
Wellies, soggy tents and raincoats - then T-shirts! Glastonbury revellers soaked in downpours before the sun breaks through again - as festival-goers battle rail chaos at Paddington on pilgrimage to Worthy Farm

Festival-goers embraced the rain in wellies and raincoats today as they enjoyed the start of a long weekend at Glastonbury on Worthy Farm in Pilton, Somerset.

Biden campaign’s future hinges on his wife – NBC

Only Jill Biden can influence the US president’s decision on whether to drop out of the campaign after the debate debacle, NBC has reported Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Biden campaign’s future hinges on his wife – NBC

Only Jill Biden can influence the US president’s decision on whether to drop out of the campaign after the debate debacle, NBC has reported Read Full Article at RT.com

Nikki Haley urges Republicans to prepare for Biden’s replacement

The Democrats will not survive if they keep Joe Biden as their presidential candidate, Nikki Haley has said Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Nikki Haley urges Republicans to prepare for Biden’s replacement

The Democrats will not survive if they keep Joe Biden as their presidential candidate, Nikki Haley has said Read Full Article at RT.com

Major Democratic donors weighing Biden’s future – NYT

President Joe Biden’s poor performance in the debate against Donald Trump has left Democratic donors in panic, according to the NYT Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Major Democratic donors weighing Biden’s future – NYT

President Joe Biden’s poor performance in the debate against Donald Trump has left Democratic donors in panic, according to the NYT Read Full Article at RT.com

Arab oil dominates Japan’s crude supply in May

TOKYO: The Arab share of Japan’s oil imports for May, as reported by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, amounted to 62.44 million barrels — 95.3 percent of all the oil Japan imported that month.  Imports during the month from the UAE, Saudi Ara
Saudi Arabia

Arab oil dominates Japan’s crude supply in May

TOKYO: The Arab share of Japan’s oil imports for May, as reported by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, amounted to 62.44 million barrels — 95.3 percent of all the oil Japan imported that month.  Imports during the month from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the neutral zone between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait further underscored the strategic importance of these countries in Japan’s energy security. The UAE was Japan’s top oil supplier, contributing 46.2 percent of total imports

WestJet cancels 407 flights as mechanics strike in surprise move on busy long weekend

A surprise strike by unionized mechanics at Calgary-based WestJet has left thousands of passengers wondering whether they'd reach their destinations after the airline cancelled 407 flights Saturday, affecting some 49,000 passengers. The move on the Canada Da
CBC | Canada News

WestJet cancels 407 flights as mechanics strike in surprise move on busy long weekend

A surprise strike by unionized mechanics at Calgary-based WestJet has left thousands of passengers wondering whether they'd reach their destinations after the airline cancelled 407 flights Saturday, affecting some 49,000 passengers. The move on the Canada Day long weekend comes after Ottawa said it had imposed binding arbitration to solve outstanding collective agreement issues.

3 years and a record $239M in recovery funding later, Lytton still hasn't rebuilt

Only a handful of people have returned to Lytton, B.C., after the community was reduced to ash by a catastrophic fire three years ago on June 30, 2021. That's despite more than $239 million in provincial and federal recovery funding committed to help rebuild
CBC | Canada News

3 years and a record $239M in recovery funding later, Lytton still hasn't rebuilt

Only a handful of people have returned to Lytton, B.C., after the community was reduced to ash by a catastrophic fire three years ago on June 30, 2021. That's despite more than $239 million in provincial and federal recovery funding committed to help rebuild. A lot of people, including B.C.'s auditor general, are asking; Why?

Don’t just be a baby producer, be a good father

Bishop Dr Grace Ade-Gold Contributor I HEARD a voice say to me, «Write something for fathers.» To prove it was really God, I delayed. However, a few days later while driving along Lady Musgrave Road on my way to Cross Roads, I got two sharp...

Don’t just be a baby producer, be a good father

Bishop Dr Grace Ade-Gold Contributor I HEARD a voice say to me, «Write something for fathers.» To prove it was really God, I delayed. However, a few days later while driving along Lady Musgrave Road on my way to Cross Roads, I got two sharp...

Can I still be healed? – Part 2

Rev Gabriel Agbo HOW LONG have you been in this condition? Tell me. The sick man near the Pool of Bethesda spent 38 years in his own condition and had enough reasons not to expect healing, and they were all facts. He was very ill and could not get...

Can I still be healed? – Part 2

Rev Gabriel Agbo HOW LONG have you been in this condition? Tell me. The sick man near the Pool of Bethesda spent 38 years in his own condition and had enough reasons not to expect healing, and they were all facts. He was very ill and could not get...

End-time identity

WE SHOULD not approach end-time teachings just for information, because, when we approach spiritual things solely for knowledge, it pushes us in the wrong direction and, according to 1 Corinthians 8:1, knowledge puffs up. Seeking this knowledge...

End-time identity

WE SHOULD not approach end-time teachings just for information, because, when we approach spiritual things solely for knowledge, it pushes us in the wrong direction and, according to 1 Corinthians 8:1, knowledge puffs up. Seeking this knowledge...

The Ten Commandments politics

Fr Sean Major-Campbell THE TEN Commandments have been politicised in recent years, with politicians employing the appeal to religious sentiments: often without any interest in the deeper significance of the text. In fact, many Christians blindly...

The Ten Commandments politics

Fr Sean Major-Campbell THE TEN Commandments have been politicised in recent years, with politicians employing the appeal to religious sentiments: often without any interest in the deeper significance of the text. In fact, many Christians blindly...

Be mindful of your relationship with money

Hello, mi neighbour! Cousin John* was a very hard worker whose efforts earned him a decent weekly salary. His financial slack-handedness caused many to ‘love and cherish’ him. He treated every Tom, Dick and Harry whenever they met at their...

Be mindful of your relationship with money

Hello, mi neighbour! Cousin John* was a very hard worker whose efforts earned him a decent weekly salary. His financial slack-handedness caused many to ‘love and cherish’ him. He treated every Tom, Dick and Harry whenever they met at their...

CARTE. Législatives 2024 en Polynésie : les résultats provisoires du premier tour dans chaque circonscription

Consultez les résultats provisoires du premier tour des élections législatives du 29 juin dans les 1ère, 2e et 3e circonscriptions de la Polynésie française. Découvrez quel(le) candidat(e) arrive en tête, qui est battu(e) et qui est en ballotage. Acc

CARTE. Législatives 2024 en Polynésie : les résultats provisoires du premier tour dans chaque circonscription

Consultez les résultats provisoires du premier tour des élections législatives du 29 juin dans les 1ère, 2e et 3e circonscriptions de la Polynésie française. Découvrez quel(le) candidat(e) arrive en tête, qui est battu(e) et qui est en ballotage. Accédez aux résultats partiels grâce à notre carte interactive.

DIRECT. Résultats provisoires du 1er tour des Législatives 2024 en Polynésie : Moerani Frebault, député sortant, largement en tête dans la 1ère circonscription

Samedi 29 juin, 212 000 électeurs sont appelés aux urnes pour le premier tour des législatives. L'enjeu : élire les trois députés qui siégeront à l’Assemblée nationale les cinq prochaines années. Treize candidats sont en lice dans les trois circon

DIRECT. Résultats provisoires du 1er tour des Législatives 2024 en Polynésie : Moerani Frebault, député sortant, largement en tête dans la 1ère circonscription

Samedi 29 juin, 212 000 électeurs sont appelés aux urnes pour le premier tour des législatives. L'enjeu : élire les trois députés qui siégeront à l’Assemblée nationale les cinq prochaines années. Treize candidats sont en lice dans les trois circonscriptions. Suivez notre minute par minute pour découvrir les résultats provisoires au fil de la soirée.

Législatives en Polynésie 2024 : «Notre campagne de l'alliance a pris corps» déclare Moerani Frébault

Ambiance calme dans les bureaux de vote des communes importantes de la circonscription 1. Les festivités des élections sont loin des Territoriales. Mais quelques électeurs sont bel et bien présents jusqu’au bout… Tous attendent le résultat de cette c

Législatives en Polynésie 2024 : «Notre campagne de l'alliance a pris corps» déclare Moerani Frébault

Ambiance calme dans les bureaux de vote des communes importantes de la circonscription 1. Les festivités des élections sont loin des Territoriales. Mais quelques électeurs sont bel et bien présents jusqu’au bout… Tous attendent le résultat de cette circonscription où surtout deux candidats se font face : Moerani Frébault de l’alliance des autonomistes et le député sortant, Tematai Le Gayic, du Tavini. Au final, c'est une vague rose qui se dessine... Reportage.

Bid to discover Papua New Guinea's population faces challenges

The Pacific's largest country has been unable to organise a successful census survey in decades, as its population count remains unknown.
Papua New Guinea

Bid to discover Papua New Guinea's population faces challenges

The Pacific's largest country has been unable to organise a successful census survey in decades, as its population count remains unknown.

Principal sentenced to four years for decade-old crime

In a case that has drawn public attention, Tougen Herkins, currently the Principal of the Survival Community School in Freswota was sentenced to four years in prison for a crime he committed a decade ago. Herkins was 15 years old…
dailypost.vu - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Principal sentenced to four years for decade-old crime

In a case that has drawn public attention, Tougen Herkins, currently the Principal of the Survival Community School in Freswota was sentenced to four years in prison for a crime he committed a decade ago. Herkins was 15 years old…

Gov't's damage counterclaim in building contract breach case dismissed

Judge Dudley Aru of the Supreme Court has dismissed the government’s counterclaim for damage in a case involving a breach of building contract.
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Gov't's damage counterclaim in building contract breach case dismissed

Judge Dudley Aru of the Supreme Court has dismissed the government’s counterclaim for damage in a case involving a breach of building contract.

VFSC Commissioner hopeful for Virtual Assets Bill presentation to Parliament in September

The Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC) hosted its Second Symposium on Virtual Assets, drawing international experts and key industry stakeholders to explore the role of the Financial Dealers Licence and virtual assets in national development this we
dailypost.vu - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

VFSC Commissioner hopeful for Virtual Assets Bill presentation to Parliament in September

The Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC) hosted its Second Symposium on Virtual Assets, drawing international experts and key industry stakeholders to explore the role of the Financial Dealers Licence and virtual assets in national development this week.

FIU Director Terminated

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) confirmed to the Vanuatu Daily Post yesterday afternoon that Mr. Floyd Ray Mera’s contract as the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has been terminated.
dailypost.vu - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

FIU Director Terminated

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) confirmed to the Vanuatu Daily Post yesterday afternoon that Mr. Floyd Ray Mera’s contract as the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has been terminated.

DIRECT. Résultats du 1er tour des Législatives 2024 en Polynésie : Découvrez les scores provisoires des candidats à partir de 20 heures

Samedi 29 juin, 212 000 électeurs sont appelés aux urnes pour le premier tour des législatives. L'enjeu : élire les trois députés qui siégeront à l’Assemblée nationale les cinq prochaines années. Treize candidats sont en lice dans les trois circon

DIRECT. Résultats du 1er tour des Législatives 2024 en Polynésie : Découvrez les scores provisoires des candidats à partir de 20 heures

Samedi 29 juin, 212 000 électeurs sont appelés aux urnes pour le premier tour des législatives. L'enjeu : élire les trois députés qui siégeront à l’Assemblée nationale les cinq prochaines années. Treize candidats sont en lice dans les trois circonscriptions. Suivez notre minute par minute pour découvrir les résultats provisoires au fil de la soirée.

Overtaking Volkswagen Golf crashes into van along TPE, flipping both

A speeding Volkswagen Golf crashed into a van early Sunday morning (June 30), causing both cars to flip.  A video of the incident, which happened at around 5.06am along the Tampines Expressway (TPE), was uploaded onto Facebook group Singapore Roads acciden

Overtaking Volkswagen Golf crashes into van along TPE, flipping both

A speeding Volkswagen Golf crashed into a van early Sunday morning (June 30), causing both cars to flip.  A video of the incident, which happened at around 5.06am along the Tampines Expressway (TPE), was uploaded onto Facebook group Singapore Roads accident.com on the same day.  In the clip, a white Volkswsgen Golf can be seen speeding. It then crashes into a black van ahead of it, causing both vehicles to flip over.  In the process, sparks flew and the black vehicle tumbled to the side of the road.  In response to AsiaOne’s queries, the police said that on June 30, at about 5.10am, they were alerted to an accident involving a car and a van along TPE towards Changi Airport.

Gone in 2.5 hours: Hougang durian stall gives away 1,000kg of durians worth $15k

What's better than $5 durians? Why, free durians of course. A durian stall in Hougang held a giveaway on Thursday (June 27), dispatching some 1,000kg of Musang King and other varietals to a long line of people gathered. Within two and a half hours, all the

Gone in 2.5 hours: Hougang durian stall gives away 1,000kg of durians worth $15k

What's better than $5 durians? Why, free durians of course. A durian stall in Hougang held a giveaway on Thursday (June 27), dispatching some 1,000kg of Musang King and other varietals to a long line of people gathered. Within two and a half hours, all the fruits were all given away, reported Shin Min Daily News. A video posted on Lexus Durian King's Facebook page at 5.35pm that evening showed the stall packed with people. AsiaOne had previously reported that the durian stall, located at 1001 Upper Serangoon Road, would be selling premium Musang King or Mao Shan Wang durians at $5 each (maximum two per person) to Pioneer Generation customers and CHAS (Community Health Assist Scheme) card holders on June 25. Just two days later, however, they went a step further, announcing that they would be giving away one fruit plus a bottle of water each to members of the same groups as well as those belonging to the Merdeka Generation.

10 outstanding Seychellois recognised in 2nd edition of National Awards

Two former Seychellois boxers are among the 10 Seychellois recognised for their outstanding contributions to Seychelles at this year's edition of the National Awards ceremony held on Friday at State House. Seychelles' President Wavel Ramkalawan presented th
Seychelles News Agency

10 outstanding Seychellois recognised in 2nd edition of National Awards

Two former Seychellois boxers are among the 10 Seychellois recognised for their outstanding contributions to Seychelles at this year's edition of the National Awards ceremony held on Friday at State House. Seychelles' President Wavel Ramkalawan presented the awards at the event, which was also attended by prestigious guests and family members of the winners. Rival Payet and Roland Raforme won the Medals of Merit. Both former boxers, who are now national team coaches, are the first ever sportspersons to receive the award created in 2022, aimed at recognising their extraordinary service to Seychelles in various fields or through their acts of bravery. Payet came the closest to Seychelles winning an Olympic medal for boxing in the 1996 Games in Atlanta. (State House)  Photo License: CC-BY  Payet told the press that he felt he deserved the award and was «very happy that I received it while I am still alive to enjoy it and able to collect it without a walking stick. I have done so much for the country over the years, so I definitely think I deserve the award today.» A former light middleweight boxer, Payet came the closest to Seychelles winning an Olympic medal in 1996 when he came out fourth in the Games in Atlanta. The Medal of Merit was also awarded to Edwina Adrienne, who has worked in career guidance and later set up the Association for the Promotion of Solid Humane Families with a colleague in 1995.  Edwina Adrienne also received a Medal of Merit. (State House)  Photo License: CC-BY  Also receiving the Medals of Merit were Edouard Domingue, the first managing director of the Seychelles Savings Bank - now the Seychelles Commercial Bank - and Herman Maria, a local entrepreneur. «I am happy because it reminds me of the many children I have helped over the years, this makes me realise that there was a mission to accomplish and I have done my part,» said Adrienne. The recipients of the Honour Award are Willy Andre, an environmentalist, Francis Chang-Sam, a former legal expert who also drafted the country's Constitution, Ilette Esther, a former nurse at the main hospital's Blood Bank, the late Tony Mathiot - a local historian, and Soona Oliaji, a local businesswoman who is also a champion for children with special needs. Willy Andre, an environmentalist, was one of the recipients of the Honour Award. (State House)  Photo License: CC-BY  Esther told the press after the ceremony that she appreciated the recognition she received although she was not expecting it. «I have devoted many years working at the Blood Bank, at times alone - I know that I gave it my all, which is why I am satisfied with the work I have done,» she said. Caritas Seychelles, the Seychelles Credit Union, the Seychelles Infrastructure Agency (SIA) and the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs received the Pride of the Republic of Seychelles awards. This award is given for outstanding and meritorious service of national importance to the country in exceptional circumstances where the person has earned the respect and gratitude of both the government and the people. This year the organisers took into account their contributions made during the disasters of December 7, 2023. Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, suffered two major disasters on the same day on December 7. After several days of torrential rains, the northern region of the main island of Mahe, suffered rock and landslides, along with flooding due to heavy rain in which three people died. In a separate incident, in the east region of Mahe, in the Providence industrial estate, a massive explosion that originated from explosives stored at a local quarrying company, flattened large buildings, businesses, and residential houses in the vicinity.  Chief executive of the Seychelles Infrastructure Agency, Jitesh Shah, said the fact that SIA was awarded «it's like we are receiving it on behalf of all those we have worked with during that time from the emergency brigades to all other bodies who have helped in one way or another. My time has worked tirelessly during this time and have even given their own personal time to ensure we deliver.» This is the second edition of the National Awards ceremony, held during the National Day activities.

PHOTOS: Somalia honors former Parliament Speaker Prof. Jawari with state funeral

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali people paid their last respects to the former Speaker of the Somali Parliament, Prof. Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari, in a state funeral prayer in Mogadishu on Saturday.
Hiiraan Online

PHOTOS: Somalia honors former Parliament Speaker Prof. Jawari with state funeral

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali people paid their last respects to the former Speaker of the Somali Parliament, Prof. Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari, in a state funeral prayer in Mogadishu on Saturday.

Egyptian, Somali Foreign Ministers discuss relations and situation in Horn of Africa

Cairo (HOL) - Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ahmed Maalam Faqi, met with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Cairo on Saturday to discuss strengthening bilateral relations.
Hiiraan Online

Egyptian, Somali Foreign Ministers discuss relations and situation in Horn of Africa

Cairo (HOL) - Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ahmed Maalam Faqi, met with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Cairo on Saturday to discuss strengthening bilateral relations.

UN delegation meets Galmudug President in Dhusamareb town

Dhusamareb (HOL) - A United Nations delegation, led by Acting UN Special Representative for Somalia James Swan, arrived in Dhusamareb on Saturday to meet with Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoor Qoor.
Hiiraan Online

UN delegation meets Galmudug President in Dhusamareb town

Dhusamareb (HOL) - A United Nations delegation, led by Acting UN Special Representative for Somalia James Swan, arrived in Dhusamareb on Saturday to meet with Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoor Qoor.

Shock finding in DailyMail.com survey suggests Trump can STILL be defeated in 2024... but only if Dems commit to one incredible gamble, writes poll expert JAMES JOHNSON

Although an exclusive DailyMail.com poll found that President Biden's disastrous debate performance may have destroyed his support with independents, there may be a way back for Dems.
News | Mail Online

Shock finding in DailyMail.com survey suggests Trump can STILL be defeated in 2024... but only if Dems commit to one incredible gamble, writes poll expert JAMES JOHNSON

Although an exclusive DailyMail.com poll found that President Biden's disastrous debate performance may have destroyed his support with independents, there may be a way back for Dems.

North Korea blames US, Japan, South Korea for creating ‘NATO of Asian version’

The North Korean Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the Freedom Edge trilateral military exercise held in the region, describing it as an attempt to «escalate regional military tensions, exert pressure upon the Far East of Russia and lay siege to China

North Korea blames US, Japan, South Korea for creating ‘NATO of Asian version’

The North Korean Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the Freedom Edge trilateral military exercise held in the region, describing it as an attempt to «escalate regional military tensions, exert pressure upon the Far East of Russia and lay siege to China»

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