
Horrific viral video of dog dragged by car might not be from Singapore, netizens furious at the mislabel

A disturbing video has been circulating in online spaces here, and Singaporeans are not too happy about it for various reasons. In the one-minute long clip posted on a Facebook group named SG Walao Eh which has the Singapore flag and the group name added ove

Horrific viral video of dog dragged by car might not be from Singapore, netizens furious at the mislabel

A disturbing video has been circulating in online spaces here, and Singaporeans are not too happy about it for various reasons. In the one-minute long clip posted on a Facebook group named SG Walao Eh which has the Singapore flag and the group name added over it, a dog whose leash is seemingly hooked over a car's side-view mirror is dragged along the road. It struggles at first and eventually goes limp. The cam car is honking furiously and yelling at the driver in Mandarin, trying desperately to get their attention. The driver finally stops and rushes out from the left door to retrieve the dog, seemingly unaware of what had happened. The tinted front windows, left-hand drive as well as a brief look at the car plate and street lights suggested the incident happened in a foreign country. Netizens expressed their concern while also slamming the admin for adding the Singapore flag on the video, insinuating that the incident happened here. «How can the driver lady forget about her dog on leash? Hope the dog can survive through this ordeal,» wrote the admin in the caption.

Africa: Team Kenya Showcases Its Glamour to the World As Rainy Colourful Opening Ceremony Lights Up Paris Olympics

[Capital FM] Paris, France -- Team Kenya athletes led by flag-bearers Ferdinand Omanyala and Triza Atuka were bouncing off the walls in the French Capital in what will perhaps go down in the folklore as the most picturesque Olympic Games' Opening Ceremony eve
AllAfrica News: Latest

Africa: Team Kenya Showcases Its Glamour to the World As Rainy Colourful Opening Ceremony Lights Up Paris Olympics

[Capital FM] Paris, France -- Team Kenya athletes led by flag-bearers Ferdinand Omanyala and Triza Atuka were bouncing off the walls in the French Capital in what will perhaps go down in the folklore as the most picturesque Olympic Games' Opening Ceremony ever.

Africa: Sustaining Africa's Future Through Conservation

[allAfrica] In Africa, majority of the population relies on natural resources for their livelihoods. This makes it crucial to reflect on the intricate relationship between the health of our natural ecosystems and the well-being of communities that depend on t
AllAfrica News: Latest

Africa: Sustaining Africa's Future Through Conservation

[allAfrica] In Africa, majority of the population relies on natural resources for their livelihoods. This makes it crucial to reflect on the intricate relationship between the health of our natural ecosystems and the well-being of communities that depend on them, as we mark World Nature Conservation Day 2024.

This state took Israel to the court, but its citizens still join the IDF. Why?

It’s unlikely the new South African government will take any action while the court’s ruling is yet to come Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

This state took Israel to the court, but its citizens still join the IDF. Why?

It’s unlikely the new South African government will take any action while the court’s ruling is yet to come Read Full Article at

Attack on Christian church foiled in Islamic Russian region – FSB

Russia’s FSB has arrested three suspected terrorists accused of plotting an attack on a church and police officers in Dagestan Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Attack on Christian church foiled in Islamic Russian region – FSB

Russia’s FSB has arrested three suspected terrorists accused of plotting an attack on a church and police officers in Dagestan Read Full Article at

India’s Modi lashes out at Pakistan over ‘terrorism’

Pakistan is using terrorism and proxy wars to stay relevant, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has claimed Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

India’s Modi lashes out at Pakistan over ‘terrorism’

Pakistan is using terrorism and proxy wars to stay relevant, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has claimed Read Full Article at

Scholz’s views on Ukraine ‘simple-minded’ – Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has criticized the German chancellor for failing to grasp the reasons behind the Ukraine conflict Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Scholz’s views on Ukraine ‘simple-minded’ – Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has criticized the German chancellor for failing to grasp the reasons behind the Ukraine conflict Read Full Article at

KSrelief continues humanitarian efforts in Yemen, Sudan, and Lebanon

RIYADH: Saudi aid agency, KSrelief, continued efforts to help vulnerable individuals and families this week in Yemen, Sudan and Lebanon, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Friday. In Yemen, KSrelief distributed 90 food packages in Lahij Governorate, and 10
Saudi Arabia

KSrelief continues humanitarian efforts in Yemen, Sudan, and Lebanon

RIYADH: Saudi aid agency, KSrelief, continued efforts to help vulnerable individuals and families this week in Yemen, Sudan and Lebanon, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Friday. In Yemen, KSrelief distributed 90 food packages in Lahij Governorate, and 100 tents, 270 shelter bags and 618 food parcels in Marib. In Sudan, the agency handed out 900 food packages to the displaced and neediest families in River Nile State, benefiting 5,177 individuals.

Belousov, Austin discussed Kiev's 'covert operation' by phone on July 12 — newspaper

Pentagon was not aware of the Ukrainian operation, but took Moscow's warning "seriously enough to contact the Ukrainians and say, essentially, if you’re thinking about doing something like this, don’t

Belousov, Austin discussed Kiev's 'covert operation' by phone on July 12 — newspaper

Pentagon was not aware of the Ukrainian operation, but took Moscow's warning "seriously enough to contact the Ukrainians and say, essentially, if you’re thinking about doing something like this, don’t

Congo-Kinshasa: US Sanctions DRC Rebel Groups for Violence, Human Rights Abuses

[VOA] Nairobi, Kenya -- The U.S. government has sanctioned three rebel leaders accused of fomenting political instability, conflicts and civilian displacement in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Congo-Kinshasa: US Sanctions DRC Rebel Groups for Violence, Human Rights Abuses

[VOA] Nairobi, Kenya -- The U.S. government has sanctioned three rebel leaders accused of fomenting political instability, conflicts and civilian displacement in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Measles exposure notice issued after confirmed case in Moncton, N.B.

New Brunswick Public Health has issued a list of locations where people might have been exposed to a confirmed case of measles in the past week.
CBC | Canada News

Measles exposure notice issued after confirmed case in Moncton, N.B.

New Brunswick Public Health has issued a list of locations where people might have been exposed to a confirmed case of measles in the past week.

Dark flowers thrive in this trendy backyard 'goth garden'

Packed to the brim with black foliage, deep shades of green and the occasional white royal wedding poppy, a garden in Carleton Place, Ont., has drawn quite a bit of attention for its unique backyard collection.
CBC | Canada News

Dark flowers thrive in this trendy backyard 'goth garden'

Packed to the brim with black foliage, deep shades of green and the occasional white royal wedding poppy, a garden in Carleton Place, Ont., has drawn quite a bit of attention for its unique backyard collection.

Saskatchewan ranked worst in Canada for violent crime, property crime and assault

Over the last decade, the Mounties reported a 275 per cent increase in homicide victims, a 271 per cent increase in firearm offences, and a 79 per cent increase in assaults on RCMP officers.
CBC | Canada News

Saskatchewan ranked worst in Canada for violent crime, property crime and assault

Over the last decade, the Mounties reported a 275 per cent increase in homicide victims, a 271 per cent increase in firearm offences, and a 79 per cent increase in assaults on RCMP officers.

B.C. Tree Fruits co-operative shutting down after 88 years

After operating in the B.C.'s Okanagan Valley for nearly nine decades, B.C. Tree Fruits announced to growers on Friday that it is dissolving the co-operative and seeking court direction to liquidate its assets.
CBC | Canada News

B.C. Tree Fruits co-operative shutting down after 88 years

After operating in the B.C.'s Okanagan Valley for nearly nine decades, B.C. Tree Fruits announced to growers on Friday that it is dissolving the co-operative and seeking court direction to liquidate its assets.

Security tensions escalate in Hiiraan as Ma'awisley militias block Hirshabelle leader's visit

Beledweyne (HOL) – Security tensions flared in the Hiiraan region after local clan militias, known as «Ma'awisley,» refused to allow Hirshabelle regional state leader Ali Gudlawe Hussein to visit Mahas district.
Hiiraan Online

Security tensions escalate in Hiiraan as Ma'awisley militias block Hirshabelle leader's visit

Beledweyne (HOL) – Security tensions flared in the Hiiraan region after local clan militias, known as «Ma'awisley,» refused to allow Hirshabelle regional state leader Ali Gudlawe Hussein to visit Mahas district.

Puntland Security Forces capture a foreign ISIS fighter Imraan Mohamed Alawi in Bari region

Bosaso (HOL) — The Puntland Security Forces (PSF) have captured a foreign officer from the Islamic State (Daesh) group in the Almis Mountains of Somalia's Bari Region.
Hiiraan Online

Puntland Security Forces capture a foreign ISIS fighter Imraan Mohamed Alawi in Bari region

Bosaso (HOL) — The Puntland Security Forces (PSF) have captured a foreign officer from the Islamic State (Daesh) group in the Almis Mountains of Somalia's Bari Region.

Russia wants IAEA control over AUKUS nuclear component in Asia-Pacific region — Lavrov

Foreign Minister pointed out that the practical activities of AUKUS are aimed at instilling tolerance in the Asian region with regard to the deployment of nuclear weapons components

Russia wants IAEA control over AUKUS nuclear component in Asia-Pacific region — Lavrov

Foreign Minister pointed out that the practical activities of AUKUS are aimed at instilling tolerance in the Asian region with regard to the deployment of nuclear weapons components

West expects Russia's capitulation, which will never happen — Lavrov

There will be no such thing, all the goals of the special military operation will be achieved, there is no doubt about that, Foreign Minister said

West expects Russia's capitulation, which will never happen — Lavrov

There will be no such thing, all the goals of the special military operation will be achieved, there is no doubt about that, Foreign Minister said

ASEAN countries do not want to confront West, oppose NATO's influence in region — Lavrov

They see, among other things, a threat to their leading position in security and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and Southeast Asia, Russian Foreign Minister emphasized

ASEAN countries do not want to confront West, oppose NATO's influence in region — Lavrov

They see, among other things, a threat to their leading position in security and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and Southeast Asia, Russian Foreign Minister emphasized

Russia disillusioned by Western approaches to Ukrainian settlement — Lavrov

When Kosovo seceded without any referendum, the West applauded, in general, it itself orchestrated this secession, saying that in this way the Kosovo Albanians implemented the principle of self-determination of peoples

Russia disillusioned by Western approaches to Ukrainian settlement — Lavrov

When Kosovo seceded without any referendum, the West applauded, in general, it itself orchestrated this secession, saying that in this way the Kosovo Albanians implemented the principle of self-determination of peoples

Russia, ASEAN countries preparing new five-year strategic partnership plan - Lavrov

The countries have already agreed to start preparing a new plan for the next five-year period, the same as the comprehensive plan until 2025

Russia, ASEAN countries preparing new five-year strategic partnership plan - Lavrov

The countries have already agreed to start preparing a new plan for the next five-year period, the same as the comprehensive plan until 2025

Concertation autour de la Zone Économique Spéciale de Nkok : le Premier Ministre en action

25 juillet 2024 - Ce matin, Raymond Ndong Sima, Premier Ministre, a présidé une séance de travail consacrée à la Zone Économique Spéciale (ZES) de Nkok. Étaient présents de nombreux membres du gouvernement concernés par la situation de cette zone st

Concertation autour de la Zone Économique Spéciale de Nkok : le Premier Ministre en action

25 juillet 2024 - Ce matin, Raymond Ndong Sima, Premier Ministre, a présidé une séance de travail consacrée à la Zone Économique Spéciale (ZES) de Nkok. Étaient présents de nombreux membres du gouvernement concernés par la situation de cette zone stratégique. Lancée en 2010, la ZES de Nkok est un parc industriel multisectoriel situé à 27 kilomètres de Libreville, s'étendant sur 1126 hectares. Ce parc comprend une zone industrielle, une zone commerciale et une zone résidentielle. Il (...) - ECONOMIE

9200 élèves sensibilisés aux bonnes pratiques en matière de préservation de la faune au Gabon

Dans le cadre des brigades faune, l'ONG Conservation Justice s'est mobilisée en menant des campagnes d'éducation environnementale en direction de 56 écoles des provinces de l'Ogooué-Ivindo, de l'Ogooué-Lolo et du Haut-Ogooué au cours de l'année 2023-20

9200 élèves sensibilisés aux bonnes pratiques en matière de préservation de la faune au Gabon

Dans le cadre des brigades faune, l'ONG Conservation Justice s'est mobilisée en menant des campagnes d'éducation environnementale en direction de 56 écoles des provinces de l'Ogooué-Ivindo, de l'Ogooué-Lolo et du Haut-Ogooué au cours de l'année 2023-2024. La sensibilisation a touché 9200 élèves âgés de 6 à 17 ans. Eduquer à la base en éveillant très tôt la conscience des plus jeunes sur les enjeux et défis liés à la préservation de l'environnement, tel est le leitmotiv qui a motivé les (...) - ENVIRONNEMENT / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Fans rave as Celine Dion and a FLYING cauldron save washout Paris Olympics opening ceremony: Torrential rain, a 'naked Smurf', an upside down flag and seemingly never-ending boats of bedraggled athletes tested patience before breathtaking finale

The French-speaking Canadian singer made a triumphant return to the stage two years after being diagnosed with  Stiff Person Syndrome.
News | Mail Online

North Korean deputy minister arrives in Moscow

The Russian capital will host the fifth meeting of the joint Russia-North Korea working group on cooperation in the field of electric power within the framework of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation

North Korean deputy minister arrives in Moscow

The Russian capital will host the fifth meeting of the joint Russia-North Korea working group on cooperation in the field of electric power within the framework of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation

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