Biya’s Secret Envoys Tell US, UN: Separatists Are Attacking Unarmed Civilians, Troops
By Bouddih Adams A delegation of members of Government sent abroad on an offensive to counter Ambazonia claims that have exposed and sullied the image of the Government of Cameroon, especially its military, has submitted its report, which The Post procured. TBiya’s Secret Envoys Tell US, UN: Separatists Are Attacking Unarmed Civilians, Troops
By Bouddih Adams A delegation of members of Government sent abroad on an offensive to counter Ambazonia claims that have exposed and sullied the image of the Government of Cameroon, especially its military, has submitted its report, which The Post procured. The mission was charged with: meeting the UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres, Permanent Representatives of member countries of the UN Security Council, Non-Permanent Members of the Security Council, the US Government and Legislators (Senators and Congressmen), Non Governmental Organisations among others. The mission was assigned to give Cameroon’s version of the situation in the country; brief them on the exact situation on the field; arrange for some diasporans to work with the Government, form pressure groups in Washington and New York, et cetera. It comprised Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute, Minister in charge of Missions at the Presidency; Paul Ghogomu Mingo, Director of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet; Felix Mbayu, Minister Delegate to Ministry of External Relations (MINREX) in charge of the Commonwealth; Oumarou Chinmoun, Director of American and Caribbean Affairs at the MINREX; and Susan Eyema Elinge epse Ewusi, Research Officer at the Presidency. Resource Documents were: talking points on the special mission to the USA; briefing notes on the situation in the Northwest and Southwest Regions; Government’s response to the 2017 State Department’s report on the situation of Human Rights in Cameroon; comments on the written statement by Felix Agbor Nkongho to the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, by Prof. Victor Julius Ngoh; Government emergency humanitarian assistance plan in the Northwest and Southwest Regions 2018 – 2019; 2016 Report on the situation of Human Rights in Cameroon by the Ministry of Justice; compilation of the actions carried out by Government since the onset of the crisis in the Northwest and Southwest Regions; Compendium of US Government Reports, by Squire Patton Boggs Firm; Cameroon Government’s response to the Amnesty International report titled “Cameroon: credible evidence that army personnel responsible for shocking extrajudicial executions caught on video.” The mission, in its report, stated that, at each audience, it briefed its hosts on: the evolution of the socio-political situation of the country; the atrocities committed by the secessionists on the civilian populations, government officials, traditional rulers and security forces; the violence perpetrated on public edifices and infrastructure as well as on private property. It stated that it was helped in the organisation of audiences by the Cameroon Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Tommo Monthe. The mission presented in the reports as remarks and recommendations: “Maintain a direct link between our Government and the UN by constant high-level missions; adopt and adapt an aggressive communication strategy, especially with the Anglo-Saxon press; get our Permanent Mission all documentation to distribute on a permanent basis.” Noting that: “We feel that the US Government is better informed now,” following the mission abroad, the delegation gave as recommendations: “Reinforce our relations with some influential members of the Congress; Promote productive cooperation with the USA [such information missions should be multiplied; Our partners of Squire Patton Boggs should be more proactive; The Ambassador should be more present at the US Congress; We should send to them up-to-date information.” They stated that at the end of the mission, following instructions from the Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic: “We invited Dr. Ekema, retired from the Pennsylvania State University, to start working on creating a coalition of Cameroonians of the Diaspora who are ready to engage in positive and productive relationships with the American authorities, especially on pertinent issues concerning Cameroon.” Read more