
24-hour CHEESE dispensers are launched in France for food lovers who crave a slice of camembert around the clock

Vending machines stocking French cheese (pictured) are popping up in train stations and motorway services. It continues a trend of food dispensers for pizzas, oysters and baguettes.

Attack Russia and be reduced to a ‘stain’ – Medvedev

Small NATO members making threats can be wiped out with a single tactical nuclear weapon, Dmitry Medvedev replied to Estonia Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Attack Russia and be reduced to a ‘stain’ – Medvedev

Small NATO members making threats can be wiped out with a single tactical nuclear weapon, Dmitry Medvedev replied to Estonia Read Full Article at RT.com

Israel claims strike on Hezbollah HQ

IDF has confirmed an air raid against the Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh, claiming it was targeting the main Hezbollah headquarters Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Israel claims strike on Hezbollah HQ

IDF has confirmed an air raid against the Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh, claiming it was targeting the main Hezbollah headquarters Read Full Article at RT.com

Trump ‘hasn’t changed’ his mind after Zelensky meeting

Donald Trump has told reporters that he still believes the Ukraine conflict will be settled at the negotiating table Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Trump ‘hasn’t changed’ his mind after Zelensky meeting

Donald Trump has told reporters that he still believes the Ukraine conflict will be settled at the negotiating table Read Full Article at RT.com

Dmitry Trenin: Putin’s nuclear doctrine updates are a final warning to the West

There are too many people who think the Kremlin is bluffing and they can behave with impunity towards Russia Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Dmitry Trenin: Putin’s nuclear doctrine updates are a final warning to the West

There are too many people who think the Kremlin is bluffing and they can behave with impunity towards Russia Read Full Article at RT.com

Congo-Kinshasa: DR Congo Seeks Justice and Reparations for Rwanda's Role in Conflict

[RFI] The Democratic Republic of Congo has brought a case against Rwanda to the East African Court of Justice, accusing it of «violating its sovereignty and national integrity» in the volatile eastern DRC. The court's first task is to determine i
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Congo-Kinshasa: DR Congo Seeks Justice and Reparations for Rwanda's Role in Conflict

[RFI] The Democratic Republic of Congo has brought a case against Rwanda to the East African Court of Justice, accusing it of «violating its sovereignty and national integrity» in the volatile eastern DRC. The court's first task is to determine if it has jurisdiction over the case.

New York : Les Pays-Bas réitèrent leur soutien au plan marocain d'autonomie

Nations unies (New York), 26/09/2024 - Les Pays-Bas on réitéré, jeudi à New York, leur position en faveur du plan marocain d'autonomie, le qualifiant de contribution « très sérieuse et crédible » au processus politique mené par les Nations unies.

New York : Les Pays-Bas réitèrent leur soutien au plan marocain d'autonomie

Nations unies (New York), 26/09/2024 - Les Pays-Bas on réitéré, jeudi à New York, leur position en faveur du plan marocain d'autonomie, le qualifiant de contribution « très sérieuse et crédible » au processus politique mené par les Nations unies. “Les Pays-Bas considèrent le plan d'autonomie, présenté par le Maroc en 2007, comme une contribution très sérieuse et crédible au processus politique mené par les Nations unies”, pour résoudre le conflit autour du Sahara, a déclaré à la presse (...) - COOPERATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Ministère du Tourisme et de l'Artisanat et le FGIS pour une collaboration renforcée dans le secteur du tourisme

Libreville, 16 septembre 2024 – Le Ministre du Tourisme et de l'Artisanat, Pascal Ogowe Siffon, a accueilli, en présence de ses collaborateurs, une délégation du Fonds Gabonais d'Investissements Stratégiques (FGIS) conduite par son Administrateur-Direct

Ministère du Tourisme et de l'Artisanat et le FGIS pour une collaboration renforcée dans le secteur du tourisme

Libreville, 16 septembre 2024 – Le Ministre du Tourisme et de l'Artisanat, Pascal Ogowe Siffon, a accueilli, en présence de ses collaborateurs, une délégation du Fonds Gabonais d'Investissements Stratégiques (FGIS) conduite par son Administrateur-Directeur Général, M. Stéphane Mbadinga Ditengou. Cette rencontre, qui s'est tenue au cabinet du ministre, avait pour objectif de poser les bases d'une collaboration stratégique entre le FGIS et le Ministère en vue de développer et renforcer le (...) - SOCIETE

«Message d'espoir et d'engagement pour un Gabon prospère : les enfants des semeurs de vies, renouons avec notre terre »

Nous sommes les enfants des semeurs de vies, héritiers d'une tradition ancestrale où la terre est source de vie et de prospérité. Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, nous devons nous engager à faire émerger le meilleur de nous-mêmes pour que l'esprit de nos

«Message d'espoir et d'engagement pour un Gabon prospère : les enfants des semeurs de vies, renouons avec notre terre »

Nous sommes les enfants des semeurs de vies, héritiers d'une tradition ancestrale où la terre est source de vie et de prospérité. Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, nous devons nous engager à faire émerger le meilleur de nous-mêmes pour que l'esprit de nos ancêtres continue de vivre à travers nos actions. Gabonais, soyons courageux et sincères envers notre terre. Ne nous laissons plus distraire par des paroles vaines. Restez concentrés sur l'essentiel : notre méthode duale, qui a déjà montré (...) - LIBRE PROPOS / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Israel defies ceasefire calls and vows to keep battling Hezbollah

Israel on Thursday rejected a push led by its key backer the United States for a 21-day ceasefire in Lebanon, vowing to keep fighting Hezbollah militants «until victory». Israeli bombing of Iran-backed Hezbollah strongholds around Lebanon has kil
Seychelles News Agency

Israel defies ceasefire calls and vows to keep battling Hezbollah

Israel on Thursday rejected a push led by its key backer the United States for a 21-day ceasefire in Lebanon, vowing to keep fighting Hezbollah militants «until victory». Israeli bombing of Iran-backed Hezbollah strongholds around Lebanon has killed hundreds of people this week, while the militant group has retaliated with rocket barrages. «There will be no ceasefire in the north. We will continue to fight against the Hezbollah terrorist organisation with all our strength until victory and the safe return of the residents of the north to their homes,» Foreign Minister Israel Katz said in a post on X. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said he had «not even responded» to the truce proposal, and that he had ordered the military «to continue the fighting with full force». The United States, France and other allies called for a 21-day halt, after President Joe Biden and his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. The situation in Lebanon has become «intolerable» and «is in nobody's interest, neither of the people of Israel nor of the people of Lebanon», their joint statement said. Macron said later it was «a mistake» for Netanyahu to refuse a ceasefire and that he would have to take «responsibility» for a regional escalation. - Israeli strikes - The Israeli military announced fresh strikes on southern Lebanon and Hezbollah said its fighters had launched dozens of rockets at northern Israel. Lebanon's health ministry said late Thursday that Israeli strikes had killed 92 people in the country and injured 153 in the past 24 hours. Macron warned against Lebanon «becoming a new Gaza», citing the «absolutely shocking» number of civilian casualties. More than 1,500 people have been killed since hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah erupted last October, with Thursday's toll bringing the number of people killed  in Israeli strikes on Lebanon since Monday alone to more than 700. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer backed the call for a ceasefire «to provide space for a diplomatic settlement», in a speech to the UN General Assembly. The Israeli defence ministry announced that it had secured a new $8.7-billion aid package from the United States to support the country's ongoing military efforts, underlining Washington's unwillingness to use its military aid as leverage for a ceasefire. - Drones and rockets - The Israeli military said it struck about 75 targets in the eastern Bekaa valley and southern Lebanon, Hezbollah bastions that have seen a huge exodus of civilians fleeing their homes in recent days. According to the International Organization for Migration, about 118,000 people have been displaced by the fighting in Lebanon over the past week alone. «It was one of the worst nights we've lived through,» said Fadia Rafic Yaghi, 70, who owns a shop in Baalbek in the Bekaa valley. For the fourth time this week, Israel carried out a strike on Hezbollah's south Beirut stronghold, which it said killed the head of the group's drone unit. A source close to Hezbollah told AFP a drone strike targeted a group member in a car east of Beirut, and the official National News Agency reported two more «enemy drone» strikes that killed at least four people. The Israeli military said two barrages of 40 to 45 rockets each had been fired from Lebanon into Israel earlier on Thursday, with many of them intercepted. One man was taken to hospital in moderate condition with shrapnel injuries. Hezbollah said the first barrage targeted defence industry complexes near the port city of Haifa, while the second targeted the northern town of Safed. - 'Have to flee' - Israel said earlier this month it was shifting its focus from the Gaza Strip, where it has been fighting a war with Hamas since the October 7 attack, to its border with Lebanon. Hamas ally Hezbollah has been trading fire with Israeli troops since October, forcing tens of thousands of people on both sides to flee their homes. Netanyahu, who is due to address the UN General Assembly on Friday, has said that ensuring the safe return of Israelis to their homes was a priority. Israel's military chief, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, has told soldiers to prepare for a possible ground offensive, according to an army statement. Israeli air force chief Major General Tomer Bar said strikes were aiming to cut off Hezbollah from its arms supplier Iran. For many on both sides of the border, the violence has sparked bitter memories of the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel that killed 1,200 people in Lebanon, most of them civilians, and 160 Israelis, most of them soldiers. Hassan Slim, who left his southern Lebanon home seeking safety in war-battered Syria, said: «We didn't think the situation would degenerate so quickly. »Now war is at our doorstep and we have to flee.« In Israel, some like 67-year-old David Lander, believe war is the only way to restore calm. »I'm against a temporary ceasefire,« said the retired resident of the northern city of Haifa. »I want the citizens of the north to be able to go back to their homes." - Gaza school strike - Diplomats have said efforts to end the war in Gaza were key to halting the fighting in Lebanon. But despite months of mediation efforts involving the United States, a Gaza ceasefire is as elusive as ever. Civil defence workers in Gaza said an Israeli strike on a school-turned-shelter killed at least 15 people. The Israeli military said it had targeted Hamas. The war in Gaza began with Hamas's October 7 attack on Israel, which resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures that include hostages killed in captivity. Of the 251 hostages seized by militants, 97 are still held in Gaza, including 33 the Israeli military says are dead. Israel's retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 41,534 people in Gaza, most of them civilians, according to figures provided by the Hamas-run territory's health ministry. The UN has described the figures as reliable. © Agence France-Presse

Senegal PM vows 'corruption' probe into former government

Senegal's Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko on Thursday vowed investigations into what he described as «widespread corruption» under the administration in power before April, accusing it of having manipulated financial figures. «The policy of un
Seychelles News Agency

Senegal PM vows 'corruption' probe into former government

Senegal's Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko on Thursday vowed investigations into what he described as «widespread corruption» under the administration in power before April, accusing it of having manipulated financial figures. «The policy of unbridled indebtedness (under former president Macky Sall) has led to the use of resources that is not transparent and that is conducive to widespread corruption,» he told journalists, denouncing the «embezzlement of public funds en masse». Sonko and President Bassirou Diomaye Faye swept to power in Senegal in March on a pledge of radical change in the West African nation. The pair ran on a ticket of social justice, sovereignty and leftist pan-Africanism -- raising hopes in the country battling a high cost of living and widespread unemployment. After being sworn in in April, Faye requested that Sonko conduct a thorough review of the country's financial situation. The government shared the conclusions of the stock-take on Thursday. «We had no idea that things were so catastrophic,» Sonko said, accusing the former authorities of having lied and falsified figures, particularly with international partners. Also speaking at the press conference, Justice Minister Ousmane Diagne said the actions appeared to be «criminal in nature, which the competent judicial authorities will have to determine by means of investigations that they deem appropriate». © Agence France-Presse

Woman killed in downtown Kingston crash

A woman is dead after being hit by a motor car which collided with another vehicle at the intersection of Charles and East streets in downtown Kingston, a short while ago. Two other persons were reportedly rushed to hospital. The vehicles that...

Woman killed in downtown Kingston crash

A woman is dead after being hit by a motor car which collided with another vehicle at the intersection of Charles and East streets in downtown Kingston, a short while ago. Two other persons were reportedly rushed to hospital. The vehicles that...

Attorneys outraged by court's demand for bail bond to be paid in cash

An order by a parish court judge yesterday that an accused man must pay his $700,000 bail bond in cash has sparked outrage in legal circles. Some lawyers have viewed the order as outrageous, a breach of the man's constitutional rights and ...

Attorneys outraged by court's demand for bail bond to be paid in cash

An order by a parish court judge yesterday that an accused man must pay his $700,000 bail bond in cash has sparked outrage in legal circles. Some lawyers have viewed the order as outrageous, a breach of the man's constitutional rights and ...

Two men arrested following gun seizure in Bog Walk

Two men were taken into police custody on Thursday following the seizure of two illegal guns in Bog Walk, St Catherine. About 6:30 a.m. a joint security operation was carried out in Swamp Lane in Bog Walk. During the search of a dwelling in the...

Two men arrested following gun seizure in Bog Walk

Two men were taken into police custody on Thursday following the seizure of two illegal guns in Bog Walk, St Catherine. About 6:30 a.m. a joint security operation was carried out in Swamp Lane in Bog Walk. During the search of a dwelling in the...

Opinion: UTM will be not sold for 30 shekels

Look at this: if I woke up today, chanting Saulos Chilima’s name, proclaiming my closeness to the late UTM President, and vowing to carry on his legacy. Should the UTM presidency simply be handed to me? Off course not. Yet, this is exactly what some opportu
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Opinion: UTM will be not sold for 30 shekels

Look at this: if I woke up today, chanting Saulos Chilima’s name, proclaiming my closeness to the late UTM President, and vowing to carry on his legacy. Should the UTM presidency simply be handed to me? Off course not. Yet, this is exactly what some opportunists within the party are trying to do— distributing leadership […] The post Opinion: UTM will be not sold for 30 shekels appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Partners for the North plans to fundraise for mattresses at Euthini Secondary School

Partners for the North (PFN), newly registered organization has announced its plans to fundraise and mobilize resources to buy and donate 500 mattresses worth K18 million to Euthini Secondary School in Mzimba district. PFN Chief Executive Officer, Vasco Madlo
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Partners for the North plans to fundraise for mattresses at Euthini Secondary School

Partners for the North (PFN), newly registered organization has announced its plans to fundraise and mobilize resources to buy and donate 500 mattresses worth K18 million to Euthini Secondary School in Mzimba district. PFN Chief Executive Officer, Vasco Madlopa told reporters in Lilongwe on Friday that the organization saw it necessary to assist the school […] The post Partners for the North plans to fundraise for mattresses at Euthini Secondary School appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Daniel Craig turns heads in another quirky colourful ensemble and the SAME baggy trousers as Rachel Brosnahan as former Bond star joins wife Rachel Weisz at star-studded Loewe show during Paris Fashion Week

He's been trialling a range of new quirky looks in recent months as he makes a noticeable departure from his former James Bond looks. 
News | Mail Online

Dame Maggie Smith latest: Legendary Harry Potter and Downton Abbey star hailed a 'national treasure' following her death at the age of 89 as former co-stars pay tribute

MAILONLINE BLOG: Follow live coverage as the death of Dame Maggie Smith is announced by her sons. The 89-year-old was one of Britain's most prolific actresses on stage and screen.
News | Mail Online

Dame Maggie Smith latest: Legendary Harry Potter and Downton Abbey star hailed a 'national treasure' following her death at the age of 89 as former co-stars pay tribute

MAILONLINE BLOG: Follow live coverage as the death of Dame Maggie Smith is announced by her sons. The 89-year-old was one of Britain's most prolific actresses on stage and screen.

Dame Maggie Smith is remembered by her Downton Abbey 'son' Hugh Bonneville and host of showbiz stars following her death aged 89... with touching gesture from Harry Potter co-star Rupert Grint

TV presenter Gyles Brandreth has led tributes for Maggie Smith, describing her as 'wise, witty, waspish, wonderful'.
News | Mail Online

Africa: Is China-Us Competition Driving the Africa Proposal in the UN?

[VOA] Johannesburg -- This week at U.N. meetings in New York, the United States said that two African countries should have permanent seats on one of the world's major decision-making bodies, the United Nations Security Council.
AllAfrica News: Latest

Africa: Is China-Us Competition Driving the Africa Proposal in the UN?

[VOA] Johannesburg -- This week at U.N. meetings in New York, the United States said that two African countries should have permanent seats on one of the world's major decision-making bodies, the United Nations Security Council.

Nigeria: Further Protests Against the Government's Economic Policies Announced

[Agenzia Fides] Abuja -- Various civil society groups in Nigeria have declared a «National Day for Survival» for October 1. The date has a high symbolic value as it coincides with the 64th anniversary of Nigeria's independence.
AllAfrica News: Latest

Nigeria: Further Protests Against the Government's Economic Policies Announced

[Agenzia Fides] Abuja -- Various civil society groups in Nigeria have declared a «National Day for Survival» for October 1. The date has a high symbolic value as it coincides with the 64th anniversary of Nigeria's independence.

Nigeria: Idris Elba to Play Pete Edochie's Role in 'Things Fall Apart' TV Series

[Premium Times] Pete Edochie played the lead role of 'Okonkwo' in the 1987 Nigerian Television Authority adaptation of Chinua Achebe's all-time best-selling novel Things Fall Apart.
AllAfrica News: Latest

Nigeria: Idris Elba to Play Pete Edochie's Role in 'Things Fall Apart' TV Series

[Premium Times] Pete Edochie played the lead role of 'Okonkwo' in the 1987 Nigerian Television Authority adaptation of Chinua Achebe's all-time best-selling novel Things Fall Apart.

Opposition Leader's mother Lady Patricia Golding has died

Lady Patricia Golding, the mother of Opposition Leader Mark Golding, has died. She reportedly died on Thursday night at age 92. «Walk Good Mum. You will forever live on in our hearts and in our memories. We miss and love you,» Mark...

Opposition Leader's mother Lady Patricia Golding has died

Lady Patricia Golding, the mother of Opposition Leader Mark Golding, has died. She reportedly died on Thursday night at age 92. «Walk Good Mum. You will forever live on in our hearts and in our memories. We miss and love you,» Mark...

Major leak on Half-Way Tree Road affecting water supply to some NWC customers

Some customers of the National Water Commission (NWC) are currently experiencing a disruption in supply due to a major leak on Half-Way Tree Road.   The NWC says its plumbing team is actively working to complete the...

Major leak on Half-Way Tree Road affecting water supply to some NWC customers

Some customers of the National Water Commission (NWC) are currently experiencing a disruption in supply due to a major leak on Half-Way Tree Road.   The NWC says its plumbing team is actively working to complete the...

Doorbell camera captures tense bear showdown at B.C. family's front door

There were some tense moments for a B.C. family this week after their dog came face-to-face with a protective mama bear right outside their front door.
CTVNews.ca - Canada - Public RSS

Doorbell camera captures tense bear showdown at B.C. family's front door

There were some tense moments for a B.C. family this week after their dog came face-to-face with a protective mama bear right outside their front door.

1 person hospitalized, 550 people symptomatic after illness outbreak at P.E.I. shellfish festival

More than 550 symptomatic people responded to an online questionnaire about a gastrointestinal illness at a Prince Edward Island shellfish festival last weekend.
CTVNews.ca - Canada - Public RSS

1 person hospitalized, 550 people symptomatic after illness outbreak at P.E.I. shellfish festival

More than 550 symptomatic people responded to an online questionnaire about a gastrointestinal illness at a Prince Edward Island shellfish festival last weekend.

Israeli army carries out strike on Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut

«A short while ago, the IDF conducted a precise strike on the Central Headquarters of the Hezbollah terror organization, embedded under residential buildings in the heart of the Dahieh in Beirut,» the statement reads

Israeli army carries out strike on Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut

«A short while ago, the IDF conducted a precise strike on the Central Headquarters of the Hezbollah terror organization, embedded under residential buildings in the heart of the Dahieh in Beirut,» the statement reads

Agreement between Russia, Congo on pipeline construction to be signed tomorrow — minister

The Russian government approved earlier the draft intergovernmental agreement on construction of the Pointe Noire - Lutete - Maloukou-Trechot oil product pipeline in the Republic of Congo

Agreement between Russia, Congo on pipeline construction to be signed tomorrow — minister

The Russian government approved earlier the draft intergovernmental agreement on construction of the Pointe Noire - Lutete - Maloukou-Trechot oil product pipeline in the Republic of Congo

Africa eyes Russia’s participation in construction of fertilizer plants — Energy Chamber

«We are working on building plants to produce fertilizers so we can do without food security issues,» NJ Ayuk said

Africa eyes Russia’s participation in construction of fertilizer plants — Energy Chamber

«We are working on building plants to produce fertilizers so we can do without food security issues,» NJ Ayuk said

Ending dependence on Russian fossil fuels is hard to achieve goal for EU — Bloomberg

Despite Western sanctions, imports of Russian fossil fuels to the European Union stood at around $1 billion per month at the end of 2023

Ending dependence on Russian fossil fuels is hard to achieve goal for EU — Bloomberg

Despite Western sanctions, imports of Russian fossil fuels to the European Union stood at around $1 billion per month at the end of 2023

Hungary joins Friends of Peace group on resolving Ukraine crisis — official

«The group’s key message is the urgent need to start peace negotiations to end the war in Ukraine,» the Hungarian prime minister’s spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said

Hungary joins Friends of Peace group on resolving Ukraine crisis — official

«The group’s key message is the urgent need to start peace negotiations to end the war in Ukraine,» the Hungarian prime minister’s spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said

Evacuation of Ukrainian troops from Ugledar urgently needed, military expert says

Vladislav Seleznev underscored that the Ukrainian troops are in a «critical shortage» of resources, necessary to counter the Russian forces on this swath of the frontline

Evacuation of Ukrainian troops from Ugledar urgently needed, military expert says

Vladislav Seleznev underscored that the Ukrainian troops are in a «critical shortage» of resources, necessary to counter the Russian forces on this swath of the frontline

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