
Afghan Sisters Escape The Taliban To Achieve Olympic Dreams

Sisters Yulduz and Fariba Hashimi are set to become the first female cyclists from Afghanistan to compete in the Olympics. The siblings fled their country after the Taliban seized power in 2021 and cracked down on women’s rights, including banning wome

At UN, growing calls for reversal of latest Taliban edict against women

By Margaret Besheer VOA News September 6, 2024 New York — A dozen U.N. Security Council ambassadors strongly condemned on Friday the Afghan Taliban’s recent “morality law” which further erodes the rights of women and girls in that country and calle
Afghan Online Press

At UN, growing calls for reversal of latest Taliban edict against women

By Margaret Besheer VOA News September 6, 2024 New York — A dozen U.N. Security Council ambassadors strongly condemned on Friday the Afghan Taliban’s recent “morality law” which further erodes the rights of women and girls in that country and called for its reversal. “On top of the existing edicts, this new directive confirms and extends wide-rangingRead More...

Who Lost Afghanistan?

The Dispatch: In February 2020, the Trump administration negotiated a deal with the Taliban, known as the Doha Agreement. At that time, the Taliban was not the government of Afghanistan—but Trump believed that the jihadist militia would defeat the governmen
Afghan Online Press

Who Lost Afghanistan?

The Dispatch: In February 2020, the Trump administration negotiated a deal with the Taliban, known as the Doha Agreement. At that time, the Taliban was not the government of Afghanistan—but Trump believed that the jihadist militia would defeat the government in Kabul, eventually, and wasn’t interested in doing what it would take to prevent that.Read More...

Everything To Know About Taliban’s New “Vice And Virtue” Law In Afghanistan

AFP: The text contains 35 articles. The most criticised dictates that a woman’s voice should not be raised outside the home and that they should not sing or read poetry aloud. Unrelated men and women are forbidden from looking at each other, and women a
Afghan Online Press

Everything To Know About Taliban’s New “Vice And Virtue” Law In Afghanistan

AFP: The text contains 35 articles. The most criticised dictates that a woman’s voice should not be raised outside the home and that they should not sing or read poetry aloud. Unrelated men and women are forbidden from looking at each other, and women are commanded to cover themselves entirely in front of non-Muslim women.Read More...

NRF Delegation Heads to Washington Without Its Leader

Afghanistan International: The National Resistance Front (NRF) announced on Wednesday that Ahmad Massoud would have a virtual meeting with the Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul. The Front stated that a delegation representing
Afghan Online Press

NRF Delegation Heads to Washington Without Its Leader

Afghanistan International: The National Resistance Front (NRF) announced on Wednesday that Ahmad Massoud would have a virtual meeting with the Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul. The Front stated that a delegation representing Massoud would travel to Washington. Following requests for the presence of the NRF leader in the Foreign AffairsRead More...

NRF Claims Responsibility For Explosion in Takhar Province

Afghanistan International: The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF) claimed responsibility for an attack on Taliban forces in Taloqan, the capital of Takhar province, stating they killed three Taliban members and injured another. The NRF’s stateme
Afghan Online Press

NRF Claims Responsibility For Explosion in Takhar Province

Afghanistan International: The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF) claimed responsibility for an attack on Taliban forces in Taloqan, the capital of Takhar province, stating they killed three Taliban members and injured another. The NRF’s statement detailed that the attack occurred at 4pm on Wednesday, targeting Taliban fighters near Old Taloqan, in the Kabul GateRead More...

Ethnic Bias and Pretextual Obstructions: Persian-Speaking Citizens Face Harassment in Taliban Courts

8am: Some Afghan citizens who have sought official document processing at the Taliban-run courts in Kabul and various provinces have expressed dissatisfaction with the judges’ biased behavior. They report that Taliban judges treat applicants differently whe
Afghan Online Press

Ethnic Bias and Pretextual Obstructions: Persian-Speaking Citizens Face Harassment in Taliban Courts

8am: Some Afghan citizens who have sought official document processing at the Taliban-run courts in Kabul and various provinces have expressed dissatisfaction with the judges’ biased behavior. They report that Taliban judges treat applicants differently when issuing marriage certificates, marriage documentation, single status certificates, and inheritance documents. These citizens claim that judges appointed by theRead More...

US voices impatience with Taliban over morality law targeting Afghan women

Ayaz Gul VOA News September 4, 2024 Islamabad — An American diplomat has condemned the Taliban’s new morality law in Afghanistan, warning that it “aims to complete the erasure of women from public life.” Rina Amiri, the United States special envoy fo
Afghan Online Press

US voices impatience with Taliban over morality law targeting Afghan women

Ayaz Gul VOA News September 4, 2024 Islamabad — An American diplomat has condemned the Taliban’s new morality law in Afghanistan, warning that it “aims to complete the erasure of women from public life.” Rina Amiri, the United States special envoy for Afghan women, girls, and human rights, posted on social media late Tuesday that sheRead More...

Mullah Hibatullah’s Trip to the North: Exhibition of Power and Efforts to Maintain Group’s Unity

8am: Mullah Hibatullah appears to be traveling to the north to solidify his presence in these regions and simultaneously manage internal group conflicts. Internal conflicts within the Taliban are escalating due to ethnic biases. Some commanders who are not et
Afghan Online Press

Mullah Hibatullah’s Trip to the North: Exhibition of Power and Efforts to Maintain Group’s Unity

8am: Mullah Hibatullah appears to be traveling to the north to solidify his presence in these regions and simultaneously manage internal group conflicts. Internal conflicts within the Taliban are escalating due to ethnic biases. Some commanders who are not ethnically aligned with Mullah Hibatullah have been suppressed, while others seem to be sidelined. This situationRead More...

ISIL claims responsibility for deadly Kabul attack

Al Jazeera: The ISIS (ISIL) group has claimed responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing in Kabul that killed at least six people. In a Telegram post on Tuesday, ISIL said one of its members detonated an explosive vest in the Afghan capital the previous day
Afghan Online Press

ISIL claims responsibility for deadly Kabul attack

Al Jazeera: The ISIS (ISIL) group has claimed responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing in Kabul that killed at least six people. In a Telegram post on Tuesday, ISIL said one of its members detonated an explosive vest in the Afghan capital the previous day, targeting the Taliban government’s prosecution service. Click here to readRead More...

Badakhshan Women Alarmed by Rising Forced Marriages and Mental Health Crises

8am: Following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, girls and women in the country, particularly in Badakhshan province, are experiencing the harsh reality of not being able to attend school or university and the violence perpetrated by the group. These f
Afghan Online Press

Badakhshan Women Alarmed by Rising Forced Marriages and Mental Health Crises

8am: Following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, girls and women in the country, particularly in Badakhshan province, are experiencing the harsh reality of not being able to attend school or university and the violence perpetrated by the group. These factors have led to an increase in forced marriages and mental health issues among girls andRead More...

Suicide bomber kills 6, wounds 13 in Kabul

Ariana: A suicide bombing took place in capital Kabul on Monday, killing six civilians and wounding 13 others, police said. The blast happened in Qala-e-Bakhtiar area in PD 6 of the city. Khalid Zadran, city’s police spokesman, said that one woman was also
Afghan Online Press

Suicide bomber kills 6, wounds 13 in Kabul

Ariana: A suicide bombing took place in capital Kabul on Monday, killing six civilians and wounding 13 others, police said. The blast happened in Qala-e-Bakhtiar area in PD 6 of the city. Khalid Zadran, city’s police spokesman, said that one woman was also among those killed. Click here to read more (external link).

Leader of Afghanistan’s resistance movement says he will defeat the Taliban ‘no matter the odds’

CNN: Massoud is now 35, and he leads the National Resistance Front to the Taliban. In our interview, he asserted that his group has carried out 207 military operations around Afghanistan this year and that he has 5,000 soldiers under his control. Click here t
Afghan Online Press

Leader of Afghanistan’s resistance movement says he will defeat the Taliban ‘no matter the odds’

CNN: Massoud is now 35, and he leads the National Resistance Front to the Taliban. In our interview, he asserted that his group has carried out 207 military operations around Afghanistan this year and that he has 5,000 soldiers under his control. Click here to read more (external link).

Chairman of US House Foreign Affairs Committee to Soon Meet Afghanistan’s NRF Leader

Afghanistan International: Michael McCaul, Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, has announced plans to meet with representatives of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF), including its leader Ahmad Massoud, on September 10. McCaul
Afghan Online Press

Chairman of US House Foreign Affairs Committee to Soon Meet Afghanistan’s NRF Leader

Afghanistan International: Michael McCaul, Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, has announced plans to meet with representatives of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF), including its leader Ahmad Massoud, on September 10. McCaul expressed his eagerness to hear about Massoud’s efforts to liberate the Afghan people from Taliban control. Click here toRead More...

Inside Abdul Hamid Khorasani’s Kabul Villa: OSINT Reveals Militia Operations, Alleged ISKP Links, and Internal Taliban Tensions

8am: Recent intelligence indicates potential connections between Khorasani and the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP). Video evidence and social media posts suggest his unit includes former ISKP operatives, raising suspicions of a strategic pivot toward t
Afghan Online Press

Inside Abdul Hamid Khorasani’s Kabul Villa: OSINT Reveals Militia Operations, Alleged ISKP Links, and Internal Taliban Tensions

8am: Recent intelligence indicates potential connections between Khorasani and the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP). Video evidence and social media posts suggest his unit includes former ISKP operatives, raising suspicions of a strategic pivot toward this rival group. His vocal criticisms of the Taliban’s ethnic policies and the emerging power struggle within its ranks furtherRead More...

Murky CIA-Taliban Ties Demand Scrutiny

Michael Hughes: The CIA claims it established a back channel with the Taliban to cooperate on operations against anti-Western terrorist groups, while suggesting dire warnings of Afghanistan becoming a terrorist sanctuary are overblown. The narrative has been
Afghan Online Press

Murky CIA-Taliban Ties Demand Scrutiny

Michael Hughes: The CIA claims it established a back channel with the Taliban to cooperate on operations against anti-Western terrorist groups, while suggesting dire warnings of Afghanistan becoming a terrorist sanctuary are overblown. The narrative has been spun harder recently, undeniably for political purposes ahead of a presidential election, but the covert agency’s assertions areRead More...

Germany Begins Deporting “Criminal” Afghan Migrants

Afghanistan International: German media reported that the country began the deportation of “criminal” Afghan migrants on Friday, August 30. The magazine Der Spiegel wrote that a flight carrying 28 Afghan “criminal” migrants departed fr
Afghan Online Press

Germany Begins Deporting “Criminal” Afghan Migrants

Afghanistan International: German media reported that the country began the deportation of “criminal” Afghan migrants on Friday, August 30. The magazine Der Spiegel wrote that a flight carrying 28 Afghan “criminal” migrants departed from Leipzig Airport to Kabul today. According to the report, these migrants, who had criminal records, were deported from various states inRead More...

Al Qaeda Expands Its Footprint in Afghanistan

Foreign Policy: Al Qaeda has set up nine new terrorist camps in Afghanistan in 2024, a sign of the Taliban’s increasing tolerance of terror groups in their backyard in spite of pledges to crack down, according to an Afghan resistance leader visiting Washing
Afghan Online Press

Al Qaeda Expands Its Footprint in Afghanistan

Foreign Policy: Al Qaeda has set up nine new terrorist camps in Afghanistan in 2024, a sign of the Taliban’s increasing tolerance of terror groups in their backyard in spite of pledges to crack down, according to an Afghan resistance leader visiting Washington this week.  “These are training centers; these are recruitment centers,” said AliRead More...

Taliban Restrict Uzbek Language Growth: University Professors Banned from Translating Academic Works into Uzbek

8am: The Ministry of Higher Education under Taliban control has instructed professors in Uzbek language and literature departments at public universities to translate academic works only into one of the two official languages, Persian or Pashto, if they wish
Afghan Online Press

Taliban Restrict Uzbek Language Growth: University Professors Banned from Translating Academic Works into Uzbek

8am: The Ministry of Higher Education under Taliban control has instructed professors in Uzbek language and literature departments at public universities to translate academic works only into one of the two official languages, Persian or Pashto, if they wish to qualify for promotion. However, Uzbek students, university professors, and writers describe this decision as rootedRead More...

Afghanistan Slides Into ‘Ever More Hellish Conditions’ After New Morality Law Enacted

Abubakar Siddique and RFE/RL’s Radio Azadi August 29, 2024 The Taliban has attempted to police the public appearances and behavior of millions of Afghans, especially women, since seizing power in 2021. But the enforcement of the extremist group’s rule
Afghan Online Press

Afghanistan Slides Into ‘Ever More Hellish Conditions’ After New Morality Law Enacted

Abubakar Siddique and RFE/RL’s Radio Azadi August 29, 2024 The Taliban has attempted to police the public appearances and behavior of millions of Afghans, especially women, since seizing power in 2021. But the enforcement of the extremist group’s rules governing morality, including its strict Islamic dress code and gender segregation in society, was sporadic andRead More...

Pakistan urges Afghan Taliban to address perception as ‘ideological cousins of TTP’

Ayaz Gul VOA News August 28, 2024 Islamabad — Pakistan urged Afghanistan’s Taliban leaders Wednesday to explain their relationship with a globally designated terrorist group waging cross-border bloodshed and address concerns about sweeping restrictions t
Afghan Online Press

Pakistan urges Afghan Taliban to address perception as ‘ideological cousins of TTP’

Ayaz Gul VOA News August 28, 2024 Islamabad — Pakistan urged Afghanistan’s Taliban leaders Wednesday to explain their relationship with a globally designated terrorist group waging cross-border bloodshed and address concerns about sweeping restrictions they have imposed on Afghan women. The remarks by Islamabad’s special representative to Afghanistan, Asif Durrani, came as the militant group inRead More...

Taliban Ministry of Health says no reports in Afghanistan of monkey pox

Ariana: The Ministry of Public Health has announced that no suspected or positive cases of monkey pox have been registered in Afghanistan. After receiving reports about two suspected cases of monkey pox in Kabul and Paktia, officials say that no suspected or
Afghan Online Press

Taliban Ministry of Health says no reports in Afghanistan of monkey pox

Ariana: The Ministry of Public Health has announced that no suspected or positive cases of monkey pox have been registered in Afghanistan. After receiving reports about two suspected cases of monkey pox in Kabul and Paktia, officials say that no suspected or positive cases of this disease have been registered in Afghanistan. Click here toRead More...

Taliban Exploiting Global Fatigue on Afghanistan, Says NRF Leader

Afghanistan International: The leader of the National Resistance Front (NRF) Ahmad Massoud has urged policymakers in Washington to heed the recommendations of the Hudson Institute, which has called for support for the NRF. Massoud stated that the Taliban are
Afghan Online Press

Taliban Exploiting Global Fatigue on Afghanistan, Says NRF Leader

Afghanistan International: The leader of the National Resistance Front (NRF) Ahmad Massoud has urged policymakers in Washington to heed the recommendations of the Hudson Institute, which has called for support for the NRF. Massoud stated that the Taliban are exploiting the world’s fatigue regarding Afghanistan to maintain their rule and continue suppressing the people, particularlyRead More...

EU Aid To Afghanistan Continues To Flow Amid Taliban’s Restrictions On Women

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty August 27, 2024 Afghanistan is one of the largest recipients of humanitarian aid from the European Union, EU officials said on August 27, one day after saying it was appalled by a new decree issued by the Taliban-led governmen
Afghan Online Press

EU Aid To Afghanistan Continues To Flow Amid Taliban’s Restrictions On Women

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty August 27, 2024 Afghanistan is one of the largest recipients of humanitarian aid from the European Union, EU officials said on August 27, one day after saying it was appalled by a new decree issued by the Taliban-led government further restricting the lives of women. The European Union this year hasRead More...

Afghanistan’s Taliban bans MMA, citing violent nature concerns

DPA: The Taliban government in Afghanistan has prohibited mixed martial arts (MMA), citing concerns over violence and the risk of death, an official told TOLOnews on Tuesday. Ahmadullah Wasiq, head of the Physical Education and Sports Department, said the ban
Afghan Online Press

Afghanistan’s Taliban bans MMA, citing violent nature concerns

DPA: The Taliban government in Afghanistan has prohibited mixed martial arts (MMA), citing concerns over violence and the risk of death, an official told TOLOnews on Tuesday. Ahmadullah Wasiq, head of the Physical Education and Sports Department, said the ban, enforced by the country’s morality police, was due to the sport’s violent nature. Click hereRead More...

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