
Biden’s isolation grows as Gaza report both criticizes and clears Israel

Like much of Biden’s, at times, halting approach toward the war, the report released to Congress on Friday drew criticism from across the political spectrum.

The Unifying Principle: Here’s Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended

Recently I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might relate to the rampant social battles Americans are dealing with today. From e
BlackListed News

The Unifying Principle: Here’s Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended

Recently I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might relate to the rampant social battles Americans are dealing with today. From early disagreements between various Founding Fathers on hot button issues like the Sedition Act, central banking and standing armies, to epic and disastrous conflagrations like the Civil War, America has never been “of one mind” on everything.

Elon Musk Facilitates Agenda 2030

Digital ID verification for Twitter? Universal basic income for all due to AI adoption? Transport-as-a-service (TaaS) after we cannot afford to drive our own vehicles, or are banned from driving?
BlackListed News

Elon Musk Facilitates Agenda 2030

Digital ID verification for Twitter? Universal basic income for all due to AI adoption? Transport-as-a-service (TaaS) after we cannot afford to drive our own vehicles, or are banned from driving?

Former Biden Homeland Security Official Criticizes Free Speech, Cites “Disinformation” Impact on Election Security

A former Biden administration official has declared that disinformation around elections is “becoming the norm rather than the exception.” Samantha Vinograd, until recently of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), also asserted that these days, becau
BlackListed News

Former Biden Homeland Security Official Criticizes Free Speech, Cites “Disinformation” Impact on Election Security

A former Biden administration official has declared that disinformation around elections is “becoming the norm rather than the exception.” Samantha Vinograd, until recently of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), also asserted that these days, because of what she considers to be election disinformation, “there is an unprecedented level of physical threats” while the US information ecosystem is “incredibly vulnerable.”

NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to hide

During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government was very cozy with Big Pharma. Now we know just how close they were.
BlackListed News

NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to hide

During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government was very cozy with Big Pharma. Now we know just how close they were.

Lancement des travaux de la Commission nationale de la carte scolaire par Raymond Ndong Sima

Ce 3 juin 2024, le Premier ministre de la Transition, Raymond Ndong Sima, a présidé la cérémonie de lancement des travaux de la Commission nationale de la carte scolaire. Cet événement s'est déroulé en présence de Carmélia Ntoutoume-Leclercq, minist

Lancement des travaux de la Commission nationale de la carte scolaire par Raymond Ndong Sima

Ce 3 juin 2024, le Premier ministre de la Transition, Raymond Ndong Sima, a présidé la cérémonie de lancement des travaux de la Commission nationale de la carte scolaire. Cet événement s'est déroulé en présence de Carmélia Ntoutoume-Leclercq, ministre de l'Éducation nationale, de Louise Boukandou, ministre de la Fonction publique, du Gouverneur de l'Estuaire, Marie-Françoise Dikoumba, et du délégué spécial de la commune de Ntoum. Le Premier ministre a également procédé à l'installation (...) - EDUCATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Juror in Feeding Our Future fraud trial dismissed after being bribed with $120K in cash

A federal prosecutor says a woman tried to bribe a juror, and promised another bag of cash if the juror chose to acquit defendants at trial.
Hiiraan Online

Juror in Feeding Our Future fraud trial dismissed after being bribed with $120K in cash

A federal prosecutor says a woman tried to bribe a juror, and promised another bag of cash if the juror chose to acquit defendants at trial.

Africa: China-Africa Trade Cooperation Fosters Inclusive, Sustainable Growth in Africa - UNCTAD Official

[New Times] China-Africa trade cooperation is playing a pivotal role in fostering inclusive and sustainable development across Africa, according to a senior official with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Xinhua reports.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Africa: China-Africa Trade Cooperation Fosters Inclusive, Sustainable Growth in Africa - UNCTAD Official

[New Times] China-Africa trade cooperation is playing a pivotal role in fostering inclusive and sustainable development across Africa, according to a senior official with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Xinhua reports.

Rwanda: Kagame, South Korea President Talk Cooperation

[New Times] President Paul Kagame, on Monday, June 3, met with his South Korean counterpart Yoon Suk Yeol in the East Asian country's capital Seoul.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Rwanda: Kagame, South Korea President Talk Cooperation

[New Times] President Paul Kagame, on Monday, June 3, met with his South Korean counterpart Yoon Suk Yeol in the East Asian country's capital Seoul.

Chad: Chadian Women Contest Underrepresentation, Say It Undermines National Dialogue Recommendation

[VOA] Yaounde -- Chad's female leaders and activists have strongly condemned what they say is their negligible representation in President Mahamat Idriss Deby's first civilian government after a three-year transition from military rule. The women voiced thei
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Chad: Chadian Women Contest Underrepresentation, Say It Undermines National Dialogue Recommendation

[VOA] Yaounde -- Chad's female leaders and activists have strongly condemned what they say is their negligible representation in President Mahamat Idriss Deby's first civilian government after a three-year transition from military rule. The women voiced their concerns during a meeting in Chad's capital, N'djamena, on Monday.

In whose interest should Chakwera fire immigration chief Kalumo?

Even before he ascended to the presidency through the June 2020 Fresh Presidential Election, President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera knew that he would be inheriting a public service where corruption has been institutionalized. Chakwera knew quite well the da
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

In whose interest should Chakwera fire immigration chief Kalumo?

Even before he ascended to the presidency through the June 2020 Fresh Presidential Election, President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera knew that he would be inheriting a public service where corruption has been institutionalized. Chakwera knew quite well the daunting task that lay ahead of him. Nevertheless, he declared his resolve to eliminate the vice so […] The post In whose interest should Chakwera fire immigration chief Kalumo? appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Here's how far B.C. drivers must keep from cyclists, pedestrians under new law

A new law protecting cyclists and pedestrians in British Columbia takes effect Monday, establishing minimum distances that drivers must keep from so-called vulnerable road users. - Canada - Public RSS

Here's how far B.C. drivers must keep from cyclists, pedestrians under new law

A new law protecting cyclists and pedestrians in British Columbia takes effect Monday, establishing minimum distances that drivers must keep from so-called vulnerable road users.

Bus carrying Quebec tourists crashes in Cuba, leaving 1 dead and 26 injured

One person is dead and 26 were injured after a bus carrying Quebec tourists was involved in a collision in Cuba on Sunday. - Canada - Public RSS

Bus carrying Quebec tourists crashes in Cuba, leaving 1 dead and 26 injured

One person is dead and 26 were injured after a bus carrying Quebec tourists was involved in a collision in Cuba on Sunday.

More Canadians are moving to the U.S. Here's one of the main reasons, according to an immigration expert

Recent data from the U.S. census revealed that more than 126,000 people moved from Canada to the U.S. in 2022. An expert said that one of the main reasons for this move is the cost of living. - Canada - Public RSS

More Canadians are moving to the U.S. Here's one of the main reasons, according to an immigration expert

Recent data from the U.S. census revealed that more than 126,000 people moved from Canada to the U.S. in 2022. An expert said that one of the main reasons for this move is the cost of living.

Ukraine won’t trigger WW3 – UK military chief

The global situation is only “a bit more dangerous” due to the standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine, UK military chief has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Ukraine won’t trigger WW3 – UK military chief

The global situation is only “a bit more dangerous” due to the standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine, UK military chief has said Read Full Article at

Sex with minors is part of gypsy culture, Spanish court rules

A Spanish court has acquitted a 20-year-old gypsy man of sexual abuse of a minor, finding his relationship with 12-year-old is cultural norm Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Sex with minors is part of gypsy culture, Spanish court rules

A Spanish court has acquitted a 20-year-old gypsy man of sexual abuse of a minor, finding his relationship with 12-year-old is cultural norm Read Full Article at

Russia and China ‘close’ to replacing SWIFT — business regulator

Western restrictions have forced Moscow and Beijing to actively promote their own domestic payment systems Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Russia and China ‘close’ to replacing SWIFT — business regulator

Western restrictions have forced Moscow and Beijing to actively promote their own domestic payment systems Read Full Article at

Remaniement ministériel : la composition du gouvernement Brotherson 2

Après un an de mandat, le président du Pays, Moetai Brotherson, a présenté son nouveau gouvernement ce lundi 3 juin depuis la Présidence. Un gouvernement qui n'a pas beaucoup changé, les portes-feuilles d'Eliane Tevahitua ont été redistribués.

Remaniement ministériel : la composition du gouvernement Brotherson 2

Après un an de mandat, le président du Pays, Moetai Brotherson, a présenté son nouveau gouvernement ce lundi 3 juin depuis la Présidence. Un gouvernement qui n'a pas beaucoup changé, les portes-feuilles d'Eliane Tevahitua ont été redistribués.

US hasn’t allowed use of ATACMS to strike inside Russia — US diplomat

According to Julianne Smith, the Ukrainians asked the US if they could use «some of the capabilities» they were given

US hasn’t allowed use of ATACMS to strike inside Russia — US diplomat

According to Julianne Smith, the Ukrainians asked the US if they could use «some of the capabilities» they were given

Cérémonie de lancement officielle du 11è fond européen de développement au Gabon

La cérémonie de lancement de deux projets en faveur de la société civile gabonaise, financés par l'Union européenne avait eu lieu en mai dernier à Libreville. Cette cérémonie s'inscrit dans le cadre de la coopération entre l'UE et le Gabon. Les deu

Cérémonie de lancement officielle du 11è fond européen de développement au Gabon

La cérémonie de lancement de deux projets en faveur de la société civile gabonaise, financés par l'Union européenne avait eu lieu en mai dernier à Libreville. Cette cérémonie s'inscrit dans le cadre de la coopération entre l'UE et le Gabon. Les deux projets portés par des organisations de la société civile ont été, non seulement sélectionnées, mais bénéficient d'un financement à hauteur de 1.050.000 euros. Le Réseau Femme Lève-Toi (ReFLeT) et l'Association Arc-en-ciel sont les deux (...) - COOPERATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Réhabilitation du bureau provincial de l'Agence Gabonaise de Presse à Oyem

En piteux état pendant des années, à en croire son personnel, le bureau provincial de l'AGP que dirige avec maestria, Ernest Mvie Mendame, vient de subir de plein fouet une cure de jouvence dont les travaux ont été confiés à une entreprise locale. La r

Réhabilitation du bureau provincial de l'Agence Gabonaise de Presse à Oyem

En piteux état pendant des années, à en croire son personnel, le bureau provincial de l'AGP que dirige avec maestria, Ernest Mvie Mendame, vient de subir de plein fouet une cure de jouvence dont les travaux ont été confiés à une entreprise locale. La réfection a duré 2 semaines. Jeudi dernier, l'entrepreneur a remis les clefs du bâtiment au Rédacteur en Chef Adjoint de l'Agence Gabonaise de Presse (AGP), Elie Ngoungourou, en présence du Secrétaire général de la Préfecture, Cyprien (...) - INFRASTRUCTURES / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

ROSCEVAC à la 20ème Réunion des Parties du PFBC : Un engagement renouvelé pour la préservation des forêts du Bassin du Congo

Le Réseau des Organisations de la Société Civile pour l'Économie Verte en Afrique Centrale (ROSCEVAC), représenté par son Président Exécutif, Nicaise Moulombi , est honoré d'annoncer sa participation à la 20ème Réunion des Parties (RdP20) du Parte

ROSCEVAC à la 20ème Réunion des Parties du PFBC : Un engagement renouvelé pour la préservation des forêts du Bassin du Congo

Le Réseau des Organisations de la Société Civile pour l'Économie Verte en Afrique Centrale (ROSCEVAC), représenté par son Président Exécutif, Nicaise Moulombi , est honoré d'annoncer sa participation à la 20ème Réunion des Parties (RdP20) du Partenariat pour les Forêts du Bassin du Congo (PFBC). Cet événement majeur se déroule du 3 au 5 juin 2024 à Kinshasa, en République Démocratique du Congo. Un rassemblement de haut niveau pour une cause vitale La RdP20 réunit plusieurs dirigeants (...) - ENVIRONNEMENT / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

First group of Bahraini, Jordanian pilgrims depart for Saudi Arabia

CAIRO: The first group of pilgrims from Bahrain and Jordan left for Saudi Arabia on Sunday to perform Hajj. Nawaf bin Mohammed Al Maawda, Bahrain’s minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Waqf and chairman of the high committee for Hajj and Umrah affai
Saudi Arabia

First group of Bahraini, Jordanian pilgrims depart for Saudi Arabia

CAIRO: The first group of pilgrims from Bahrain and Jordan left for Saudi Arabia on Sunday to perform Hajj. Nawaf bin Mohammed Al Maawda, Bahrain’s minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Waqf and chairman of the high committee for Hajj and Umrah affairs, bid the pilgrims farewell as they left for Saudi Arabia. The minister commended the efforts of Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in serving the pilgrims and providing what was required for them to perform Hajj comfortably and safely.

Kingdom’s chip production, digital economy under focus at tech event

RIYADH: The third Future of Semiconductors Forum 2024 in Riyadh on June 5 and 6 will see experts discuss ways to boost domestic production of chips and the nation’s digital economy, according to a statement released by the organizers on Sunday. The event
Saudi Arabia

Kingdom’s chip production, digital economy under focus at tech event

RIYADH: The third Future of Semiconductors Forum 2024 in Riyadh on June 5 and 6 will see experts discuss ways to boost domestic production of chips and the nation’s digital economy, according to a statement released by the organizers on Sunday. The event will be hosted by the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology and the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Kuwaiti Emir receives Saudi foreign minister

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on Monday received Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, who is on an official visit, at Bayan Palace of the Gulf nation’s capital During their discussions, Prince Faisal conveyed to Sheik
Saudi Arabia

Kuwaiti Emir receives Saudi foreign minister

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on Monday received Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, who is on an official visit, at Bayan Palace of the Gulf nation’s capital During their discussions, Prince Faisal conveyed to Sheikh Meshal the greetings from Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as well as ‘their wishes of further progress and prosperity to Kuwait and its people,’ state news agency SPA reported. The meeting was attended by Kuwaiti Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Al-Yahya and other senior officials.

Pakistan ambassador reflects on one-year tenure in Saudi Arabia

RIYADH: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have the closest of relations, brotherly and fraternal, said Ahmad Farooq, Pakistan’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, reflecting on his one-year tenure in Riyadh. “This has been a very rewarding experience for me being in a
Saudi Arabia

Pakistan ambassador reflects on one-year tenure in Saudi Arabia

RIYADH: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have the closest of relations, brotherly and fraternal, said Ahmad Farooq, Pakistan’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, reflecting on his one-year tenure in Riyadh. “This has been a very rewarding experience for me being in a country where Pakistan is so well respected and we have such a strong bond between our leadership and our people,” Farooq told Arab News. Farooq took charge as head of mission on May 20, 2023, and has now completed a year since his tenure began.

B.C. woman fuming that seniors' advocacy group CARP in bed with Big Tobacco company

A B.C. woman says it’s “offensive” that Canada’s largest advocacy group for seniors has teamed up with Rothmans, Benson & Hedges, a tobacco giant now promoting e-cigarettes. A tobacco researcher says it’s the latest effort by big tobacco to encourag
CBC | Canada News

B.C. woman fuming that seniors' advocacy group CARP in bed with Big Tobacco company

A B.C. woman says it’s “offensive” that Canada’s largest advocacy group for seniors has teamed up with Rothmans, Benson & Hedges, a tobacco giant now promoting e-cigarettes. A tobacco researcher says it’s the latest effort by big tobacco to encourage unhealthy and addictive vaping.

Edmonton Oilers gearing up for Stanley Cup final against Florida Panthers

The Oilers, who last won the Cup in 1990, are making their first Stanley Cup final appearance since 2006. «We're a Canadian team, we've got great Canadian fans, and it feels good to maybe unite the country a little bit and have something to bring peopl
CBC | Canada News

Edmonton Oilers gearing up for Stanley Cup final against Florida Panthers

The Oilers, who last won the Cup in 1990, are making their first Stanley Cup final appearance since 2006. «We're a Canadian team, we've got great Canadian fans, and it feels good to maybe unite the country a little bit and have something to bring people together,» captain Connor McDavid said Sunday night.

Agricultural antifreeze? Sask. researchers say spray could help wine grapes handle cold better

Research shows a spray created from a key plant hormone could change the game for vineyards across Canada.
CBC | Canada News

Agricultural antifreeze? Sask. researchers say spray could help wine grapes handle cold better

Research shows a spray created from a key plant hormone could change the game for vineyards across Canada.

Hundreds of Alberta evacuees still in hotels, temporary accommodations after 2023 wildfires

Wildfires have forced thousands of Albertans to temporarily leave their homes this spring, but hundreds of residents are still grappling with the effects of last year’s fires, having no homes yet to return to.
CBC | Canada News

Hundreds of Alberta evacuees still in hotels, temporary accommodations after 2023 wildfires

Wildfires have forced thousands of Albertans to temporarily leave their homes this spring, but hundreds of residents are still grappling with the effects of last year’s fires, having no homes yet to return to.

Ex-University of Waterloo student pleads guilty to 2023 stabbings in gender-studies class

A former University of Waterloo, Ont., student who faced attempted murder and terror charges has pleaded guilty to aggravated assault, assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon related to the classroom stabbings of an instructor and two students
CBC | Canada News

Ex-University of Waterloo student pleads guilty to 2023 stabbings in gender-studies class

A former University of Waterloo, Ont., student who faced attempted murder and terror charges has pleaded guilty to aggravated assault, assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon related to the classroom stabbings of an instructor and two students in June 2023.

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