
US ambassador visits Gershkovich in Lefortovo pre-trial detention center

According to the Center for Public Relations of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), Gershkovich, «acting as an agent for the American side, collected top-secret data about the activity of an enterprise of the Russian military-industrial complex.&ra

Le Président de la Transition lance les travaux de construction du centre universitaire de Lambaréné

Lambaréné, le 23 juin 2024-Au terme de sa visite de 72 heures dans la province du Moyen-Ogooué, le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'État, le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a pris part ce jour à la célébratio

Le Président de la Transition lance les travaux de construction du centre universitaire de Lambaréné

Lambaréné, le 23 juin 2024-Au terme de sa visite de 72 heures dans la province du Moyen-Ogooué, le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'État, le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a pris part ce jour à la célébration d'un culte œcuménique à la Paroisse Saint François Xavier de Lambaréné en compagnie de la Première Dame Madame Zita Oligui Nguema et de toute la délégation qui l'accompagnait. Cette célébration eucharistique à laquelle prenaient part les (...) - ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Jean François Ndongou en communion avec les ressortissants du département de Ndolou

Libreville, le 24 juin 2024- Jean François Ndongou communie avec les ressortissants du département de Ndolou. Une rencontre aux allures de grandes retrouvailles électorales, qui lui a permis de solliciter le soutiens des uns et des autres, ainsi que l'impl

Jean François Ndongou en communion avec les ressortissants du département de Ndolou

Libreville, le 24 juin 2024- Jean François Ndongou communie avec les ressortissants du département de Ndolou. Une rencontre aux allures de grandes retrouvailles électorales, qui lui a permis de solliciter le soutiens des uns et des autres, ainsi que l'implication de tous, pour la Réussite de la transition en cours au Gabon. Nommé à la présidence de l'Assemblée Nationale de la transition, au lendemain du coup de libération du 30 Août 2023, Jean François Ndongou, natif du département de (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Lancement officiel de la délivrance de la CNIE par le Chef de l'Etat

Après avoir constitué son dossier de demande de la Carte Nationale d'Identité Électronique (CNIE) et de s'être fait enrôler le 22 juin 2024 à Lambaréné, le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'État, le Général Bric

Lancement officiel de la délivrance de la CNIE par le Chef de l'Etat

Après avoir constitué son dossier de demande de la Carte Nationale d'Identité Électronique (CNIE) et de s'être fait enrôler le 22 juin 2024 à Lambaréné, le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'État, le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a reçu son macaron de la CNIE, le lundi 24 juin 2024, des mains du Ministre de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité Hermann Immongault. Cette réception vaut lancement officiel de la campagne de production de la nouvelle carte (...) - SÉCURITÉ / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

UNGA president honours India's Hansa Mehta on International Day for Women in diplomacy

Dennis Francis, UNGA president, honoured Hansa Mehta on International Day for Women in diplomacy for her pivotal role in revising the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to include gender-inclusive language. Mehta's advocacy changed «All men ar
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

UNGA president honours India's Hansa Mehta on International Day for Women in diplomacy

Dennis Francis, UNGA president, honoured Hansa Mehta on International Day for Women in diplomacy for her pivotal role in revising the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to include gender-inclusive language. Mehta's advocacy changed «All men are born free and equal» to «All human beings are born free and equal,» marking a significant milestone for women's rights globally. Her contributions were celebrated for advancing gender equality in diplomacy.

Remaining 281 MPs to take oath in lok sabha today

On the first day of the 18th lok sabha's inaugural session, 262 newly elected MPs, including PM Modi, took their oaths. Key figures like Amit Shah and Rajnath Singh were among them. PM Modi emphasized consensus and thanked voters for their continued support,
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Remaining 281 MPs to take oath in lok sabha today

On the first day of the 18th lok sabha's inaugural session, 262 newly elected MPs, including PM Modi, took their oaths. Key figures like Amit Shah and Rajnath Singh were among them. PM Modi emphasized consensus and thanked voters for their continued support, aiming for a developed India by 2047.

Lok sabha speaker: NDA candidate likely to file nomination today, election on June 26

With the lok sabha speaker election approaching, the NDA and opposition INDIA bloc are preparing to contest, marking a rare election for the post. The NDA holds a majority with 293 MPs, while the INDIA bloc has 234. The election will be held on June 26.
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Lok sabha speaker: NDA candidate likely to file nomination today, election on June 26

With the lok sabha speaker election approaching, the NDA and opposition INDIA bloc are preparing to contest, marking a rare election for the post. The NDA holds a majority with 293 MPs, while the INDIA bloc has 234. The election will be held on June 26.

Congress has no right to profess love for our Constitution: PM Modi on 49th Emergency anniversary

On Tuesday, the BJP launched a massive campaign on the 49th anniversary of the Emergency imposed by former Prime Minister and Congress leader Indira Gandhi in 1975. This action comes as a counter to the opposition INDIA bloc's attempt to challenge the BJP on
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Congress has no right to profess love for our Constitution: PM Modi on 49th Emergency anniversary

On Tuesday, the BJP launched a massive campaign on the 49th anniversary of the Emergency imposed by former Prime Minister and Congress leader Indira Gandhi in 1975. This action comes as a counter to the opposition INDIA bloc's attempt to challenge the BJP on the issue of the Constitution. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the situation directly, stating, «Those who imposed the Emergency have no right to profess their love for our Constitution.»

Relationship between India, US 'multiplicative': US envoy Eric Garcetti

US envoy Eric Garcetti emphasized the unprecedented strength of India-US ties at the SelectUSA Investment Summit. Highlighting mutual investments, Garcetti announced JSW Steel's $140 million investment in Texas, reflecting growing two-way economic collaborati
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Relationship between India, US 'multiplicative': US envoy Eric Garcetti

US envoy Eric Garcetti emphasized the unprecedented strength of India-US ties at the SelectUSA Investment Summit. Highlighting mutual investments, Garcetti announced JSW Steel's $140 million investment in Texas, reflecting growing two-way economic collaboration. The summit saw India's largest delegation, underscoring the deepening strategic and economic partnership between the two nations.

Security guard 'who plotted to kidnap, rape and murder Holly Willoughby' had 10,000 images of her on his phone and had come to attention of US undercover cop after posting messages in an 'abduct lovers' online group, court hears

Gavin Plumb is accused of hatching a plan to use a chloroform restraint kit to overpower the star before taking her to a 'dungeon' where her 'screams can't be heard for miles'.
News | Mail Online

Security guard 'who plotted to kidnap, rape and murder Holly Willoughby' had 10,000 images of her on his phone and had come to attention of US undercover cop after posting messages in an 'abduct lovers' online group, court hears

Gavin Plumb is accused of hatching a plan to use a chloroform restraint kit to overpower the star before taking her to a 'dungeon' where her 'screams can't be heard for miles'.

Role of BRICS, interaction in Eurasia to be discussed by participants of Primakov Readings

The theme of this year's two-day international scientific and expert forum is «Russia in the Global Context»

Role of BRICS, interaction in Eurasia to be discussed by participants of Primakov Readings

The theme of this year's two-day international scientific and expert forum is «Russia in the Global Context»

Ukrainian president’s office has corrupt procurement system for army — news outlet

Its participants receive kickbacks of up to 30% of the tender price for supplies to the Ukrainian military, the Strana news outlet reported

Ukrainian president’s office has corrupt procurement system for army — news outlet

Its participants receive kickbacks of up to 30% of the tender price for supplies to the Ukrainian military, the Strana news outlet reported

Assange to return to Australia after US trial

WikiLeaks founder will be sentenced to more than five years in prison after pleading guilty, including the time he has already spent in detention in the UK, the office of Australian Prime Minister said

Assange to return to Australia after US trial

WikiLeaks founder will be sentenced to more than five years in prison after pleading guilty, including the time he has already spent in detention in the UK, the office of Australian Prime Minister said

S.Africa to dish up more zebra to boost jobs and conservation

Carcasses of impala, kudu and wildebeest hang from a slaughterhouse rail, ready to be turned into steaks, sausages and burger patties of the kind South Africa wants to see more of on the dinner table. The abattoir in Bela Bela, north of Johannesburg, is amon
Seychelles News Agency

S.Africa to dish up more zebra to boost jobs and conservation

Carcasses of impala, kudu and wildebeest hang from a slaughterhouse rail, ready to be turned into steaks, sausages and burger patties of the kind South Africa wants to see more of on the dinner table. The abattoir in Bela Bela, north of Johannesburg, is among only a handful in the country dedicated to game meat. Authorities say the untapped sector could create jobs and help preserve wildlife -- while pleasing the palates of climate- and health-conscious meat eaters. «We want to add a dimension into your dinner plate by giving you an organic game meat from the wild,» Khorommbi Matibe, the environment ministry's biodiversity economy chief, told AFP. A top wildlife tourism destination, South Africa produces around 60,000 tonnes of game meat a year -- equivalent in weight to roughly 60,000 giraffes. But only a fraction ends up in butcheries and supermarkets. Ninety percent is hunted and consumed informally, according to the government. Even less is exported. In 2019, just over 3,000 tonnes of ostrich, crocodile and zebra were shipped to the European Union, China and the UAE, it said. Authorities would like to serve up much more. In March, they said they want to grow the sector from 4.6 billion rand ($250 million) in 2020 to 27.6 billion rand by 2036, adopting a strategy published late last year. - Less methane - With unemployment sitting at 32.9 percent nationally, this could create jobs in rural, economically deprived areas. Matibe said there are good reasons for barbecuing more springboks. Game animals release less methane -- a greenhouse gas -- than cattle, whose burps are a top source of global warming emissions from agriculture. Foraging in the wild, their meat is by definition free-range and lean. A 2023 study by researchers at Stellenbosch University, found that zebra meat in particular was highly nutritious and very low in fat. Eating more of it could also help conservation efforts, the government argues. South Africa has long adopted a market-oriented approach to conservation, based on the belief that farmers have a better incentive to look after wildlife if they can profit from it. Critics say the model exploits and commoditises animals. But it has proved largely successful. The country's wildlife population has grown from about 500,000 in the 1960s to more than 20 million today. About 80 percent is in private game reserves that attract tourists and hunters. Some meat could come from the hundreds of herbivores that are culled every year to keep numbers within sustainable levels, the government says. And it wants to convert one million hectares of communal land to game meat production, which could boost black ownership in a sector where, 30 years after the end of apartheid, more than 94 percent of operators are white males, said Matibe. Requiring little equipment, game has «really low» input costs -- an advantage for newcomers, added Darren Horner, owner of producer Aloes Meat. - Meaty problems - Yet, in a country mad for barbecue, locally known as braai, little currently ends on the grill. This is partially due to the belief that game is less tender than beef and tastes unusual, according to the strategy, which envisages marketing campaigns to boost consumption. «Our grandmothers used to stuff it with bacon and leave it in red wine for three days to get rid of that wild taste. To me it only needs a bit of olive oil and salt,» said Charl de Villiers, head of Game SA, an industry group. There are other hurdles. Authorities plan to draw up quality standards so that all meat can be traced to the source and trusted by supermarkets and restaurants. But these can't be too stringent or risk scaring away informal producers, said Horner. Meanwhile, exports of cloven-hoofed animals to Europe have been banned for years as South Africa struggles to contain outbreaks of the foot and mouth disease that farmers blame on inadequate border controls. State laboratories to test meat are small and outdated, which further limits export potential, producers say. De Villiers currently has to ship his ostrich meat to Britain for testing, which ups costs. - Big disappointment - Stephen Nel, owner of the Camo Meat abattoir in Bela Bela, said he applied for an export licence in 2017 but has since given up on it. «It was a very big disappointment for me. The government failed us,» Nel said, wearing khaki shorts and a matching shirt inside his refrigerated facility. About 4,000 animals a year are skinned, weighed, deboned, processed and packaged there. Almost all are brought in by hunters keen on eating some of their prey. Expanding production to supply supermarkets would require investments, but these are hard to come by, amid scepticism around the sector's potential, he said. The government has been talking about growth for over a decade, but «nothing gets laid down», said Nel. Yet, Matibe is confident the strategy will soon start to bring results and will remain on track even after elections in May that forced the ruling African National Congress to form a coalition government. «In the next three years, we should be able to see a ramp up of this product coming to the market,» he said. © Agence France-Presse

France, Jordan urge Israel to lift Gaza aid restrictions

French President Emmanuel Macron and King Abdullah II of Jordan Monday called on Israel to lift all land-based «restrictions» on the delivery of aid to war-torn Gaza, the presidency said. UN agencies have repeatedly warned of severe shortages of
Seychelles News Agency

France, Jordan urge Israel to lift Gaza aid restrictions

French President Emmanuel Macron and King Abdullah II of Jordan Monday called on Israel to lift all land-based «restrictions» on the delivery of aid to war-torn Gaza, the presidency said. UN agencies have repeatedly warned of severe shortages of vital supplies in Gaza, exacerbated by restrictions on access by land and the closure of the key Rafah crossing with Egypt since Israeli forces seized the Palestinian side in early May. Over lunch at the Elysee Palace, Macron and Abdullah II reiterated the need for an «immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza» and called for the release of all hostages -- including two French nationals. The leaders also «expressed their deep concern about the situation in the West Bank and strongly condemned the violence committed by settlers», the Elysee Palace said in a statement. They agreed to continue to work together on a «lasting and credible solution» to the war based on the «two-state solution» and welcomed reforms undertaken by the Palestinian government and called for them to be continued. Referring to the intensification of tensions on the Israeli-Lebanese border, Macron and Abdullah II warned against a «conflagration that would be catastrophic for the region», and reiterated their calls to all parties for «responsibility and restraint». Hamas's unprecedented October 7 attack on southern Israel that triggered the Gaza war resulted in the deaths of 1,194 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures. The militants also seized hostages, 116 of whom remain in Gaza although the army says 42 are dead. Israel's retaliatory offensive has killed at least 37,626 people, also mostly civilians, the health ministry in Hamas-ruled Gaza said. © Agence France-Presse

Automédication à l'huile de cannabis : Me Millet dénonce un « acharnement révoltant » du parquet général

Suite à la décision du tribunal de première instance de Papeete de relaxer le père de famille qui soignait son fils avec de l'huile de cannabis, le parquet général a fait appel. Me Millet, avocat de la famille, parle « d'acharnement révoltant ».

Automédication à l'huile de cannabis : Me Millet dénonce un « acharnement révoltant » du parquet général

Suite à la décision du tribunal de première instance de Papeete de relaxer le père de famille qui soignait son fils avec de l'huile de cannabis, le parquet général a fait appel. Me Millet, avocat de la famille, parle « d'acharnement révoltant ».

Législatives 2024 en Polynésie : Les horaires des bureaux de vote

Les élections législatives anticipées auront lieu le 29 juin et le 6 juillet 2024 en Polynésie. La plupart des bureaux de vote seront ouverts de 8 heures à 18 heures, à quelques exceptions près. Le détail dans cet article.

Législatives 2024 en Polynésie : Les horaires des bureaux de vote

Les élections législatives anticipées auront lieu le 29 juin et le 6 juillet 2024 en Polynésie. La plupart des bureaux de vote seront ouverts de 8 heures à 18 heures, à quelques exceptions près. Le détail dans cet article.

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles turns down Royal Pigeon Racing Association patron role - despite his ancestors' love of birds

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: One of the late Queen's best-loved roles was patron of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association, retaining fond memories of her father George VI 's enthusiasm for the birds.
News | Mail Online

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles turns down Royal Pigeon Racing Association patron role - despite his ancestors' love of birds

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: One of the late Queen's best-loved roles was patron of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association, retaining fond memories of her father George VI 's enthusiasm for the birds.

Just a few thousand votes in swing seats could cut Labour's projected majority in half, poll analysis shows as Rishi Sunak urges disaffected Conservative voters not to give Starmer a supermajority

In a speech to Tory activists, the Prime Minister acknowledged public anger with the Conservatives but urged voters to 'think what a Labour government would mean.'
News | Mail Online

Just a few thousand votes in swing seats could cut Labour's projected majority in half, poll analysis shows as Rishi Sunak urges disaffected Conservative voters not to give Starmer a supermajority

In a speech to Tory activists, the Prime Minister acknowledged public anger with the Conservatives but urged voters to 'think what a Labour government would mean.'

Broadcaster Tom Bradby reveals he 'could have helped Huw Edwards' through his 'serious mental health issues' because the ITV newsreader had a breakdown too

Bradby, 57, has spoken openly about his own previous mental health issues. He told the Radio Times he 'probably' could have helped Edwards 'a bit'.
News | Mail Online

Broadcaster Tom Bradby reveals he 'could have helped Huw Edwards' through his 'serious mental health issues' because the ITV newsreader had a breakdown too

Bradby, 57, has spoken openly about his own previous mental health issues. He told the Radio Times he 'probably' could have helped Edwards 'a bit'.

STEPHEN GLOVER: The Tories have been shambolic and timid. But it'd still be crazy for those of us on the centre-Right to make Starmer PM in a one-party socialist state

Sir Keir Starmer is a cautious man. But who can doubt that, with a lead of this magnitude, he'd feel emboldened to introduce hitherto concealed policies that would transform our country?
News | Mail Online

STEPHEN GLOVER: The Tories have been shambolic and timid. But it'd still be crazy for those of us on the centre-Right to make Starmer PM in a one-party socialist state

Sir Keir Starmer is a cautious man. But who can doubt that, with a lead of this magnitude, he'd feel emboldened to introduce hitherto concealed policies that would transform our country?

Transgender sprinter vows to 'take all the records' in indoor races after storming the NCAA in women's event

CeCe Telfer, the first openly transgender woman to win an NCAA title, plans to return to indoor track competition aiming to set new records in the process. Telfer, who won the 400m hurdles in 2019.
News | Mail Online

Transgender sprinter vows to 'take all the records' in indoor races after storming the NCAA in women's event

CeCe Telfer, the first openly transgender woman to win an NCAA title, plans to return to indoor track competition aiming to set new records in the process. Telfer, who won the 400m hurdles in 2019.

US lawmakers questions FDAs drug inspection programme in India and China

Three US lawmakers have raised concerns about the FDA's foreign drug inspection program in India and China, citing inconsistent inspection outcomes. They noted significant variability in findings, suggesting potential issues in inspector competency and thorou
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

US lawmakers questions FDAs drug inspection programme in India and China

Three US lawmakers have raised concerns about the FDA's foreign drug inspection program in India and China, citing inconsistent inspection outcomes. They noted significant variability in findings, suggesting potential issues in inspector competency and thoroughness, and called for further investigation into the program's efficacy and reliability.

Saudi border guards foil plot to smuggle 73 kg of hash worth $1.8m

RIYADH: Border guards in the Asir region of Saudi Arabia thwarted an attempt to smuggle 73 kilograms of hashish, with an estimated street value of $1.8 million, into the Kingdom. The drugs were seized by authorities and preliminary legal proceedings have be
Saudi Arabia

Saudi border guards foil plot to smuggle 73 kg of hash worth $1.8m

RIYADH: Border guards in the Asir region of Saudi Arabia thwarted an attempt to smuggle 73 kilograms of hashish, with an estimated street value of $1.8 million, into the Kingdom. The drugs were seized by authorities and preliminary legal proceedings have been completed, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Monday. It follows an announcement on Friday that border guards in the same region had foiled a separate plot to smuggle 52 kilograms of hashish into the country, while authorities in Jazan prevented the trafficking of 243 kilograms of qat.

Interior ministry official: tourism companies in some countries encouraged pilgrims to violate Hajj regulations

RIYADH: Some tourism companies in several countries deceived visit visa holders by issuing visas not intended for Hajj and encouraged them to violate regulations by staying in Makkah two months before the pilgrimage, a Ministry of Interior spokesman said on M
Saudi Arabia

Interior ministry official: tourism companies in some countries encouraged pilgrims to violate Hajj regulations

RIYADH: Some tourism companies in several countries deceived visit visa holders by issuing visas not intended for Hajj and encouraged them to violate regulations by staying in Makkah two months before the pilgrimage, a Ministry of Interior spokesman said on Monday. The security spokesman for Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior Colonel Talal bin Abdul Mohsen bin Shalhoub said 1,301 people died during Hajj including 1,079 pilgrims who did not have Hajj permits. Those who died and were unauthorized to perform Hajj made up 83 percent of the total deaths.

Russian-led NATO rival ready to expand – secretary general

The Russian-led CSTO alliance can potentially see new members in the future, its secretary general has says Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Russian-led NATO rival ready to expand – secretary general

The Russian-led CSTO alliance can potentially see new members in the future, its secretary general has says Read Full Article at

Three men who stole $4 million worth of items from Linstead store get prison time

Three men who pleaded guilty to breaking into a Linstead, St Catherine store and stole items valued at $4,000,000 were today each sentenced to several months in prison. Jason Mathews, 36, unemployed, 31-year-old bus conductor Kemar Foster, and...

Three men who stole $4 million worth of items from Linstead store get prison time

Three men who pleaded guilty to breaking into a Linstead, St Catherine store and stole items valued at $4,000,000 were today each sentenced to several months in prison. Jason Mathews, 36, unemployed, 31-year-old bus conductor Kemar Foster, and...

Zephyrton, St Catherine hit by another fish kill, residents concerned

Residents of Zephyrton in Linstead, St Catherine today awoke to the distressing sight of dead fish lining the bank of the Rio Cobre in their community. The water appeared murky and was described as «milky looking» by concerned residents....

Zephyrton, St Catherine hit by another fish kill, residents concerned

Residents of Zephyrton in Linstead, St Catherine today awoke to the distressing sight of dead fish lining the bank of the Rio Cobre in their community. The water appeared murky and was described as «milky looking» by concerned residents....

Man killed in police shoot-out in May Pen

A man was shot dead during a reported shoot-out with the police in May Pen, Clarendon today. His identity has not yet been ascertained. According to the police, a team was patrolling along Nelson Street in May Pen when they came under attack. The...

Man killed in police shoot-out in May Pen

A man was shot dead during a reported shoot-out with the police in May Pen, Clarendon today. His identity has not yet been ascertained. According to the police, a team was patrolling along Nelson Street in May Pen when they came under attack. The...

Iran sees SCO, BRICS as means to fight Western domination — acting top diplomat

Ali Bagheri Kani also pointed out that the Iranian government has shown «a serious determination to offset dependence on the West by focusing on the East, strengthening Asian identity, and ensuring that neighborly policies serve collective development a

Iran sees SCO, BRICS as means to fight Western domination — acting top diplomat

Ali Bagheri Kani also pointed out that the Iranian government has shown «a serious determination to offset dependence on the West by focusing on the East, strengthening Asian identity, and ensuring that neighborly policies serve collective development and security»

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