Magistrate, witnesses absent from hearing of high-profile illegal charcoal case
Hearing of a high-profile case of illegal possession and trafficking of 200 bags of charcoal worth over MK20 million failed Wednesday in Lilongwe, following the absence of Principal Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe and witnesses. Magistrate Michongwe waMagistrate, witnesses absent from hearing of high-profile illegal charcoal case
Hearing of a high-profile case of illegal possession and trafficking of 200 bags of charcoal worth over MK20 million failed Wednesday in Lilongwe, following the absence of Principal Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe and witnesses. Magistrate Michongwe was reportedly in Zomba on other official duties while some witnesses were in Mzuzu on official duties as well. […] The post Magistrate, witnesses absent from hearing of high-profile illegal charcoal case appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi. Read more