Tumblers of brandy before breakfast. A £10,000-a-week heroin habit. And a love life as outrageous as it was tragic... As Eric Clapton turns 80 his biographer PHILIP NORMAN reveals what star's wild life is REALLY like up close
In Clapton's 60-year career he has survived the double whammy of heroin addiction and alcoholism that often left him incapable of doing anything on stage other than lie flat on his back.Tumblers of brandy before breakfast. A £10,000-a-week heroin habit. And a love life as outrageous as it was tragic... As Eric Clapton turns 80 his biographer PHILIP NORMAN reveals what star's wild life is REALLY like up close
In Clapton's 60-year career he has survived the double whammy of heroin addiction and alcoholism that often left him incapable of doing anything on stage other than lie flat on his back. Read more