. The ritual at Mount Arafat, known as the Hill of Mercy, is considered the peak of the Hajj pilgrimage. 

Pilgrims commence the final rites of Hajj as Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha

MINA, Saudi Arabia: Masses of pilgrims on Sunday embarked on a symbolic stoning of the devil in Saudi Arabia. The ritual marks the final days of Hajj pilgrimage and the start of the Eid Al-Adha celebrations for Muslims around the world. The stoning is among
Saudi Arabia

Pilgrims commence the final rites of Hajj as Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha

MINA, Saudi Arabia: Masses of pilgrims on Sunday embarked on a symbolic stoning of the devil in Saudi Arabia. The ritual marks the final days of Hajj pilgrimage and the start of the Eid Al-Adha celebrations for Muslims around the world. The stoning is among the final rites of the Hajj, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It came a day after more than 1.8 million pilgrims congregated on a sacred hill in Mount Ararat outside the holy city of Makkah, which Muslim pilgrims visit to perform the annual five-day rituals of Hajj.ի ռազմական ֆոտոլրագրողը զոհվել է Ուգլեդարի մոտ Ուկրաինայի զինված ուժերի հարձակման ժամանակ


Կարևոր է, որպեսզի հունիսի 17-ին բոլորս մեր տեղում լինենք, սրբազան պայքարը նոր ընթացքի մեջ է. Կոչ ժողովրդին


Gewapende en gemaskerde rovers dwingen auto’s tot stoppen

Waterkant In Suriname hebben zes gewapende en gemaskerde criminelen vrijdag verschillende roofovervallen gepleegd op de kruising van Musa Pasi en Powaka ressort. Vernomen wordt dat een aantal slachtoffers beroofd is van hun wapens, geld, ruw goud, mobiele te

Gewapende en gemaskerde rovers dwingen auto’s tot stoppen

Waterkant In Suriname hebben zes gewapende en gemaskerde criminelen vrijdag verschillende roofovervallen gepleegd op de kruising van Musa Pasi en Powaka ressort. Vernomen wordt dat een aantal slachtoffers beroofd is van hun wapens, geld, ruw goud, mobiele telefoons en andere persoonlijke goederen. Volgens één van de slachtoffers hebben de daders verschillende auto’s gedwongen tot stoppen. Daarna hebben ze […] Het bericht Gewapende en gemaskerde rovers dwingen auto’s tot stoppen verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Bromfietser ernstig gewond na zware aanrijding met auto

Waterkant Bij een zware aanrijding tussen een bromfiets en een auto zaterdagavond aan de Tout Lui Fautkanaalweg in Suriname, is een bromfietser ernstig gewond geraakt. Hoe het ongeluk precies heeft kunnen gebeuren is nog niet bekend. De Surinaamse politie doe

Bromfietser ernstig gewond na zware aanrijding met auto

Waterkant Bij een zware aanrijding tussen een bromfiets en een auto zaterdagavond aan de Tout Lui Fautkanaalweg in Suriname, is een bromfietser ernstig gewond geraakt. Hoe het ongeluk precies heeft kunnen gebeuren is nog niet bekend. De Surinaamse politie doet op het moment van schijven verder onderzoek naar de toedracht van het ongeval. De bromfietser is […] Het bericht Bromfietser ernstig gewond na zware aanrijding met auto verscheen eerst op Waterkant.