'Not happy, get your car washed in Singapore instead': Singaporean allegedly intimidated at JB car wash
A Singaporean woman was allegedly intimidated by a car wash manager in Johor Bahru after she questioned their incomplete service. The 48-year-old, identified as Jenny, had gone to a car wash in Larkin and was quoted RM12 ($3.65) for a car wash and vacuum se'Not happy, get your car washed in Singapore instead': Singaporean allegedly intimidated at JB car wash
A Singaporean woman was allegedly intimidated by a car wash manager in Johor Bahru after she questioned their incomplete service. The 48-year-old, identified as Jenny, had gone to a car wash in Larkin and was quoted RM12 ($3.65) for a car wash and vacuum service, reported the New Straits Times (NST) on Jan 12. «I went to a nearby stall to buy a burger, and when I returned about an hour later, I noticed my car hadn't been vacuumed,» said Jenny to NST. When she questioned the staff, she learned the vacuum cleaner was broken. Despite this, they still charged her the full price. Upset over the incomplete service, she complained to a staff member that she should have been informed of the faulty vacuum cleaner before she agreed to the service. She also requested to speak with the manager, who allegedly dismissed her and said: «This is how things are done in Johor. If you're not happy, get your car washed in Singapore instead.» The manager reportedly took things one step further and audibly told his staff to «remember (Jenny's) face and car». Read more