Briefing - Targeted amendments to the CMO and other CAP regulations: Strengthening farmers' position in the food supply chain - 10-03-2025
In response to the difficulties and challenges faced by EU farmers in recent years, the Commission put forward a proposal to amend some of the rules on the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products (CMO), so as to reinforce the position of fBriefing - Targeted amendments to the CMO and other CAP regulations: Strengthening farmers' position in the food supply chain - 10-03-2025
In response to the difficulties and challenges faced by EU farmers in recent years, the Commission put forward a proposal to amend some of the rules on the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products (CMO), so as to reinforce the position of farmers in the food supply chain. The proposed amendments enhance the existing provisions on contracts involving farmers, reinforce the bargaining power of producer organisations, simplify their recognition, and establish an incentive framework for voluntary schemes and social sustainability initiatives benefiting farmers. The proposal was published, and is being advanced, together with the proposal for a new regulation on cross-border cooperation in the enforcement of the directive on unfair trading practices (UTP), which is part of the same efforts to improve the position of farmers. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP Read more