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史卓曼率洋基對決紅襪 今日賽事預告與轉播

早安,自由體育為您獻上精彩賽事預告與轉播! 今日大聯盟有一場賽事轉播,由洋基對決紅襪,洋基派出史卓曼(Marcus Stroman)而紅襪則是推出克勞佛(Kutter Crawford),傳...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

史卓曼率洋基對決紅襪 今日賽事預告與轉播

早安,自由體育為您獻上精彩賽事預告與轉播! 今日大聯盟有一場賽事轉播,由洋基對決紅襪,洋基派出史卓曼(Marcus Stroman)而紅襪則是推出克勞佛(Kutter Crawford),傳...…


被譽為網壇「神雕俠侶」的德米納爾(Alex de Minaur)、波兒特(Katie Boulter),再度演出男女職業賽同週奪冠的甜蜜童話。 飽受雨神打擾的諾丁漢女...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報


被譽為網壇「神雕俠侶」的德米納爾(Alex de Minaur)、波兒特(Katie Boulter),再度演出男女職業賽同週奪冠的甜蜜童話。 飽受雨神打擾的諾丁漢女...…

網球》謝淑薇今晚草地出擊 伯明罕女雙攜手梅騰絲預約8強

WTA250等級的伯明罕草地網賽本週開打,「台灣一姊」謝淑薇攜手比利時最佳拍檔梅騰絲(Elise Mertens)名列女雙頭號種子,今晚約6時首輪出擊,「台比聯軍」預約8...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

網球》謝淑薇今晚草地出擊 伯明罕女雙攜手梅騰絲預約8強

WTA250等級的伯明罕草地網賽本週開打,「台灣一姊」謝淑薇攜手比利時最佳拍檔梅騰絲(Elise Mertens)名列女雙頭號種子,今晚約6時首輪出擊,「台比聯軍」預約8...…

السيد الحوثي يؤكد على اتساع واستمرار العمليات المساندة لغزة

أكد فهمي اليوسفي نائب وزير الاعلام اليمني من صنعاء بوجود خيارات متعددة أمام اليمن، لكن الخيار الاول لليمنيين هوالإستمرارية في التصعيد، وطالم
قناة العالم الأخبارية

السيد الحوثي يؤكد على اتساع واستمرار العمليات المساندة لغزة

أكد فهمي اليوسفي نائب وزير الاعلام اليمني من صنعاء بوجود خيارات متعددة أمام اليمن، لكن الخيار الاول لليمنيين هوالإستمرارية في التصعيد، وطالما ان الطر...

العميد سريع: نفذنا 3 عمليات عسكرية في البحرين العربي والأحمر

أعلنت القوات المسلحة اليمنية، مساء الأحد تنفيذ 3 عمليات ضد مدمرة أمريكية وسفينتين في البحرين الأحمر والعربي....
قناة العالم الأخبارية

العميد سريع: نفذنا 3 عمليات عسكرية في البحرين العربي والأحمر

أعلنت القوات المسلحة اليمنية، مساء الأحد تنفيذ 3 عمليات ضد مدمرة أمريكية وسفينتين في البحرين الأحمر والعربي....

김하성, 4경기 만에 안타…샌디에이고 3연패

김하성(29·샌디에이고 파드리스)이 4경기 만에 안타를 날렸다. 김하성은 17일(한국시각) 미국 뉴욕 시티필드에서 열린 ‘2024 미국프로야구 메이저리그(MLB)’ 뉴욕 메츠와의 원정경기에 유격수 겸
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

김하성, 4경기 만에 안타…샌디에이고 3연패

김하성(29·샌디에이고 파드리스)이 4경기 만에 안타를 날렸다. 김하성은 17일(한국시각) 미국 뉴욕 시티필드에서 열린 ‘2024 미국프로야구 메이저리그(MLB)’ 뉴욕 메츠와의 원정경기에 유격수 겸 8번타자로 선발출전, 4타수 1안타 1타점을 기록했다. 4경기 만에 안타를 친 김하성을 시즌 타율을 0.218(248타수 54안타)로 끌어올렸다. 2회초 무사 1루에서 선행 주자를 아웃시키고 출루한 김하성은 상대 견제에 걸려 아웃됐다. 4회 3루수 땅볼로 물러난 김하성은 6회 우익수 뜬공으로 아웃돼 이날 경기도 무안타에 그친 듯 보였다. 하지만 김하성은 4-7로 뒤진 8회 1사 1, 3루에서 좌중간을 완전히 가르는 1타점 2루타를 터뜨렸다. 이후 득점에는 실패했다. 샌디에이고는 6-11로 패했다. 3연패에 빠진 샌디에이고(37승 38패)는 내셔널리그 2위에 머물렀다. [서울=뉴시스]

Bunia : des centaines des filles déplacées victimes des violences sexuelles

Des centaines des filles mineures, parmi les enfants déplacés, qui trainent dans les rues de Bunia (Ituri), sont victimes des violences sexuelles dans leurs différents campements. Ces filles sont parfois abusées sexuellement par d’autres mineurs dans de
Radio Okapi

Bunia : des centaines des filles déplacées victimes des violences sexuelles

Des centaines des filles mineures, parmi les enfants déplacés, qui trainent dans les rues de Bunia (Ituri), sont victimes des violences sexuelles dans leurs différents campements. Ces filles sont parfois abusées sexuellement par d’autres mineurs dans des chantiers abandonnés qui leur servent d’abris. D’autres personnes profitent de leur vulnérabilité en échanges de certains avantages pour commettre ce crime.

RDC : la rémunération du député national s’élève à 5 000 USD, selon Vital Kamerhe

Un député national touche désormais 14 millions des francs congolais, soit plus de 5000 dollars tout avantage, a annoncé Vital Kamerhe lors de la plénière de clôture de la session ordinaire de mars, samedi 15 juin. Le président de l’Assemblée natio
Radio Okapi

RDC : la rémunération du député national s’élève à 5 000 USD, selon Vital Kamerhe

Un député national touche désormais 14 millions des francs congolais, soit plus de 5000 dollars tout avantage, a annoncé Vital Kamerhe lors de la plénière de clôture de la session ordinaire de mars, samedi 15 juin. Le président de l’Assemblée nationale a mis en garde toute ONG qui se permettrait de ternir sans preuve l’image des députés en avançant des chiffres non vérifiables.

Ukrainian drone shot down over Krasnodar Region — defense ministry

At about 10:00 p.m. Moscow time (7:00 p.m. GMT) on June 16, 2024, another Kiev regime’s attempted terrorist attacks on facilities in Russia’s territory with the use of a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles was thwarted

Ukrainian drone shot down over Krasnodar Region — defense ministry

At about 10:00 p.m. Moscow time (7:00 p.m. GMT) on June 16, 2024, another Kiev regime’s attempted terrorist attacks on facilities in Russia’s territory with the use of a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles was thwarted

Hezbollah leading region to dangerous escalation — Israeli army spokesman

According to the Daniel Hagari, Hezbollah's actions «jeopardize the future of Lebanon» and play into the hands of Hamas radicals

Hezbollah leading region to dangerous escalation — Israeli army spokesman

According to the Daniel Hagari, Hezbollah's actions «jeopardize the future of Lebanon» and play into the hands of Hamas radicals

Аналитик: Россия превращается в сырьевой придаток Китая, которому Пекин будет диктовать свои условия


UTM needs Usi now than never: Attempting to exclude him is tragic and suicidal for UTM

The past five days have been tough for UTM party. However, the next three days will be even tougher for the party and, if carelessly handled, we will not talk about UTM again in the next two months. How? On Monday 10th June 2024, the party suffered a great lo
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

UTM needs Usi now than never: Attempting to exclude him is tragic and suicidal for UTM

The past five days have been tough for UTM party. However, the next three days will be even tougher for the party and, if carelessly handled, we will not talk about UTM again in the next two months. How? On Monday 10th June 2024, the party suffered a great loss: It lost Saulos Chilima—the president, […] The post UTM needs Usi now than never: Attempting to exclude him is tragic and suicidal for UTM appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Tony Blair’s wife Cherie Offers Condolences to Malawi’s President Chakwera

Cherie Blair, founder of Omnia Strategy LLP, has written to Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera, offering her condolences on the sudden passing of Vice President Saulos Chilima and eight others in a plane crash. In the letter, dated June 12, 2024, sent
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Tony Blair’s wife Cherie Offers Condolences to Malawi’s President Chakwera

Cherie Blair, founder of Omnia Strategy LLP, has written to Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera, offering her condolences on the sudden passing of Vice President Saulos Chilima and eight others in a plane crash. In the letter, dated June 12, 2024, sent through the office of Malawi’s Attorney General and Malawi’ Deputy High Commissioner to the […] The post Tony Blair’s wife Cherie Offers Condolences to Malawi’s President Chakwera appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Simbi apempha a Malawi: Chilima sanali waziwawa, sanali wamabodza, tiyeni timulemekeze

Mmodzi mwa anthu odziwika pa nkhani za mabizinesi akulu mdziko muno a Simbi Phiri apempha a Malawi kuti alemekeze malemu Saulos Chilima poleka kufalitsa nkhani zamabodza, miseche, kutukwanana, zipolowe komanso kuyika zithunzi zosakhala bwino pamasamba a intan
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Simbi apempha a Malawi: Chilima sanali waziwawa, sanali wamabodza, tiyeni timulemekeze

Mmodzi mwa anthu odziwika pa nkhani za mabizinesi akulu mdziko muno a Simbi Phiri apempha a Malawi kuti alemekeze malemu Saulos Chilima poleka kufalitsa nkhani zamabodza, miseche, kutukwanana, zipolowe komanso kuyika zithunzi zosakhala bwino pamasamba a intaneti. Poyankhula ndi atolankhani lero, a Simbi—omwe ati amawaziwa bwino a Chilima—ati a Malawi ambiri asauka nayo imfa ya […] The post Simbi apempha a Malawi: Chilima sanali waziwawa, sanali wamabodza, tiyeni timulemekeze appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Scary: Four dead, 12 injured in Ntcheu accident

Four people are confirmed dead in Ntcheu following an accident that occurred near Total Service Station in the district. The incident happened when hundreds of people lined along the M1 Road as the funeral procession of Vice-President Saulos Chilima was headi
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Scary: Four dead, 12 injured in Ntcheu accident

Four people are confirmed dead in Ntcheu following an accident that occurred near Total Service Station in the district. The incident happened when hundreds of people lined along the M1 Road as the funeral procession of Vice-President Saulos Chilima was heading to Nsipe. Upon reaching Ntcheu, the road was blocked with rocks which made one […] The post Scary: Four dead, 12 injured in Ntcheu accident appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

黃埔建軍百年》季麟連等退將 出席廣州統戰活動

政治新聞 - 自由時報

黃埔建軍百年》季麟連等退將 出席廣州統戰活動

〔記者陳鈺馥、黃靖媗、林欣漢、楊堯茹/台北報導〕今年是黃埔建軍百年,中華民國陸軍官校遷台屆滿七十四年,中共昨在廣州黃埔軍校舉辦「黃埔軍校大會師」統戰活動,邀請台灣退伍軍人出席,其中包括前國民黨黃復興黨部主委季麟連等退將。 中共官媒廣州日報昨在微信公眾號發文宣稱,一九二四年六月十六日,黃埔軍校正式成…

反濫權台北場 林右昌籲柯文哲認錯 支持覆議

政治新聞 - 自由時報

反濫權台北場 林右昌籲柯文哲認錯 支持覆議

〔記者楊心慧、俞肇福、陳奕劭/綜合報導〕為反制藍白立法院黨團通過的「國會擴權」法案,民進黨「反濫權護民主」宣講台北場昨天登場,熱情民眾冒大雨支持;民間團體昨晚也在基隆慶安宮舉辦宣講,呼籲本週再到立法院外集結,表達全民反對國會濫權、擴權的怒吼。 台北場昨由北市議員許淑華、陳怡君主持,邀請民進黨秘書長…

自由日日shoot》中共收買藝人擬組黨 立委:若違國安法 應即嚴辦

政治新聞 - 自由時報

自由日日shoot》中共收買藝人擬組黨 立委:若違國安法 應即嚴辦


Один гол определил победителя в матче Сербия — Англия на Евро-2024

Футболисты сборной Англии одержали минимальную победу над Сербией на чемпионате Европы 2024 года, который принимает Германия, передает коррес
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Один гол определил победителя в матче Сербия — Англия на Евро-2024

Футболисты сборной Англии одержали минимальную победу над Сербией на чемпионате Европы 2024 года, который принимает Германия, передает корреспондент NUR.KZ.

Самого дорогого футболиста сборной Англии признали лучшим в матче с Сербией на Евро-2024

Полузащитник испанского "Реал" (Мадрид) и сборной Англии по футболу Джуд Беллингем признан лучшим игроком матча чемпионата Европы с Сер
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Самого дорогого футболиста сборной Англии признали лучшим в матче с Сербией на Евро-2024

Полузащитник испанского "Реал" (Мадрид) и сборной Англии по футболу Джуд Беллингем признан лучшим игроком матча чемпионата Европы с Сербией, передает NUR.KZ со ссылкой на УЕФА.

India, US in 'advanced stage of talks' for combat vehicles

India and the US are now in an «advanced stage of talks» for the proposed joint manufacture of the latest generation of Stryker armoured infantry combat vehicles (ICVs) as part of their defence-industrial cooperation roadmap. With the US also rece
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

India, US in 'advanced stage of talks' for combat vehicles

India and the US are now in an «advanced stage of talks» for the proposed joint manufacture of the latest generation of Stryker armoured infantry combat vehicles (ICVs) as part of their defence-industrial cooperation roadmap. With the US also recently offering to demonstrate the mobility and firepower of the eight-wheeled Stryker in high-altitude areas in India, the defence ministry is examining a three-phase plan for the proposed project, sources told TOI.

1st trial train reaches Reasi in Jammu and Kashmir via highest rail bridge

Indian Railways operated the first trial train from Sangaldan to Reasi, including on the world's highest rail bridge built on Chenab river in J&K, on Sunday. With this rail link, travel between the Valley and the rest of the country is set to become a realit
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

1st trial train reaches Reasi in Jammu and Kashmir via highest rail bridge

Indian Railways operated the first trial train from Sangaldan to Reasi, including on the world's highest rail bridge built on Chenab river in J&K, on Sunday. With this rail link, travel between the Valley and the rest of the country is set to become a reality in the next 4-5 months, officials said. Reasi was recently in the news because of a terror attack that claimed nine lives. The railways also achieved this feat days before PM Narendra Modi visits Srinagar to celebrate International Yoga Day.

Pakistan spies pose as Indian girls to honeytrap desi defence officials

A beehive of Pakistani spies posing as young Indian women with alluring names honeytraps officials in Indian defence establishments, reveal court papers about Nishant Agrawal, a former scientist of Brahmos Aerospace Private Limited's (BAPL) Nagpur unit recent
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Pakistan spies pose as Indian girls to honeytrap desi defence officials

A beehive of Pakistani spies posing as young Indian women with alluring names honeytraps officials in Indian defence establishments, reveal court papers about Nishant Agrawal, a former scientist of Brahmos Aerospace Private Limited's (BAPL) Nagpur unit recently convicted of leaking military secrets. Many could fall for the Indian-sounding Sejal Kapoor, Arohi Alok, Aditi Aaron, Aditi Agrawal, Anamika Sharma, Divya Chandan Roy, Neha Sharma and Pooja Ranjan. Agrawal did so, too, six years ago.

Darshan fan's lewd messages to her from fake profile angered Pavithra, led to his killing: Cops

Darshan's fan Renuka Swamy started sending the star's girlfriend Pavithra Gowda messages through a fake Instagram profile two weeks before his June 8 murder and the messages turned lewd in the week before his killing allegedly at the hands of the actor and hi
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Darshan fan's lewd messages to her from fake profile angered Pavithra, led to his killing: Cops

Darshan's fan Renuka Swamy started sending the star's girlfriend Pavithra Gowda messages through a fake Instagram profile two weeks before his June 8 murder and the messages turned lewd in the week before his killing allegedly at the hands of the actor and his aides, according to a senior police officer. Police have also claimed that Swamy messaged, some with obscene content, many other women. These including a couple of actresses.

LG-롯데 이틀 연속 ‘엘롯라시코’…전날 8-9패 LG, 9-8 데칼코마니 승리로 2위 점프[어제의 프로야구]

LG와 롯데가 이틀에 걸쳐 데칼코마니 같은 혈투를 벌였다.LG는 16일 프로야구 잠실 안방 경기에서 롯데에 9-8 재역전승을 거뒀다. 전날 4시간 55분 동안 리드를 총 6차례 주고받은 끝에 1점 차(8-9)로 패
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

LG-롯데 이틀 연속 ‘엘롯라시코’…전날 8-9패 LG, 9-8 데칼코마니 승리로 2위 점프[어제의 프로야구]

LG와 롯데가 이틀에 걸쳐 데칼코마니 같은 혈투를 벌였다.LG는 16일 프로야구 잠실 안방 경기에서 롯데에 9-8 재역전승을 거뒀다. 전날 4시간 55분 동안 리드를 총 6차례 주고받은 끝에 1점 차(8-9)로 패했던 LG는 이날은 경기 시작 4시간 25분이 지난 연장 10회 신민재의 희생플라이로 끝내기 승리를 거뒀다. 경기 전까지 2위 두산에 0.5경기 뒤진 3위였던 LG는 이날 패한 두산과 순위를 맞바꿔 2위로 점프했다. 반대로 전날 승리로 7위로 올라섰던 롯데는 이날 패배로 한화와 다시 순위를 맞바꿔 8위로 내려왔다.LG는 이날 선취점을 뽑았으나 5회초 롯데 손호영에게 3점 홈런을 내주고 1-4 역전을 허용했다. LG는 6회말 상대 유격수 박승욱의 포구 실책을 틈타 1점차(3-4)까지 추격으나 7회초 수비 때 내야 실책이 겹쳐 4점을 내주고 3-8까지 끌려갔다. 점수 차가 벌어지면서 전날 같은 ‘엘롯라시코’는 반복되지 않는 듯 했다. 그러나 LG는 8회말 1사 후부터 박해민-신

Возмутительно унылая победа Англии. Сербия ничего не смогла сделать со звездами АПЛ

1:0 в Гельзенкирхене.