Malawi Rises: Mass Protests Planned to Stop Bushiri’s ‘Betrayal’ Extradition!
A wave of national outrage is sweeping across Malawi as civil society groups prepare for massive demonstrations against the court’s explosive decision to extradite Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary to South Africa. Leading the charge, the Black EcoMalawi Rises: Mass Protests Planned to Stop Bushiri’s ‘Betrayal’ Extradition!
A wave of national outrage is sweeping across Malawi as civil society groups prepare for massive demonstrations against the court’s explosive decision to extradite Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary to South Africa. Leading the charge, the Black Economic Empowerment Movement (MaBLEM) has slammed the ruling as a betrayal of Malawian sovereignty, accusing the […] The post Malawi Rises: Mass Protests Planned to Stop Bushiri’s ‘Betrayal’ Extradition! appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi. Read more