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Globalists Claim Mass Immigration Helps The US Economy – Here’s Why That’s A Lie

I have said it many times in the past but I think it bears repeating once again: If you want to understand why world events happen the way they do, you must understand the goals and influence of globalist institutions. You must accept the fact that these peop
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Globalists Claim Mass Immigration Helps The US Economy – Here’s Why That’s A Lie

I have said it many times in the past but I think it bears repeating once again: If you want to understand why world events happen the way they do, you must understand the goals and influence of globalist institutions. You must accept the fact that these people create most of the national and international disasters you and I have to deal with on a regular basis and oftentimes they create these disasters deliberately.

Joe Biden Declares Easter Sunday, “Transgender Day of Visibility”

Please help me understand this unbelievable situation. Why would President Biden (or whoever is controlling him) flagrantly mock Christians, the largest religious group in the U.S.?
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Joe Biden Declares Easter Sunday, “Transgender Day of Visibility”

Please help me understand this unbelievable situation. Why would President Biden (or whoever is controlling him) flagrantly mock Christians, the largest religious group in the U.S.?

Western Banks Warn Against EU Plans to Give Russian Funds to Ukraine

Some Western banks are lobbying against an EU plan to use profits made by Russian central bank funds that are frozen in Europe to arm Ukraine, Reuters reported on Thursday. The European Commission has proposed sending up to 3 billion euros to Ukraine per
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Western Banks Warn Against EU Plans to Give Russian Funds to Ukraine

Some Western banks are lobbying against an EU plan to use profits made by Russian central bank funds that are frozen in Europe to arm Ukraine, Reuters reported on Thursday. The European Commission has proposed sending up to 3 billion euros to Ukraine per year using the revenue. About 90% would go to a fund called the “European Peace Facility” that can be used to buy weapons for Ukraine, and the remaining funds would go to the EU’s central budget for other types of aid.

Canada Links Citizens' Bank Accounts to Social Credit Score

In a major push to seize control of the public’s financial freedom, Canada is radicalizing its banking system by linking citizens’ bank accounts to a tyrannical social credit score.
BlackListed News

Canada Links Citizens' Bank Accounts to Social Credit Score

In a major push to seize control of the public’s financial freedom, Canada is radicalizing its banking system by linking citizens’ bank accounts to a tyrannical social credit score.

The Language of Force: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power

Tyrants don’t like people who speak truth to power. Cue the rise of protest laws, which take the government’s intolerance for free speech to a whole new level and send the resounding message that resistance is futile.
BlackListed News

The Language of Force: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power

Tyrants don’t like people who speak truth to power. Cue the rise of protest laws, which take the government’s intolerance for free speech to a whole new level and send the resounding message that resistance is futile.

✏️UNESCO's Child Menticide Campaign: Education 2030 Agenda✏️

Brainwashing the youth to be 'prosocial', social and emotional learning (SEL), 'human flourishing', and 'malleable children'...
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✏️UNESCO's Child Menticide Campaign: Education 2030 Agenda✏️

Brainwashing the youth to be 'prosocial', social and emotional learning (SEL), 'human flourishing', and 'malleable children'...

CIA Accused Of Directly Meddling In Hunter Biden IRS, DOJ Investigations

The Chairmen of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, Jim Jordan (R-OH) and James Comer (R-KY) say that a whistleblower has brought them information that ‘seems to corroborate our concerns’ that the CIA directly interfered with DOJ and IRS investi
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CIA Accused Of Directly Meddling In Hunter Biden IRS, DOJ Investigations

The Chairmen of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, Jim Jordan (R-OH) and James Comer (R-KY) say that a whistleblower has brought them information that ‘seems to corroborate our concerns’ that the CIA directly interfered with DOJ and IRS investigations of Hunter Biden.

Director of Bill & Hillary Clinton Airport Dies After Getting Shot in Head by Federal Agents

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Bryan Malinowski, the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, was gravely wounded Tuesday morning after getting in a firefight with federal agents with the ATF serving a search warran
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Director of Bill & Hillary Clinton Airport Dies After Getting Shot in Head by Federal Agents

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Bryan Malinowski, the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, was gravely wounded Tuesday morning after getting in a firefight with federal agents with the ATF serving a search warrant at his home in Little Rock, Arkansas. Authorities claimed Malinowski opened fire first, leaving them no choice but to fire back.

Western societies are being replaced by people who hate Western civilization

The foundations for the West are slowly (but at an accelerating pace) collapsing from within, and if our current trajectory continues, nobody will be around to turn the lights off when the culture disappears.
BlackListed News

Western societies are being replaced by people who hate Western civilization

The foundations for the West are slowly (but at an accelerating pace) collapsing from within, and if our current trajectory continues, nobody will be around to turn the lights off when the culture disappears.

Report: Scottish Police Trained To Target Actors And Comedians Under Hate Crime Laws

Training materials claim “threatening and abusive” material can be communicated “through public performance”
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Report: Scottish Police Trained To Target Actors And Comedians Under Hate Crime Laws

Training materials claim “threatening and abusive” material can be communicated “through public performance”

Noetic Continental | Part II: How CIA Launder U.S. Financial Aid Through Its Contractors in Ukraine

We tend to believe that the Noetic International Inc. is a vivid example of the Continental Hotel from the John Wick franchise, where you can get any service at any time anywhere on Earth.
BlackListed News

Noetic Continental | Part II: How CIA Launder U.S. Financial Aid Through Its Contractors in Ukraine

We tend to believe that the Noetic International Inc. is a vivid example of the Continental Hotel from the John Wick franchise, where you can get any service at any time anywhere on Earth.

New Report Exposes Massive Government Surveillance of Americans' Financial Data

 Today, the House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released an interim staff report titled, «Financial Surveillance in the United States: How Federal Law Enforcement Commandeered Financial I
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New Report Exposes Massive Government Surveillance of Americans' Financial Data

 Today, the House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released an interim staff report titled, «Financial Surveillance in the United States: How Federal Law Enforcement Commandeered Financial Institutions to Spy on Americans.» The report reveals alarming evidence of federal law enforcement engaging in broad financial surveillance and prying into the private transactions of American consumers. This surveillance, not predicated on specific evidence of criminal conduct, targeted terms and transactions related to core political and religious expressions protected by the Constitution.

The State of Our Nation No One’s Talking About: Tyranny Is Rising as Freedom Falls

Worst of all, “we the people” have become desensitized to this constant undermining of our freedoms.
BlackListed News

The State of Our Nation No One’s Talking About: Tyranny Is Rising as Freedom Falls

Worst of all, “we the people” have become desensitized to this constant undermining of our freedoms.

The Public Bank That Wasn’t: New Jersey’s Excursion into Public Banking

In 2017, Phil Murphy, a former Goldman Sachs executive, made the establishment of a public, state-owned bank a centerpiece issue during his run for New Jersey governor. He regularly championed public banking in speeches, town halls and campaign commercials
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The Public Bank That Wasn’t: New Jersey’s Excursion into Public Banking

In 2017, Phil Murphy, a former Goldman Sachs executive, made the establishment of a public, state-owned bank a centerpiece issue during his run for New Jersey governor. He regularly championed public banking in speeches, town halls and campaign commercials. He won the race, and the nation’s second state-owned bank following the stellar model of the Bank of North Dakota (BND) appeared to be in view. 

“I’ve Changed My Mind”: Swedish Open Borders MP Makes Complete U-Turn

A Swedish MP who advocated for open borders during the 2015 refugee crisis said she has completely changed her mind and now wants to see a significant number of deportations.
BlackListed News

“I’ve Changed My Mind”: Swedish Open Borders MP Makes Complete U-Turn

A Swedish MP who advocated for open borders during the 2015 refugee crisis said she has completely changed her mind and now wants to see a significant number of deportations.

Musk's SpaceX is building spy satellite network for US intelligence agency, sources say

SpaceX is building a network of hundreds of spy satellites under a classified contract with a U.S. intelligence agency, five sources familiar with the program said, demonstrating deepening ties between billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk's space company and na
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Musk's SpaceX is building spy satellite network for US intelligence agency, sources say

SpaceX is building a network of hundreds of spy satellites under a classified contract with a U.S. intelligence agency, five sources familiar with the program said, demonstrating deepening ties between billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk's space company and national security agencies.

Cereal For The Peasants? How The Elites Use “Skimpflation” To Control Our Eating Habits

People who have been reading my analysis for a long time are well aware of my expectations on the eventual outcome of the US economic debacle: A stagflationary crisis followed by a massive crash similar to the Great Depression (or worse). I based this predict
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Cereal For The Peasants? How The Elites Use “Skimpflation” To Control Our Eating Habits

People who have been reading my analysis for a long time are well aware of my expectations on the eventual outcome of the US economic debacle: A stagflationary crisis followed by a massive crash similar to the Great Depression (or worse). I based this prediction on a number of circumstances, but primarily I went back to the history of currency devaluations and central bank policy. These kinds of things have happened before and they tend to follow a pattern that is visible today.

GAO: ‘Unclear’ if Pentagon Tracking Reports of Misused Aid in Ukraine

According to the report, the Pentagon “is generally not tracking” the status of vehicles and armaments that make up the majority of supplies.
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GAO: ‘Unclear’ if Pentagon Tracking Reports of Misused Aid in Ukraine

According to the report, the Pentagon “is generally not tracking” the status of vehicles and armaments that make up the majority of supplies.

Yuval Noah Harari: Biometric surveillance, enabled by COVID fear, ‘can determine what you think about the government’

The brazenness of the current biomedical security state rhetoric is of a scale that shocks even me, hardened and baptized in the fire of the biomedical state though I am.
BlackListed News

Yuval Noah Harari: Biometric surveillance, enabled by COVID fear, ‘can determine what you think about the government’

The brazenness of the current biomedical security state rhetoric is of a scale that shocks even me, hardened and baptized in the fire of the biomedical state though I am.

Tyson Foods Takes a Leap into the Bugsphere: A Delightful Dining Experience Awaits?

As Tyson Foods takes a leap into the bugsphere, one thing is certain: the world of processed food will never be the same. So, the next time you take a bite of your favorite chicken nugget, remember—the crunch might just be courtesy of our six-legged friends
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Tyson Foods Takes a Leap into the Bugsphere: A Delightful Dining Experience Awaits?

As Tyson Foods takes a leap into the bugsphere, one thing is certain: the world of processed food will never be the same. So, the next time you take a bite of your favorite chicken nugget, remember—the crunch might just be courtesy of our six-legged friends. Bon appétit!

Epstein-linked MIT lab has already funded 3 central bank digital currency trials

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Media Lab, which has direct links to child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has funded three central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot (trial) programs, two of which are ongoing and none of which have been cover
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Epstein-linked MIT lab has already funded 3 central bank digital currency trials

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Media Lab, which has direct links to child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has funded three central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot (trial) programs, two of which are ongoing and none of which have been covered by the mainstream media.

American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders

When journalist Danny Casolaro was found dead in a hotel bathtub, police ruled it a suicide. But his family and colleagues believe he may have been murdered for investigating a conspiracy he called “The Octopus” - a hidden organization connected to stole
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American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders

When journalist Danny Casolaro was found dead in a hotel bathtub, police ruled it a suicide. But his family and colleagues believe he may have been murdered for investigating a conspiracy he called “The Octopus” - a hidden organization connected to stolen government spy software, a string of unsolved murders, and some of the biggest political scandals of the 20th century.

Sweden joins NATO as war in Ukraine prompts security rethink

Sweden joined NATO in Washington on Thursday, two years after Russia's invasion of Ukraine forced it to rethink its national security policy and conclude that support for the alliance was the Scandinavian nation's best guarantee of safety.
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Sweden joins NATO as war in Ukraine prompts security rethink

Sweden joined NATO in Washington on Thursday, two years after Russia's invasion of Ukraine forced it to rethink its national security policy and conclude that support for the alliance was the Scandinavian nation's best guarantee of safety.

'Prison Reform Activist' Arrested for 'Dismembering Man, Storing Body Parts in Freezer'

Prison reform activist Sheldon Johnson, who Joe Rogan featured on his podcast last month as a victim of «systemic racism,» was arrested on Thursday for dismembering a man and storing his severed head and other body parts in his freezer.
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'Prison Reform Activist' Arrested for 'Dismembering Man, Storing Body Parts in Freezer'

Prison reform activist Sheldon Johnson, who Joe Rogan featured on his podcast last month as a victim of «systemic racism,» was arrested on Thursday for dismembering a man and storing his severed head and other body parts in his freezer.

Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officers across New York City's subway system in a show of force meant as a warning to criminals who have been terrorizing passengers.
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Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officers across New York City's subway system in a show of force meant as a warning to criminals who have been terrorizing passengers.

There Is A War On Free Speech, And They Won’t Ever Be Satisfied Until It Is Completely Eradicated

The freedom to say whatever we want is one of the most fundamental rights in a free society.  If we are not free to speak up, it is is just a matter of time before all of our other rights are taken away as well.  So it should deeply alarm all of us that fre
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There Is A War On Free Speech, And They Won’t Ever Be Satisfied Until It Is Completely Eradicated

The freedom to say whatever we want is one of the most fundamental rights in a free society.  If we are not free to speak up, it is is just a matter of time before all of our other rights are taken away as well.  So it should deeply alarm all of us that free speech is under attack like never before.  Much of the population has become convinced that “hate speech” is a special class of speech that does not deserve protection.  Of course in practice “hate speech” ends up being whatever forms of expression that the leftist elite hate.  That is why “hate speech” laws are always written so vaguely.  That way they can be used to go after whoever the leftist elite feel like going after at the time.