
INDIA must appear to be a ‘bloc and not un-bloc' itself in public domain: Kapil Sibal

Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal urged the INDIA alliance to present a united front with a formal structure and clear spokespersons. Highlighting internal conflicts, he emphasized the necessity for a cohesive policy approach to effectively counter the BJP. Sibal al

A remark by my cancer surgeon turned my whole family against me and led to a shocking accusation

When Christina was first diagnosed with cancer, her doctor said the odds of having it were one in 250 million. Weeks later, her family began to act strangely and soon her life would unravel...
News | Mail Online

A remark by my cancer surgeon turned my whole family against me and led to a shocking accusation

When Christina was first diagnosed with cancer, her doctor said the odds of having it were one in 250 million. Weeks later, her family began to act strangely and soon her life would unravel...

The chilling eight words Adolescence's Stephen Graham used to rile up Netflix co-star Owen Cooper - leaving him 'emotional filming every single take'

The 15-year-old shot to fame earlier this month after taking on the role of school boy Jamie Miller in the Netflix drama.
News | Mail Online

The chilling eight words Adolescence's Stephen Graham used to rile up Netflix co-star Owen Cooper - leaving him 'emotional filming every single take'

The 15-year-old shot to fame earlier this month after taking on the role of school boy Jamie Miller in the Netflix drama.

'BJP failed to learn its lessons': TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee slams BJP for withholding central funds from West Bengal ahead of elections

Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee announced that the party will focus on the central government's alleged deprivation of West Bengal's funds as the main campaign theme for the upcoming assembly elections. He emphasized the establishment of micro-level c
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'BJP failed to learn its lessons': TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee slams BJP for withholding central funds from West Bengal ahead of elections

Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee announced that the party will focus on the central government's alleged deprivation of West Bengal's funds as the main campaign theme for the upcoming assembly elections. He emphasized the establishment of micro-level committees to address electoral fraud concerns.

MPs to earn Rs 1.2 lakh/month as Centre notifies 24% hike in pay & pension

The government has announced a 24% salary increase for MPs to Rs 1.24 lakh per month starting April 1, 2023. Daily allowances, pensions, and constituency allowances have also been raised. Congress MP Harish Meena questioned the net gain due to tax implication
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

MPs to earn Rs 1.2 lakh/month as Centre notifies 24% hike in pay & pension

The government has announced a 24% salary increase for MPs to Rs 1.24 lakh per month starting April 1, 2023. Daily allowances, pensions, and constituency allowances have also been raised. Congress MP Harish Meena questioned the net gain due to tax implications, while other MPs welcomed the hike but called for increased MPLADS funds.

Présidentielle 2025 | L'Association Les Amis Sans Frontières soutient Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema

À l'approche de l'élection présidentielle d'avril prochain, l'Association Les Amis Sans Frontières a officiellement exprimé son soutien à la candidature de Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema. Fondée sur des valeurs de solidarité, d'unité et de développeme

Présidentielle 2025 | L'Association Les Amis Sans Frontières soutient Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema

À l'approche de l'élection présidentielle d'avril prochain, l'Association Les Amis Sans Frontières a officiellement exprimé son soutien à la candidature de Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema. Fondée sur des valeurs de solidarité, d'unité et de développement, cette association a toujours œuvré pour le bien-être des citoyens et la prospérité du Gabon. Lors d'un rassemblement marqué par une forte mobilisation, malgré des conditions météorologiques difficiles, les femmes de la commune d'Akanda, (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Déclaration de la Présidente du Moddern

Durant la période de transition, il a été demandé à l'ensemble des formations politiques de faire preuve de retenue : ce que nous avons respecté scrupuleusement en toute responsabilité et dans le respect des instructions des Autorités. Ce silence nou

Déclaration de la Présidente du Moddern

Durant la période de transition, il a été demandé à l'ensemble des formations politiques de faire preuve de retenue : ce que nous avons respecté scrupuleusement en toute responsabilité et dans le respect des instructions des Autorités. Ce silence nous a également permis d'observer et d'analyser les actes posés. Nous avons constaté, d'un côté, la reconduction surprenante de certains acteurs politiques responsables de la dégradation du pays, la mobilisation forte d'autres formations (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

GABON : Le ministre de l'Energie en visite d'inspection des transformateurs

Dans le cadre du suivi des travaux du barrage hydroélectrique de Kinguélé Aval, le ministre de l'Énergie et des Ressources Hydrauliques, Séraphin Akure-Davain, a inspecté les deux transformateurs de 45MVA 225/10kV qui seront prochainement acheminés su

GABON : Le ministre de l'Energie en visite d'inspection des transformateurs

Dans le cadre du suivi des travaux du barrage hydroélectrique de Kinguélé Aval, le ministre de l'Énergie et des Ressources Hydrauliques, Séraphin Akure-Davain, a inspecté les deux transformateurs de 45MVA 225/10kV qui seront prochainement acheminés sur le chantier et installés dans le poste électrique de la future centrale. Un barrage qui produira 35 MW, soit 13 % des besoins du Grand Libreville. Déterminé à améliorer la situation de la crise énergétique qui prévaut à Libreville et ses (...) - ÉNERGIE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Africa: WHO-AFRO Director Race Heats Up as Tanzania Taps Dr Janabi

[allAfrica] Tanzania has nominated Professor Mohamed Janabi as the next Regional Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Africa to advance healthcare on the continent.
AllAfrica News: Latest

Africa: WHO-AFRO Director Race Heats Up as Tanzania Taps Dr Janabi

[allAfrica] Tanzania has nominated Professor Mohamed Janabi as the next Regional Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Africa to advance healthcare on the continent.

Briefing - EU energy partnerships: United States - 24-03-2025

The energy system is a cornerstone of the United States (US) economy and competitiveness. The country's energy mix in 2022 was well-diversified, consisting of two thirds natural gas and oil, with the rest almost equal proportions of coal, nuclear and renewabl
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - EU energy partnerships: United States - 24-03-2025

The energy system is a cornerstone of the United States (US) economy and competitiveness. The country's energy mix in 2022 was well-diversified, consisting of two thirds natural gas and oil, with the rest almost equal proportions of coal, nuclear and renewables. By using its vast reserves in fossil fuels and applying new extraction technologies, the US has managed to increase its fossil fuel production significantly over the past 10 years and, since 2019, it has become a net energy exporter for the first time in decades. US fossil fuel exports have increased further since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, at a time when the EU has looked to close the gap created by its ending imports from Russia. The US is also the world's largest producer of nuclear power, accounting for about 30 % of worldwide generation of nuclear electricity. During the Biden administration, the EU and the US were close allies and shared values on energy and the importance of energy transition. In this context, they cooperated through several channels and forums. At the same time, however, their initiatives (the Inflation Reduction Act in the US, the European Green Deal in the EU) showed that, while the goal (decarbonisation and generation of energy from renewable sources) remained the same, the visions and means to achieve them differed between the US and the EU. This created the conditions for both cooperation and rivalry. Since then, the new Trump administration has shown that it intends to conduct a more aggressive, fossil fuel-based energy policy. This could reduce cooperation and create tensions in energy relations between the partners, as was the case during President Trump's previous term. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP

Briefing - Nomination for a Member of the European Court of Auditors: Romania - 24-03-2025

This note describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Romania and the country’s candidate. Source : © European Unio
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Nomination for a Member of the European Court of Auditors: Romania - 24-03-2025

This note describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Romania and the country’s candidate. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP

Briefing - Child-friendly justice - 24-03-2025

Every child has rights and deserves protection. It is estimated that around 2.5 million children in the European Union come into contact with the justice system every year. This can be a very stressful and even harmful experience for a child, who may particip
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Child-friendly justice - 24-03-2025

Every child has rights and deserves protection. It is estimated that around 2.5 million children in the European Union come into contact with the justice system every year. This can be a very stressful and even harmful experience for a child, who may participate in criminal proceedings as either a victim, a witness or a perpetrator. Children can also be parties to civil proceedings such as divorce, custody or adoption procedures, as well as administrative procedures, for example those related to nationality or migration. Because of children's especially vulnerable position, the EU and international organisations such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe are pushing to develop justice systems that are child friendly. Child-friendly justice systems guarantee respect for and implementation of children's rights to the highest possible degree and take account of the maturity of the child and the circumstances of the case. Since the roles children can play in such proceedings and the nature of the proceedings themselves can vary, children may face different issues. However, some rights and needs are universal. For example, children need to be respected and protected. They also have a right to be heard, either directly or through a representative; to be informed and communicated with in a language that they understand; and to receive a speedy response. The Barnahus model is an example of good practice for dealing with children in the justice system, especially child victims, as it provides the child with a coordinated and effective response. Legislation and policy in the EU has addressed the issue, and more work is underway. For example, the work on the recast of the Victims' Rights Directive may provide even more rights to child victims. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP

Briefing - EU energy relations with the Western Balkans - 24-03-2025

The six countries that make up the region known as the Western Balkans differ in terms of size, population, economy, energy mix and energy import dependency. At the same time, they share common elements because of their geographical proximity, and – in som
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - EU energy relations with the Western Balkans - 24-03-2025

The six countries that make up the region known as the Western Balkans differ in terms of size, population, economy, energy mix and energy import dependency. At the same time, they share common elements because of their geographical proximity, and – in some cases – common policies adopted in the past. An example is their ageing infrastructure dating back to the 1970s, which was damaged during the conflicts in former Yugoslavia. Another common element (except for Albania) is their reliance on solid fossil fuels (mainly coal), and their dependency on imports of fossil fuels. The EU is the leading trade partner for the countries of the Western Balkans and an important investor in the region. In addition, it is the largest provider of financial assistance to the region, supporting the six countries' development and reforms, as well as its transition towards sustainable energy, with financial and technical assistance. The EU provides assistance through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance, the Western Balkans Investment Framework and the European Investment Bank. While the EU has an important role in the region, Russia and China are major players, too. Russia has been active for decades in the Western Balkans, while China has started engaging more recently. Their strategy also differs, with Russia more focused on exporting its fossil fuels to the region, and China investing through its Belt and Road Initiative. Nonetheless, such involvement creates dependencies, which could hamper these countries' integration into the EU – from both a political and an energy/economic perspective – as well as the functioning of the EU itself. In this context, experts have noted what steps the EU and the countries in the region could take to lessen these dependencies, while enhancing the Western Balkan countries' energy security and helping them take the necessary steps towards the green transition. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP

Briefing - EU and Ukraine: Potential for stronger energy cooperation on the path to integration - 24-03-2025

Ukraine is the second largest country on the European continent after Russia. Its oil, coal and gas reserves, as well as its geostrategic position, ensured its important role in energy trade, both during the Soviet Union and after its collapse. However, Russi
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - EU and Ukraine: Potential for stronger energy cooperation on the path to integration - 24-03-2025

Ukraine is the second largest country on the European continent after Russia. Its oil, coal and gas reserves, as well as its geostrategic position, ensured its important role in energy trade, both during the Soviet Union and after its collapse. However, Russia's initial invasion of Ukraine (since 2014), followed by a full-scale war of aggression against the country, have had severe human and economic impacts. In the energy area, for example, Russia's strategy has been to weaponise (e.g. the occupation of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station) or destroy (hydro and coal-fired power plants, as well as electricity grid substations) energy infrastructure. As a result, Ukraine's electricity generation capacity has been severely limited. Moreover, its choice to be less dependent on Russian energy, and to apply for EU membership, means that, within a short time frame, it must rebuild its energy grid and orient it towards a future with less fossil fuels; all this while being in a war. Energy relations between the EU and Ukraine are multifaceted (e.g. the Energy Community; the memorandum of understanding on energy in 2005, updated in 2016; the association agreement signed in 2014). In future, they are due to be reframed under the institutional arrangements for the enlargement talks (after Ukraine was granted EU candidate status in 2022). Since the Russian invasion in 2022, to help Ukraine cope with the multiple challenges its energy grid has been facing, the EU has used several mechanisms and initiatives, such as successfully synchronising the Ukrainian grid with the Continental European Synchronous Area; the EU civil protection mechanism; the Ukraine Facility; the Ukraine Energy Support Fund; and the European Investment Bank. The outcome of the war is uncertain, and some see recent statements by the new United States administration as a significant setback for Ukraine. Others focus instead on the possibilities for further collaboration between Ukraine and the EU. They bring as examples the country's vast gas reserves and infrastructure both to transport and to store natural gas, nuclear power or green hydrogen, provided that the country engages in the development of relevant infrastructure. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP

My dry eyes and mouth were signs of a devastating disease that mainly strikes women. I'm urging others to seek help as doctors warn a delay can be disastrous

Sheeraz Henderson had just arrived in France on holiday when she noticed her foot was swollen. She'd travelled on the Eurostar, 'so I wondered if it was from not moving around enough', she says.
News | Mail Online

My dry eyes and mouth were signs of a devastating disease that mainly strikes women. I'm urging others to seek help as doctors warn a delay can be disastrous

Sheeraz Henderson had just arrived in France on holiday when she noticed her foot was swollen. She'd travelled on the Eurostar, 'so I wondered if it was from not moving around enough', she says.

Somalia launches first nationwide Instant Payment System powered by BPC

Mogadishu: The Somalia Payment Switch (SPS1) has successfully launched the country’s first ever Instant Payment System with QR payments support powered by BPC’s next generation SmartVista platform, a global leader in payment solutions2. Championed by th
Hiiraan Online

Somalia launches first nationwide Instant Payment System powered by BPC

Mogadishu: The Somalia Payment Switch (SPS1) has successfully launched the country’s first ever Instant Payment System with QR payments support powered by BPC’s next generation SmartVista platform, a global leader in payment solutions2. Championed by the Central Bank of Somalia (CBS), the initiative marks a major step in modernising Somalia’s payment infrastructure, promoting financial inclusion and enhancing economic stability.

Belarus, Russia discuss cooperation in rare-earth metals segment

«The mineral and raw materials potential of rare-earth metals of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, technologies and equipment used to mine and process rare-earth metals were discussed during the meeting,» the ministry said

Belarus, Russia discuss cooperation in rare-earth metals segment

«The mineral and raw materials potential of rare-earth metals of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, technologies and equipment used to mine and process rare-earth metals were discussed during the meeting,» the ministry said

UN need to rethink peacekeeping strategies — Russia’s UN mission

«The peacekeeping and political aspects of UN activities need to be revised, improved and returned to realistic approaches,» Anna Yevstigneyeva said

UN need to rethink peacekeeping strategies — Russia’s UN mission

«The peacekeeping and political aspects of UN activities need to be revised, improved and returned to realistic approaches,» Anna Yevstigneyeva said

Angola: Angola Withdraws From Peace Mediation in the East of the Democratic Republic

[Agenzia Fides] Kinshasa -- Angola has ended its mediation in the war in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Angolan Presidency announced this in a communiqué today, March 24: «Angola considers it necessary to absolve itself of the re
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Angola: Angola Withdraws From Peace Mediation in the East of the Democratic Republic

[Agenzia Fides] Kinshasa -- Angola has ended its mediation in the war in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Angolan Presidency announced this in a communiqué today, March 24: «Angola considers it necessary to absolve itself of the responsibility of mediating in this conflict» in order to dedicate itself «more» to the general priorities of the African Union (AU), according to the statement from the Presidency, referring to the role of Angolan President Joao Lourenco as acting President of the African Union.

Angola: Angola Flags Desire to Step Down As Mediator in Eastern DRC Conflict

[RFI] Angola announced on Monday it would withdraw from its role as mediator in the conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) between government forces and the M23 rebel group in order to focus on its presidency of the African Union (AU).
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Angola: Angola Flags Desire to Step Down As Mediator in Eastern DRC Conflict

[RFI] Angola announced on Monday it would withdraw from its role as mediator in the conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) between government forces and the M23 rebel group in order to focus on its presidency of the African Union (AU).

The idyllic seaside village at war: Holiday let and second home owners complain 'noisy' fishermen are ruining their peace and quiet...putting centuries-old industry at risk

Holiday let and second home owners have complained that activity at a yard where fishermen store boats and equipment is ruining their peace and quiet.
News | Mail Online

The idyllic seaside village at war: Holiday let and second home owners complain 'noisy' fishermen are ruining their peace and quiet...putting centuries-old industry at risk

Holiday let and second home owners have complained that activity at a yard where fishermen store boats and equipment is ruining their peace and quiet.

Amy Schumer mocks Meghan Markle for using 'Sussex' as her surname as she becomes latest US star to take swipe at duchess after panned Netflix cookery show

The stand-up comedian is now the fifth Netflix star to criticise With Love, Meghan and its host.
News | Mail Online

Meghan Markle reveals most intimate glimpse yet of Lilibet in adorable family snap as she promotes As Ever lifestyle brand

The Duchess of Sussex, 43, shared the sweet photo on her Instagram account as she promoted the As Ever lifestyle brand.
News | Mail Online

Meghan Markle reveals most intimate glimpse yet of Lilibet in adorable family snap as she promotes As Ever lifestyle brand

The Duchess of Sussex, 43, shared the sweet photo on her Instagram account as she promoted the As Ever lifestyle brand.

Jaw-dropping botched assassination of man behind Britain's biggest robbery: Museum raiders who shot £54m cage fighter using Glock with a laser sight and left him paralysed are found guilty

Paul Allen, then 41, was paralysed for life after shots were fired at his large detached rented home in Woodford Green, north-east London , in 2019.
News | Mail Online

Jaw-dropping botched assassination of man behind Britain's biggest robbery: Museum raiders who shot £54m cage fighter using Glock with a laser sight and left him paralysed are found guilty

Paul Allen, then 41, was paralysed for life after shots were fired at his large detached rented home in Woodford Green, north-east London , in 2019.

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