
Filed a complaint to the Journalists' ethics committee over a negative cartoon

Presidential candidate Arnar Þór Jónsson has appealed to the Icelandic Journalists’ Union ethics committee for the cartoonist Hallur Baldursson’s caricature that was published in This is because the cartoonist puts Arnar in an outfit that ref

Techno-Cows Bioengineered to Squirt Insulin From Teets

Surveying the latest transgressions against decency, morality, and humanity itself by artificial intelligence and its biological architects. The dairy techno-cows of the future will emit pharmaceutical-grade insulin from their udders in a remarkable achieveme
BlackListed News

Techno-Cows Bioengineered to Squirt Insulin From Teets

Surveying the latest transgressions against decency, morality, and humanity itself by artificial intelligence and its biological architects. The dairy techno-cows of the future will emit pharmaceutical-grade insulin from their udders in a remarkable achievement for The Science™.

Throw money, expect results: Here’s why America’s usual approach doesn’t work in Ukraine

In a nation dominated by Wall Street, the strategy employed for combatting financial crises is seeping into other policymaking realms Read Full Article at
RT Business

Throw money, expect results: Here’s why America’s usual approach doesn’t work in Ukraine

In a nation dominated by Wall Street, the strategy employed for combatting financial crises is seeping into other policymaking realms Read Full Article at

Sanctions on Russia ineffective, says Dubai trade-hub chief

Western restrictions have made trade more complex but are largely ineffective, according to Hamad Buamim, chair of Dubai’s main trade hub Read Full Article at
RT Business

Sanctions on Russia ineffective, says Dubai trade-hub chief

Western restrictions have made trade more complex but are largely ineffective, according to Hamad Buamim, chair of Dubai’s main trade hub Read Full Article at

IMF warns Europe over energy security

The Ukraine conflict and sanctions on Russia are threatening Europe’s energy security by keeping costs high, IMF analysts have warned Read Full Article at
RT Business

IMF warns Europe over energy security

The Ukraine conflict and sanctions on Russia are threatening Europe’s energy security by keeping costs high, IMF analysts have warned Read Full Article at

Russia poised to overhaul tax policy

Russia’s Finance Ministry has submitted proposals to update the tax system, including the introduction of a new progressive tax scale Read Full Article at
RT Business

Russia poised to overhaul tax policy

Russia’s Finance Ministry has submitted proposals to update the tax system, including the introduction of a new progressive tax scale Read Full Article at

Major global refiner to buy Russian oil in rubles – Reuters

India’s biggest refinery signed a deal with Russia for the supply of 3 million barrels of oil monthly in rubles within a year Read Full Article at
RT Business

Major global refiner to buy Russian oil in rubles – Reuters

India’s biggest refinery signed a deal with Russia for the supply of 3 million barrels of oil monthly in rubles within a year Read Full Article at

EU facing cod shortage due to Russia sanctions – industry leaders

The EU is facing a shortage of cod due to declining stocks and to trade restrictions, according to the Russian fishing industry Read Full Article at
RT Business

EU facing cod shortage due to Russia sanctions – industry leaders

The EU is facing a shortage of cod due to declining stocks and to trade restrictions, according to the Russian fishing industry Read Full Article at

Western firms ‘backtracking’ on Russia exit plans – FT

More than half of the foreign firms that pledged to leave Russia have remained in the country, the Financial Times has reported Read Full Article at
RT Business

Western firms ‘backtracking’ on Russia exit plans – FT

More than half of the foreign firms that pledged to leave Russia have remained in the country, the Financial Times has reported Read Full Article at

EU to target luxury car influx into Russia – FT

The EU is preparing sanctions against Belarus to target the import of luxury cars that are later sold to Russia, the Financial Times reports Read Full Article at
RT Business

EU to target luxury car influx into Russia – FT

The EU is preparing sanctions against Belarus to target the import of luxury cars that are later sold to Russia, the Financial Times reports Read Full Article at

Iran’s President Raisi joined BRICS, called to drop US dollar, pushed for multipolar world

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash, sought to unite the Global South against Western imperialism. He joined BRICS, advocated de-dollarization, supported Palestine, promoted a “Look East” strategy toward China and Russia, and
BlackListed News

Iran’s President Raisi joined BRICS, called to drop US dollar, pushed for multipolar world

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash, sought to unite the Global South against Western imperialism. He joined BRICS, advocated de-dollarization, supported Palestine, promoted a “Look East” strategy toward China and Russia, and allied with Africa and Latin America.

From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech

“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of Americans is being taught that free speech should be curtailed as soo
BlackListed News

From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech

“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of Americans is being taught that free speech should be curtailed as soon as it makes someone else feel uncomfortable.”—William Ruger, “Free Speech Is Central to Our Dignity as Humans”

2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics

Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another?
BlackListed News

2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics

Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another?

Say Goodbye to Cloud Anonymity? New US Regulations Demand User Identification

The US Department of Commerce is seeking to end the right of users of cloud services to remain anonymous. The proposal first emerged in January, documents show, detailing new rules (National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activ
BlackListed News

Say Goodbye to Cloud Anonymity? New US Regulations Demand User Identification

The US Department of Commerce is seeking to end the right of users of cloud services to remain anonymous. The proposal first emerged in January, documents show, detailing new rules (National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities) for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, which include Know Your Customer (KYC) regulation, which is normally used by banks and financial institutions.

EU states ‘surprised’ by Russia’s economic resilience – Reuters

EU members have reportedly requested an assessments of a ban on Russian LNG re-shipments before imposing new sanctions  Read Full Article at
RT Business

EU states ‘surprised’ by Russia’s economic resilience – Reuters

EU members have reportedly requested an assessments of a ban on Russian LNG re-shipments before imposing new sanctions  Read Full Article at

US Effort To Extradite Assange Hits Roadblock

The High Court of Justice in London granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange the right to appeal his extradition after a two-hour hearing. It was the first positive decision in the case since District Judge Vanessa Baraitser barred his extradition on mental h
BlackListed News

US Effort To Extradite Assange Hits Roadblock

The High Court of Justice in London granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange the right to appeal his extradition after a two-hour hearing. It was the first positive decision in the case since District Judge Vanessa Baraitser barred his extradition on mental health grounds in January 2021.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is revealing its plan for Technocracy

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is revealing its plan for Technocracy, which is predicated on digital identity for all humans on Earth. Climate and energy have nothing to do with it. The 850 million people who have no identity (in poorer count
BlackListed News

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is revealing its plan for Technocracy

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is revealing its plan for Technocracy, which is predicated on digital identity for all humans on Earth. Climate and energy have nothing to do with it. The 850 million people who have no identity (in poorer countries) are hardly the cause of global warming. Nevertheless, the UNDP claims that “national ID systems are indispensable tools in confronting the climate and energy crisis.”

Occultism, child trafficking and Harry Houdini’s personal fight against both

Not only did he use his personal secret service for the cause of debunking fraudulent mediums but also for exposing child trafficking operations operating between London and the USA. And considering the many death threats Houdini received from powerful spirit
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Occultism, child trafficking and Harry Houdini’s personal fight against both

Not only did he use his personal secret service for the cause of debunking fraudulent mediums but also for exposing child trafficking operations operating between London and the USA. And considering the many death threats Houdini received from powerful spiritualists from England to the USA and considering his powerful disruption of a desired new occult revival in the USA, it is likely that the story of Houdini’s accidental death at the age of 52 is more myth than reality.

Nanorobots for treating cancer have moved from theory to practise

Cancer DNA robots, also known as DNA nanorobots, are tiny machines made of DNA that can be programmed to target and destroy cancer cells. These robots are constructed using a method called “DNA origami,” a technique that allows scientists to create comple
BlackListed News

Nanorobots for treating cancer have moved from theory to practise

Cancer DNA robots, also known as DNA nanorobots, are tiny machines made of DNA that can be programmed to target and destroy cancer cells. These robots are constructed using a method called “DNA origami,” a technique that allows scientists to create complex shapes and structures from DNA molecules.

Proof That Net Neutrality Was Never about ‘Saving the Internet’

Anyone reading this article can see the Internet didn’t die (hooray!). But few may realize just how much the Internet has improved since Net Neutrality was repealed.
BlackListed News

Proof That Net Neutrality Was Never about ‘Saving the Internet’

Anyone reading this article can see the Internet didn’t die (hooray!). But few may realize just how much the Internet has improved since Net Neutrality was repealed.

Belgium and Hungary Launch Controversial Digital IDs, Vaccine Passport, Ahead of EU Regulations

Belgium and Hungary are leading the way in launching digital ID wallets ahead of EU’s eIDAS (“electronic identification and trust services”) 2.0 regulation and EUDI Wallet coming into force later this month.
BlackListed News

Belgium and Hungary Launch Controversial Digital IDs, Vaccine Passport, Ahead of EU Regulations

Belgium and Hungary are leading the way in launching digital ID wallets ahead of EU’s eIDAS (“electronic identification and trust services”) 2.0 regulation and EUDI Wallet coming into force later this month.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Killed in Helicopter Crash

  Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, a hardliner and potential successor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was killed in a helicopter crash in mountainous terrain near the Azerbaijan border, officials and state media said on Monday. The charred wrecka
BlackListed News

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Killed in Helicopter Crash

  Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, a hardliner and potential successor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was killed in a helicopter crash in mountainous terrain near the Azerbaijan border, officials and state media said on Monday. The charred wreckage of the helicopter which crashed on Sunday carrying Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian

Assange Wins High Court Victory In Temporary Reprieve From Extradition To US

The High Court in London ruled Monday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can appeal his extradition to the US. Given it was essentially his 'last chance' to mount a final challenge before he could have been handed over the US custody and on a plane to Amer
BlackListed News

Assange Wins High Court Victory In Temporary Reprieve From Extradition To US

The High Court in London ruled Monday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can appeal his extradition to the US. Given it was essentially his 'last chance' to mount a final challenge before he could have been handed over the US custody and on a plane to American soil, Monday marks a huge win.

ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu, Hamas Leader Sinwar For “Crimes Against Humanity”

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has pulled the trigger on issuing its controversial arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after months of speculation it may not go through with it amid a Washington pressure campaign. Its chief pr
BlackListed News

ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu, Hamas Leader Sinwar For “Crimes Against Humanity”

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has pulled the trigger on issuing its controversial arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after months of speculation it may not go through with it amid a Washington pressure campaign. Its chief prosecutor Karim Khan revealed Monday that the world court is seeking arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel who are executing the war in Gaza, also including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

ECB rushing banks to quit Russia – FT 

The EU regulator has demanded that Eurozone banks still in Russia should speed up their exits due to looming US sanctions, the FT reports  Read Full Article at
RT Business

ECB rushing banks to quit Russia – FT 

The EU regulator has demanded that Eurozone banks still in Russia should speed up their exits due to looming US sanctions, the FT reports  Read Full Article at

Study finds which countries are most vulnerable to sanctions

The US, Russian and Chinese economies could weather a full trade blockade, while Germany, France and the UK would be badly hurt, study finds Read Full Article at
RT Business

Study finds which countries are most vulnerable to sanctions

The US, Russian and Chinese economies could weather a full trade blockade, while Germany, France and the UK would be badly hurt, study finds Read Full Article at

Share of ruble in Russia’s European trade hits new record

The currency has become a major player in the country’s foreign trade with the region in light of Western sanctions Read Full Article at
RT Business

Share of ruble in Russia’s European trade hits new record

The currency has become a major player in the country’s foreign trade with the region in light of Western sanctions Read Full Article at

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