
Five Eyes Is Behind The Push For Biometric Collecting And Sharing Of People’s Personal Data

The independent research that informs this reporting was funded through a Fulbright scholarship undertaken at Georgetown University in Washington DC. The views and information do not represent the Fulbright Programme, the US government or the New Zealand Gove
BlackListed News

Five Eyes Is Behind The Push For Biometric Collecting And Sharing Of People’s Personal Data

The independent research that informs this reporting was funded through a Fulbright scholarship undertaken at Georgetown University in Washington DC. The views and information do not represent the Fulbright Programme, the US government or the New Zealand Government.

Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark

The insane and anti-human war on food and carbon intensifies at the same time, virtually assuring famine in due time. That these technocrats cannot think beyond the end of their nose is clear, but it is just as clear that they should NEVER be in a position t
BlackListed News

Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark

The insane and anti-human war on food and carbon intensifies at the same time, virtually assuring famine in due time. That these technocrats cannot think beyond the end of their nose is clear, but it is just as clear that they should NEVER be in a position to make policy for everyone else.

Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

The New Scientist has posted a freaky video showing an experimental face intended for a robot that is made from living human skin cells, and is capable of smiling.
BlackListed News

Nothing To See Here, Just A Smiling Robot Face Made From Living Human Flesh

The New Scientist has posted a freaky video showing an experimental face intended for a robot that is made from living human skin cells, and is capable of smiling.

Pentagon Says $62 Million In Ukraine Weapons Aid Was ‘Lost Or Destroyed’ — But It Doesn’t Know Which

The Pentagon doesn’t know whether $62 million in missing U.S. weapons aid to Ukraine has been lost or destroyed, according to a new report released on Wednesday.
BlackListed News

Pentagon Says $62 Million In Ukraine Weapons Aid Was ‘Lost Or Destroyed’ — But It Doesn’t Know Which

The Pentagon doesn’t know whether $62 million in missing U.S. weapons aid to Ukraine has been lost or destroyed, according to a new report released on Wednesday.

The Great Migrant Dumping Wars of Europe

… Unless chaos, fracture, and ultimately total transformation is the goal, of course. The crucial error we often make is assuming benevolent intentions of the state where they don’t exist.
BlackListed News

The Great Migrant Dumping Wars of Europe

… Unless chaos, fracture, and ultimately total transformation is the goal, of course. The crucial error we often make is assuming benevolent intentions of the state where they don’t exist.

How Russia Is Building A Shadow Fleet To Bypass LNG Sanctions

Russia is secretly amassing a “dark fleet” of tankers to ship its LNG, mirroring the shadow fleet it created for oil exports to dodge Western sanctions. Bloomberg reveals that obscure shipping firms from Dubai have acquired several LNG vessels, with some
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How Russia Is Building A Shadow Fleet To Bypass LNG Sanctions

Russia is secretly amassing a “dark fleet” of tankers to ship its LNG, mirroring the shadow fleet it created for oil exports to dodge Western sanctions. Bloomberg reveals that obscure shipping firms from Dubai have acquired several LNG vessels, with some already approved to navigate Russia’s Arctic routes. This stealthy maneuver comes as Russia faces increasing sanctions from the U.S. and EU, which have delayed major LNG projects and banned new investments. The creation of this clandestine fleet highlights Moscow’s determination to circumvent sanctions and maintain its grip on the global LNG market.

Digital Currency or Digital Control?

Digital Currency or Digital Control brings policymakers and citizens alike up to speed on the rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the reasons why CBDCs pose a fundamental threat to financial privacy, freedom, markets, and security.
BlackListed News

Digital Currency or Digital Control?

Digital Currency or Digital Control brings policymakers and citizens alike up to speed on the rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the reasons why CBDCs pose a fundamental threat to financial privacy, freedom, markets, and security.

Italian bank ordered to pay $480mn over scrapped Russian deal

A Russian court has ordered Italy’s UniCredit bank to pay nearly $480 million over a scrapped gas processing project Read Full Article at
RT Business

Italian bank ordered to pay $480mn over scrapped Russian deal

A Russian court has ordered Italy’s UniCredit bank to pay nearly $480 million over a scrapped gas processing project Read Full Article at

Russia and Iran ink gas deal

A strategic memorandum has been signed on pipeline gas deliveries to the Islamic Republic, according to energy giant Gazprom Read Full Article at
RT Business

Russia and Iran ink gas deal

A strategic memorandum has been signed on pipeline gas deliveries to the Islamic Republic, according to energy giant Gazprom Read Full Article at

Electing the Next Dictator: Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear from Trump or Biden

No matter what carefully crafted sound bites and political spin get trotted out by Joe Biden and Donald Trump in advance of the 2024 presidential election, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms will be addres
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Electing the Next Dictator: Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear from Trump or Biden

No matter what carefully crafted sound bites and political spin get trotted out by Joe Biden and Donald Trump in advance of the 2024 presidential election, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms will be addressed in any credible, helpful way by either candidate, despite the dire state of our nation.

WEF Scientists Unveil Supercomputers Powered by Lab-Grown Human Brains

According to the WEF-funded scientists at Final Spark, “the Neuroplatform” only requires “a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional computer” due to the fact that it uses human brains as an energy source.
BlackListed News

WEF Scientists Unveil Supercomputers Powered by Lab-Grown Human Brains

According to the WEF-funded scientists at Final Spark, “the Neuroplatform” only requires “a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional computer” due to the fact that it uses human brains as an energy source.

'Cult Massacre': Disney massages the militant communism out of Jim Jones and Jonestown

We know all too well how the “purest” attempts to pursue communist utopias ultimately end up. Jonestown was no exception to that rule.
BlackListed News

'Cult Massacre': Disney massages the militant communism out of Jim Jones and Jonestown

We know all too well how the “purest” attempts to pursue communist utopias ultimately end up. Jonestown was no exception to that rule.

Scientists Raise Alarm over California's Geoengineering Efforts to Tackle 'Global Warming'

A group of scientists has warned that California’s use of geoengineering to fight “global warming” could likely have an impact on temperatures in Europe. As Slay News has reported, scientists in California have been spraying the skies with aerosols in
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Scientists Raise Alarm over California's Geoengineering Efforts to Tackle 'Global Warming'

A group of scientists has warned that California’s use of geoengineering to fight “global warming” could likely have an impact on temperatures in Europe. As Slay News has reported, scientists in California have been spraying the skies with aerosols in order to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface.

Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea

The ministry said U.S. specialists had set the missiles' flight coordinates on the basis of information from U.S. spy satellites, meaning Washington was directly responsible.
BlackListed News

Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea

The ministry said U.S. specialists had set the missiles' flight coordinates on the basis of information from U.S. spy satellites, meaning Washington was directly responsible.

Germany blames Moscow for worsening ties with Beijing

China’s ties with Russia have led to a decline in economic relations between Brussels and Beijing, German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck says Read Full Article at
RT Business

Germany blames Moscow for worsening ties with Beijing

China’s ties with Russia have led to a decline in economic relations between Brussels and Beijing, German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck says Read Full Article at

Leader Of Maryland LGBTQ+ Dems Caught In Alleged Pedo Sting, Trying To Meet With Young Boy

The head of the Maryland Democratic Party (MDP) LGBTQ+ Diversity Leadership Council (DLC), Michael Knaapen, was caught on video in a very disturbing predator sting.
BlackListed News

Leader Of Maryland LGBTQ+ Dems Caught In Alleged Pedo Sting, Trying To Meet With Young Boy

The head of the Maryland Democratic Party (MDP) LGBTQ+ Diversity Leadership Council (DLC), Michael Knaapen, was caught on video in a very disturbing predator sting.

Ex-CEO of major Russian investment group accused of fraud

A former head of the AFK Sistema investment group, Evgeny Novitsky, has been placed under house arrest as part of a fraud case Read Full Article at
RT Business

Ex-CEO of major Russian investment group accused of fraud

A former head of the AFK Sistema investment group, Evgeny Novitsky, has been placed under house arrest as part of a fraud case Read Full Article at

Carbon Tax Dystopia

The financialisation of nature's resources as an asset class in South East Asia has several manifestations, including carbon credits, green bonds, and other initiatives that promote so called “sustainable development and environmental conservation.” Withi
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Carbon Tax Dystopia

The financialisation of nature's resources as an asset class in South East Asia has several manifestations, including carbon credits, green bonds, and other initiatives that promote so called “sustainable development and environmental conservation.” Within the altruistic trappings of tapping into humanity’s desire to “save the planet” and for the perpetual quest to attain “the greater good” mythos, this dystopian road paved with green gold, is nothing short of a giant Ponzi scheme.

Pfizer Pro Quo: more evidence emerges that drugmakers cut deal to help Biden win election

Anthony Fauci’s new book has granted the public more detail concerining the truly impeccable timing of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine trial data rollout.
BlackListed News

Pfizer Pro Quo: more evidence emerges that drugmakers cut deal to help Biden win election

Anthony Fauci’s new book has granted the public more detail concerining the truly impeccable timing of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine trial data rollout.

Japan’s Banking Giant In Crisis: Norinchukin To Dump $63 Billion In Bonds To Cover Massive Losses

Japan’s Norinchukin Bank, often called the country’s CLO whale, plans to sell $63 billion in U.S. and European government bonds by March 2025 to cover massive losses.
BlackListed News

Japan’s Banking Giant In Crisis: Norinchukin To Dump $63 Billion In Bonds To Cover Massive Losses

Japan’s Norinchukin Bank, often called the country’s CLO whale, plans to sell $63 billion in U.S. and European government bonds by March 2025 to cover massive losses.

Putin and Kim Unveil Shocking Military Pact Threatening NATO World Order

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un unveiled a groundbreaking military and economic alliance following their historic summit in Pyongyang. Putin highlighted a new treaty providing mutual defense against aggression, amid esca
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Putin and Kim Unveil Shocking Military Pact Threatening NATO World Order

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un unveiled a groundbreaking military and economic alliance following their historic summit in Pyongyang. Putin highlighted a new treaty providing mutual defense against aggression, amid escalating tensions with Western nations over arms supplies to neighboring regions. Kim praised the treaty as pivotal in reshaping global power dynamics towards a multipolar world, emphasizing the strategic vision and friendship between Russia and North Korea. The agreement includes economic projects like railway upgrades and cultural exchanges, underscoring their joint stance against foreign dominance and sanctions. Their united front challenges Western hegemony, promising a new era of independence and stability in Northeast Asia.

Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Baton
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Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality.

Putin's Full Speech: BRICS, NATO Expansion and Ukraine Peace Talk Conditions

Every few years Putin comes out with a speech or memorandum which explains - past, presence and future -  and argues for the position at large Russia is taking.
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Putin's Full Speech: BRICS, NATO Expansion and Ukraine Peace Talk Conditions

Every few years Putin comes out with a speech or memorandum which explains - past, presence and future -  and argues for the position at large Russia is taking.

Putin lauds de-dollarization in trade with Asian partner

Moscow and Hanoi have been diverting bilateral trade away from “widely discredited currencies,” according to the Russian president Read Full Article at
RT Business

Putin lauds de-dollarization in trade with Asian partner

Moscow and Hanoi have been diverting bilateral trade away from “widely discredited currencies,” according to the Russian president Read Full Article at

The Pentagon's «Anti-Vax» Psyops Campaign Against China

Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits, and the first vaccine that would become available in the Ph
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The Pentagon's «Anti-Vax» Psyops Campaign Against China

Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits, and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

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