The Supreme Court overturned land allotments in Hyderabad to influential groups, including judges, officials, and journalists, deeming them arbitrary and discriminatory. The court criticized the policy for favoring the privileged and depriving the marginalized, ordering refunds to allottees.
The Supreme Court formed a three-member SIT to investigate allegations of custodial torture of two women arrested for protesting against the R G Kar hospital rape-murder and allegedly threatening an MP's daughter. This modifies the Calcutta High Court's order for a CBI probe, aiming to reduce the burden on the CBI and boost the morale of state police.
Didžiosios Britanijos gynybos sekretorius Johnas Healey'is mano, kad parama Ukrainai turėtų būti padvigubinta ir kad bendra penkių kariniu požiūriu galingiausių Europos šalių pozicija padės sustabdyti Rusijos agresijos plėtrą. J. Healey'is tai pasakė brifinge po Didžiosios Britanijos, Vokietijos, Prancūzijos, Italijos, Italijos ir Lenkijos gynybos ministrų susitikimo Berlyne, praneša „Ukrinform“. „Pirmiausia su Rustemu Umerovu aptarėme būtinybę padvigubinti paramą Ukrainai.
Andrea Arnold is used to having to slow down to let deer cross the road in her Northern B.C. community. But this weekend she saw something that made her pull over and snap a photo.
Украинец не сомневается в своих силах.
A senior UN official on Monday called on all parties involved in the conflict in Lebanon to «accept a ceasefire,» as new Israeli strikes targeted Beirut's southern suburbs, a Hezbollah stronghold. The violence follows top European Union diplomat Josep Borrell calling for an immediate ceasefire on Sunday and after a US envoy said last week that a deal was within grasp. «The situation remains grave across the region,» senior envoy Muhannad Hadi told the Security Council on behalf of UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland. «Israeli military operations continued across the Blue Line with Lebanon, as did the firing of rockets by Hezbollah toward Israel, including a barrage this weekend,» he said. «I welcome the ongoing diplomatic efforts to reach a cessation of hostilities and urge the parties to accept a ceasefire anchored in the full implementation of UNSCR 1701,» Hadi said in the remarks. UN Security Council Resolution 1701 ended the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah and stipulates that only UN peacekeeping forces and the Lebanese army can be deployed in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah has maintained a presence in the region, however, and Israel has been conducting ground operations against the Iran-backed militant and political group since September 30. © Agence France-Presse
A final round of talks on a treaty to curb plastic pollution opened on Monday, with deep differences between nations emerging almost immediately. The meeting started just hours after a chaotic end to the COP29 climate talks in Baku, where delegates agreed to a boost in climate funding that developing countries slammed as insufficient. Opening the plastics meeting, the Ecuadorian diplomat chairing the talks warned nations that the conference was about «far more than drafting an international treaty». «It is about humanity rising to meet an existential challenge,» Luis Vayas Valdivieso told a plenary in South Korea's Busan. Plastic pollution is so ubiquitous that it has been found in clouds, the deepest ocean trenches and even human breastmilk. And while almost everyone agrees it is a problem, there is less consensus on how to solve it. Among the most contentious issues are whether the treaty should cap plastic production, a possible ban on chemicals feared toxic to human health and how to pay for implementation. The deep differences have dogged four previous rounds of talks over the last two years, resulting in a lengthy and contradictory draft treaty running over 70 pages. Valdivieso has produced an alternative document intended to synthesise the views of delegations and move negotiations forward. But several countries, including Russia and India, immediately objected to it. «The reality is that many countries do not see themselves represented in this paper,» warned Saudi Arabia's delegation head Eyad Aljubran, speaking on behalf of the Arab group. In 2019, the world produced around 460 million tonnes of plastic, a figure that has doubled since 2000, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Plastic production is expected to triple by 2060. - 'Not going to wait' - Some countries, including the so-called High Ambition Coalition (HAC), which groups many African, Asian and European nations, want the treaty to address the entire «lifecycle» of plastics. That means limiting production, redesigning products for reuse and recycling, and addressing waste. More than 90 percent of plastic is not recycled, with over 20 million tonnes leaking into the environment, often after just a few minutes of use. On the other side are countries, largely oil producers like Saudi Arabia and Russia, who want a downstream focus on waste alone. Plastic accounts for around three percent of global emissions, mostly linked to its production from fossil fuels. The HAC wants binding global targets on reducing production and warned ahead of the Busan talks that «vested interests» should not be allowed to hamper a deal. Some observers believe the talks are likely to falter and be extended -- especially after the difficult negotiations at UN climate and biodiversity conferences in recent weeks. But by Monday afternoon, Valdivieso won agreement for negotiations to begin on the basis of his slimmed-down document. «I thank you very much for your flexibility,» he told the room. The short time frame has some environmental groups worried an agreement will be watered down to ensure something is signed. «The majority is there» for a strong treaty, said Eirik Lindebjerg, WWF global plastics policy lead. «The big question the rest of the week is whether they will move ahead with the necessary ambition or hide behind the few spoilers to water down language and make weak compromises.» Key to any accord will be the United States and China, neither of which have openly sided with either bloc. Earlier this year, Washington raised hopes among environmentalists by signalling support for some limits on production, a position that is reportedly now being rowed back. The election of Donald Trump has also raised questions about how ambitious the US delegation will be, and whether negotiators should seek their support if a treaty is unlikely to be ratified by Washington. Despite the challenging start, the UN Environment Programme chief counselled patience. «We are only in the first few hours,» said Inger Andersen, noting the Paris climate agreement had taken over two decades to reach clear targets for global warming. «We have to get something with targets and we're not going to wait 21 years for it.» © Agence France-Presse
DOHA: Cristiano Ronaldo meledak dua gol ketika membantu Al-Nassr menewaskan Al-Gharafa 3-1 dalam saingan Liga Juara-Juara Asia Elit (ACLE) di Qatar.
Danija, stebinti netoli jos krantų po dviejų povandeninių telekomunikacijų kabelių Baltijos jūroje pažeidimo sustojusį Kinijos krovininį laivą, pirmadienį pareiškė, jog veda derybas su Kinija dėl šio laivo.
Nors protestai ir opozicijos boikotas Sakartvele trunka jau mėnesį, šalies valdantieji pradėjo naujai išrinkto parlamento darbą. Dar nėra konstitucinio teismo sprendimo po to, kai šalies prezidentė paprašė anuliuoti rinkimų rezultatus. Sakartvelo politikos instituto direktoriaus pavaduotoja Renata Skardžiūtė-Kereselidze teigia, kad valdantieji, panašu, neketina trauktis.
Pagrindinių socialinių tinklų platformų gynėja pirmadienį Australijos Senato komitetui pareiškė, kad įstatymą, draudžiantį jaunesniems nei 16 metų vaikams naudotis socialiniais tinklais, reikėtų atidėti bent metams.
가수 이승철이 일본에 가지 못한다고 했다.이승철은 25일 유튜브 예능프로그램 ‘짠한형 신동엽’에 나와 일본에 입국하지 못하는 사정을 털어놨다.이승철과 생선회와 일본 술을 마시던 신동엽은 이승철에게 “아직도 일본에 못 가냐”고 묻자 이승철은 “그렇다”고 답했다. 그러자 신동엽은 “그래서 일본 말을 더 많이 쓰는 거냐. 거기서 보고 입국을 허락해줄 것 같냐”고 농담을 했다.이승철은 “일본말 쓰면서 여기가 일본이라고 생각하는 중”이라고 맞받았다.이승철은 일본에 가지 못하는 상황을 설명했다. 그는 2014년 광복절에 탈북한 청소년으로 구성된 합창단과 함께 독도에 가서 통일을 염원하는 노래를 함께 부른 게 정치적인 논란이 돼 일본 입국 제한을 받고 있다고 했다.이승철은 “정치적으로 비춰질 수 있어 나는 못간다고 하고 해줄 수 있는 건 다해줬다. 그런데 아내가 어떻게 애들만 보내냐고 해서 결국 나도 같이 갔다”고 말했다.이어 “노래 제목은 ‘그날에’다. 통일과 세계평화에 대한 노래다. 이후 U
오래된 샤워기에서 나오는 물로 양치할 경우 폐질환에 걸릴 위험이 있는 것으로 나타났다.16일(현지시간) 베트남 매체 ‘자딘 닷 베트남’에 따르면 만성 기침 환자인 중국 여성 A 씨(39)는 1년 전 기침하다 피를 토해냈다. 그는 곧바로 병원을 찾아 흉부 CT(컴퓨터단층촬영) 검사와 가래 검사를 받았다. 그 결과, A 씨는 비결핵항산균 폐질환으로 드러났다.이후 A 씨는 1년간 약물 치료를 받았는데도 증상이 나아지지 않았다. 의사는 A 씨에게 생활 습관을 물었다. A 씨는 “샤워하면서 양치하는데, 샤워기 헤드를 10년 넘게 교체하지 않았다”고 답했다.의사는 “교체하지 않은 샤워기 헤드가 (질병의) 원인이 될 수 있다”며 “오래된 샤워기를 사용하거나 그 샤워기로 입을 헹구면 비결핵항산균이 호흡기로 침투해 병을 일으킬 수 있다”고 설명했다.샤워기는 비결핵항산균의 서식지가 될 수 있다. 샤워기 내부에 남아있는 물에서 균이 증식할 가능성이 있다.분당서울대병원 질환정보에 따르면 비결핵항산균에 노
도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인은 검찰이 대선전복 시도 혐의, 기밀문건 유출 혐의 사건 공소를 취하하겠다고 밝힌 25일(현지시각) 민주당 정부의 전례없는 정치적 공격이었다고 비판했다.트럼프 당선인은 이날 사회관계망서비스(SNS) 트루스소셜에 “이 사건들은 내가 겪어야 했던 다른 사건들과 마찬가지로 공허하고 불법적이며 결코 제기돼서는 안 됐다”며 “1억달러 이상의 세금이 민주당의 정적, 나를 향한 공격에 낭비됐다”고 적었다.잭 스미스 특별검사는 이날 트럼프 당선인에 대한 대선전복 시도 혐의, 기밀문건 유출 혐의 사건 공소를 취소하는 신청서를 법원에 각각 제출했다. 검찰은 이번 공소취소가 혐의 판단과 관계가 없으며, 대통령을 기소하거나 처벌할 수 없다는 법무부 판단에 따른 것이라고 설명했다.트럼프 당선인은 자신에 대한 범죄 혐의를 소명하거나 사과하기보다 “우리 나라에서 이런 일은 일어난 적이 없었다”며 정치적 기소로 규정했다. 트럼프 당선인은 이번 대선에 앞서 총 네차례 기소됐는데,
Um grupo de académicos e activistas moçambicanos defendeu hoje, após uma reunião com o Presidente Filipe Nyusi, que a tensão pós-eleitoral que o país atravessa deve servir de oportunidade para “refundar o Estado”, pedindo um debate mais holístico. porta-voz do grupo, o jurista e professor universitário Tomás Timbana diz que “este momento é uma oportunidade de sensibilizar a sociedade para a necessidade de discutir não só sobre as questões eleitorais. Temos consciência de que a grande preocupação que as pessoas têm neste momento é discutir a justiça eleitoral, mas Moçambique… The post REFUNDAR MOÇAMBIQUE appeared first on Jornal Folha 8.
O troço Mbanza Congo/Cuimba/Buela, na província do Zaire, numa extensão de 84 quilómetros, vai beneficiar de obras de reabilitação para melhorar a circulação rodoviária e a qualidade de vida das populações destas localidades. via encontra-se num estado de degradação profunda e em algumas partes a estrutura do pavimento é inexistente, causando insegurança aos utentes da via, aumento do tempo de viagem entre o município de Mbanza Congo, na província do Zaire, municípios de Cuimba e Maquela do Zombo, na província do Uíge, e a fronteira com a República Democrática do… The post MILHÕES PARA (RE)ABILITAR A PROPAGANDA appeared first on Jornal Folha 8.
A fazer fé na seriedade dos assalariados do general João Lourenço, enquanto Titular do Poder Executivo, já devem estar a ser feitos os estudos do grupo chinês que, segundo o ministro das Obras Públicas, Urbanismo e Habitação, Carlos dos Santos, vai construir a primeira auto-estrada de Angola, com cerca de 1.400 quilómetros, a ligar o sul ao norte do país. arlos dos Santos disse que, durante a visita que efectuou a Macau, chegou a acordo com a empresa estatal chinesa China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) para avançar com o… The post ENQUANTO NÃO HÁ AUTO-ESTRADA, BRINQUEMOS ÀS PICADAS appeared first on Jornal Folha 8.
በደቡብ ሱዳን 2 ሚሊዮን የሚደርሱ ህጻናት እና 1 ሚሊዮን ነፍሰ ጡር እና የሚያጠቡ እናቶች ለከፋ የምግብ እጦት እየተጋለጡ መሆኑን ገልጾ ዓለም አቀፉ ማህበረሰብ አስጠንቅቋል። ደካማ የንፁህ የመጠጥ ውሃ አቅርቦት፣ የንፅህና አጠባበቅ እና የበሽታ መስፋፋት ቀውሱን ማባባሱን ቀጥሏል። ሺላ ፖኒ ከጁባ ከደቡብ ሱዳን ያጠናቀረችውን ዘገባ ከተያያዘው ፋይል ይከታተሉ።
ፍልሰተኞች የያዙ ሁለት ጀልባዎች ማዳጋስካር ባህር ዳርቻ ላይ ተገልብጠው 24 ፍልሰተኞች ህይወታቸው ማለፉን የሶማሊያ ማስታወቂያ ሚኒስትር ዳውድ አዌይስ አስታወቁ። ከሟቾቹ መካከል አብዛኞቹ ሶማሊያውያን መኾናቸው ተገልጿል፡፡ በሃሩን ማሩፍ የተጠናቀረውን ዘገባ ከተያያዘው ፋይል ይከታተሉ።
ተመራጩ ፕሬዝደንት ዶናልድ ትረምፕ፣ በተለይም በቻይና ላይ ከፍተኛ ታሪፍ ለመጣል በመዛታቸው ምክንያት፣ በመላው ዓለም የሚገኙ ሃገራት የኢኮኖሚ አለመረጋጋት ሊከተል ይችላል በሚል ስጋት በሚል ዝግጅት ላይ ናቸው። መንግሥታትና የንግድ ድርጅቶች ለሁኔታው በምን መልኩ ምላሽ እንደሚሰጡ ግራ የተጋቡ ይመስላል። የቪኦኤው ቢል ጋሎ ከሶል፣ ደቡብ ኮሪያ ያጠናቀረውን ዘገባ ከተያያዘው ፋይል ይከታተሉ።
После крушения в понедельник утром в Вильнюсе грузового самолета DHL, зарегистрированного в Испании, руководитель Отдела транспортных происшествий и инцидентов Министерства юстиции Литвы Лауринас Науйокайтис сообщил, что для расследования причин крушения…
曾說「台灣是世界最重要的國家之一」 〔編譯魏國金/綜合報導〕人工智慧(AI)晶片巨頭輝達執行長黃仁勳近日風光接受香港科技大學頒發榮譽博士學位,然而,半年前,黃仁勳曾說「台灣是世界最重要的國家之一」,引發中國媒體要求「給個說法」。港媒《星島日報》昨評論,中國不可能抵制輝達的AI晶片,且輝達業務不…
Zemljotres jačine 5,5 stepeni po Rihterovoj skali pogodio je istočni Kazahstan, objavio je Evropski-mediteranski seizmološki centar.
A retired Indian Army lieutenant general has voiced concerns about the performance of some women commanding officers, citing issues such as lack of empathy, over-centralized decision-making, and a misplaced sense of entitlement. He highlighted the need for a comprehensive gender-neutral policy and pragmatic performance analysis, emphasizing the lack of command training and operational experience among these officers.
Republički hidrometeorološki zavod (RHMZ) je najavio da će u Srbiji do petka biti toplije, zatim sledi pad temperature, a slab mraz meteorolozi očekuju još samo u utorak ujutru. U drugoj polovini sedmice biće umereno do potpuno oblačno, sa čestom pojavom kiše, za vikend će temperature biti u daljem padu, a u brdsko–planinskim predelima povremeno će padati sneg.
Kalaallit Nunaanni Politiit 34-nik ukiullip, Markus Jensenip oktobarip 21-anili ujaarineqalersoq nassaarinissaanut ikioqqoqqipput.
The Supreme Court upheld the 1976 addition of «socialist» and «secular» to the Constitution's Preamble. The court clarified that these terms don't hinder private enterprise or prevent the government from addressing harmful religious practices. The ruling also affirmed the government's pursuit of a Uniform Civil Code, despite guaranteeing religious freedom.
Five people died in Sambhal following violent clashes during a court-ordered mosque survey. Police lodged FIRs against over 2,500 individuals, including an MP and an MLA's son, for allegedly inciting the mob. Internet services are suspended, and the area around the mosque remains sealed. The Samajwadi Party chief criticized the government, alleging a conspiracy.
The BJP is pushing to reinstate Devendra Fadnavis as Maharashtra's Chief Minister, despite opposition from its ally, the Shiv Sena. The NCP's Ajit Pawar faction supports Fadnavis's return. While the Shiv Sena prefers Eknath Shinde to remain CM, the BJP's substantial majority and support from the Pawar faction strengthen their position.
〔記者粘藐云/綜合報導〕台灣隊昨在亞洲盃男籃資格賽第2階段第2戰面對世界排名22的紐西蘭,一度克服17分落後,在第3節追到1分差,可惜末節在陳盈駿、高柏鎧陷入犯規麻煩後崩盤,最終以64:81落敗,本階段拿下1勝1負。 第3節追到僅落後1分 台灣隊前一階段碰上紐西蘭,激戰到末節敗陣,這次面…
〔記者粘藐云/綜合報導〕俞俊安昨在RSM經典賽最後一輪繳出66桿,以總桿270桿並列11名,取得明年兩場簽名賽事門票,為今年賽季畫下完美句點,美國好手麥克尼利以總桿266桿封王。 RSM經典賽 衝到第11 RSM經典賽是今年PGA最後一場有聯邦盃積分賽事,前3輪打完並列12名的俞俊安,昨第1洞雖…