
Zala UAVs of Battlegroup Center disrupt rotation of Ukrainian forces near Avdeyevka

«UAV operators discovered an area of concentration of personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian armed forces at a stronghold camouflaged in a wooded area,» the Russian Defense Ministry reported

Zala UAVs of Battlegroup Center disrupt rotation of Ukrainian forces near Avdeyevka

«UAV operators discovered an area of concentration of personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian armed forces at a stronghold camouflaged in a wooded area,» the Russian Defense Ministry reported

Cuban Interior Ministry prevents smuggling weapons from US to the island

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that as a result of an investigation a «citizen Ardenis Garcia Alvarez, the main perpetrator of these actions brewing in the United States», was detained

Cuban Interior Ministry prevents smuggling weapons from US to the island

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that as a result of an investigation a «citizen Ardenis Garcia Alvarez, the main perpetrator of these actions brewing in the United States», was detained

Ukrainian forces shelled DPR 25 times over day, 3 civilians wounded — JCCC

The mission noted that the main blow fell on the Donetsk direction (7 shellings), as well as the Gorlovka direction (18 shellings)

Ukrainian forces shelled DPR 25 times over day, 3 civilians wounded — JCCC

The mission noted that the main blow fell on the Donetsk direction (7 shellings), as well as the Gorlovka direction (18 shellings)

Four people killed, 20 injured in Belgorod region due to attacks by Ukrainian forces

According to Vyacheslav Gladkov, about 160 apartments, 60 private houses, and about 140 cars were damaged in the region

Four people killed, 20 injured in Belgorod region due to attacks by Ukrainian forces

According to Vyacheslav Gladkov, about 160 apartments, 60 private houses, and about 140 cars were damaged in the region

Faits divers : Vives tensions à la Mission pendant l'arrestation d'un père violent

Des policiers sont intervenus sur les hauteurs de la Mission dimanche 7 juillet, dans le cadre de violences intrafamiliales. Tout le quartier a été secoué.

Faits divers : Vives tensions à la Mission pendant l'arrestation d'un père violent

Des policiers sont intervenus sur les hauteurs de la Mission dimanche 7 juillet, dans le cadre de violences intrafamiliales. Tout le quartier a été secoué.

Saudi consulate in Houston issues Storm Beryl advisory

RIYADH: The Kingdom’s consulate in Houston has urged Saudis to follow all instructions issued by local authorities regarding Storm Beryl, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Tuesday. The consulate asked Saudis to exercise caution and use its emergency cont
Saudi Arabia

Saudi consulate in Houston issues Storm Beryl advisory

RIYADH: The Kingdom’s consulate in Houston has urged Saudis to follow all instructions issued by local authorities regarding Storm Beryl, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Tuesday. The consulate asked Saudis to exercise caution and use its emergency contact number if required. Beryl hit Texas on Monday, killing several people and zapping power to nearly 3 million homes and businesses as it headed east.

Russian court hands six-year prison sentences to playwright and theater director

A Russian playwright and a theater director were sentenced to 6 years in prison for “justifying terrorism” Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Russian court hands six-year prison sentences to playwright and theater director

A Russian playwright and a theater director were sentenced to 6 years in prison for “justifying terrorism” Read Full Article at

'Our children and grandchildren live there': Couple get married in Batam to avoid giving up HDB flat

A widow and a widower, both from Singapore, chose to get married in Batam, Indonesia, to save their respective HDB flats. The marriage, considered a secret as the couple did not register their marriage in Singapore, took all of 15 minutes to be solemnised.

'Our children and grandchildren live there': Couple get married in Batam to avoid giving up HDB flat

A widow and a widower, both from Singapore, chose to get married in Batam, Indonesia, to save their respective HDB flats. The marriage, considered a secret as the couple did not register their marriage in Singapore, took all of 15 minutes to be solemnised. Married couples in Singapore are not allowed to own more than one HDB flat between them. «I had been single for more than 10 years and my wife-to-be had inherited her flat after the death of her husband,» the man told Berita Harian. «We are both almost 60 years old and have our own children and grandchildren who live in our flats.» In order to have their union «accepted by the religion» and retain ownership of their respective flats at the same time, the couple opted to get married in Batam in early-2023.  Their solemnisation was witnessed by their family members. The man has five children and three grandchildren while his wife has four children and four grandchildren. «The solemnisation in Sekupang, Batam, was done and dusted within 15 minutes,» said the man.

Cleaning robot catches fire at SGH ward, prompting patients to evacuate

A fire broke out in a ward at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) on Monday (June 8) evening, causing patients to evacuate. In a Facebook post made later that day, SGH said that a cleaning robot had been charging in Ward 76, the hospital's orthopaedic ward,

Cleaning robot catches fire at SGH ward, prompting patients to evacuate

A fire broke out in a ward at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) on Monday (June 8) evening, causing patients to evacuate. In a Facebook post made later that day, SGH said that a cleaning robot had been charging in Ward 76, the hospital's orthopaedic ward, at around 7pm when it caught on fire. This caused the sprinkler and SGH's response team to be activated. However, by the time the hospital's fire warden arrived at the scene, the fire had already been extinguished. As a precaution, patients in the affected ward were moved to other ward areas in view of the smoke. They returned to the ward at 9pm, when the situation was confirmed to be under control, said SGH.

Stolen Singaporean digital identities sold on Dark Web from $8, huge spike in such data being offered for sale: Cybersecurity firm

He was hoping to make a quick buck and the advertisement had promised «fast cash».  All Reign Lee Jing Yu had to do was give up his Singpass account details for them to be used in opening bank accounts and he would be paid $8,000. Not onl

Stolen Singaporean digital identities sold on Dark Web from $8, huge spike in such data being offered for sale: Cybersecurity firm

He was hoping to make a quick buck and the advertisement had promised «fast cash».  All Reign Lee Jing Yu had to do was give up his Singpass account details for them to be used in opening bank accounts and he would be paid $8,000. Not only did he not receive the money, his account was used by scammers to launder $220,000, CNA reported in October 2023.  The 21-year-old was dealt with under the Computer Misuse Act for disclosing his Singpass password for wrongful gain. The case was cited as an example of how cybercriminals use stolen identities for illegal activities in an article posted by California-based cybersecurity company Resecurity on their website on June 26 this year.  A large number of underground sellers, the article revealed, have gotten their hands on identity data of Singaporeans and are offering them on the Dark Web for prices as low as $8. By the end of the second quarter of this year, the number of such sellers have jumped by 230 per cent compared to the same period in 2023.

Modi, Putin hold talks amid outrage over Ukraine strikes

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was set to hold talks with President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, a day after the Indian leader arrived in Moscow amid global outcry over Russian strikes in Ukraine. Modi, visiting Moscow for the first time since Russia launched it
Seychelles News Agency

Modi, Putin hold talks amid outrage over Ukraine strikes

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was set to hold talks with President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, a day after the Indian leader arrived in Moscow amid global outcry over Russian strikes in Ukraine. Modi, visiting Moscow for the first time since Russia launched its campaign in Ukraine in February 2022, will seek to nurture New Delhi's long-standing relationship with Moscow. At the same time, he is courting closer Western security ties after being returned to power last month as leader of the world's most populous country. «There are no surprises in preparation. The main thing is to create an atmosphere for meaningful interaction,» Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told state TV when asked about the talks. Modi landed in Moscow hours after Russia launched a massive barrage targeting cities across Ukraine Monday that killed more than three dozen people and heavily damaged a children's hospital in Kyiv, sparking condemnation from governments in Europe and North America. Russia is a vital supplier of cut-price oil and weapons to India, but Moscow's isolation from the West and growing ties with Beijing have impacted its partnership with New Delhi. Western powers have in recent years also cultivated stronger relations with India as a hedge against China and its growing influence across the Asia-Pacific, while pressuring New Delhi to distance itself from Russia. The United States on Monday urged Modi to make clear in his talks with Putin that «any resolution to the conflict in Ukraine must... be one that respects the UN Charter with respect to Ukraine's territorial integrity». Modi last visited Russia in 2019 and hosted Putin in the Indian capital two years later, weeks before Russia began its offensive against Ukraine. India has largely shied away from explicit condemnation of Russia ever since and abstained on United Nations resolutions targeting the Kremlin. - Arms, oil and China - But Russia's fight with Ukraine has also had a human cost for India. New Delhi said in February it was pushing Moscow to return several of its citizens who had signed up for «support jobs» with the Russian military, following reports some had been killed after being forced to fight in Ukraine. Moscow's relationship with China has also been a cause for concern. Washington and the EU accuse China of selling components and equipment that have strengthened Russia's military industry -- allegations Beijing denies. China and India remain intense rivals competing for strategic influence across South Asia. India is also part of the Quad grouping with the US, Japan and Australia that positions itself against China's growing boldness in Asia. New Delhi and Russia have maintained close links since the Cold War, which saw the Kremlin become a key arms provider to the country. But Ukraine has stretched Russia's weapons supplies thin, pushing India to look for other sources for arms -- including growing its own defence industry. Russia's share of Indian imports of arms has shrunk considerably in recent years, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. At the same time, India has become a major purchaser of Russian crude, providing a much-needed export market for Russia after it was dropped by traditional buyers in Europe. That has dramatically reconfigured their economic ties, with India saving itself billions of dollars while bolstering Moscow's war coffers. India's month-on-month imports of Russian crude «increased by eight percent in May, to the highest levels since July 2023», according to commodity tracking data compiled by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air. But this has also resulted in India's trade deficit with Russia rising to a little over $57 billion in the past financial year. From Russia, Modi will travel to Vienna for the first visit to the Austrian capital by an Indian leader since Indira Gandhi in 1983. © Agence France-Presse

June hottest on record, beating 2023 high: EU climate monitor

Last month was the hottest June on record across the globe, the EU's climate monitor said Monday, capping half a year of wild and destructive weather from floods to heatwaves. Every month since June 2023 has eclipsed its own temperature record in a 13-month
Seychelles News Agency

June hottest on record, beating 2023 high: EU climate monitor

Last month was the hottest June on record across the globe, the EU's climate monitor said Monday, capping half a year of wild and destructive weather from floods to heatwaves. Every month since June 2023 has eclipsed its own temperature record in a 13-month streak of unprecedented global heat, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said. «This is more than a statistical oddity and it highlights a large and continuing shift in our climate,» said the service director, Carlo Buontempo. «Even if this specific streak of extremes ends at some point, we are bound to see new records being broken as the climate continues to warm.» This was «inevitable» as long as humanity kept adding heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, he said. The global average temperature notched last month broke the previous June record set in 2023. The fresh high came at the midway point of a year marked by climate extremes. Scorching heat has blanketed swathes of the world from India to Saudi Arabia, the United States and Mexico in the first half of this year. Relentless rain, a phenomena scientists have also linked to a warmer planet, caused extensive flooding in Kenya, China, Brazil, Afghanistan, Russia and France. Wildfires have torched land in Greece and Canada and last week, Hurricane Beryl became the earliest category five Atlantic hurricane on record as it barrelled across several Caribbean islands. - Warmer oceans - The streak of record-breaking temperatures coincided with El Nino, a natural phenomenon that contributes to hotter weather globally, said Julien Nicolas, a senior scientist at C3S. «That was part of the factors behind the temperature records, but it was not the only one,» he told AFP. Ocean temperatures have also been hitting new highs. Record sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic, the Northern Pacific and Indian Ocean also contributed to the soaring heat across the globe. Sea surface temperatures hit a separate milestone in June -- 15 straight months of new highs, an occurrence Nicolas described as «striking». The oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth's surface and absorb 90 percent of the extra heat associated with rising climate-warming emissions. «What happens to the ocean surface has an important impact on the air temperature above the surface and global average temperature as well,» he said. However, the world is about to transition into a La Nina phase, which has a cooling effect. «We can expect the global (air) temperature to taper down in the next few months,» said Nicolas. «If these record (sea surface) temperatures persist, even as La Nina conditions develop that might lead to 2024 being warmer than 2023. But it's too early to tell,» he added. Global air temperatures in the 12 months to June 2024 were the highest in the data record -- on average 1.64C above pre-industrial levels, Copernicus said. This doesn't mean the 1.5C warming limit agreed by 196 countries in Paris in 2015 has been breached, because that goal is measured in decades, not individual years. But last month, Copernicus said there was an 80 percent chance that Earth's annual average temperatures would at least temporarily exceed the 1.5C mark during the next five years. © Agence France-Presse

Power outages impacting water supply to some customers in St Catherine and Kingston

The National Water Commission (NWC) is advising that area-wide power outages have disrupted operations at the Bybrook numbers 1, 2 and 4 facilities. As a result, some communities in St Catherine and Kingston will experience...

Power outages impacting water supply to some customers in St Catherine and Kingston

The National Water Commission (NWC) is advising that area-wide power outages have disrupted operations at the Bybrook numbers 1, 2 and 4 facilities. As a result, some communities in St Catherine and Kingston will experience...

Amber Heard's 'private investigator' reveals his shock over unwavering support for Johnny Depp after being hired to dig up dirt on the actor for defamation trial in new book

In his new self-published book, Johnny Depp's Accidental Fixer, Paul Barresi, 74, recalls interviewing 100 people only to find that the majority were still supporting the actor.
News | Mail Online

Amber Heard's 'private investigator' reveals his shock over unwavering support for Johnny Depp after being hired to dig up dirt on the actor for defamation trial in new book

In his new self-published book, Johnny Depp's Accidental Fixer, Paul Barresi, 74, recalls interviewing 100 people only to find that the majority were still supporting the actor.

Novak Djokovic accuses Centre Court crowd of 'DISRESPECT' during straight-sets win over Holger Rune in awkward post-match interview live on BBC... but did he confuse boos with fans chanting his opponent's name?

MATTHEW LAMBERT ON CENTRE COURT: The 37-year-old seemed to believe some in the crowd were masking boos in the pretence of supporting Rune.
News | Mail Online

First migrants to cross the Channel since Labour's election victory arrive in the UK: Home Secretary Yvette Cooper vows to crack down on smuggling gangs but brands Rwanda deportation scheme a 'complete con' after scrapping project before it

Pictures showed groups of people wearing life jackets, and some wrapped in blankets, being escorted off a Border Force boat in Dover, Kent, with children among those seen being carried ashore.
News | Mail Online

First migrants to cross the Channel since Labour's election victory arrive in the UK: Home Secretary Yvette Cooper vows to crack down on smuggling gangs but brands Rwanda deportation scheme a 'complete con' after scrapping project before it

Pictures showed groups of people wearing life jackets, and some wrapped in blankets, being escorted off a Border Force boat in Dover, Kent, with children among those seen being carried ashore.

Pictured: Father-of-two, 33, with 'beautiful smile' stabbed to death in the street in east London - as police arrest man, 29, on suspicion of murder

Josh McKay, 33, from Waltham Forest, was stabbed in the neck on Lea Bridge Road on Saturday.
News | Mail Online

Rishi Sunak appoints 'interim' shadow Cabinet as Tory chair Ric Holden and Lord Cameron quit after disastrous election meltdown... with infighting between left and right wings ramping up

Rishi Sunak, who is staying on until a replacement is chosen, acted as shellshocked MPs try to come to terms with the scale of their defeat.
News | Mail Online

Rishi Sunak appoints 'interim' shadow Cabinet as Tory chair Ric Holden and Lord Cameron quit after disastrous election meltdown... with infighting between left and right wings ramping up

Rishi Sunak, who is staying on until a replacement is chosen, acted as shellshocked MPs try to come to terms with the scale of their defeat.

'Nobody said anything': Former student recalls sexual advances by Frank Stronach

A former student and scholarship recipient at the company once helmed by Frank Stronach is speaking out about an “unwelcome but not illegal” sexual interaction involving the billionaire in the 1980s, when he was in his 50s and she was 19 years old. - Canada - Public RSS

'Nobody said anything': Former student recalls sexual advances by Frank Stronach

A former student and scholarship recipient at the company once helmed by Frank Stronach is speaking out about an “unwelcome but not illegal” sexual interaction involving the billionaire in the 1980s, when he was in his 50s and she was 19 years old.

Democrat paymasters discussing ‘elegant’ Biden withdrawal – NYT

Wealthy Democrat donors are reportedly discussing best ways for US President Joe Biden to suspend his reelection campaign Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Democrat paymasters discussing ‘elegant’ Biden withdrawal – NYT

Wealthy Democrat donors are reportedly discussing best ways for US President Joe Biden to suspend his reelection campaign Read Full Article at

Election 2024 live updates: Biden meets with Congressional Black Caucus

Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Post Politics

Election 2024 live updates: Biden meets with Congressional Black Caucus

Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.

Ukraine violates Chemical Weapons Convention – Russian MoD

Russia has accused Ukraine of producing a dangerous substance in an apparent violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Ukraine violates Chemical Weapons Convention – Russian MoD

Russia has accused Ukraine of producing a dangerous substance in an apparent violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention Read Full Article at

Orban not enough to ‘end this war’ – Zelensky

The conflict with Russia doesn’t need a go-between, the Ukrainian leader has said, dismissing the Hungarian PM’s attempt at diplomacy Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Orban not enough to ‘end this war’ – Zelensky

The conflict with Russia doesn’t need a go-between, the Ukrainian leader has said, dismissing the Hungarian PM’s attempt at diplomacy Read Full Article at

Election 2024 live updates: Biden meeting Congressional Black Caucus on Monday evening

Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Post Politics

Election 2024 live updates: Biden meeting Congressional Black Caucus on Monday evening

Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.

Black House Democrats embrace Biden at another critical juncture

With President Biden once again on the political ropes, some Black House members appear ready to rally behind the embattled chief executive, in an embrace that will significantly influence whether the Democratic president can stay in his reelection race, acco
Post Politics

Black House Democrats embrace Biden at another critical juncture

With President Biden once again on the political ropes, some Black House members appear ready to rally behind the embattled chief executive, in an embrace that will significantly influence whether the Democratic president can stay in his reelection race, according to five people familiar with the conversations.

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