
Slovakia’s PM in 'very serious' condition, president-elect says

Peter Pellegrini added that «the next few hours and days» will be decisive for Robert Fico, who is staying at a hospital in the town of Banska Bystrica

Russian-Pakistani trade exceeds $1 billion in 2023 — ambassador

«Russia values Pakistan’s independent and balanced position regarding key issues on the global agenda,» Albert Khorev said

Russian-Pakistani trade exceeds $1 billion in 2023 — ambassador

«Russia values Pakistan’s independent and balanced position regarding key issues on the global agenda,» Albert Khorev said

Biden needs more bloodshed in Europe to stay in power — Russian diplomat

Maria Zakharova commented on NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s plans to make arms supplies to Kiev obligatory for all NATO members

Biden needs more bloodshed in Europe to stay in power — Russian diplomat

Maria Zakharova commented on NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s plans to make arms supplies to Kiev obligatory for all NATO members

UK premier to announce $310-million aid package to Ukraine at G7 summit — office

The UK has now committed almost $16.25 billion in military, humanitarian and economic support to Ukraine

UK premier to announce $310-million aid package to Ukraine at G7 summit — office

The UK has now committed almost $16.25 billion in military, humanitarian and economic support to Ukraine

Two men of Russian origin detained in US on charges of evading trade restrictions

The charges were filed against Sergey Nefedov, 40, of Anchorage, Alaska, and Mark Shumovich, 35, of Bellevue, Washington, the US Department of Justice said

Two men of Russian origin detained in US on charges of evading trade restrictions

The charges were filed against Sergey Nefedov, 40, of Anchorage, Alaska, and Mark Shumovich, 35, of Bellevue, Washington, the US Department of Justice said

European Parliament election results foreshadow weaker support to Kiev — Politico

According to the article, US and European officials are concerned about the growing representation of far right groups in the European parliament

European Parliament election results foreshadow weaker support to Kiev — Politico

According to the article, US and European officials are concerned about the growing representation of far right groups in the European parliament

Restrictions on Moscow Exchange and Russian banks, fate of the ruble: Key takeaways from new major US sanctions

The US has targeted Russian industries, banks and the Moscow Stock Exchange in the latest round of sanctions Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Restrictions on Moscow Exchange and Russian banks, fate of the ruble: Key takeaways from new major US sanctions

The US has targeted Russian industries, banks and the Moscow Stock Exchange in the latest round of sanctions Read Full Article at

Culture wars spark again as House weighs massive defense policy bill

Far-right Republicans are working to load the $895.3 billion NDAA with provisions targeting abortion, aid for Ukraine and Gaza, and border security.
Post Politics

Culture wars spark again as House weighs massive defense policy bill

Far-right Republicans are working to load the $895.3 billion NDAA with provisions targeting abortion, aid for Ukraine and Gaza, and border security.

Protesters expected to be moved away from park near GOP convention

The likely shift comes after months of debate among the GOP, the Secret Service and the city of Milwaukee on where to allow protests.
Post Politics

Protesters expected to be moved away from park near GOP convention

The likely shift comes after months of debate among the GOP, the Secret Service and the city of Milwaukee on where to allow protests.

Biden insisted on cancelling Russia’s invitation to Normandy celebrations

«More than 20 million Russian men and women died in World War II—more than enough, I would think, to earn a seat at the table,» journalist Seymour Hersh wrote

Biden insisted on cancelling Russia’s invitation to Normandy celebrations

«More than 20 million Russian men and women died in World War II—more than enough, I would think, to earn a seat at the table,» journalist Seymour Hersh wrote

Rishi Sunak says he had to 'go without' Sky TV as a child so his parents could pay his expensive private school fees as the Prime Minister tries to explain how he is in touch with ordinary people

The premier said his GP father and pharmacist mother wanted to 'put everything' into their children's education so having no satellite television was one of the things they sacrificed.
News | Mail Online

Rishi Sunak says he had to 'go without' Sky TV as a child so his parents could pay his expensive private school fees as the Prime Minister tries to explain how he is in touch with ordinary people

The premier said his GP father and pharmacist mother wanted to 'put everything' into their children's education so having no satellite television was one of the things they sacrificed.

US House votes to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt

The US House of Representatives voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over audio of President Joe Biden’s interview in his classified documents case.

US House votes to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt

The US House of Representatives voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over audio of President Joe Biden’s interview in his classified documents case.

Gov't condemns threats against TVJ journalist Giovanni Dennis

The Government says it «strongly condemns» the recent threats made against Television Jamaica (TVJ) journalist journalist Giovanni Dennis over his report on illegal drag racing in Jamaica. 

Gov't condemns threats against TVJ journalist Giovanni Dennis

The Government says it «strongly condemns» the recent threats made against Television Jamaica (TVJ) journalist journalist Giovanni Dennis over his report on illegal drag racing in Jamaica. 

2 officers in Ontario highway wrong-way chase crash won't talk to police watchdog

Ontario's police watchdog shared more information Wednesday on the status of its ongoing investigation into a wrong-way police car chase on the Highway 401 that resulted in the death of four people, including an infant, in April.
CBC | Canada News

2 officers in Ontario highway wrong-way chase crash won't talk to police watchdog

Ontario's police watchdog shared more information Wednesday on the status of its ongoing investigation into a wrong-way police car chase on the Highway 401 that resulted in the death of four people, including an infant, in April.

Murder charge in stabbing death of Japanese chef in Vancouver

Police say a 32-year-old man has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder after the stabbing death of a Japanese citizen in Vancouver's Chinatown last week.
CBC | Canada News

Murder charge in stabbing death of Japanese chef in Vancouver

Police say a 32-year-old man has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder after the stabbing death of a Japanese citizen in Vancouver's Chinatown last week.

Trudeau says he considered stepping down during marriage difficulties

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a recent podcast that he considered walking away from the job last year as his marriage began to fracture.
CBC | Canada News

Trudeau says he considered stepping down during marriage difficulties

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a recent podcast that he considered walking away from the job last year as his marriage began to fracture.

B.C. man awarded $5K by tribunal after sex video shared on OnlyFans without his consent

Lawyers say a B.C. man being awarded $5,000 from a tribunal after a sexual video featuring him wound up online without his consent highlights the tribunal’s tradeoff between a quick process and a high payout.
CBC | Canada News

B.C. man awarded $5K by tribunal after sex video shared on OnlyFans without his consent

Lawyers say a B.C. man being awarded $5,000 from a tribunal after a sexual video featuring him wound up online without his consent highlights the tribunal’s tradeoff between a quick process and a high payout.

US company stops supplying life-saving drug to Russia

Eli Lilly has instructed its Swiss subsidiary to wind down deliveries to Russia of a type of insulin mainly used by diabetic children Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

US company stops supplying life-saving drug to Russia

Eli Lilly has instructed its Swiss subsidiary to wind down deliveries to Russia of a type of insulin mainly used by diabetic children Read Full Article at

Bank of Russia suspends trade in Hong Kong dollar

«Thursday’s trading session in currencies and precious metals, as well as on the Moscow Exchange, will begin from 9:50 a.m. Moscow time,» the Bank of Russia said

Bank of Russia suspends trade in Hong Kong dollar

«Thursday’s trading session in currencies and precious metals, as well as on the Moscow Exchange, will begin from 9:50 a.m. Moscow time,» the Bank of Russia said

Trump, seeking to show unity, to meet with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill

It will be Trump’s first public visit to Capitol Hill since the Jan. 6 insurrection and his first meetings with congressional Republicans since his conviction.
Post Politics

Trump, seeking to show unity, to meet with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill

It will be Trump’s first public visit to Capitol Hill since the Jan. 6 insurrection and his first meetings with congressional Republicans since his conviction.

Teuraiterai Tupaia forfait en finale du lancer du javelot des championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme

Malgré une superbe entrée en matière en finale du javelot aux championnats d'Europe de d'athlétisme à Rome, le Français Teuraiterai Tupaia a dû déclarer forfait. Un premier essai lancé à 82,98 mètres qui le plaçait alors au deuxième rang de cett

Teuraiterai Tupaia forfait en finale du lancer du javelot des championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme

Malgré une superbe entrée en matière en finale du javelot aux championnats d'Europe de d'athlétisme à Rome, le Français Teuraiterai Tupaia a dû déclarer forfait. Un premier essai lancé à 82,98 mètres qui le plaçait alors au deuxième rang de cette finale.

Elections législatives 2024 : trois recours déposés ou en voie de l'être

Ce mercredi, La France Insoumise annonce déposer un recours contre le gel des listes électorales au 9 juin, «privant des millions de personnes de leur droit de vote». Par ailleurs, deux autres recours ont déjà été déposés contre le calendr

Elections législatives 2024 : trois recours déposés ou en voie de l'être

Ce mercredi, La France Insoumise annonce déposer un recours contre le gel des listes électorales au 9 juin, «privant des millions de personnes de leur droit de vote». Par ailleurs, deux autres recours ont déjà été déposés contre le calendrier jugé trop court de ces élections. Explications.

Elections législatives 2024 : qui peut encore s'inscrire sur les listes électorales ?

Avec l'annonce du gel des listes électorales au 10 juin, c'est le flou total du côté des mairies qui reçoivent de très nombreuses demandes d'inscriptions sur les listes électorales. Le ministère de l'Intérieur avait annoncé mardi qu'il n'y aurait auc

Elections législatives 2024 : qui peut encore s'inscrire sur les listes électorales ?

Avec l'annonce du gel des listes électorales au 10 juin, c'est le flou total du côté des mairies qui reçoivent de très nombreuses demandes d'inscriptions sur les listes électorales. Le ministère de l'Intérieur avait annoncé mardi qu'il n'y aurait aucune exception. Finalement, ce mardi, les inscriptions sont encore possibles jusqu'au 19 juin dans quelques cas de figure.

Législatives 2024: alliance chez les autonomistes, Nicole Sanquer pour un «accord» de circonstance

Au lendemain des rencontres organisées entre A Here Ia Porinetia et les autres composantes de la plate forme autonomiste -le Tapura, le parti de Gaston Flosse ainsi que la formation de Teva Rohfritsch-, la présidente du parti vert et blanc réaffirme que l

Législatives 2024: alliance chez les autonomistes, Nicole Sanquer pour un «accord» de circonstance

Au lendemain des rencontres organisées entre A Here Ia Porinetia et les autres composantes de la plate forme autonomiste -le Tapura, le parti de Gaston Flosse ainsi que la formation de Teva Rohfritsch-, la présidente du parti vert et blanc réaffirme que la famille des autonomistes est enfin réunie. Questions/Réponses.

Candidacy of next NATO secretary general to be negotiated before July summit — US envoy

The Secretary General’s office is challenged by Acting Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and President of Romania Klaus Iohannis

Candidacy of next NATO secretary general to be negotiated before July summit — US envoy

The Secretary General’s office is challenged by Acting Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and President of Romania Klaus Iohannis

Russian warplanes deliver strikes on ten militant hideouts in Syria’s Homs, Deir ez-Zor

Over the past 24 hours, the Russian military registered six violations of the December 9, 2019 deconfliction protocols

Russian warplanes deliver strikes on ten militant hideouts in Syria’s Homs, Deir ez-Zor

Over the past 24 hours, the Russian military registered six violations of the December 9, 2019 deconfliction protocols

Ukraine still does not meet requirements for NATO membership — US Department of State

Meanwhile, Julianne Smith acknowledged that «NATO Allies are working closely with the Ukrainians to help them make continued progress»

Ukraine still does not meet requirements for NATO membership — US Department of State

Meanwhile, Julianne Smith acknowledged that «NATO Allies are working closely with the Ukrainians to help them make continued progress»

NWA to clean section of Sandy Gully

The National Works Agency (NWA) says work is to begin this week to clean the Sandy Gully in the vicinity of Riverton City in St Andrew which has been in a deplorable state for years.  Sections of the gully are filled with overgrown shrubs,...

NWA to clean section of Sandy Gully

The National Works Agency (NWA) says work is to begin this week to clean the Sandy Gully in the vicinity of Riverton City in St Andrew which has been in a deplorable state for years.  Sections of the gully are filled with overgrown shrubs,...

Sentencing of NCB wealth advisor for stealing $74.5 million pushed back

Former National Commercial Bank (NCB) wealth advisor, Khadene Thomas, who defrauded the financial institution of $74.5 million, is to know on June 27 whether the court will yield to her pleas for forgiveness and hand her a suspended...

Sentencing of NCB wealth advisor for stealing $74.5 million pushed back

Former National Commercial Bank (NCB) wealth advisor, Khadene Thomas, who defrauded the financial institution of $74.5 million, is to know on June 27 whether the court will yield to her pleas for forgiveness and hand her a suspended...

JLP's Creary's rejects Crawford's proposal for GCT increase to fund education

Senior Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) member Richard Creary has rejected as «unwise and unconscionable» the proposal from Opposition spokesman Damion Crawford to increase the general consumption tax (GCT) to fund the education sector.

JLP's Creary's rejects Crawford's proposal for GCT increase to fund education

Senior Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) member Richard Creary has rejected as «unwise and unconscionable» the proposal from Opposition spokesman Damion Crawford to increase the general consumption tax (GCT) to fund the education sector.

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