[Afropop] One of the most interesting acts we saw perform at WOMEX this year was Les Mamans du Congo. The group marries the natural, the found and the electronic to create their unique sound. French producer Rrobin provides the electronic elements, while GladCongo-Kinshasa: Les Mamans Du Congo - Saving the Past for the Future
[Afropop] One of the most interesting acts we saw perform at WOMEX this year was Les Mamans du Congo. The group marries the natural, the found and the electronic to create their unique sound. French producer Rrobin provides the electronic elements, while Gladys Samba and four other women sing, dance, and play percussion from recycled household goods, but also natural sounds, like sifting sand, or blowing through reeds into bowls of water. On hand, as well, was Gladys' husband, renowned Congolese jazz bassist Mel Read more