
The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All

We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy. Bomb

Carbon Tax Dystopia

The financialisation of nature's resources as an asset class in South East Asia has several manifestations, including carbon credits, green bonds, and other initiatives that promote so called “sustainable development and environmental conservation.” Withi
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Carbon Tax Dystopia

The financialisation of nature's resources as an asset class in South East Asia has several manifestations, including carbon credits, green bonds, and other initiatives that promote so called “sustainable development and environmental conservation.” Within the altruistic trappings of tapping into humanity’s desire to “save the planet” and for the perpetual quest to attain “the greater good” mythos, this dystopian road paved with green gold, is nothing short of a giant Ponzi scheme.

Pfizer Pro Quo: more evidence emerges that drugmakers cut deal to help Biden win election

Anthony Fauci’s new book has granted the public more detail concerining the truly impeccable timing of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine trial data rollout.
BlackListed News

Pfizer Pro Quo: more evidence emerges that drugmakers cut deal to help Biden win election

Anthony Fauci’s new book has granted the public more detail concerining the truly impeccable timing of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine trial data rollout.

Japan’s Banking Giant In Crisis: Norinchukin To Dump $63 Billion In Bonds To Cover Massive Losses

Japan’s Norinchukin Bank, often called the country’s CLO whale, plans to sell $63 billion in U.S. and European government bonds by March 2025 to cover massive losses.
BlackListed News

Japan’s Banking Giant In Crisis: Norinchukin To Dump $63 Billion In Bonds To Cover Massive Losses

Japan’s Norinchukin Bank, often called the country’s CLO whale, plans to sell $63 billion in U.S. and European government bonds by March 2025 to cover massive losses.

Putin and Kim Unveil Shocking Military Pact Threatening NATO World Order

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un unveiled a groundbreaking military and economic alliance following their historic summit in Pyongyang. Putin highlighted a new treaty providing mutual defense against aggression, amid esca
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Putin and Kim Unveil Shocking Military Pact Threatening NATO World Order

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un unveiled a groundbreaking military and economic alliance following their historic summit in Pyongyang. Putin highlighted a new treaty providing mutual defense against aggression, amid escalating tensions with Western nations over arms supplies to neighboring regions. Kim praised the treaty as pivotal in reshaping global power dynamics towards a multipolar world, emphasizing the strategic vision and friendship between Russia and North Korea. The agreement includes economic projects like railway upgrades and cultural exchanges, underscoring their joint stance against foreign dominance and sanctions. Their united front challenges Western hegemony, promising a new era of independence and stability in Northeast Asia.

Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Baton
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Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality.

Putin's Full Speech: BRICS, NATO Expansion and Ukraine Peace Talk Conditions

Every few years Putin comes out with a speech or memorandum which explains - past, presence and future -  and argues for the position at large Russia is taking.
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Putin's Full Speech: BRICS, NATO Expansion and Ukraine Peace Talk Conditions

Every few years Putin comes out with a speech or memorandum which explains - past, presence and future -  and argues for the position at large Russia is taking.

Putin lauds de-dollarization in trade with Asian partner

Moscow and Hanoi have been diverting bilateral trade away from “widely discredited currencies,” according to the Russian president Read Full Article at
RT Business

Putin lauds de-dollarization in trade with Asian partner

Moscow and Hanoi have been diverting bilateral trade away from “widely discredited currencies,” according to the Russian president Read Full Article at

The Pentagon's «Anti-Vax» Psyops Campaign Against China

Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits, and the first vaccine that would become available in the Ph
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The Pentagon's «Anti-Vax» Psyops Campaign Against China

Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits, and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Free Speech at Risk: UN Pushes for Global “Hate Speech” Eradication

In a statement issued on the occasion of the “International Day for Countering Hate Speech,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for the global eradication of so-called “hate speech,” which he described as inherently toxic and entirely into
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Free Speech at Risk: UN Pushes for Global “Hate Speech” Eradication

In a statement issued on the occasion of the “International Day for Countering Hate Speech,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for the global eradication of so-called “hate speech,” which he described as inherently toxic and entirely intolerable.

Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking

Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine, a country whose government we now know is involved in the trafficking of children for sex and harvesting the organs of its own soldiers fo
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Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking

Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine, a country whose government we now know is involved in the trafficking of children for sex and harvesting the organs of its own soldiers for profit.

ADL Facing Wikipedia Ban Due to Bias, Misinformation

«Wikipedia's editors have voted to declare the Anti-Defamation League 'generally unreliable' on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding it to a list of banned and partially banned sources,» JTA reports.
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ADL Facing Wikipedia Ban Due to Bias, Misinformation

«Wikipedia's editors have voted to declare the Anti-Defamation League 'generally unreliable' on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding it to a list of banned and partially banned sources,» JTA reports.

Why Does the Government Borrow When It Can Print?

In the first seven months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, net interest (payments minus income) on the federal debt reached $514 billion, exceeding spending on both national defense ($498 billion) and Medicare ($465 billion). The interest tab also exceeded all the
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Why Does the Government Borrow When It Can Print?

In the first seven months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, net interest (payments minus income) on the federal debt reached $514 billion, exceeding spending on both national defense ($498 billion) and Medicare ($465 billion). The interest tab also exceeded all the money spent on veterans, education, and transportation combined. Spending on interest is now the second largest line item in the federal budget after Social Security and the fastest growing part of the budget, on track to reach $870 billion by the end of 2024. 

Ukraine Unleashes Deadly Kamikaze Drone Boats To Crush Russia’s Black Sea Fleet

At the Black Sea Security Forum, Ukrainian officials unveiled kamikaze drone boats, signaling Ukraine’s strategy to challenge Russia’s Black Sea Fleet dominance. These lethal vessels pose a significant threat to maritime security.
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Ukraine Unleashes Deadly Kamikaze Drone Boats To Crush Russia’s Black Sea Fleet

At the Black Sea Security Forum, Ukrainian officials unveiled kamikaze drone boats, signaling Ukraine’s strategy to challenge Russia’s Black Sea Fleet dominance. These lethal vessels pose a significant threat to maritime security.

Double Digits: Biden Admin tells Americans that it's soon time for their 10th Covid shot

The “experts” and bureaucrats on the FDA’s totally-not-compromised-by-Big Pharma vaccine committee have declared that there is a need for a 10th Covid shot in the Fall.
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Double Digits: Biden Admin tells Americans that it's soon time for their 10th Covid shot

The “experts” and bureaucrats on the FDA’s totally-not-compromised-by-Big Pharma vaccine committee have declared that there is a need for a 10th Covid shot in the Fall.

Boeing can’t find new CEO – WSJ

US aerospace giant Boeing is struggling to find a new CEO due to scrutiny over its safety record, The Wall Street Journal has reported Read Full Article at
RT Business

Boeing can’t find new CEO – WSJ

US aerospace giant Boeing is struggling to find a new CEO due to scrutiny over its safety record, The Wall Street Journal has reported Read Full Article at

British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations

Charles Garrett, an apparent British intel agent, teamed up with a local prosecutor to wrongfully indict Macedonian public figures and topple the country’s government. Everywhere Garrett goes in the region, coups seem to follow.
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British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations

Charles Garrett, an apparent British intel agent, teamed up with a local prosecutor to wrongfully indict Macedonian public figures and topple the country’s government. Everywhere Garrett goes in the region, coups seem to follow.

EU to challenge US and China in trade

The European Union will continue looking for ways of competing equitably with its economic partners, Margrethe Vestager has insisted Read Full Article at
RT Business

EU to challenge US and China in trade

The European Union will continue looking for ways of competing equitably with its economic partners, Margrethe Vestager has insisted Read Full Article at

EU to challenge US and China in trade – competition chief

The European Union will continue looking for ways of competing equitably with its economic partners, Margrethe Vestager has insisted Read Full Article at
RT Business

EU to challenge US and China in trade – competition chief

The European Union will continue looking for ways of competing equitably with its economic partners, Margrethe Vestager has insisted Read Full Article at

Biden may tap US strategic oil reserves – FT

US President Joe Biden is reportedly hoping to tame rising gasoline prices and inflation in the lead-up to November’s election Read Full Article at
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Biden may tap US strategic oil reserves – FT

US President Joe Biden is reportedly hoping to tame rising gasoline prices and inflation in the lead-up to November’s election Read Full Article at

Sales of Chinese cars top those of US rivals for first time – report

China’s automakers outdo US rivals for first time in 2023, with over 13 million new vehicles sold globally, researcher JATO Dynamics finds Read Full Article at
RT Business

Sales of Chinese cars top those of US rivals for first time – report

China’s automakers outdo US rivals for first time in 2023, with over 13 million new vehicles sold globally, researcher JATO Dynamics finds Read Full Article at

Coca-Cola applies to register trademarks in Russia – media

US soft-drinks maker Coca-Cola has applied to register several trademarks in Russia, Vedomosti has reported Read Full Article at
RT Business

Coca-Cola applies to register trademarks in Russia – media

US soft-drinks maker Coca-Cola has applied to register several trademarks in Russia, Vedomosti has reported Read Full Article at

Timely Lessons About Tyranny from the Father of the Constitution

James Madison, often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” once predicted that the Bill of Rights would become mere “parchment barrier,” words on paper ignored by successive generations of Americans. How right he was.
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Timely Lessons About Tyranny from the Father of the Constitution

James Madison, often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” once predicted that the Bill of Rights would become mere “parchment barrier,” words on paper ignored by successive generations of Americans. How right he was.

SPLC Lays Off a Quarter of Their Staff - Despite Having 'Nearly a Billion Dollars in Reserves'

The Southern Poverty Law Center laid off a quarter of their staff on Wednesday -- even though the notoriously money-hungry nonprofit has «nearly a billion dollars in reserves.»
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SPLC Lays Off a Quarter of Their Staff - Despite Having 'Nearly a Billion Dollars in Reserves'

The Southern Poverty Law Center laid off a quarter of their staff on Wednesday -- even though the notoriously money-hungry nonprofit has «nearly a billion dollars in reserves.»

After US Now Dominion Voting Systems Sparks Election Scandal In Puerto Rico

According to the commission’s interim president Jessika Padilla Rivera, Puerto Rico’s elections commission began evaluating its Dominion Voting Systems contract after software glitches miscalculated vote totals in the June 2 primaries
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After US Now Dominion Voting Systems Sparks Election Scandal In Puerto Rico

According to the commission’s interim president Jessika Padilla Rivera, Puerto Rico’s elections commission began evaluating its Dominion Voting Systems contract after software glitches miscalculated vote totals in the June 2 primaries

Chiquita Held Liable for Funding Colombian Paramilitaries

Following a civil case brought by eight Colombian families whose relatives were killed by the AUC, Chiquita has been ordered to pay $38.3m (£30m) in damages to the families.
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Chiquita Held Liable for Funding Colombian Paramilitaries

Following a civil case brought by eight Colombian families whose relatives were killed by the AUC, Chiquita has been ordered to pay $38.3m (£30m) in damages to the families.

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