
New toll rates being proposed for Highway 2000

The Ministry of Transport is seeking public feedback on proposed toll rate adjustments for Highway 2000, which are set to take effect next week Saturday, July 6. The notice was published today and persons have five days within which to provide...

New toll rates being proposed for Highway 2000

The Ministry of Transport is seeking public feedback on proposed toll rate adjustments for Highway 2000, which are set to take effect next week Saturday, July 6. The notice was published today and persons have five days within which to provide...

Jamaica gets equipment to boost dengue fever diagnostics

Jamaica's capacity to respond to its current dengue outbreak has been bolstered by equipment donated to the Ministry of Health and Wellness by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The equipment valued US$250,000 was...

Jamaica gets equipment to boost dengue fever diagnostics

Jamaica's capacity to respond to its current dengue outbreak has been bolstered by equipment donated to the Ministry of Health and Wellness by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The equipment valued US$250,000 was...

Opposition wants action to protect Rio Cobre amid another fish kill

The Opposition is calling for the Government to do more in the fight against the pollution of the Rio Cobre in St Catherine. It says the recurrence of fish kills in the river is a serious matter of concern. The Opposition wants Prime Minister...

Opposition wants action to protect Rio Cobre amid another fish kill

The Opposition is calling for the Government to do more in the fight against the pollution of the Rio Cobre in St Catherine. It says the recurrence of fish kills in the river is a serious matter of concern. The Opposition wants Prime Minister...

Haitian women arrested in Old Harbour remanded on illegal entry charge

Two Haitian women charged with illegal entry after being arrested in Old Harbour, St Catherine were today remanded in the parish court. Charged are 38-year-old Luca Vilmere and 37-year-old Dating Officiane. They were ordered to return to court...

Haitian women arrested in Old Harbour remanded on illegal entry charge

Two Haitian women charged with illegal entry after being arrested in Old Harbour, St Catherine were today remanded in the parish court. Charged are 38-year-old Luca Vilmere and 37-year-old Dating Officiane. They were ordered to return to court...

50 new trucks for NSWNA to boost garbage collection

The Government will be ramping up its effort to rid sidewalks of abandoned motor vehicles and other forms of bulky waste with the addition of 50 new garbage trucks to the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA).  The trucks, which...

50 new trucks for NSWNA to boost garbage collection

The Government will be ramping up its effort to rid sidewalks of abandoned motor vehicles and other forms of bulky waste with the addition of 50 new garbage trucks to the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA).  The trucks, which...

Institut Privé International EMC : Inscriptions des élèves et Dépôt des Dossiers des Enseignants et Professeurs Vacataires

Dans la perspective immédiate de l'ouverture de ses portes, l'Institut Privé International EMC, situé à la Sablière entre l'Ancienne Résidence Présidentielle et le Conseil d'État, informe le corps enseignant et les parents d'élèves que le dépôt de

Institut Privé International EMC : Inscriptions des élèves et Dépôt des Dossiers des Enseignants et Professeurs Vacataires

Dans la perspective immédiate de l'ouverture de ses portes, l'Institut Privé International EMC, situé à la Sablière entre l'Ancienne Résidence Présidentielle et le Conseil d'État, informe le corps enseignant et les parents d'élèves que le dépôt des dossiers pour les vacataires est désormais ouvert. Les inscriptions au programme Franco-gabonais-britannique pour les classes de la maternelle, du primaire et du secondaire sont également disponibles. Pour toute information complémentaire, (...) - EDUCATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Campagne de sensibilisation sur l'Économie Multipolaire en zone CEMAC

C'est à l'issue du Communiqué Final du Sommet Extraordinaire de l'UEAC lancé à Bangui ( RCA) par Professeur Faustin Archange Touadera, Président de la République Centrafricaine, Chef de l'État et Grand-Croix de l'Ordre International des Palmes Académi

Campagne de sensibilisation sur l'Économie Multipolaire en zone CEMAC

C'est à l'issue du Communiqué Final du Sommet Extraordinaire de l'UEAC lancé à Bangui ( RCA) par Professeur Faustin Archange Touadera, Président de la République Centrafricaine, Chef de l'État et Grand-Croix de l'Ordre International des Palmes Académiques du CAMES, Président en exercice de la Conférence des Chefs d'État et de Gouvernement de la CEMAC, et surtout concordant à l'approche imminente prochain Sommet des BRICS en Russie , que l'ONG internationale le Collectif des Ami(e)s du (...) - ECONOMIE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Conseil des ministres ce 25 juin au Gabon

Le Chef de l'État, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, a présidé ce jour un Conseil des Ministres. Au cours de cette séance de travail, il a minutieusement examiné tous les sujets d'actualité, avec pour objectif de répondre aux préoccupations des populatio

Conseil des ministres ce 25 juin au Gabon

Le Chef de l'État, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, a présidé ce jour un Conseil des Ministres. Au cours de cette séance de travail, il a minutieusement examiné tous les sujets d'actualité, avec pour objectif de répondre aux préoccupations des populations et d'améliorer leur quotidien. CTRI - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Biden likely to allow US contractors to deploy in Ukraine – CNN

Biden administration may allow US defense contractors to set up operations in Ukraine during Kiev’s conflict with Russia, CNN says Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Biden likely to allow US contractors to deploy in Ukraine – CNN

Biden administration may allow US defense contractors to set up operations in Ukraine during Kiev’s conflict with Russia, CNN says Read Full Article at

Police respond to shooting in Dagestan – media

Security forces have been deployed to the center of Makhachkala, the capital of the southern Russian republic, after reports of gunshots Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Police respond to shooting in Dagestan – media

Security forces have been deployed to the center of Makhachkala, the capital of the southern Russian republic, after reports of gunshots Read Full Article at

Qui est Temanava Domingo, Miss Tahiti 2024 ?

Temanava Domingo élue plus belle femme de Polynésie française. C’est la première candidate connue à l’élection de Miss France qui se déroulera dans les hauts-de-France en décembre prochain. Mannequin, étudiante Temanava a obtenu sa licence LEA Co

Qui est Temanava Domingo, Miss Tahiti 2024 ?

Temanava Domingo élue plus belle femme de Polynésie française. C’est la première candidate connue à l’élection de Miss France qui se déroulera dans les hauts-de-France en décembre prochain. Mannequin, étudiante Temanava a obtenu sa licence LEA Commerce internationale avant de revenir au fenua. La voila embarquée dans une toute nouvelle aventure ! Notre équipe l’a retrouvée dans son cocon à la pointe des pecheurs à Punaauia.

Kenyan President orders to send military to suppress riots

The troops will be sent to protect your property and your peace, so that the people of Kenya could go to bed without worries for their property," he said

Kenyan President orders to send military to suppress riots

The troops will be sent to protect your property and your peace, so that the people of Kenya could go to bed without worries for their property," he said

BRICS to suspend admitting new members for a while — Lavrov

«By the overwhelming majority, the ten nations decided to ‘take a pause’ with new members to ‘take in’ the new members who have doubled the association,» he said at a meeting with speaker of Belarus

BRICS to suspend admitting new members for a while — Lavrov

«By the overwhelming majority, the ten nations decided to ‘take a pause’ with new members to ‘take in’ the new members who have doubled the association,» he said at a meeting with speaker of Belarus

Almost 60% of Russians consider Internet security ensuring important — minister

The issue to speed up receiving public services comes in second in terms of priority with citizens, Maksut Shadayev said

Almost 60% of Russians consider Internet security ensuring important — minister

The issue to speed up receiving public services comes in second in terms of priority with citizens, Maksut Shadayev said

FIR against 2 UP cops after 2 brothers die in police custody

The tragic deaths of two brothers in Roopdhanoo village, Agra, due to alleged custodial torture and bribery led to the suspension of officers. The family's plea for justice and the suicide notes highlighted the dire circumstances they faced, calling for UP go
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

FIR against 2 UP cops after 2 brothers die in police custody

The tragic deaths of two brothers in Roopdhanoo village, Agra, due to alleged custodial torture and bribery led to the suspension of officers. The family's plea for justice and the suicide notes highlighted the dire circumstances they faced, calling for UP government support.

Flash floods, landslide wreak havoc in Himachal Pradesh, block highway

Himachal Pradesh faces a barrage of natural disasters as flash floods and landslides disrupt normal life. The region struggles with traffic jams, roadblocks, and adverse weather conditions, highlighting the vulnerability to environmental challenges.
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Flash floods, landslide wreak havoc in Himachal Pradesh, block highway

Himachal Pradesh faces a barrage of natural disasters as flash floods and landslides disrupt normal life. The region struggles with traffic jams, roadblocks, and adverse weather conditions, highlighting the vulnerability to environmental challenges.

ATMIS handover of Middle Shabelle base to Somali forces marks key phase in troop drawdown

Mogadishu (HOL) — The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) announced on Monday that it handed over the Middle Shabelle region's Ceel Eglow military base to the Somali National Army (SNA). This marks the third base transferred during the thir
Hiiraan Online

ATMIS handover of Middle Shabelle base to Somali forces marks key phase in troop drawdown

Mogadishu (HOL) — The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) announced on Monday that it handed over the Middle Shabelle region's Ceel Eglow military base to the Somali National Army (SNA). This marks the third base transferred during the third phase of ATMIS's troop drawdown, which aims to prevent a security vacuum in Somalia.

Chinese envoy urges parties in Somalia to put interests of country, people first

UNITED NATIONS - A Chinese envoy on Monday called on all parties in Somalia to prioritize the interests of the country and its people, and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation.
Hiiraan Online

Chinese envoy urges parties in Somalia to put interests of country, people first

UNITED NATIONS - A Chinese envoy on Monday called on all parties in Somalia to prioritize the interests of the country and its people, and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation.

Vile moment Youth Demand activist wearing 'eat s*** Rishi' shirt stages 'dirty protest' in the lake at PM's £2million mansion in Yorkshire in major security breach as police arrest four

Eco-activist Oliver Clegg, a 21-year-old student from Manchester, carried out the disgusting act at Mr Sunak's home in Yorkshire, on Tuesday afternoon. Four men have been arrested.
News | Mail Online

Vile moment Youth Demand activist wearing 'eat s*** Rishi' shirt stages 'dirty protest' in the lake at PM's £2million mansion in Yorkshire in major security breach as police arrest four

Eco-activist Oliver Clegg, a 21-year-old student from Manchester, carried out the disgusting act at Mr Sunak's home in Yorkshire, on Tuesday afternoon. Four men have been arrested.

All those suspected of committing murder on border with Russia detained in Abkhazia

Abkhazian Interior Minister Robert Kiut said earlier that three of the seven suspects had been put on a wanted list

All those suspected of committing murder on border with Russia detained in Abkhazia

Abkhazian Interior Minister Robert Kiut said earlier that three of the seven suspects had been put on a wanted list

Senior Russian diplomat sees risks of direct armed clash between nuclear powers as high

Sergey Ryabkov also said Western opponents deliberately make unacceptable conditions for security talks with Moscow

Senior Russian diplomat sees risks of direct armed clash between nuclear powers as high

Sergey Ryabkov also said Western opponents deliberately make unacceptable conditions for security talks with Moscow

Bank deposits of legal entities down in May, individuals’ funds up — Bank of Russia

According to the statement, the funds of legal entities fell by 1.3 trillion rubles (-2.2%) after a notable inflow in April - by 5%

Bank deposits of legal entities down in May, individuals’ funds up — Bank of Russia

According to the statement, the funds of legal entities fell by 1.3 trillion rubles (-2.2%) after a notable inflow in April - by 5%

Somaliland rejects Somali president’s proposal to Ethiopia over port accessibility, says interior minister

Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland officials have dismissed Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's proposal to Ethiopia, citing the plan's impracticality due to Somalia's lack of accessible ports.
Hiiraan Online

Somaliland rejects Somali president’s proposal to Ethiopia over port accessibility, says interior minister

Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland officials have dismissed Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's proposal to Ethiopia, citing the plan's impracticality due to Somalia's lack of accessible ports.

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