
In-Depth Analysis - The evolving powers of the European Parliament - 13-09-2024

The European Parliament has come a long way since its inception in 1951. Initially a consultative body composed of delegations of national parliaments, it has become a directly elected institution, has obtained budgetary and legislative powers, and now exerci
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

In-Depth Analysis - The evolving powers of the European Parliament - 13-09-2024

The European Parliament has come a long way since its inception in 1951. Initially a consultative body composed of delegations of national parliaments, it has become a directly elected institution, has obtained budgetary and legislative powers, and now exercises influence over most aspects of EU affairs. Together with representatives of national governments, who sit in the Council, Parliament co-decides on European legislation, in what could be seen as a bicameral legislature at EU level. This publication presents Parliament's powers, including the most recent changes following the reform of Parliament's Rules of Procedure in April 2024. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: A decisive step in the investiture process - 13-09-2024

The confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate before the European Parliament's committees play a vital role in informing Parliament before it decides on the proposed composition of the College of Commissioners. Ahead of the autumn 2024 hearings, Pa
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: A decisive step in the investiture process - 13-09-2024

The confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate before the European Parliament's committees play a vital role in informing Parliament before it decides on the proposed composition of the College of Commissioners. Ahead of the autumn 2024 hearings, Parliament has adapted the rules for the process, which will apply for the members of the second von der Leyen College. First, the Legal Affairs Committee scrutinises the declaration of interests of each Commissioner-designate. Second, each Commissioner-designate appears before the competent parliamentary committee or committees for a single confirmation hearing. In the past, the main criticism levelled at some of the Commissioners-designate has involved their having insufficient expertise in their respective portfolios, as well as the vagueness of their answers and their reluctance to make political commitments. The existence of possible conflicts of interest in relation to the assigned portfolio and concerns regarding the integrity of the candidate have influenced the dynamics of more recent hearings. Since the 2004 investiture, Parliament has used its role in appointing the Commission to replace certain controversial candidates and force adjustments to certain portfolios, although according to the Treaties Parliament can only reject or accept the College as a whole. While some experts have advised against the excessive politicisation of the confirmation hearings, others have welcomed the increased accountability of the Commission to Parliament, and have praised the deepening of the political link between the two institutions as a step towards further democratisation of the EU decision-making process. Confirmation hearings have become critical for Parliament to hold the Commission accountable, and have gained prominence as a tool for Parliament to take a greater role in EU agenda-setting. This is a further updated version of a September 2019 briefing by Maria Diaz Crego, itself an update of a 2014 briefing by Eva-Maria Poptcheva. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Une plomberie solidaire pour les usagers en situation de précarité

L’association FACE Polynésie agir contre l’exclusion, a signé le 11 septembre, un partenariat avec les communes de Papeete et Pirae et la Polynésienne des eaux pour la mise en place de la première plomberie solidaire de Polynésie. Grâce à ce dispos

Une plomberie solidaire pour les usagers en situation de précarité

L’association FACE Polynésie agir contre l’exclusion, a signé le 11 septembre, un partenariat avec les communes de Papeete et Pirae et la Polynésienne des eaux pour la mise en place de la première plomberie solidaire de Polynésie. Grâce à ce dispositif, les usagers en situation de précarité pourront bénéficier d’un service de plomberie minimum.

L'ILM veut analyser votre sang pour mieux prévenir les épidémies

L’institut Malardé a lancé la semaine dernière une vaste étude de Santé sur les maladies infectieuses. Elle concerne les habitants de Tahiti âgés de 6 ans et plus. Les chercheurs vont tenter de comprendre si toutes les personnes ont le même risque

L'ILM veut analyser votre sang pour mieux prévenir les épidémies

L’institut Malardé a lancé la semaine dernière une vaste étude de Santé sur les maladies infectieuses. Elle concerne les habitants de Tahiti âgés de 6 ans et plus. Les chercheurs vont tenter de comprendre si toutes les personnes ont le même risque d’attraper des virus comme la dengue ou la grippe.

Hawaiki Nui Va'a solo: parcours modifié et gilet de sauvetage obligatoire, pour raisons de sécurité

Plus d'un an après le décès de Moeina Maita sur le Faati Moorea, les organisateurs imposent le gilet de sauvetage sur le parcours de la 3ème Hawaiki Va'a solo. Les participants rameront de Hitia'a à Taaone pour la 3ème étape.

Hawaiki Nui Va'a solo: parcours modifié et gilet de sauvetage obligatoire, pour raisons de sécurité

Plus d'un an après le décès de Moeina Maita sur le Faati Moorea, les organisateurs imposent le gilet de sauvetage sur le parcours de la 3ème Hawaiki Va'a solo. Les participants rameront de Hitia'a à Taaone pour la 3ème étape.

Signature d'un protocole d'accord chez les chauffeurs de bus de Tahiti

Fin du débrayage dans deux des quatre sociétés de transport en commun touchées par un mouvement social depuis près de deux semaines. La reprise normale du trafic est prévue ce lundi.

Signature d'un protocole d'accord chez les chauffeurs de bus de Tahiti

Fin du débrayage dans deux des quatre sociétés de transport en commun touchées par un mouvement social depuis près de deux semaines. La reprise normale du trafic est prévue ce lundi.

Soumission chimique : en 2010 en Polynésie, l'affaire Philippe Challand

Pendant 4 mois, un retraité comparaît dans le Sud de l'Hexagone, accusé d'avoir drogué sa femme afin de la livrer à des dizaines de violeurs. Une affaire sans précédent qui soulève le problème de la soumission chimique. En 2010 en Polynésie, un infi

Soumission chimique : en 2010 en Polynésie, l'affaire Philippe Challand

Pendant 4 mois, un retraité comparaît dans le Sud de l'Hexagone, accusé d'avoir drogué sa femme afin de la livrer à des dizaines de violeurs. Une affaire sans précédent qui soulève le problème de la soumission chimique. En 2010 en Polynésie, un infirmier anesthésiste avait été condamné pour des viols sur mineurs, commis sous anesthésie.

In-Depth Analysis - Recovery and Resilience Plans and the involvement of stakeholders - 12-09-2024

This paper presents the latest findings and developments related to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), with a particular focus on stakeholder assessments of its structure and initial implementation. It summarises the perspectives of stakeholders at t
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

In-Depth Analysis - Recovery and Resilience Plans and the involvement of stakeholders - 12-09-2024

This paper presents the latest findings and developments related to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), with a particular focus on stakeholder assessments of its structure and initial implementation. It summarises the perspectives of stakeholders at the EU, national, regional, and local levels concerning the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs). Notably, the paper compiles recent opinions and evaluations from EU stakeholders, as well as relevant institutions and bodies, regarding the execution of these plans. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Sri Lanka's 2024 presidential elections - 12-09-2024

With a multi-ethnic and multi-religious population of 22 million, Sri Lanka is a country strategically located in South Asia at the crossroads of major shipping routes in the Indo-Pacific region. This lower middle-income country has undergone a severe economi
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Sri Lanka's 2024 presidential elections - 12-09-2024

With a multi-ethnic and multi-religious population of 22 million, Sri Lanka is a country strategically located in South Asia at the crossroads of major shipping routes in the Indo-Pacific region. This lower middle-income country has undergone a severe economic crisis, whose consequences have been exacerbated by its economic and monetary policies, not to mention the 2019 terrorist attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, Sri Lanka defaulted, and widespread popular protests prompted the resignation of the prime minister followed by the president, posts held by the Rajapaksa brothers. Ranil Wickremesinghe took over as president. The country has received assistance from the International Monetary Fund and negotiated a key debt restructuring deal in June 2024. India and China are competing to expand their influence in the country because of its geo-strategic location in the Indo-Pacific. The 99-year lease of Hambantota port to China in 2017, feeding the debt-trap narrative, has increased Indian and United States (US) concerns. Colombo boasts a nonaligned foreign policy, and has remained neutral on the war in Ukraine. European Union–Sri Lanka relations are based on a comprehensive cooperation agreement on partnership and development, which entered into force in 1995. Sri Lanka benefits from enhanced access to the European Union (EU) market under the generalised system of preferences plus, of which it is the third-largest beneficiary. The European Parliament – like other international stakeholders – has underlined the importance of a national reconciliation process given the unaddressed legacy of the 1983–2009 civil war against the Tamil insurgency. Parliament has also expressed concern over Sri Lanka's continuous application of the Prevention of Terrorism Act, systematically used for arbitrary arrests. Against this backdrop, Sri Lanka's presidential elections will take place on 21 September 2024. The EU has deployed an election observation mission, with MEP Nacho Sánchez Amor (S&D, Spain) as Chief Observer. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

In-Depth Analysis - Recovery and Resilience Dialogue with the European Commission 16 September 2024 - 12-09-2024

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 16th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation, scheduled for 16 September 2024. The previous RRD took place on 22 Apri
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

In-Depth Analysis - Recovery and Resilience Dialogue with the European Commission 16 September 2024 - 12-09-2024

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 16th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation, scheduled for 16 September 2024. The previous RRD took place on 22 April 2024. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Research for CULT Committee - EU education, youth and sport policy - overview and future perspectives - 12-09-2024

This at a glance note summarises the study providing a comprehensive overview of the situation to date and forward-looking insights in the areas of European Union education and training, youth, and sport policy. It highlights the existing and potential futur
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Research for CULT Committee - EU education, youth and sport policy - overview and future perspectives - 12-09-2024

This at a glance note summarises the study providing a comprehensive overview of the situation to date and forward-looking insights in the areas of European Union education and training, youth, and sport policy. It highlights the existing and potential future challenges and opportunities within each policy field and makes recommendations for addressing them. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Study - Research for CULT Committee - EU education, youth and sport policy - overview and future perspectives - 12-09-2024

This study provides a comprehensive overview of the situation to date and forward-looking insights in the areas of European Union education and training, youth, and sport policy. It highlights the existing and potential future challenges and opportunities wit
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - Research for CULT Committee - EU education, youth and sport policy - overview and future perspectives - 12-09-2024

This study provides a comprehensive overview of the situation to date and forward-looking insights in the areas of European Union education and training, youth, and sport policy. It highlights the existing and potential future challenges and opportunities within each policy field and makes recommendations for addressing them. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - The EU framework for fiscal policies - 11-09-2024

In order to ensure the stability of the Economic and Monetary Union, a robust framework is needed to prevent unsustainable public finances as far as possible. A reform (part of the ‘Six Pack’) amending the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) entered into forc
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EU Fact Sheets - The EU framework for fiscal policies - 11-09-2024

In order to ensure the stability of the Economic and Monetary Union, a robust framework is needed to prevent unsustainable public finances as far as possible. A reform (part of the ‘Six Pack’) amending the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) entered into force at the end of 2011. Another reform in this policy area, the intergovernmental Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (TSCG), including the Fiscal Compact, entered into force in early 2013. Furthermore, a regulation on assessing national draft budgetary plans (part of the ‘Two Pack’) entered into force in May 2013. On 30 April 2024, a reformed economic governance framework entered into force. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

La Nouvelle-Calédonie veut déclarer l’urgence climatique, et se doter d’un fonds dédié

Déclarer l'état d'urgence climatique et environnemental en Nouvelle-Calédonie, c'est le sens d'un projet de délibération arrêté par le gouvernement Mapou, ce mercredi 11 septembre. Le texte définit une stratégie locale, sur ces enjeux majeurs. La cr

La Nouvelle-Calédonie veut déclarer l’urgence climatique, et se doter d’un fonds dédié

Déclarer l'état d'urgence climatique et environnemental en Nouvelle-Calédonie, c'est le sens d'un projet de délibération arrêté par le gouvernement Mapou, ce mercredi 11 septembre. Le texte définit une stratégie locale, sur ces enjeux majeurs. La création d'un «fonds de résilience» est également proposée. L'ensemble doit être soumis au Congrès.

Briefing - Priority dossiers under the Hungarian EU Council Presidency - 10-09-2024

Hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 July, and will stay in office until 31 December 2024. This is the second time Hungary has played this role, following its first-ever presidency in 2011. Hungary is the last memb
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Priority dossiers under the Hungarian EU Council Presidency - 10-09-2024

Hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 July, and will stay in office until 31 December 2024. This is the second time Hungary has played this role, following its first-ever presidency in 2011. Hungary is the last member of the presidency trio made up together with Spain (in the second half of 2023) and Belgium (in the first half of 2024). It will hand the baton over to Poland. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Improving passenger rights - 10-09-2024

The impact assessment (IA) provides a good information package to underpin the initiative on improving passenger rights. The IA's qualitative and quantitative analysis draws on several data sources, such as an IA supporting study, studies in the policy field
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Briefing - Improving passenger rights - 10-09-2024

The impact assessment (IA) provides a good information package to underpin the initiative on improving passenger rights. The IA's qualitative and quantitative analysis draws on several data sources, such as an IA supporting study, studies in the policy field, ex-post evaluations and stakeholder consultation; however, the IA supporting study does not appear to be fully referenced, to the detriment of transparency. The IA explains in detail the analytical methods used in a dedicated annex. The IA presents a well-evidenced problem definition and a balanced description of the policy measures and policy options; however, the offer of options is partially rather limited. In the comparison of options, the IA transparently notes that the stakeholders have differing views on the options, and recognises uncertainties in the estimates of hassle cost savings. The analysis would have benefited from some clarification relating to the effectiveness assessment and the scoring of proportionality and subsidiarity. The IA considers that the initiative is relevant to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and, consequently, an SME test was performed. However, SMEs are not differentiated by size classes (micro, small and medium enterprises) in the analysis, and the mitigating measures could have been explained more in detail. It appears that the legislative proposal follows the preferred options of the IA. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - The European Parliament's new Rules of Procedure: Parliament 2024 reforms - 11-09-2024

The European Parliament's new Rules of Procedure entered into force on 16 July 2024 – the first day of Parliament's 10th term. The 'Parliament 2024' reforms sought primarily to streamline legislative procedures, enhance budgetary control and improve scrutin
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - The European Parliament's new Rules of Procedure: Parliament 2024 reforms - 11-09-2024

The European Parliament's new Rules of Procedure entered into force on 16 July 2024 – the first day of Parliament's 10th term. The 'Parliament 2024' reforms sought primarily to streamline legislative procedures, enhance budgetary control and improve scrutiny of the Commission. The reforms have tackled conflicts of committee competences to expedite the attribution of files to committees. To address cases of cross-cutting issues falling within the competence of more than three committees, the Conference of Presidents (CoP) can propose the setting up of a temporary legislative committee, as a last resort. Use of the urgent procedure in plenary is limited to clearly justified cases, but committees will have greater possibilities to adopt reports using simplified or accelerated procedures. There are also new rules on co-rapporteurship that will allow for up to three co-rapporteurs, as an exceptional measure. All proposals with budgetary implications will undergo a specific budgetary assessment by the Committee on Budgets, to ensure that Parliament uses its legislative and budgetary powers as effectively as possible. In addition, the Budgetary Control Committee will be involved in the consideration of any proposals involving non-traditional (i.e. 'off-budget') financial instruments, in anticipation of the discharge procedure. A new format for 'special scrutiny hearings' will enable Parliament 'to question one or more Commissioners on an issue of major political importance'. The rules for hearings of the Commissioners-designate (renamed 'confirmation hearings') have been clarified in time for the hearings of the new set of commissioners-designate scheduled for autumn 2024. The reforms also affect plenary, with new speaking-time attribution rules and the creation of a new plenary debate format. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

In-Depth Analysis - 10 years of Banking Union case law - 11-09-2024

Banking Union is crucial for European integration, ensuring financial stability in the single market for financial services. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) plays an essential role in interpreting and enforcing the legal framework of the Ban
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

In-Depth Analysis - 10 years of Banking Union case law - 11-09-2024

Banking Union is crucial for European integration, ensuring financial stability in the single market for financial services. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) plays an essential role in interpreting and enforcing the legal framework of the Banking Union, especially regarding the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). This in-depth analysis scrutinises the pertinent CJEU case law and highlights its implications for the Banking Union and the EU legal order. This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the ECON Committee. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

États-Unis : Harris et Trump s'écharpent dans un débat crucial à deux mois de l'élection

Kamala Harris et Donald Trump se sont durement affrontés, ce mardi 10 septembre, lors d'un débat télévisé au ton très offensif, s'accusant mutuellement de mentir et confrontant leurs visions opposées de l'Amérique, à moins de deux mois d'une électio

États-Unis : Harris et Trump s'écharpent dans un débat crucial à deux mois de l'élection

Kamala Harris et Donald Trump se sont durement affrontés, ce mardi 10 septembre, lors d'un débat télévisé au ton très offensif, s'accusant mutuellement de mentir et confrontant leurs visions opposées de l'Amérique, à moins de deux mois d'une élection présidentielle historique.

Adressage à Taiarapu-Est : enfin un nom sur un quartier

Ce sont les dernières communes à bénéficier de l’adressage, c'est-à-dire la nomination des routes et servitudes de Taiarapu-Est. Elle est composée des communes associées de Pueu, Tautira, Faaone et Afaahiti. Les habitants sont invités à donner leu

Adressage à Taiarapu-Est : enfin un nom sur un quartier

Ce sont les dernières communes à bénéficier de l’adressage, c'est-à-dire la nomination des routes et servitudes de Taiarapu-Est. Elle est composée des communes associées de Pueu, Tautira, Faaone et Afaahiti. Les habitants sont invités à donner leur avis depuis le 26 août via un QR Code et un formulaire en ligne.

États-Unis : Harris et Trump s'écharpent dans un débat crucial à deux de l'élection

Kamala Harris et Donald Trump se sont durement affrontés, ce mardi 10 septembre, lors d'un débat télévisé au ton très offensif, s'accusant mutuellement de mentir et confrontant leurs visions opposées de l'Amérique, à moins de deux mois d'une électio

États-Unis : Harris et Trump s'écharpent dans un débat crucial à deux de l'élection

Kamala Harris et Donald Trump se sont durement affrontés, ce mardi 10 septembre, lors d'un débat télévisé au ton très offensif, s'accusant mutuellement de mentir et confrontant leurs visions opposées de l'Amérique, à moins de deux mois d'une élection présidentielle historique.

Avant le lancement en octobre, l'Apetahi Express teste la traversée Papeete-Faratea

Une série de tests est effectuée depuis ce matin sur le trajet Papeete-Faratea-Papeete par l'équipage de l'Apetahi Express. Temps de traversée, manoeuvrabilité...tout est pris en compte avant de lancer officiellement la desserte le mois prochain.

Avant le lancement en octobre, l'Apetahi Express teste la traversée Papeete-Faratea

Une série de tests est effectuée depuis ce matin sur le trajet Papeete-Faratea-Papeete par l'équipage de l'Apetahi Express. Temps de traversée, manoeuvrabilité...tout est pris en compte avant de lancer officiellement la desserte le mois prochain.

Un filet anti-requins posé à la plage du Château Royal à Nouméa

Les baigneurs du Chateau Royal à Nouméa bientôt protégés : après deux mois de retard causé par les émeutes, le filet anti-requins sera opérationnel vendredi, près d'un an après celui de la Baie des Citrons.

Un filet anti-requins posé à la plage du Château Royal à Nouméa

Les baigneurs du Chateau Royal à Nouméa bientôt protégés : après deux mois de retard causé par les émeutes, le filet anti-requins sera opérationnel vendredi, près d'un an après celui de la Baie des Citrons.

Les reproductions d'oeuvres du Louvre subjuguent parents et élèves au collège de Papara

Favoriser l'ouverture culturelle au service de l'apprentissage : c'était l'objectif d'une journée, organisée ce lundi, au collège de Papara. Une exposition avec une quinzaine de reproductions d'oeuvres du musée du Louvre, a été proposée, et un anthrop

Les reproductions d'oeuvres du Louvre subjuguent parents et élèves au collège de Papara

Favoriser l'ouverture culturelle au service de l'apprentissage : c'était l'objectif d'une journée, organisée ce lundi, au collège de Papara. Une exposition avec une quinzaine de reproductions d'oeuvres du musée du Louvre, a été proposée, et un anthropologue a aussi donné une conférence-débat, sur les totems animaliers ancestraux.

EU Fact Sheets - Asylum Policy - 09-09-2024

The aim of the EU’s asylum policy is to offer appropriate status to any non-EU national requiring international protection in one of the Member States and ensure compliance with the principle of non-refoulement[1]. To this end, the EU is striving to develo
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EU Fact Sheets - Asylum Policy - 09-09-2024

The aim of the EU’s asylum policy is to offer appropriate status to any non-EU national requiring international protection in one of the Member States and ensure compliance with the principle of non-refoulement[1]. To this end, the EU is striving to develop a Common European Asylum System. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Supranational decision-making procedures - 09-09-2024

The Member States of the European Union have agreed, as a result of their membership of the EU, to transfer some of their powers to the EU institutions in specified policy areas. Thus, EU institutions make supranational binding decisions in their legislative
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Supranational decision-making procedures - 09-09-2024

The Member States of the European Union have agreed, as a result of their membership of the EU, to transfer some of their powers to the EU institutions in specified policy areas. Thus, EU institutions make supranational binding decisions in their legislative and executive procedures, budgetary procedures, appointment procedures and quasi-constitutional procedures. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - The European Committee of the Regions - 09-09-2024

The European Committee of the Regions is made up of 329 members representing the regional and local authorities of the 27 Member States of the European Union. It issues opinions sought on the basis of mandatory (as required by the Treaties) and voluntary co
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - The European Committee of the Regions - 09-09-2024

The European Committee of the Regions is made up of 329 members representing the regional and local authorities of the 27 Member States of the European Union. It issues opinions sought on the basis of mandatory (as required by the Treaties) and voluntary consultation and, where appropriate, own-initiative opinions. Its members are not bound by any mandatory instructions. They are independent in the performance of their duties, in the European Union’s general interest. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - CO₂ emission performance standards and reporting obligations for new heavy-duty vehicles - 10-09-2024

Road transport is a major contributor to climate change. CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) have grown steadily and account for over a quarter of road transport CO2 emissions. On 14 February 2023, the European Commission tabled a legislative propos
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - CO₂ emission performance standards and reporting obligations for new heavy-duty vehicles - 10-09-2024

Road transport is a major contributor to climate change. CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) have grown steadily and account for over a quarter of road transport CO2 emissions. On 14 February 2023, the European Commission tabled a legislative proposal to revise Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 setting CO2 emission standards for new HDVs in the EU. The proposed revision would expand the scope of the regulation to include urban buses, coaches, trailers and additional types of lorries. The average CO2 emissions of trucks and coaches, compared with 2019 levels, would have to fall by 45 % from 2030, by 65 % from 2035, and by 90 % from 2040 onwards. The proposal set a target date when all newly registered urban buses would have to be zero-emission vehicles. The co-legislators reached a provisional agreement on the proposal in January 2024. The regulation was adopted on 14 May 2024, entered into force on 26 June 2024, and started applying from 1 July 2024. Fifth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

SEM Abattage de Tahiti : la CTC pointe des fraudes et des dysfonctionnements

La Chambre territoriale des comptes a révélé des fraudes importantes et des dysfonctionnements majeurs au sein de la SEM Abattage de Tahiti entre 2018 et 2022. Dans son rapport rendu public ce lundi 9 septembre, elle pointe notamment du doigt deux directeu

SEM Abattage de Tahiti : la CTC pointe des fraudes et des dysfonctionnements

La Chambre territoriale des comptes a révélé des fraudes importantes et des dysfonctionnements majeurs au sein de la SEM Abattage de Tahiti entre 2018 et 2022. Dans son rapport rendu public ce lundi 9 septembre, elle pointe notamment du doigt deux directeurs généraux délégués qui ont utilisé les cartes bancaires de la société à des fins personnelles.

Quatre personnes, dont un muto'i, condamnées dans une affaire d'ice et de proxénétisme

Quatre personnes, dont une femme et un policier municipal, ont été condamnées ce lundi dans une sordide affaire de stupéfiants, qui mêle trafic d'ice et de paka, proxénétisme et violences conjugales. Des trajectoires de vie laminées par l'addiction e

Quatre personnes, dont un muto'i, condamnées dans une affaire d'ice et de proxénétisme

Quatre personnes, dont une femme et un policier municipal, ont été condamnées ce lundi dans une sordide affaire de stupéfiants, qui mêle trafic d'ice et de paka, proxénétisme et violences conjugales. Des trajectoires de vie laminées par l'addiction et la violence.

L'Arago quitte la Polynésie ce lundi matin

Le navire militaire Arago quitte la Polynésie française ce lundi matin, 33 ans après sa première mission. Il officiera désormais au large des côtes françaises.

L'Arago quitte la Polynésie ce lundi matin

Le navire militaire Arago quitte la Polynésie française ce lundi matin, 33 ans après sa première mission. Il officiera désormais au large des côtes françaises.

La danse tahitienne à l’honneur à La Réunion

Le week-end dernier, la danse tahitienne était à l’honneur à Plateau-Caillou dans l’Ouest de La Réunion. Une journée de concours de Ori était organisée par l’association «Pupu Ori Toa Kovi’i», samedi 7 septembre. Dimanche 8 septembr

La danse tahitienne à l’honneur à La Réunion

Le week-end dernier, la danse tahitienne était à l’honneur à Plateau-Caillou dans l’Ouest de La Réunion. Une journée de concours de Ori était organisée par l’association «Pupu Ori Toa Kovi’i», samedi 7 septembre. Dimanche 8 septembre, des ateliers de danses ont ouvert au public.

[PORTRAIT] Tuariki Teai, 14 ans, jeune prodige du orero

Rien qu’en écoutant un orero à la télé, le jeune Tuariki Teai est tombé sous le charme de cet art. Elève prodige du regretté John Mairai, à seulement 14 ans, Tuariki a déclamé plusieurs orero lors de diverses cérémonies et son talent est reconn

[PORTRAIT] Tuariki Teai, 14 ans, jeune prodige du orero

Rien qu’en écoutant un orero à la télé, le jeune Tuariki Teai est tombé sous le charme de cet art. Elève prodige du regretté John Mairai, à seulement 14 ans, Tuariki a déclamé plusieurs orero lors de diverses cérémonies et son talent est reconnu un peu partout au fenua.

Résultats du Raid Vittel : Damien Troquenet semble imbattable

La 18e édition du Raid Vittel s'est déroulée ce dimanche 8 septembre, dans la vallée de la Maroto, à Papenoo. 900 coureurs étaient sur la ligne de départ. Cette année encore, c'est Damien Troquenet qui arrive en tête. Marion Ung s'impose chez les fem

Résultats du Raid Vittel : Damien Troquenet semble imbattable

La 18e édition du Raid Vittel s'est déroulée ce dimanche 8 septembre, dans la vallée de la Maroto, à Papenoo. 900 coureurs étaient sur la ligne de départ. Cette année encore, c'est Damien Troquenet qui arrive en tête. Marion Ung s'impose chez les femmes.

Le Terevau a repris ses rotations et ses passagers, leurs habitudes

Plus de 4 mois après son arrêt technique, le Terevau a enfin repris du service ce lundi matin. Pour le plus grand bonheur des passagers.

Le Terevau a repris ses rotations et ses passagers, leurs habitudes

Plus de 4 mois après son arrêt technique, le Terevau a enfin repris du service ce lundi matin. Pour le plus grand bonheur des passagers.

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