
Seychelles and Cuba explore new cooperation in health sector

Seychelles' President Wavel Ramkalawan and Cuba's Minister of Public Health, José Angel Portal Miranda, discussed longstanding cooperation between the two nations and explored avenues for new cooperation in a bilateral meeting, State House said on Thursday.

Mali jihadist attack highlights risk of expansion, harassment

The main Al-Qaeda-affiliated jihadist group in Mali struck a forceful blow to the ruling junta when it hit highly sensitive military targets in the capital Bamako, underscoring its two-pronged strategy of territorial expansion and harassment, experts say. Ta
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Mali jihadist attack highlights risk of expansion, harassment

The main Al-Qaeda-affiliated jihadist group in Mali struck a forceful blow to the ruling junta when it hit highly sensitive military targets in the capital Bamako, underscoring its two-pronged strategy of territorial expansion and harassment, experts say. Targeting a military police barracks and a military airport, the Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM) group demonstrated its firepower on Tuesday in a city usually spared major attacks. It also made an impression at a time when the focus has been on northern Mali. Up there, the army and its Russian allies from the Wagner mercenary group and a new umbrella security body known as Africa Corps are trying to regain the upper hand in some areas. «It's a double message: 'We're here, we strike where we want, including strategic sites',» said one North African researcher, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The attack was a severe blow to the junta -- in power in the West African nation after back-to-back coups in 2020 and 2021. They insist the situation is under control despite jihadists linked to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group roaming the Sahel region for years. «The location and nature of the attack demonstrates the significant operational capabilities and reach of JNIM,» Lucas Webber, an analyst with Tech Against Terrorism, told AFP. «It also signals the inability of Mali's intelligence and security apparatus -- along with those of its Russian and regional allies -- to detect and intercept the plot beforehand,» the analyst said. The JNIM also sent a message to the Malian government and army by seeking to avoid civilian victims, Webber said. «It likewise signals to neighbouring governments that JNIM can conduct similar attacks in neighbouring countries,» he added. - Propaganda - Mali's leaders launched an extensive military operation in the north of the country where armed separatist groups and jihadists have lost control of several areas since last year. In July, however, the army and its Russian allies suffered one of their biggest defeats. The army admitted it had suffered a «large number» of deaths during the fighting in Tinzaouatene, near the Algerian border. A Telegram channel linked to the Wagner group confirmed losses among its ranks. On the other side, the mainly Tuareg separatists claimed «a stunning victory», with one of their leaders saying dozens of Russians had been killed. The JNIM said it had killed 50 Russians and 10 Malians. Previously, France's anti-jihadist Barkhane force, the United Nations stabilisation mission, MINUSMA, and European troops had contained the threat in the north, Hans-Jakob Schindler, head of the Counter-Extremism Project think tank, told AFP. But the Malian junta ordered them out, turning instead to Russia for support. Since then, said Schindler, «the Malian army haven’t done a very good job, Africa Corps have committed atrocities against the local population» and the JNIM has profited by declaring through its propaganda that it is protecting the Malian population. - Sowing 'uncertainty everywhere' - Tuesday's dawn attack is also symbolic of progress in advancing southwards by the jihadists, whose stated objective is to reach the Gulf of Guinea by attacking coastal nations. «The JNIM is in a long-term attrition strategy. The north is a sanctuary and they are pushing towards the south,» the North African researcher said. The jihadist group has the capacity to «do the same thing in Mopti (north of Bamako) or in Kayes (in the southwest),» said one Western expert on the region. «They are going to create uncertainty everywhere and show they have real freedom to act, contrary to what the junta says,» he said. It was a «strategy of permanent pressure and of harassment» without any intention of taking control of Bamako. Mali, like its neighbours and allies Niger and Burkina Faso, appears unable to halt the trend. Western countries, now classed as an enemy, have no means of gathering intelligence or taking action. Their only option is to stop the advance on the south by working with coastal countries, Schindler said. «This is what happens when you have chaos. Terrorists don't have limited ambitions,» he said. Mali's choice of growing isolation, like that of its Sahelian neighbours, worries Western powers. «I would hope they realise they need to reconsider their options because their counter terrorism is not working,» Tammy Palacios, analyst at the Modern War Institute at the United States' West Point military academy, said. «They will face further instability from these groups if they don’t consider perhaps international partnerships.» © Agence France-Presse

Seychelles' and Cuban Presidents meet to discuss cooperation in healthcare, education, criminal justice 

The President of Seychelles Wavel Ramkalawan and his counterpart from Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, have agreed to further enhance cooperation, in the healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, capacity building and cultural exchanges. According to State H
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Seychelles' and Cuban Presidents meet to discuss cooperation in healthcare, education, criminal justice 

The President of Seychelles Wavel Ramkalawan and his counterpart from Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, have agreed to further enhance cooperation, in the healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, capacity building and cultural exchanges. According to State House, Ramkalawan held bilateral discussions with the Cuban President on Tuesday in Havana. Ramkalawan expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome extended to the Seychelles' delegation and commended the strong diplomatic ties between the two island nations, which have spanned over four decades. Despite the geographic distance, he noted, the enduring relations between Seychelles and Cuba is rooted in shared values and mutual respect. «Our present bilateral cooperation is both dynamic and evolving, and we anticipate continuous engagements on important global matters. I wish to reaffirm my personal commitment to work closely with you towards maintaining and consolidating the deep-seated relations that exist between Seychelles and Cuba,» he said. President Diaz-Canel, in turn, thanked Seychelles for its consistent support of Cuba, particularly regarding the Cuban resolution against the United States embargo, and for President Ramkalawan's participation in the G-77 and China Summit in Havana last year. As part of the official visit, the two nations signed three bilateral agreements, enhancing collaboration in criminal justice, environmental protection, and academic-diplomatic training. Ramkalawan also paid tribute to Cuban national hero José Martí by laying a wreath at his monument. Martí is remembered as the architect of the last Cuban War of Independence against Spain, and as a martyr in that struggle.  After concluding his official engagements in Havana, Ramkalawan will travel to New York to participate in the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) from September 23 to 27.

AI development cannot be left to market whim, UN experts warn

The development of artificial intelligence should not be guided by market forces alone, UN experts cautioned on Thursday, calling for the creation of tools for global cooperation. But they held back from suggesting the creation of a muscular worldwide govern
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AI development cannot be left to market whim, UN experts warn

The development of artificial intelligence should not be guided by market forces alone, UN experts cautioned on Thursday, calling for the creation of tools for global cooperation. But they held back from suggesting the creation of a muscular worldwide governing body to oversee the rollout and evolution of a technology, the proliferation of which has raised fears around biases, misuse and dependence. The panel of around 40 experts from the fields of technology, law and data protection was established by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in October. Their report, published days before the start of a high-profile «Summit of the Future,» raises the alarm over the lack of global governance of AI as well as the effective exclusion of developing countries from debates about the technology's future. Of the UN's 193 members, just seven are part of the seven major initiatives linked to AI, while 118 are entirely absent -- mostly nations of the global south. «There is, today, a global governance deficit with respect to AI,» which by its nature is cross-border, the experts warn in their report. «AI must serve humanity equitably and safely,» Guterres said this week. «Left unchecked, the dangers posed by artificial intelligence could have serious implications for democracy, peace, and stability.» - 'Too late'? - To the backdrop of his clarion call, the experts called on UN members to put in place mechanisms to grease the wheels of global cooperation on the issue, as well as to prevent unintended proliferation. «The development, deployment and use of such a technology cannot be left to the whims of markets alone,» the report says. It called firstly for the creation of a group of scientific experts on AI modeled on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) forum of experts, whose reports are the last word on the issue of climate change. The panel would brief the international community on emerging risks, identify research needs as well as how it could be used to alleviate hunger, poverty, and gender inequality, among other goals. That proposal is included in the draft Global Digital Compact, still under discussion, which is due to be adopted Sunday at the «Summit of the Future.» The report endorses setting up a light-touch «coordination» structure within the UN secretariat. But it stops short of a fully-fledged international governance body -- like that sought by Guterres -- based on the model of the UN's nuclear watchdog, the IAEA. «If the risks of AI become more serious, and more concentrated, it might become necessary for Member States to consider a more robust international institution with monitoring, reporting, verification, and enforcement powers,» the report said. The authors acknowledge that owing to the warp speed of change in AI, it would be pointless to attempt to draw up a comprehensive list of dangers presented by the ever-evolving technology. But they singled out the perils of disinformation for democracy, increasingly realistic deepfakes -- particularly pornographic ones, as well as the evolution of autonomous weapons and AI use by criminal and terrorist groups. «Given the speed, autonomy and opacity of AI systems, however, waiting for a threat to emerge may mean that any response will come too late,» the report said. «Continued scientific assessments and policy dialogue would ensure that the world is not surprised.» © Agence France-Presse

Law on hate speech and related offences approved by Seychelles' parliament 

The Seychelles National Assembly on Wednesday approved an amendment to the Penal Code that addresses hate-motivated offences by introducing the element of hate as an aggravating factor to any underlying offences. Eighteen members of the National Assembly vot
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Law on hate speech and related offences approved by Seychelles' parliament 

The Seychelles National Assembly on Wednesday approved an amendment to the Penal Code that addresses hate-motivated offences by introducing the element of hate as an aggravating factor to any underlying offences. Eighteen members of the National Assembly voted for and eight voted against the amendment to the Penal Code presented by Vice President, Ahmed Afif. «Hate is a very strong feeling that we have for a person, a group of persons, or even a concept, which normally makes one want to harm another person,» said Afif, who added that hate «can be manifested in various ways either individually, in groups or even institutionally through laws that discriminate against certain groups of people». He added, «We are bringing in the element of hate speech as we have observed an increase of people being targeted due to the protected characteristics.» The Vice President said, «The amendment will protect vulnerable groups in society from acts of discrimination, violence and intimidation.» The gazetted Amendment Bill states that «the inclusion of hate as an aggravating factor aims to enhance the severity of penalties when committed due to bias or prejudice, based on the protected characteristics such as race, religious belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics, political affiliation and HIV/AIDS status.» Afif said, «We want to introduce hate crime to prevent people being harmed in any way, especially if it causes physical damage due to the accused hating the victim for their specific characteristics.» He explained that the authorities want to send a clear message to society that «we cannot target an individual for things that they were born with, life events that have affected them or that they have chosen to live their lives differently from what we consider as the norm.» The courts will now be able to punish an accused further if it is proven that the offence committed against a victim was done due to their protected characteristics. However, the prosecution will have to provide sufficient evidence to prove that there was hate in the offence. An example provided to the National Assembly was that if a fight breaks out between two people and during the incident, one of the individuals uses what is deemed as hate speech, despite the fight breaking out for another reason the assault will be deemed a hate crime. The inclusion of hate speech as an offence within the Penal Code (Cap. 158) provides for the intention to incite hatred towards a person or group of persons based on their protected characteristics, through various forms of communication or behaviour, if the expression is perceived to be threatening, abusive or insulting. Similar laws already exist in the Penal Code namely, Seditious Offences under sections 54 and 55 as well as Incitement to cause violence under Section 89 (a). Afif said, «Any communication or propaganda made in writing, in speeches or other forms in public or electronic media, published and distributed materials or even through behaviour is considered as an incitement.» The accused intentions and the impact of the actions as well as the society's norms will be taken into consideration. There will be exceptions to the offence, such as an individual will not be charged through performances of artistic expressions made in good faith, and not aimed at inciting any harm. Other exceptions include an academic investigation, reports, commentaries, public notice announcements and the use of such materials in criminal investigations. Under the proposed amendment, if found guilty of hate crimes as a first offence, the offender will be fined up to SCR50,000 ($3,600), a prison term of not more than two years or both. Should they recommit the crime, they will be fined not more than SCR125,000 ($8,600), a prison term of not more than three years, or both. Afif reassured the public that the new amendments would not violate their rights. Association for Rights, Information and Democracy (ARID) - categorically against the law  ARID issued a statement on September 18 that it opposed the change to the Penal Code «as it is a direct infringement on freedom of expression.» «Any move to restrict such right goes against the core principles of democracy,» said ARID.  ARID is against any form of speech that directly attacks the character of an individual, we believe that citizens must NOT use the right to free speech to cause provocation, to use insulting and demeaning remarks or promote discrimination, hostility and violence against another. Politicians must NOT use their power to institute regulations or amendments to protect themselves, a political figure must be prepared to be ostracised or disliked, they cannot expect the same privacy like an ordinary citizen. [...] We do not have a history of conflicts between communities do not have issues of ethnicity, religion, other social disputes, so why do we need law against hate speech?,« said ARID. The non-governmental organisation questioned what guarantee that the government, current or future, will not use such amendments to the law to curtail freedom of speech and asserted that citizens must be able to question the decisions of politicians, they should have a 'thick skin' to accept criticism no matter how 'blunt' or explicit it may be, as »free speech allows for people to exposure the incompetence and malfeasance of government officials or question the decisions of those in power," provided it is not inciting anyone to commit violent or unlawful acts.

Seychelles' main industrial estate is 97% operational after 2023 explosion

Ninety-seven percent of businesses at Seychelles' Providence Industrial Estate that were affected by the December 7, 2023, explosion at the Civil Construction Company Limited (CCCL), are now operational. A total of 642 businesses were greatly affected the en
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Seychelles' main industrial estate is 97% operational after 2023 explosion

Ninety-seven percent of businesses at Seychelles' Providence Industrial Estate that were affected by the December 7, 2023, explosion at the Civil Construction Company Limited (CCCL), are now operational. A total of 642 businesses were greatly affected the enormous blast caused by explosives stored by the company, which caused extensive damage to buildings located in and around the area. The lease manager at the Industrial Estates Authority (IEA), Kimberly Uranie, told reporters on Tuesday, «The three percent that are yet to operate are mainly those businesses that were based on properties that were classed as severely damaged, which necessitated demolition.»   The press conference was held to give the media an update on the situation on the affected areas and the chief executive of the IEA, Thelma Estico, shared that they have been keeping abreast of the progress being made by businesses to get back on their feet. «These visits have helped us to see the difficulties begin faced by these businesses, so that the government can see what help they can bring to them,» said Estico. According to IEA, there were 17 businesses that were deemed unsafe for operations and Estico said, «We are happy to state that to date 12 of these businesses are back in operations, and 1 that was completely demolished is under reconstruction and four others are completing their necessary formalities for reparation.» The Authority also shared that as at September 5, SCR180,244,788.03 million ($12.8 million) has been paid by insurance companies to the affected businesses.   Estico said that the Minister for Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry, Devika Vidot, met with the different insurance service providers to discuss the insurance claims. The aim was to seek ways forward in addressing complaints received from the businesses, and this is based on the information IEA collected during the walk-about. In addition, a special support relief scheme, for the sum of SCR100,000 ($7,000) to assist these businesses, where out of nine applications received, seven of them have already received assistance, one is in process, while the other is being considered in another scheme that the ministry will announce soon. One of the issues that came up after the explosion, was the number of people, mostly foreign workers, that were residing in the area, which is designated as an industrial zone, rather than a residential one. Here, Estico confirmed that over 500 people are living in the zone, most of them foreign workers. «Taking into account the scarcity of land, there is not much that the authority will be able to do to stop accommodating workers in the zone. However, recommendations were made for stricter measures to be adhered to in the zone, where workers' accommodation is concerned. The same was forwarded to Cabinet as well and the Ministry is drafting a policy relating to workers' accommodation in the Industrial Zone,» added Estico. The Authority also announced that it will soon be conducting a risk assessment in the zone that will help to assess the risks associated with businesses currently operating in the zone. This will ensure that none of them pose a danger to the area and prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. 

Seychelles' President meets with President of the Cuban National Assembly of People's Power 

Seychelles and Cuba can enhance collaboration on the international stage in various areas as well address the unique challenges of small island developing states, said President Ramkalawan in his meeting with Esteban Lazo Hernández, President of the Cuban Na
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Seychelles' President meets with President of the Cuban National Assembly of People's Power 

Seychelles and Cuba can enhance collaboration on the international stage in various areas as well address the unique challenges of small island developing states, said President Ramkalawan in his meeting with Esteban Lazo Hernández, President of the Cuban National Assembly of People's Power.  According to a press communique from State House, Ramkalawan met with Hernández in Havana, accompanied by senior Cuban officials for bilateral discussions in which new opportunities for enhanced cooperation and mutual benefit were explored. Ramkalawan highlighted the visit as a golden opportunity to strengthen relations between the two island nations, reaffirming both countries' commitment to elevating their partnership to new heights.«As small island nations with shared interests and similarities, Seychelles and Cuba can enhance collaboration on the international stage to promote democracy, human rights, adherence to the rule of law and environmental concerns,» he added.  On his part, Hernández expressed his appreciation to Ramkalawan for accepting the invitation to Cuba and for Seychelles' continued support despite the ongoing embargo against Cuba. He emphasised his hope that the friendship and cooperation between the two nations would continue to flourish, particularly through parliamentary exchanges and collaboration in key areas such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, sports, education, and global challenges like climate change, human rights, and economic sustainability, issues of great importance to both Seychelles and Cuba. Prior to meeting Hernández, the presidential delegation also visited the iconic El Capitolio Nacional, one of Havana's most emblematic landmarks. Once home to the Cuban Congress, this grand building has, since 1959, served as the headquarters for the Cuban Academy of Sciences and the National Science and Technology Library. It has undergone extensive restoration over the years.

New work permit holders in Seychelles to have virtual IDs

New work permit holders in Seychelles will no longer be issued a physical Identification Card (ID) but instead have to use SeyID, the digital platform for virtual national identification as of Tuesday, September 17, said a top government official. The pri
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New work permit holders in Seychelles to have virtual IDs

New work permit holders in Seychelles will no longer be issued a physical Identification Card (ID) but instead have to use SeyID, the digital platform for virtual national identification as of Tuesday, September 17, said a top government official. The principal secretary for Immigration, Alain Volcere, told reporters that this new development is to improve the efficiency of the Department of Immigration and Civil Status. «The benefits to this new service will include a reduction of the administrative process, it will facilitate control and identity verification as well as reducing the number of people who stand in lines hence improving the efficiency of the department,» he explained. The chief immigration officer, Erica Dufresne, clarified that the procedure to acquire work permits has not changed, the only difference is that the permit holders will not receive physical cards anymore. «The permit holder applicants will still have to appear in person where they will follow all due procedures. It is only after the National Identity Number is issued, that permit holders can register for their virtual ID card by visiting the SeyID website or by downloading the SEYID app,» said Dufresne. She said that the SeyID for the permit will only be valid for the duration of the work permit and that it is the responsibility of the employee and their employer to ensure that necessary procedures are done on time if a renewal is needed. Apart from permit holders, Dufresne said that the digital service will also benefit the Seychellois diaspora living abroad as they will be able to have access to their national ID without needing a physical one. She added that Seychellois living abroad will now have the option to renew their biometric passport in Seychelles' Embassies in Paris, London and UAE. If it is their first time applying for a biometric passport, they still need to send in their documents to Seychelles to allow for verification of identity and they will be given the option to join the SeyID. Dufresne said that Seychellois will still have the choice of whether to keep a physical ID especially given that their ID expires every 10 years without needing constant replacement over the years. The Department of Immigration and Civil Status has also launched another digital service, namely the 'CertExpress', a platform that allows Seychellois the option to obtain their birth, marriage or death certificates online. This service expects to provide a fast and convenient alternative to traditional in-person requests, streamlining the application and issuance of vital records. According to statistics from the Department of Immigration and Civil Status, around 80 clients walk in every day asking for certificates. The principal immigration officer Mervin Laporte said that this service along with the SeyID for permit holders will significantly reduce the amount of people in lines every day. «Anyone wanting to use this service would need a SeyID. Then they would need to access to request the certificate needed. After paying a 50-rupee fee for each certificate requested and a 48-hour wait period the person requesting will receive the certificate through email,» Laporte. He added that apart from email, the certificate will also be recorded in the person's wallet on SeyID, meaning they would have indefinite access to it through the digital platform without having to request the same certificate again. «This will especially benefit the overseas diaspora, where normally they would request copies of their certificates through family members or someone else here in Seychelles. Now they have a dedicated platform for this,» said Laporte. 

Sean 'Diddy' Combs charged with racketeering, sex trafficking

Superstar rap mogul Sean «Diddy» Combs pleaded not guilty Tuesday to racketeering and sex trafficking charges, and was ordered to remain in custody pending a trial. Combs, 54, was arrested by federal agents in New York on Monday evening and accus
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Sean 'Diddy' Combs charged with racketeering, sex trafficking

Superstar rap mogul Sean «Diddy» Combs pleaded not guilty Tuesday to racketeering and sex trafficking charges, and was ordered to remain in custody pending a trial. Combs, 54, was arrested by federal agents in New York on Monday evening and accused in a just-unsealed three-count criminal indictment alleging he sexually abused women and coerced them into drug-fueled sex parties using threats and violence. Appearing in a Manhattan courtroom where many family members came to support him, the one-time music dignitary pleaded not guilty. His lawyer asked Magistrate Judge Robyn Tarnofsky to allow his release on bail. After a lengthy bail hearing in which the prosecution voiced concerns including the potential for witness tampering and flight risk, Judge Tarnofsky denied bail, saying she was concerned about a «power imbalance» in the case that includes people she said are «subject to coercion.» She also cited concerns over his alleged propensity for anger, violence and substance abuse. Combs, who was wearing black t-shirt, grey sweatpants and sneakers, did not noticeably react to the pre-trial detention ruling, which his attorney, Marc Agnifilo, said would be appealed. Along with racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking, Combs is charged with one count of transporting victims across state lines to engage in prostitution. Damian Williams, the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said that although Combs is the only person indicted for now the investigation is ongoing. The indictment alleges that for decades Combs «abused, threatened, and coerced women and others around him to fulfill his sexual desires, protect his reputation, and conceal his conduct.» It accused him of running a criminal enterprise that carried out «sex trafficking, forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, and obstruction of justice.» Combs allegedly engaged in a «persistent and pervasive pattern» of verbal, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse of women, the indictment said. «On numerous occasions from at least in or about 2009 and continuing for years, Combs assaulted women by, among other things, striking, punching, dragging, throwing objects at, and kicking them,» it said. Williams said female victims were forced to engage in extended sexual performances with male commercial sex workers in sessions called «Freak Offs,» which were planned and controlled by Combs and often videotaped. «The Freak Offs sometimes lasted days at a time... and often involved a variety of narcotics such as ketamine, ecstasy and GHB,» he said. «The indictment alleges that Combs threatened and coerced victims to get them to participate in the Freak Offs.» - Bombshell suit - The powerful music industry figure, who has gone by various monikers including Puff Daddy and P Diddy, was credited as key to hip hop's journey from the streets to luxury clubs. Despite his efforts to cultivate the image of a smooth party kingpin and business magnate, a spate of lawsuits describe Combs as a violent man who used his celebrity to prey on women. The floodgates opened last year after singer Cassie, whose real name is Casandra Ventura, alleged Combs subjected her to more than a decade of coercion by physical force and drugs as well as a 2018 rape. The pair met when Ventura was 19 and Combs was 37, after which he signed her to his label and they began a relationship. The bombshell suit was settled out of court, but a string of similarly lurid sexual assault claims followed -- including one in December by a woman who alleged Combs and others gang-raped her when she was 17. The rapper's luxury homes in Miami and Los Angeles were raided by agents in March. Disturbing surveillance video emerged in May showing Combs physically assaulting his then-girlfriend Ventura, corroborating allegations she made in the now-settled case. The prosecution referenced the footage's content during the bail hearing, suggesting it is a key element of their case. - Global fame with dark shadow - Born Sean John Combs on November 4, 1969, in Harlem, the artist entered the industry as an intern in 1990 at Uptown Records, where he eventually became a talent director. In 1991, he promoted a celebrity basketball game and concert at the City College of New York that left nine people dead after a stampede and resulted in a string of lawsuits. He was fired from Uptown and founded his own label, Bad Boy Records. That began a quick ascent to the top of East Coast hip hop, along with his late disciple, The Notorious B.I.G. Combs boasted a number of major signed acts and production collaborations with the likes of Mary J Blige, Usher, Lil' Kim, TLC, Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men. He was also a Grammy-winning rapper in his own right, debuting with the chart-topping single «Can't Nobody Hold Me Down» and his album «No Way Out.» © Agence France-Presse

Vaccine alliance secures deal for 500,000 mpox jabs for Africa

The Gavi vaccine alliance announced Wednesday a deal with Danish drugmaker Bavarian Nordic to secure 500,000 jabs against mpox for use in African countries facing an epidemic of the virus. The announcement came after the World Health Organization last week p
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Vaccine alliance secures deal for 500,000 mpox jabs for Africa

The Gavi vaccine alliance announced Wednesday a deal with Danish drugmaker Bavarian Nordic to secure 500,000 jabs against mpox for use in African countries facing an epidemic of the virus. The announcement came after the World Health Organization last week prequalified an mpox vaccine, MVA-BN, for the first time, paving the way for the United Nations and other international agencies to procure them. Separately, the Global Fund -- a partnership set up in 2002 to battle AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria -- said it would provide $9.5 million towards the mpox response in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at the epicentre of the current epidemic. Gavi said the vaccine doses, to be delivered by the end of the year, would be purchased through its First Response Fund, which was created in June to make cash rapidly available for vaccines during health emergencies. «We are committed to working with affected governments and our partners to turn these vaccines into vaccinations as quickly and effectively as possible,» Gavi's chief Sania Nishtar said in a statement. She said the aim was «to build a global vaccine stockpile», though that would depend on Gavi securing sufficient funding for work through 2030. Mpox, previously known as monkeypox, is caused by a virus transmitted to humans by infected animals but can also be passed from human to human through close physical contact. It causes fever, muscular aches and large boil-like skin lesions, and in some cases can be deadly. The WHO declared an international emergency over mpox last month, concerned by the surge in cases of the new Clade 1b strain in the DRC that spread to nearby countries. Between January and the end of August, DRC had recorded nearly 22,000 cases and more than 700 deaths linked to the virus. By late August, Clade 1b had also been detected in the DRC's eastern neighbours Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda, plus Kenya, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, while single case have been detected in Sweden and Thailand. © Agence France-Presse

Seychelles' mid-year economic review 2024 lowers growth from 3.4% to 3.1%

Seychelles has revised the economic growth forecast for 2024, which was 3.4 percent of the GDP to 3.1 percent, based on the economic development, both domestically and internationally. The Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan, mad
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Seychelles' mid-year economic review 2024 lowers growth from 3.4% to 3.1%

Seychelles has revised the economic growth forecast for 2024, which was 3.4 percent of the GDP to 3.1 percent, based on the economic development, both domestically and internationally. The Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan, made the statement when presenting a Mid-Year Economic Review for 2024.   Hassan said the revision follows a lower prevision in the tourism industry as the visitor arrivals are expected to increase much slower than foreseen. «We expect a growth of 2 percent for 2024 compared to the 5 percent that was forecast. The principal reason is the reduction in flight connections to Europe, mainly Russia and Israel. The government is discussing with several airlines to negotiate for them to offer flights to Seychelles year-round and instead of on a seasonal basis. Soon we expect the arrival of Russian airline Aeroflot and other airlines so that we can end the year on a positive forecast,» he added. Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, depends largely on tourism, the top contributor to its economy. Additionally, the manufacturing sector has seen a reduction of 5 percent as a result of the explosion of December 7, 2023, that took place and affected one of the key companies in that sector, Civil Construction Company Limited (CCCL), causing a reduction in the production of basic products used in construction. The Minister said, «The donations we received for the first six months have been reduced by SCR32 million ($2.3 million), mainly due to the delay in implementation of different small community projects that the government of India was expected to finance.  As a result, we have reviewed our forecast for the year to reflect the delay, and we will see a reduction of SCR17.5 million ($1.2 million).» Hassan said that after an exercise was done, there will be certain budgetary re-allocation that will need to be done and the government is asking for a supplementary budget for a sum of SCR 473,100,693 ($34.8 million). This will be financed by a reduction in the budget for spending for a sum of SCR 453,320,193 ($433.3 million). For the year 2024, the National Assembly approved a budget of SCR 10,6 billion ($731 million).    «Today, I am presenting with the National Assembly an increase of SCR SR 19,780,500 ($1.4 million) in the 2024 budget,» he added. In the Capital Projects allocation, a sum of SCR 329.5 million ($24.5 million) is being recommended given the projects that will not be completed in 2024 and those that will materialise this year. Most of the projects are being financed through grants and loans. «The additional allocation will include a sum of SCR 279.6 million ($20.6 million) for the reclamation project that will start at the end of the year. Provision will also be made for a sum of SCR 14.7 million ($1 million) to finance a new project to stablilise big rocks to prevent landslides in specific areas on Mahe, the main island. This follows a study conducted after heavy rain caused landslides in the north of Mahe on December 6 and 7,» said the minister. The major reduction for capital projects was for projects that were expected to be financed by the government of Saudi Arabia, this is because their tender process is longer than was projected. The other project is the installation of solar panels on government buildings to be financed by the government of India. Hassan said because of the delay in the implementation of those projects, the respective reduction in the budget has been made. «Based on the performance of the six months and revision in the expenditure we will maintain a fiscal surplus of 1.1 percent of the GDP,» said Hassan.

Seychelles prepares AfCFTA implementation strategy with expert input 

The Seychelles' authorities are to have an African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) strategy draft ready by next month and a workshop with key partners was organised on Monday to gather relevant information. Seychelles ratified the AfCFTA agreement in 2
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles prepares AfCFTA implementation strategy with expert input 

The Seychelles' authorities are to have an African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) strategy draft ready by next month and a workshop with key partners was organised on Monday to gather relevant information. Seychelles ratified the AfCFTA agreement in 2021, which aims to create a single continental market for goods and services, with free movement of business people and investments, while paving the way for accelerating the establishment of a customs union. Jean-Paul D'Offay, principal trade officer in the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade, told reporters that the workshop will also give participants a chance to learn more about the AfCFTA such as its background, opportunities and its relevance. During the meeting, participants will also «provide critical feedback in the development of the strategy and assist Seychelles to fully implement the agreement along with its various protocols and annexes and reap the full potentials from it,» he added. D'Offay said, «The involvement of participants from diverse sectors of the economy will surely help to forth constructive ideas and thoughts for the development of our strategy.» He added that the participants will help Seychelles to come up with a comprehensive implementation strategy. The finance authorities are working with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the German development company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) to draft the implementation strategy. Also, Danilo Desidero from the World Bank will be working closely to draft the implementation strategy. The draft will be shown to the stakeholders, who will be able to provide their feedback on the document before the country validates its implementation strategy. «We are hoping to be able to send the validated document to the Cabinet of Ministers in November for approval, allowing us to push forward with the implementation,» he said. As of August 2024, 54 African states have signed the agreement while 48 members have ratified it. 

Air Seychelles made landmark profit of $7 million for 2023

Air Seychelles made a landmark profit of $7 million for 2023, an achievement the airline said marks not only a successful continuation of its turnaround journey initiated in 2022, but also a strong revival. In a press statement on Tuesday, the airline said i
Seychelles News Agency

Air Seychelles made landmark profit of $7 million for 2023

Air Seychelles made a landmark profit of $7 million for 2023, an achievement the airline said marks not only a successful continuation of its turnaround journey initiated in 2022, but also a strong revival. In a press statement on Tuesday, the airline said it has transformed its net asset position from negative to positive in 2022, and its 2023 earnings reflect its commitment to sustainable growth and operational excellence. Air Seychelles said it exceeded its budget expectations by $1.6 million and surpassed five-year plan targets by an impressive $4.7 million. It also marks a second consecutive profitable year for the airline. These figures showcase the airline's dedication to outperforming set objectives and delivering exceptional results to stakeholders, it said. Despite facing formidable challenges, such as the suspension of flights to Tel Aviv due to the conflict in Israel since October 13 last year, which resulted in a revenue loss of $2.1 million for 2023, Air Seychelles managed to increase revenues by $2.8 million, partly due to the launch of the Colombo route. The airline has continued to lease out one A320 NEO on wet-lease Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance (ACMI) operations during 2023, with the other A320 NEO operating the regional network. The airline said that the resilience demonstrated amid these trying circumstances highlights its strategic initiatives and adaptability within the competitive aviation market. To manage its financial health, Air Seychelles has focused on debt reduction, successfully paying down $4.9 million of its bank loan with Nouvobanq to reduce its outstanding loan balance from an initial sum of $16.5 million to $11.6m million by August 2024. Furthermore, the airline has completely paid off its lease deferral debt of $4.5 million, incurred during the Covid era. These efforts have led to a healthier balance sheet and a strengthened financial position. As part of its ongoing strategy to navigate the complexities of the aviation industry, Air Seychelles has made significant strides in addressing maintenance cost escalations, particularly concerning its A320 NEO engine fleet. In 2023, the airline took proactive measures by establishing a conservative annual accounting provision of $2.5 million dedicated to covering potential return conditions for the aircraft and its engines. The airline considers this foresight not only as highlighting Air Seychelles' commitment to financial transparency but also stabilises future profit expectations, ensuring robust financial health for the airline. The chief executive, Sandy Benoiton, expressed profound gratitude to all employees, acknowledging their crucial role in driving positive results. «Your professionalism, creativity, and teamwork have driven our success and exceeded our expectations, demonstrating once again that our people are our greatest asset. As we move forward, Air Seychelles remains dedicated to excellence, growth, and resilience, securing a bright and prosperous future for our company and stakeholders,» he said.

Seychelles' President arrives in Cuba on official visit

The President of Seychelles touched down in Havana on Monday on an official visit at the invitation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez from September 16 to 20. According to State House, upon his arrival at José Martí International Airport, Wa
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' President arrives in Cuba on official visit

The President of Seychelles touched down in Havana on Monday on an official visit at the invitation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez from September 16 to 20. According to State House, upon his arrival at José Martí International Airport, Wavel Ramkalawan was received by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Anayansi Rodríguez Camejo. During his stay in Cuba, the President will have bilateral talks with his Cuban counterpart, President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez. He will also meet with the President of the National Assembly, Esteban Lazo Hernández and other senior government officials and partake in various official engagements. During his visit, the head of state of Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, will meet Seychellois students currently studying in Cuba. Ramkalawan is being accompanied on this visit by First Lady Linda Ramkalawan, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Sylvestre Radegonde, and Seychelles' Ambassador to the United States and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ian Madeleine. After concluding his official engagements in Havana, Ramkalawan will travel to New York to participate in the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) from September 23 to 27.  

6 movies feature in Chinese Film Festival 2024 in Seychelles 

Six Chinese movies will be streamed for audiences in Seychelles from September 15 to 20 in the China Film Festival to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of China. The Chinese Ambassador to Seychelles, Lin Nan, revealed the series of activities in a pr
Seychelles News Agency

6 movies feature in Chinese Film Festival 2024 in Seychelles 

Six Chinese movies will be streamed for audiences in Seychelles from September 15 to 20 in the China Film Festival to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of China. The Chinese Ambassador to Seychelles, Lin Nan, revealed the series of activities in a press conference held on Thursday, which is being held in collaboration with the China Film Administration, Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts (SNICHA), and China Film Archive. The first movie to launch the festival was aired on September 15. The other five films for the festival will be Lighting Up The Stars, Home Coming, One and Only, Ping-Pong of China, and Moon Man, all made in recent years and will all be streamed at Deepam Cinema at 6 pm. The ambassador said, «We hope that through this blend of contemporary Chinese films, Seychellois friends will get a glimpse of how ordinary Chinese people live and their fine sentiments. We are convinced that this will deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning between our two peoples.» Another activity to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the China and Chengdu Culture and Tourism Experience Event will take place on September 21 at Camion Hall, Victoria. The event will be organised by the Chinese Association of Seychelles, Chengdu Municipal People's Government, SNICHA, the office of the Major of Victoria, and the Chinese Embassy. «During the event, more than 20 stalls will be set up, providing Chinese food and artifacts. Wonderful performances such as face changing of Sichuan Opera, Tai Chi, dance and musical performance will be staged. And you can also experience panda cultural creation, tea art, and Sichuan embroidery Paper Cuttings. The event will be open to the public and we welcome Seychellois friends to join in,» said Lin. For the introduction of direct flights to Sichuan Province in China as of November, a delegation from Chengdu will also be at Camion Hall to introduce charter flight arrangements. The delegation will also give an introduction on business, cultural and tourism cooperation opportunities, and welcome Seychellois friends to visit Chengdu.    

Israel risks 'pariah' status over Gaza 'genocide': UN experts

United Nations rights experts warned Monday that Israel risked becoming an international «pariah» over its «genocide» in Gaza, suggesting that the country's UN membership should be called into question. Several independent UN experts
Seychelles News Agency

Israel risks 'pariah' status over Gaza 'genocide': UN experts

United Nations rights experts warned Monday that Israel risked becoming an international «pariah» over its «genocide» in Gaza, suggesting that the country's UN membership should be called into question. Several independent UN experts decried what they said was Israel's escalating violence and rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank, its disregard for international court rulings and verbal attacks on the UN itself. The rapporteurs, who are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council but who do not speak on behalf of the UN, also slammed Western countries' «double standards» and insisted Israel needed to face consequences for its actions. «I think that it is unavoidable for Israel to become a pariah in the face of its continuous, relentless vilifying assault on the United Nations, (and) Palestinians,» said Francesca Albanese, the UN's special rapporteur on the rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Albanese, who has repeatedly accused Israel of committing «genocide» in Gaza and who has faced harsh criticism and calls for her dismissal from Israel, asked if the country deserved «to continue to go unpunished for its relentless attacks» on the UN. «Should there be a consideration of its membership as part of this organisation, which Israel seems to have zero respect for?» she rhetorically asked a Geneva press conference, speaking via video link from Tunis. - 'Double standards' - George Katrougalos, the UN special rapporteur on the promotion of democratic and equitable international order, demanded that Israel be held to the same standards as all countries, and condemned its repeated attacks on critical UN officials or agencies. «We cannot anymore stand this kind of double standards and hypocrisy,» he told reporters. «I trust that the progressive and democratic citizens of Israel would not let their country become a pariah like South Africa had become during the times of apartheid.» Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, the UN special rapporteur on the rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, meanwhile warned that Israel and its allies blatant disregard for findings by international courts, the Security Council and other UN bodies in connection with the conflict was undermining the organisation as a whole. «We are blowing up the United Nations if we don't react,» he warned. Israel, which flatly rejects accusations that its offensive in Gaza amounts to a «genocide», responded Monday to Albanese's comments especially, charging that she was «abusing her inherently discriminatory UN mandate to spread her hate-filled political agenda, anti-Semitism and disinformation». «Her attitude, including defending and justifying Hamas' actions, is a constant stain on the United Nations,» the Israeli mission in Geneva said in a statement. - 'Abyss' - The war in Gaza erupted after Hamas' October 7 attack inside Israel, which resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures. Militants also seized 251 hostages, 97 of whom are still held in Gaza, including 33 the Israeli military says are dead. Israel's retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 41,226 people in Gaza, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-run territory. Albanese lamented that in the face of «unimaginable» suffering in Gaza, the world -- first and foremost the Western countries -- «continues to remain silent». Arrojo-Agudo charged that the deprivation of water in the besieged Palestinian territory was «clearly employed as a weapon». He said Gaza's population currently accesses on average just 4.7 litres of water per person per day, compared to more than 100 litres typically considered sufficient to cover daily needs. Speaking before the UN rights council Monday, an Israeli representative rejected that allegation, charging that Hamas had «completely mismanaged water in Gaza and is responsible for the irreversible damage to 95 percent of natural water resources». © Agence France-Presse  

Ocean governance: Seychelles' government officials undertake training with Chinese experts

A group of 15 Seychellois from government departments are participating in the first training programme organised by China focusing on the policies, regulations and management of ocean governance.  The seminar, which is being held at the Seychelles Maritim
Seychelles News Agency

Ocean governance: Seychelles' government officials undertake training with Chinese experts

A group of 15 Seychellois from government departments are participating in the first training programme organised by China focusing on the policies, regulations and management of ocean governance.  The seminar, which is being held at the Seychelles Maritime Academy, started on Monday, September 16, and will end on Tuesday, September 24. It is part of the human resources cooperation programme under the framework of China's international development cooperation proposed by Seychelles' government. It is co-organised by the Chinese Embassy in Seychelles and the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO). In her address at the launch of the seminar, the Chinese Ambassador to Seychelles, Lin Nan, spoke about the discussions and commitments made during the Ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). «We have a very comprehensive cooperation relation, covering a wide range of areas, especially in Blue Economy and human resources. We warmly welcome more excellent Seychelles students to study in China. We also feel glad to see Chinese experts and teachers arrive at Seychelles to implement courses, helping Seychelles improve its capacity building in the Blue Economy,» said the ambassador. Emphasising the importance of capacity building for Seychelles, the principal secretary for the Blue Economy, Phillianne Ernesta, talked about the 'Joint Statement on Blue Economy Development Cooperation of the China-Indian Ocean Region' issued in December 2023 during the Second China-Indian Ocean Region Forum. She said the statement reaffirmed the commitment of all parties to advance marine development cooperation and to fostering a sustainable Blue Economy as essential pathways to jointly address regional challenges and ensure stability and development. «China's willingness to enhance South-South cooperation with Seychelles is both timely and invaluable. For Seychelles, a nation endowed with abundant marine resources and an economy largely driven by tourism and fisheries, the sustainable management of ocean resources and the establishment of sound policies and regulations are crucial for its sustainable development aspirations,» said Ernesta. She added that the benefits of the course extend far beyond immediate knowledge gains; they represent an investment in our human capital, the sustainable development of our country, and the broader objective of shared progress. The goal is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to address challenges facing our oceans and work towards creating a more sustainable future. The vice-president of the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) of the Ministry of Commerce China, Zou Chuanming, said, «As the specialised institution authorised by the Chinese government to manage China's training programmes, AIBO is willing to work with relevant parties of Seychelles and the Chinese Embassy in Seychelles under the framework FOCAC, to enhance the development training cooperation and to assist Seychelles in improving the development capacity and finally to contribute to the modernidsation process.» He added that Seychelles is welcome to propose more bilateral training programmes that meet national development priorities and demand. «At the same time, may this seminar be a start of deeper, high-quality cooperation in development training, especially in prospective planning and effectiveness analysis to provide knowledge and expertise needed to build our all-weather China-Seychelles community with a shared future,» said Chuanming.

Seychelles' President's visit to China hailed as success

The Chinese Ambassador to Seychelles described President Wavel Ramkalawan's attendance at the ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing as successful. Ambassador Lin Nan made the statement at a press conference on Thursday at the Chinese Em
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' President's visit to China hailed as success

The Chinese Ambassador to Seychelles described President Wavel Ramkalawan's attendance at the ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing as successful. Ambassador Lin Nan made the statement at a press conference on Thursday at the Chinese Embassy in the central district of St. Louis. «The President and his delegation proactively attended the Summit. We appreciate the contribution from the Seychellois delegation to the success of the Summit. From the perspective of bilateral cooperation, the highlights of the visit are the important meeting between our two leaders and the delegation's visit to Chengdu city of Sichuan Province,» she said. She told reporters that Ramkalawan met President Xi Jinping on September 2 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and the two heads of state announced the elevation of the China-Seychelles relationship to a strategic partnership. «President Xi Jinping pointed out that China-Seychelles relations are a model of sincere friendship, equality, mutual assistance, and win-win cooperation between countries of different sizes. The two countries should continue to prioritise supporting each other's core interests and major concerns, and adhere to strategic mutual trust, common development, common security, and traditional friendship,» said the ambassador. She added that «President Xi Jinping stressed that China is ready to strengthen cooperation with Seychelles in emergency response and disaster prevention and mitigation, supports the country in combatting piracy and other illegal activities, supports the opening of direct flights between China and Seychelles, and encourages two-way tourism between the two countries.» Additionally, more excellent Seychelles students are welcome to study in China and carry forward the friendly cause between the two countries. The ambassador said that President Ramkalawan stated that the friendship between Seychelles and China is based on mutual respect, mutual benefit, and win-win outcomes, and bilateral relations have always maintained sound development. «Seychelles is willing to continue to be true friends with China, and firmly pursues the one-China policy and supports China in achieving national reunification. Seychelles is willing to deepen exchanges and cooperation with China in various fields and enhance international collaboration. During the summit, China and Seychelles signed a number of bilateral cooperation documents, including those related to Belt and Road cooperation plans,» she added. The third Belt and Road Forum, held in Beijing last year, primarily aims to stimulate and encourage global trade infrastructure. China will also work more with the Indian Ocean small island state in combatting piracy and other illegal activities as well as encouraging two-way tourism between the two countries through direct flights between both destinations. Ramkalawan's delegation also visited Chengdu, in Sichuan Province,  and representatives from China and Seychelles signed a memorandum of understanding between the City of Chengdu and the City of Victoria on the establishment of friendly cooperative relations. The agreement will facilitate the exchange between Chengdu and Victoria. According to the Chinese ambassador, the senior leaders from Sichuan province stressed that they are committed to deepening local government cooperation, and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation with Seychelles in commerce, trade, investment, education, medical service, tourism and people-to-people exchange. The Sichuan side will also promote the reopening of direct flights between Chengdu and Seychelles in November, which was launched officially by Ramkalawan during his visit in Chengdu. Lin said, China «will continue cooperation with Seychelles to implement the 10 partnership actions under the framework of strategic partnership. I am looking forward to elevating the bilateral relations to a new high in cooperation with all Seychellois partners, including the media friends.» Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, established diplomatic relations over four decades ago and is home to a significant Chinese community. 

Trump safe after apparent assassination attempt, person in custody

Donald Trump was the target of an apparent assassination attempt Sunday in Florida, the FBI said, with the Republican presidential candidate's campaign and law enforcement reporting he was safe and unharmed. The US Secret Service confirmed one or more of it
Seychelles News Agency

Trump safe after apparent assassination attempt, person in custody

Donald Trump was the target of an apparent assassination attempt Sunday in Florida, the FBI said, with the Republican presidential candidate's campaign and law enforcement reporting he was safe and unharmed. The US Secret Service confirmed one or more of its agents «opened fire on a gunman» located near the boundary of Trump's golf course, and that an «AK-47 style rifle» with a scope was recovered along with a GoPro video camera. Amid the confrontation with the Secret Service, the suspect bolted out of the shrubbery he had been hiding in and escaped in a black car. A witness helped police identify the vehicle and authorities tracked it down. «We have somebody in custody right now that is a potential suspect,» Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw told a news conference. Trump had been golfing at his course in West Palm Beach, Florida, not far from his Mar-a-Lago residence, when the would-be shooter was spotted in bushes one hole ahead of the former president, Bradshaw said. «President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity,» his campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement, while Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris expressed relief her political rival was out of danger. Trump himself said in a website fundraising message: «Fear not! I am safe and well, and no one was hurt. Thank God!» The unnerving incident appears to mark the second time in as many months that Trump has been the target of an assassination attempt. The former president was wounded in the ear on July 13 as he addressed an outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. - Unsure if shot taken - Authorities who addressed Sunday's news conference did not confirm whether a gunman actually fired a weapon in the direction of the former president, but said that shots were fired by the Secret Service. «We are not sure right now if the individual was able to take a shot at our agents,» said Rafael Barros, of the Secret Service. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said it is «investigating what appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump.» Officials praised the quick action of the Secret Service, an agency that has been under intense scrutiny since its apparent failure to detect and stop a gunman from shooting at Trump in Pennsylvania. Sheriff Bradshaw said Secret Service personnel in Trump's protective detail spotted «this rifle barrel sticking out of the fence and immediately engaged that individual, at which time the individual took off.» He estimated the suspect was set up 300 to 500 yards (275 to 455 meters) away, but «with a rifle and a scope like that, that's not a long distance.» Sheriff William Snyder of neighboring Martin County said on CNN that the potential suspect who was stopped and detained by law enforcement had «a relatively calm, flat affect. He was not displaying a lot of emotions.» - 'Relieved' - Law enforcement was launching a sweeping investigation but as of Sunday afternoon there was no indication of the shooter's motive. The incident came amid heightened tensions in the knife-edge presidential race, and concern for the safety of both candidates. «There is no place for political violence or for any violence ever in our country,» President Joe Biden said in a statement. «I have directed my team to continue to ensure that Secret Service has every resource, capability and protective measure necessary to ensure the former president's continued safety.» Vice President Harris took to social media to say «I am glad he is safe.» Several Trump supporters and members of his inner circle, including his running mate J.D. Vance, offered their support and gratitude that tragedy was avoided. «I'm glad President Trump is safe,» Vance said on X. «I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits.» The Secret Service, tasked with protecting presidents, former presidents and other dignitaries, has faced criticism since the Pennsylvania shooting. Kimberly Cheatle, the head of the agency, resigned amid the ensuing scrutiny, and at least five agents were placed on administrative leave. Representative Elise Stefanik, the fourth-ranking US House Republican, thanked law enforcement for their actions Sunday but raised questions about the latest incident. «We must ask ourselves how an assassin was allowed to get this close to President Trump again,» she said in a statement. «There continues to be a lack of answers for the horrific assassination attempt in Pennsylvania and we expect there to be a clear explanation of what happened today in Florida.» © Agence France-Presse

Environment takes centre stage as global summits loom

Global warming. Disappearing plant and animal species. Fertile land turning to desert. Plastic in the oceans, on land, and the air we breathe. These urgent environmental challenges will be in the spotlight over the next few months as the United Nations host
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Environment takes centre stage as global summits loom

Global warming. Disappearing plant and animal species. Fertile land turning to desert. Plastic in the oceans, on land, and the air we breathe. These urgent environmental challenges will be in the spotlight over the next few months as the United Nations hosts four major sessions to address key threats to the planet. - Biodiversity - First up is a «Conference of the Parties» -- a COP -- dedicated to biodiversity being held in Cali, Colombia, from October 21 to November 1. These are called every two years to debate how the world can cooperate to better protect the rich variety of plant and animal life in the natural world. The COP16 isn't expected to break new ground but is more a stocktake of progress since the last summit secured historic assurances for biodiversity. In 2022 in Montreal, nations agreed to place 30 percent of the planet under environmental protection by 2030 in a landmark pact aimed at arresting biodiversity loss and restoring ecosystems to health. In Cali, countries will put forward national strategies to meet this global objective, and observers hope Colombia as host will provide a model for others to follow. WWF has commended the leadership shown so far by Colombia, which hosts close to 10 percent of Earth's biodiversity, including countless bird, butterfly, and orchid species. - Climate - The world's most important conference on climate change is this year being hosted by Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic heavily dependent on oil and gas exports, from November 11 to 22. While the last summit in Dubai in 2023 delivered a historic commitment to transition the world away from fossil fuels, supporting poorer countries with climate change will top this year's agenda. The summit, known as COP29, is expected to land a new agreement on «climate finance»: money from rich nations most responsible for global warming to developing countries vulnerable to climate change. There isn't an agreed figure yet, or even consensus on where the money should come from, who should receive it, and what form it could take. But developing countries are pushing for much more than the $100 billion pledged in 2009. This was only reached for the first time in full in 2022. «COP29 offers an opportunity to unlock more climate investments from a wider range of public and private sources and to improve the quality of this finance,» said the World Resources Institute, a US think tank. The result of the US election, just six days before COP29 begins, could throw a last-minute curveball into the final negotiations, which have proved divisive so far. It also remains to be seen how many world leaders travel to Baku, the capital on the Caspian Sea, with some expected to focus their energy on COP30 in Brazil next year. - Desertification - The least high profile of the three COPs, this session in Saudi Arabia addressing the loss of fertile land to desert is nonetheless critical. Climate variation like droughts and human activities like overgrazing can result in desertification, a process mainly in dry areas where land degrades and becomes unproductive. Experts hope the COP16 on desertification, scheduled to take place in Riyadh from December 2 to 13, can act as a turning point in addressing this problem. «Discussions will focus on ways to restore 1.5 billion hectares of land by 2030, as well as putting in place agreements to manage the droughts that are already affecting many regions of the globe,» said Arona Diedhiou from the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development. - Plastic - In 2022, some 175 nations agreed to fast-track negotiations toward a world-first treaty on plastic pollution, and the final session gets underway on November 25 in South Korea. The treaty aims to marshal an international response to the plastic trash choking the environment, from oceans and rivers to mountains and sea ice. Some nations want the treaty to restrict how much plastic can be made while others -- particularly oil and gas producing countries that provide the raw materials to make plastic -- want a focus on recycling. Hellen Kahaso Dena, head of Greenpeace's Pan-African Plastics Project, hopes that countries «will agree on a treaty that prioritises reducing plastic production». «There is no time to waste with approaches that will not solve the problem,» the activist told AFP. © Agence France-Presse

Seychelles maintains Fitch Rating's BB -, with positive outlook

Fitch Ratings has affirmed Seychelles' credit rating at BB- with positive outlook, which is supported by relatively high income levels, strong World Bank governance indicators and support from multilateral creditors.   According to the Ratings released on F
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles maintains Fitch Rating's BB -, with positive outlook

Fitch Ratings has affirmed Seychelles' credit rating at BB- with positive outlook, which is supported by relatively high income levels, strong World Bank governance indicators and support from multilateral creditors.   According to the Ratings released on Friday, these strengths are balanced by the economy's small size and high concentration in the tourism sector, heightening vulnerability to external shocks. The Ratings state that Seychelles' tourism sector, which directly accounts for up to 25 percent of its economy and 40 percent of current account receipts, has stagnated this year, with visitor arrival growth flat in the first eight months year-on-year. The authorities expect arrivals to reach 95 percent of 2019 levels by 2025, down from previous projections. «This is due to weakness in some source economies, mainly in Western Europe, strong competition from other high-end tourist destinations, and inadequate growth of flight routes to Seychelles. Tourism receipts are set to decline 13 percent year-on-year in 2024, albeit to still higher than pre-pandemic levels, reflecting stagnant arrivals and a shift away from higher-spending tourists mainly from the Gulf countries and Russia, and grow only marginally in 2025,» said Fitch Ratings. On economic growth, Fitch expects Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 3 percent in 2024, and 4 percent in 2025, with some positive impact from the 2025 Beach Football World Cup and pre-presidential and parliamentary election spending. Potential growth is estimated at around 3.5 percent supported by a solid pipeline of investment in hotel projects of over $700 million due to come online in 2024-25. This will boost room capacity in the country by 6.4 percent.   Additionally, the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) sector has posted strong growth in recent years, but meaningful diversification prospects for the economy appear limited.  Fitch said, «Seychelles continues to have strong performance against benchmarks of the IMF's Extended Fund Facility (EFF) and Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF) programmes, which collectively total $102 million, 4.7 percent of 2023 GDP, worth of funding over three years to 2026, of which 32 percent has already been disbursed. Seychelles met all but one of the quantitative performance benchmarks under the EFF's latest review and has started incorporating climate-related reform requirements in its budgetary process. Fitch views as credit positive the technical assistance that Seychelles has access to from the IMF, World Bank and other multilateral lenders in improving budgetary management and ingraining climate risk mitigation in its budget execution. However, Seychelles is heavily exposed to risks from climate change, with impacts already being felt primarily through the rising intensity and frequency of storms and flooding that are rendering some coastal infrastructure unusable. »In the short term, Seychelles' tourism industry faces constraints in expansion due to the saturation of coastal infrastructure, which effectively acts as a cap on potential growth. The IMF estimates Seychelles to have a funding requirement of about $670 million, 31.2 percent of 2023 GDP, for climate change mitigation by 2030, equivalent to 5 percent of GDP annually, but the country spends only 0.9 percent of GDP a year," said Fitch Ratings. 

Peru bids farewell to polarizing ex-president Fujimori

Peru bid an emotional farewell on Saturday to its divisive ex-president Alberto Fujimori after three days of national mourning marked by expressions of nostalgia for his iron-fisted rule. Fujimori was revered by many in Peru for crushing a bloody leftist ins
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Peru bids farewell to polarizing ex-president Fujimori

Peru bid an emotional farewell on Saturday to its divisive ex-president Alberto Fujimori after three days of national mourning marked by expressions of nostalgia for his iron-fisted rule. Fujimori was revered by many in Peru for crushing a bloody leftist insurgency and helping shore up the economy while in office from 1990 to 2000. He «had the guts to fight terrorism,» said Edgar Grados, a 43-year-old businessman, who traveled more than 100 kilometers to attend the funeral. «Fujimorism never dies,» he told AFP. But for others Fujimori was a power-hungry autocrat, who signed off on gross human rights abuses, for which he spent 16 years in prison. The 86-year-old died Wednesday after a long battle with cancer. «You are finally free from hatred and revenge,» his daughter Keiko told his packed funeral mass in Lima's 1,500-capacity National Theatre, denouncing «16 years of unjust imprisonment.» Mourners clapped and chanted «Chino, Chino,» Fujimori's nickname which was a nod to his Asian heritage, although his family was originally from Japan. A large portrait of the late leader wearing his presidential sash stood on the altar, next to his coffin, which was draped in the Peruvian flag. Outside, hundreds of people, many carrying Fujimori dolls and pictures, followed the proceedings on a giant screen. After the funeral his coffin was received with state honors at the presidential palace in a ceremony led by President Dina Boluarte. He was buried afterwards at Huachipa ceremony east of Lima. While nearly a quarter of a century has passed since he dramatically faxed in his resignation from Japan in the midst of a corruption scandal, Fujimori loomed large over public life in Peru right up until his death. Thousands of people queued for hours on Thursday and Friday to view him lying in state in an open casket at the culture ministry. «We're very nostalgic,» 30-year-old Jesus Neyra told AFP on Friday night as he waited in line. «A president who brought peace, economic stability, freedom and democracy to the country is gone. He left a great legacy.» But relatives of the victims of army massacres carried out on his watch lamented that he went to the grave without showing remorse for their deaths. «He left without asking forgiveness from their families, he made a mockery of us,» Gladys Rubina, the sister of one of the civilian victims, told AFP. - Crimes against humanity - An engineer by training, Fujimori worked as a university math professor before entering politics. In 1990, he defeated writer Mario Vargas Llosa to win the presidency -- a surprise result. His neoliberal economic policies won him the support of the ruling class and international financial institutions. He also won praise for crushing a brutal insurgency by Shining Path and Tupac Amaru leftist rebels in a conflict that left more than 69,000 people dead and 21,000 missing between 1980 and 2000, according to a government truth commission. But the brutal tactics employed by the military saw him spend his twilight years in jail. In 2009, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison over two massacres of civilians by an army death squad tasked with fighting the Shining Path -- one at a house party, the other in a university dormitory. In all 25 people were killed. As recently as July, Fujimori had been considering a comeback attempt in the 2026 election, according to his daughter Keiko, also a politician. But his health took a turn for the worse as he battled tongue cancer. - Hostage crisis - One of the most dramatic episodes of his presidency was a four-month hostage ordeal at the Japanese embassy in Lima in late 1996 and early 1997. It ended with him sending in special forces, who saved nearly all 72 hostages and killed the 14 rebel hostage-takers. His downfall began in 2000 after his spy chief was exposed for corruption. Fujimori fled to Japan and sent a fax announcing his resignation. Congress voted to sack him instead. He was eventually arrested when he set foot in Chile and was extradited to Peru, where he was put on trial and jailed. In December 2017, then-president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski pardoned him on health grounds. The Supreme Court later annulled the pardon and in 2019 he was returned to jail before finally being released nearly five years later. © Agence France-Presse  

ICS opens conservation centre on Seychelles' Platte Island

Conservation efforts on Platte Island in Seychelles have been significantly bolstered with the recent opening of a new conservation centre managed by the Island Conservation Society (ICS).     According to a press communique from ICS, less than a year af
Seychelles News Agency

ICS opens conservation centre on Seychelles' Platte Island

Conservation efforts on Platte Island in Seychelles have been significantly bolstered with the recent opening of a new conservation centre managed by the Island Conservation Society (ICS).     According to a press communique from ICS, less than a year after the Waldorf Astoria Hotel of the Hilton Group opened on the island, it was established to ensure the protection and preservation of the island's unique biodiversity. This includes the largest nesting population of hawksbill turtles in Seychelles. The recent opening of the Conservation Centre coincided with a visit by the trustees of the Platte Foundation, a registered not-for-profit organisation based in Seychelles. During their visit, the trustees, which included representatives from ICS, Islands Development Company (IDC) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment met with the management of the Hilton Group on the island. The delegation also visited the facilities available for a conservation team and discussed the roles and responsibilities ĺof each partner on the island. Located 140 kilometres from Mahe, the main island, Platte Island, known for its low topography and proximity, has a history of guano excavation, which modified much of its natural biodiversity. The island was the first refuge for leprosy sufferers in Seychelles and a designated quarantine island for ships. The new staff interacting at the centre. (Island Conservation Society) Photo License: All Rights Reserved    The new conservation centre aims to safeguard what remains of the island's natural environment and implement projects that will benefit both the island and its visitors. Gregory Berke, director of Conservation and Science at ICS, said the new centre «will allow ICS to begin documenting the wildlife on the island and implement necessary conservation activities. Prior to the opening of the centre we had very little information on the flora and fauna of the island. We can now devise the proper management measures to ensure the effective conservation of the different species.» A highlight of the conservation work on the island will be the monitoring of a large lagoon teeming with marine life that serves as a feeding ground for various marine species, most notably for hawksbill turtles, a critically endangered species. As part of its annual conservation plan, ICS intends to monitor seabird populations, including lesser noddies, which will contribute valuable data to the national census. Several species, including sooty terns, have become extinct or have not been recorded on the island in recent years, and the team is keen to monitor, record and witness their return. The ICS considers this project an exciting time as much is still unknown about the island. «We are proud to be the first conservation organisation to have a permanent presence on the island and contribute towards the national database for several species,» added Berke. This is the 7th Conservation Centre that the ICS is managing in Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean. The society currently has one centre in all Seychelles' six groups of islands. The centre on Platte Island comes a year after opening a centre in the Aldabra Group, where a team is stationed for six months on both the Astove Atoll and Cosmoledo Atoll. 

Comoros president's attacker found dead in prison: prosecutor

A man who attacked Comoros President Azali Assoumani with a knife, wounding him slightly, has been found dead in prison in unclear circumstances, the public prosecutor said on Saturday. The attack on the president took place on Friday afternoon during a fune
Seychelles News Agency

Comoros president's attacker found dead in prison: prosecutor

A man who attacked Comoros President Azali Assoumani with a knife, wounding him slightly, has been found dead in prison in unclear circumstances, the public prosecutor said on Saturday. The attack on the president took place on Friday afternoon during a funeral for a well-known religious leader in a village near Moroni. Prosecutor Ali Mohamed Djounaid said the dead man was a 24-year-old soldier called Ahmed Abdou from the village of Salimani-Itsandra, where the funeral took place. He had attacked the president and a relative of the late religious leader with a «kitchen knife», the prosecutor said, before being restrained and handed over to investigators. «He (Abdou) was isolated in a cell so that he could calm down yesterday after his arrest. Investigators found his lifeless body lying on the floor this morning,» Djounaid told a press conference Saturday. «A doctor declared him dead.» «An investigation has been launched to determine the cause of his death,» he added. The government declined to detail the president’s injuries, saying only that he had needed «stitches to his scalp». Government spokeswoman Fatima Ahamada said Saturday that 65-year-old Assoumani was at home with his family and «doing very well». She was speaking at a press conference in the presence of nearly the entire government and the governors of two of the Comoros archipelago's three islands. - Investigation underway - Djounaid said Abou was overcome by the president's security detail and handed over to investigators but the latter did «not have time to question him» before he died. «An inquiry is underway into the reasons for the young man's attempt on the president's life. »There will also be an inquiry into the circumstances of his death,« the prosecutor added. There was no indication that Djounaid's office had requested an autopsy. The young man's body has been handed over to his family and is to be buried according to Muslim tradition, a family source said on condition of anonymity. The vast majority of the Comoros archipelago's 870,000 inhabitants are Muslim. Authorities said Abdou had been in the military police for two years and had failed to return to his unit on September 11 after being given 24 hours' leave. A witness at the funeral, who asked to remain anonymous, said he had been »like crazy«. »He lunged at the head of state... attacking him first with a knife and then with his fists.« If another mourner had not intervened, »I think the president wouldn't have escaped safely", he said. © Agence France-Presse

Seychelles Youth Festival hosts first e-gaming competition 

For the first time this year, an e-gaming competition was organised as part of the 25th edition of the Youth Festival – an annual event held by the Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC).  According to the chief executive of the Council, Albert Duncan
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Seychelles Youth Festival hosts first e-gaming competition 

For the first time this year, an e-gaming competition was organised as part of the 25th edition of the Youth Festival – an annual event held by the Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC).  According to the chief executive of the Council, Albert Duncan, this is the first step in formalising e-gaming, which is a popular activity, frequently organised at its youth bureaus. Duncan explained that online video games or e-gaming have many benefits, which include digital literacy, skill development and inclusivity, among others. «E-gaming fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork among youth, which are transferable skills in various aspects of life and career. Through e-gaming, youth become more proficient with technology, enhancing their digital literacy, which is crucial in today's digital age, additionally, it provides an inclusive platform where youth from diverse backgrounds can participate, breaking down social barriers and promoting equality,» he said. According to the chief executive, e-gaming has further benefits for the younger generation, such as promoting healthy competition, as it introduces the concept of healthy competition and teaches youth how to handle success and setbacks gracefully. Other benefits include exposure to e-gaming can open up career opportunities in game development, streaming, and e-sports, expanding the horizons for youth in the digital economy, mental agility and strategy: engaging in strategic e-games enhances cognitive abilities, encouraging quick thinking and adaptability, cultural exchange: through online multiplayer platforms, youth can connect with peers globally, fostering cultural exchange and broadening their perspectives, youth involved in organising and managing e-gaming events develop leadership skills and a sense of responsibility, empowering them to take on more significant roles in their communities and a safe recreational space. The Seychelles E-Gaming Association (SEGA) is the name of the newly established association, whose motto is «Empowering Gamers, Inspiring Champions.» «The interest is not mainly directed to games or competitions it is everything that has to do with the gaming industry from the first sketch to rigging and animating characters, from training and hosting events to winning gold medals, A to Z we will cover gaming in Seychelles, and perhaps develop the first game from our small islands and also win a gold medal from the upcoming CJSOI (to be held in July next year),» explained Ricco Padayachy, the chairperson of the association. Padayachy added that there's more to e-gaming than just competing; competing is only a part of it and explains that their next step is to work with the National Sports Council to transform into the first national federation for e-gaming in the future.  The soon-to-be-launched, Seychelles E-Gaming Association (SEGA), aims to obtain official recognition as the first and primary national association for e-gaming in the archipelago in the western Indian Ocean. SEGA's other objectives include advocating for the official recognition of e-gaming as a national sport, providing a supportive and inclusive space for disabled individuals to recognise their potential and ability to excel in e-gaming for everyone and engaging in community outreach programs to promote the positive impact of e-gaming on individuals and society as something positive to do at all ages as well as promoting the acknowledgement of e-gaming as a legitimate form of intelligence. According to studies published in the National Library of Medicine in the U.S., many young people also risk addiction to e-gaming and the amount of time spent in this sport should be limited to avoid this. «Video game addiction has become a serious public health issue with increased prevalence. Many studies have shown that video game addiction leads to changes in the brain that are similar to those that occur in substance addiction and gambling. Evidence has also shown that there is an association between video game addiction and depression, as well as other psychological and social problems,» according to the paper «Symptoms, Mechanisms, and Treatments of Video Game Addiction» of 2023. 

Seychelles' President to undertake official visit to Cuba

The President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan, will undertake an official visit to Havana, Cuba, at the invitation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez from September 16 to 20, State House said in a press release on Friday.   After concluding hi
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' President to undertake official visit to Cuba

The President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan, will undertake an official visit to Havana, Cuba, at the invitation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez from September 16 to 20, State House said in a press release on Friday.   After concluding his official engagements in Havana, Ramkalawan will travel to New York to participate in the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) from September 23 to 27.

Pope defies health fears on historic Asia-Pacific tour

Pope Francis wrapped up an arduous 12-day tour of the Asia-Pacific on Friday, defying health concerns to connect with believers from the jungle of Papua New Guinea to the skyscrapers of Singapore. The 87-year-old pontiff took off for Rome, completing his lon
Seychelles News Agency

Pope defies health fears on historic Asia-Pacific tour

Pope Francis wrapped up an arduous 12-day tour of the Asia-Pacific on Friday, defying health concerns to connect with believers from the jungle of Papua New Guinea to the skyscrapers of Singapore. The 87-year-old pontiff took off for Rome, completing his longest trip in duration and distance since he became head of the world's estimated 1.4 billion Roman Catholics more than 13 years ago. The Argentine pope has relied on a wheelchair since 2022 because of knee pain and sciatica, had a hernia operation in June 2023, and earlier this year battled flu and bronchitis. Occasionally, during his four-nation trip, the pope struggled to keep his eyes open when listening to late-night liturgical readings or to remain engaged during formal military parades. But he was clearly energised by more freewheeling exchanges -- cheerfully goading young people to shout out their agreement with his calls to help those in need. In a lively final inter-religious meeting with young Singaporeans, the pope urged them to respect other beliefs, avoid being «slaves» to technology and to get out of their comfort zones. «Don't let your stomach get fat, but let your head get fat,» the pope said, raising a laugh from his audience. «I say take risks, go out there,» he said. «A young person that is afraid and does not take risks is an old person.» The historic tour, initially planned for 2020 but postponed by the Covid-19 pandemic, has included 43 hours of flight time and a distance of 32,000 kilometres (almost 20,000 miles). - 'Superstition and magic' - But neither the pace -- 16 speeches and up to eight hours of time difference -- nor the heat, nor multiple meetings have forced any rescheduling of his international odyssey. On a trip that took him to the outer edges of the Church's world, the pope delivered a sometimes uncomfortable message for leaders not to forget the poor and marginalised. In Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority state, he visited the capital Istiqlal Mosque to deliver a joint message against conflict and climate change. In sweltering Papua New Guinea, he donned a Bird of Paradise headdress in a remote, jungle village where he told inhabitants to halt violence and renounce «superstition and magic». Addressing political and business leaders, he insisted that the country's vast natural resources should benefit the «entire community» -- a demand likely to resound in a nation where many believe their riches are being stolen or squandered. And in staunchly Roman Catholic East Timor, he addressed nearly half the population, drawing about 600,000 rapturous believers in the tropical heat to a celebration of mass on the island's coast. Francis addressed East Timor's leaders, hailing a new era of «peace» since independence in 2002. - 'Deeply touched' - But he also called on them to do more to prevent abuse against young people, in a nod to recent Catholic Church child abuse scandals. In the affluent city-state of Singapore, the pope called for «special attention» to be paid to protecting the dignity of migrant workers. «These workers contribute a great deal to society and should be guaranteed a fair wage,» he said. There are an estimated 170 million migrant workers around the world. Most live in the Americas, Europe or Central Asia. But the Argentine pope was otherwise full of praise for the «entrepreneurial spirit» and dynamism that built a «mass of ultra-modern skyscrapers that seem to rise from the sea» in his final destination. Sandra Ross, 55, a church administrator in Singapore, said she was still «feeling the warmth and joy» after attending mass led by the pope. «I was deeply touched by Pope Francis' courage and dedication to his mission, despite his health challenges. His spirit and enthusiasm are truly inspiring,» she said. «This Asia tour is a beautiful gesture, highlighting the importance of unity and understanding across cultures and faiths.» Lise de Rocquigny, 47, a French expat living in Singapore, said during the visit the pope had appeared tired at points but also engaged and «quite fit». «The pope was really able to convey the messages that are close to his heart: inter-religious dialogue, solidarity, charity, listening to the poor, concern for our home Earth.» © Agence France-Presse

US calls for Africa to get two permanent UN Security Council seats

Washington called Thursday for two new permanent seats on the UN Security Council for African nations, alongside a rotating seat for island states -- but insisted they not have a veto. The proposals would transform the 15-member top body of the global organi
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US calls for Africa to get two permanent UN Security Council seats

Washington called Thursday for two new permanent seats on the UN Security Council for African nations, alongside a rotating seat for island states -- but insisted they not have a veto. The proposals would transform the 15-member top body of the global organization which has been largely unchanged for decades and is mired in dysfunction and disagreements between existing permanent members. The new African representatives should not wield veto power over council resolutions, unlike the current permanent members -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- US officials have said. «I'm announcing the United States supports three additional changes to the Security Council,» said Washington's ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, at the Council on Foreign Relations think-tank. This would include «creating two permanent seats for Africa,» she said. African nations already have three non-permanent seats on the Security Council, allocated on a rotating basis for two year terms. In addition, «the United States supports creating a new elected seat on the Security Council for small island developing states,» Thomas-Greenfield said. Reform of the Security Council, long-stalled because of differences among its permanent members, would need to be ratified unanimously among the five top-tier powers -- all nuclear armed. A change in membership would first require adoption and ratification by two-thirds of the 193 member states. Washington has notably said it is opposed to allowing any new members the veto power enjoyed by the five permanent members, claiming it would cause gridlock. «We've been very, very clear that we do not support expansion of the veto,» Thomas-Greenfield said. «We have veto power as well, and none of the permanent members want to give up their veto power -- including us. I'm being honest about that.» - 'Matter of justice' - Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio told the Security Council in August that «Africa wants the veto abolished.» «However, if UN Member States wish to retain the veto, it must be extended to all new Permanent Members as a matter of justice,» he said. The United Nations said Washington's call was a positive step for African representation. «The announcement is an important one, it's welcome,» said a spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. «All of the details of how this will work will have to be decided by member states,» Stephane Dujarric told a briefing. «It goes along the lines of what (Guterres) has said, lamenting the lack of African representation.» In September 2022, US President Joe Biden threw his weight behind reform of the council, supporting calls for permanent seats for Africa and Latin America, without giving details. Russia has previously called for African nations to be cautious of new seats on the council if granted alongside seats to longstanding US allies like Japan and Germany, which Washington has sought. «It will not be possible to address historical injustice towards Africa while simultaneously allowing new Western members to join the UN Security Council,» Russian deputy ambassador to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said previously. © Agence France-Presse

Seychelles' President announces China will donate up to 150 new houses 

Seychelles expects to receive around 135 to 150 houses from China, President Wavel Ramkalawan announced in his second live press conference for the year, on Thursday.   Ramkalawan described the cooperation between the two countries as having progressed t
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Seychelles' President announces China will donate up to 150 new houses 

Seychelles expects to receive around 135 to 150 houses from China, President Wavel Ramkalawan announced in his second live press conference for the year, on Thursday.   Ramkalawan described the cooperation between the two countries as having progressed to a higher level following the Ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which he attended recently in Beijing, China. «We went from a bilateral partnership to a strategic partnership with China. This is very important,» he said. He added that in terms of maritime security, the Seychelles Coast Guard would also be receiving a new boat before the end of this year, one «in the same category as Etoile. We have also ensured that this new boat will be well-equipped to deal with different maritime security situations.» Multi-dimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) Ramkalawan expressed his satisfaction that the Index is finally being accepted by the European Union and stressed the importance of having such an index in place, especially for small island developing states like Seychelles to receive concessional funding. He talked about the necessity of having the Loss and Damage Fund in place, as well as supporting other states who are pushing for a tax to be added for countries that have been deemed responsible for exacerbating climate change. «Even if the Loss and Damage Fund has been established, I have to say that I am a bit disappointed because it is firstly a voluntary fund and I fear it will not be sustainable. Hence why I am supporting other SIDS bringing forward a proposition for an additional tax on those responsible for environmental pollution.» Assumption Island project The President spoke about a letter written by a third party to UNESCO, about the tourism development project being done on Assumption Island that might impact the Aldabra atoll, which is one of the Seychelles' UNESCO World Heritage Sites.   An article that was published in the Guardian stated that this project was a threat to Aldabra. Taking the opportunity to set the record straight, he read the email request for further clarification from UNESCO during the live press conference and maintained that the project was following all necessary procedures and that rumours being spread by certain individuals were not founded. «It's the third-party information feeding over there and that is why you have that article in the Guardian. We have written to UNESCO and we stated that Seychelles is cooperating at all levels and we have no intention of destroying Aldabra. On the contrary, we want to promote Aldabra. All EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and other procedures concerning biodiversity will be done. Aldabra will be protected just like Assumption,» he emphasised.   Tourism On a question regarding the number of visitors coming into the country at the moment which is a 0.07 percent increase compared to the same time last year. According to the National Bureau of Statistics figures released on September 11, 236,265 visitors disembarked in Seychelles, compared to 236,092 in 2023. The year-to-date visitor arrivals increased by 0.07 percent. Ramkalawan described these fluctuations as being evident given the number of guest houses and other tourism establishments that have been built in the country within the last few years. «If you were used to getting a full house, this is no longer the case as visitors have more choices. We have to balance the different factors,» he stated. He added that tourism is the responsibility of all Seychellois and decried the recent reports of crimes against visitors in the country. Ramkalawan listed the different projects and work being done to improve the situation, notably the new direct flight between Seychelles and Chengdu, China, in addition to other flights being negotiated by other high officials in the government. Ramkalawan officially launched the direct and non-stop charter flight operated by Sichuan Airlines, from Chengdu Province in China to Seychelles in November, during his visit to China. Tourism is the top contributor to the economy of Seychelles, a group of 115 islands in the western Indian Ocean. 

Seychelles' President to stand again in 2025 elections

Seychelles' President Wavel Ramkalawan announced that he will be submitting his candidacy for President of the Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS) for the next presidential election in 2025, during his live press conference on Thursday. Vice President Ahmed Afi
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Seychelles' President to stand again in 2025 elections

Seychelles' President Wavel Ramkalawan announced that he will be submitting his candidacy for President of the Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS) for the next presidential election in 2025, during his live press conference on Thursday. Vice President Ahmed Afif also confirmed with SNA that he will be Ramkalawan’s running mate at the next Presidential election. Describing this as an obvious choice for him, he stated that the last four years were only the beginning of the work on his part.  «Yes, I will be submitting my candidacy for the next presidential election, I do not think this was a secret,» he said, and confirmed that in the meantime there will not be a reshuffling of the current Cabinet of Ministers. «My ministers are doing a good job and I am satisfied with the work that they are doing. From now until the 27th of September next year I have no intention of changing anything. Further down the line, I will meet with them individually to see what they wish to do, if they will continue,» he said. Ramkalawan won the 2020 presidential elections with 54.9 percent of the valid votes. His closest rival was the outgoing president of the United Seychelles party, Danny Faure, with 43.5 percent. Dr Patrick Herminie is the other candidate confirmed for the presidential elections in September 2025 after being endorsed by his United Seychelles party on June 2.  

Seychelles Islands Foundation changes approach to remove yellow crazy ants on 2 Praslin reserves

A revised protocol has been designed to effectively manage the population of yellow crazy ants in the Vallee de Mai and Fond Peper on Praslin, according to an official of the Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF). Jessica Constance, the Vallee de Mai science c
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles Islands Foundation changes approach to remove yellow crazy ants on 2 Praslin reserves

A revised protocol has been designed to effectively manage the population of yellow crazy ants in the Vallee de Mai and Fond Peper on Praslin, according to an official of the Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF). Jessica Constance, the Vallee de Mai science coordinator, told SNA, «The previous protocol was designed when the yellow crazy ants had up to 100 percent coverage of the Vallee de Mai and stricter measures had to be put in place. Following the successes, a revised protocol has been designed to effectively manage the lower yellow crazy ant abundance in specific areas.» The SIF said in an article in their newsletter that in a recent ant activity survey at five monitoring points, two in the northeastern part of Vallee de Mai and three at Fond Peper, a total of 271 individual invasive ants were counted. Describing the count as low compared to its distribution before, control measures were put in place. SIF said that this is still a high enough number to cause concern for the endemic species in the palm forest ecosystem. Constance said, «After four years of broadscale baiting, the new protocol involves minimal and very localised bait deployment to avoid disrupting other species. Instead of site-wide bait dispersal, the bait will now be deployed specifically where the yellow crazy ants occur, a method called spot treatments.» She added that one of the main differences of this new method is that baiting is more targeted and focused on areas with yellow crazy ant presence, now referred to as an extended bait treatment. «SIF will be observing yellow crazy ants abundance in Vallee de Mai through the ant activity surveys conducted thrice a year. Following the results from this ant activity, only areas that have observed YCA presence will be baited - this will be referred to as spot treatments,» said Constance.   Vallee de Mai, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and Fond Peper, are nature reserves managed by the SIF. Both reserves are important for the population of the endemic world's largest nut, the coco de mer, listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).  The ants attack wildlife such as skinks and are threats to other species. (Seychelles Islands Foundation) Photo License: CC-BY SIF said the yellow crazy ant is an invasive alien species that is known to have destructive effects on ecosystem function, especially in island ecosystems, where it poses a significant threat to native ecosystems. It is listed in the top 10 world's worst invasive species, rapidly spreading in areas as they can nest in almost anything. The species was first discovered on Mahe, the main island, in 1962, and recorded on Praslin in 1975. It was first recorded in the Vallee de Mai in 2009, and surveys were conducted the same year. Constance said, «In many places where the yellow crazy ant is invasive, it has had devastating effects on native keystone species, resulting in rapid alteration of ecosystem processes and dramatic negative impacts on endemic species. It can attack prey even larger than themselves like geckos and skinks, with formic acid which may cause blindness, paralysis, or the prey's death. This makes the yellow crazy ant a threat to species and ecosystems much like the Vallee de Mai.» She emphasised the importance of carrying out such exercises especially to protect endemic species and said, «Surveys and studies have shown that the increase in yellow crazy ant abundance in Vallee de Mai resulted in a decreased abundance of native mollusc and gecko species, and a great decline in the endemic white slug species, and palm snail species. A significant decrease in its population coincided with a significant increase in native molluscs, geckos, and the endemic white slug. These species are important contributors to the Vallee de Mai and Fond Peper, proving that the yellow crazy ant baiting is extremely necessary.» 

Seychelles Football Federation signs partnership deal with Absa for Premier League

Seychelles' top football division has been rebranded to Absa Premier League through a partnership agreement signed between the Absa Bank Seychelles and the Seychelles Football Federation (SFF). The agreement was signed on Wednesday by the managing director o
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles Football Federation signs partnership deal with Absa for Premier League

Seychelles' top football division has been rebranded to Absa Premier League through a partnership agreement signed between the Absa Bank Seychelles and the Seychelles Football Federation (SFF). The agreement was signed on Wednesday by the managing director of Absa Bank Seychelles, Nazim Mahmood, and the chief executive of the Seychelles Football Federation, Dennis Rose. The agreement, which will last for two seasons, is for SCR 400,000 ($29,300) per year and is renewable at the end of the second season. The money will go towards all costs relating to running the country's Premier League division, such as travel expenses for the teams travelling between the islands, and other payments related to officials, ball boys, and security, among others. Rose said, «The contract we signed today will go beyond corporate sponsorship, which is generally more transactional. We will enter into a partnership in which we shall collaborate on initiatives and activities during and surrounding the Absa Premier League.» This is not the first time the bank has partnered with the SFF, as in the past, under its previous name, Barclays Bank Seychelles, it regularly sponsored the top division until 2016. Speaking to reporters, the managing director of Absa Seychelles, explained that it was after seeing the huge interest in football across the country that the decision was made to get involved again. «The more I was passing by Anse Etoile or anywhere else, we were seeing football as a significant element in making people's lives happier, and we want to be in a position to resonate with most of our customers,» said Mahmood. He added that this partnership can help bring football to a higher level, and also encourage more companies and institutions to get involved. Through the agreement, Absa will also present a monthly award called Absa Player of the Month. There will also be prizes at the end of the season for the best goalkeeper, best defender, best midfielder, and best striker.  The last time the bank, then under the brand Barclays Bank, signed an agreement with the SFF was in 2007 but in 2016 it withdrew its sponsorship. The withdrawal was due to a reduction in shareholding in the Barclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL). SeyPearl was the official sponsor of the leagues after Barclays but in the past few years, the SFF has not had a main sponsor for the leagues.

Seychelles' media practitioners learn safety protocols for emergencies and disasters 

Media practitioners have joined forces with the Red Cross Society of Seychelles (RCSS) and the Seychelles Media Commission to draft a document aimed at keeping members of the media safe while carrying out their duties. This was done in a two-day training co
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' media practitioners learn safety protocols for emergencies and disasters 

Media practitioners have joined forces with the Red Cross Society of Seychelles (RCSS) and the Seychelles Media Commission to draft a document aimed at keeping members of the media safe while carrying out their duties. This was done in a two-day training course held at the St.Louis District Administrator's office that started on Monday. «We at RCSS have seen that while media practitioners are among the first group of people to arrive on a scene when there is an emergency or disaster, we have also noticed that much can be done to keep them safe while doing so,» Marie-May Esparon, the secretary general, told SNA. As the humanitarian organisation regularly holds training sessions on various topics such as First Aid, Esparon said RCSS sat with the Seychelles Media Commission to design the training session. The aim is to equip all media practitioners, from the technical crew and human resources officers, to journalists. Among the topics covered in the training were psycho-social health, how to act safely in an emergency and steps that should be taken when faced with emergencies or disasters. The group attending the first session also gave the facilitators an idea of each step they took in their respective media houses when covering such events. The contributions made will then be taken to the various media houses in the country as a basic template - on which they may provide feedback. «They will then elaborate on what we have provided them, so that they may then use the points raised as Standard Operating Procedures (SOP),» said Esparon. The media secretary of the Commission, Tessa Henderson, said the training was part of many it plans to hold for media practitioners in the country in the coming months. «We have sessions that will be held with the Department of Risk and Disaster Management soon that we want media practitioners to attend not as an event they are covering, but as one to test their preparedness in such situations,» she said. Wills Sally, a camera operator from the Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), said he was happy that he had attended the training  «as I am now aware that there are actions that I may take while on duty that could be dangerous for me and that I could have tackled in another way.» Meanwhile, the training organisers have also set up a group from the first cohort to continue working on the proposed SOPs. They will also present the draft copy to the Association of Media Practitioners of Seychelles (AMPS) for its input. Local media houses are expected to have the document ready and handed over to the RCSS and SMC by February next year. 

Seychelles' 121-year-old Victoria Clock Tower to be completely refurbished by original manufacturing company

One of the island nation's most iconic features, a landmark among the oldest monuments in the Seychelles' capital city of Victoria, is set to get a complete refurbishment. The Victoria Clock Tower, dating back to the British colonial era, was erected in mem
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' 121-year-old Victoria Clock Tower to be completely refurbished by original manufacturing company

One of the island nation's most iconic features, a landmark among the oldest monuments in the Seychelles' capital city of Victoria, is set to get a complete refurbishment. The Victoria Clock Tower, dating back to the British colonial era, was erected in memory of Queen Victoria, in April 1903. In its 121 years, the clock tower has never undergone major works, but this is about to change as the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts (SNICHA) will embark on a project to restore the clock and chiming mechanism of the clock tower. The works will be done by Gillett and Johnston (Croydon) Ltd, a British company that manufactured the clock tower in the early 1900s. According to Cecile Kalebi, the permanent secretary for culture at SNICHA, restoration of the whole clock tower, its structure, and its mechanism is crucial in preserving the islands' historical and cultural heritage. «With the right technical expertise, materials, and the support of an international consultant, this project will ensure that lorloz (clock tower in Creole) continues to stand as a proud symbol of the town's history and legacy,» Kalebi told SNA on Monday. An expert from Gillett and Johnston, Gerald Coombes-Winyard, was in the country for a complete assessment of the clock tower and an evaluation of the work that needs to be done. «The clock is in very good condition for its age; it is 121 years old and has not had a full refurb. So planning is key to minimise the disruption on the actual process,» explained Coombes-Winyard. «What we plan to do is assemble suitable access equipment to then take a part of the clock and dismantle a section at a time,» said the expert, adding that all precautions will be taken, under close supervision, to keep the clock tower as traditional and original as possible, in keeping the heritage of the clock itself. The plan is to completely remove the clock tower and refurbish it at another location. Benjamine Rose, executive director of the Seychelles National Heritage Resource Council (SNHRC) said the implementation of this project is one with great urgency «to prevent further deterioration and to maintain its historical and cultural significance.» The refurbishment works, which are expected to be done over several months, will include the restoration of the clock and chiming mechanism to their original working condition, restore accuracy of timing and chiming, replacement of dilapidated internal materials leading to the preservation, and iconic status of the clock tower. In an article in 2018 by SNA to commemorate the clock tower's 115 anniversary, the late Seychellois historian Tony Mathiot said that «the inauguration of the Victoria clock tower in our little capital on Wednesday the 1st of April in 1903 was a precursory event that introduced a new chapter in the history of our islands.»  The clock tower, which at the time then cost around $468 -- about $12,300 in today's dollars -- was made of cast iron by Gillet & Johnson, a clockmaker and bell foundry based in Croydon, England. These were known as «Little Big Bens» because of their similarity to the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament in London. Mathiot said, «Throughout all those decades, like a living thing, the clock tower has witnessed our gradual evolution from an island protectorate to a republican sovereignty.» The clock tower was a replica of one placed at the Victoria Station's entrance on Vauxhall Bridge Road in London in 1892 to commemorate Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee.  Mathiot said, «The clock tower arrived dismantled in nine cases by mail steamer – but not all together.  On February 11, 1903, seven cases arrived, the other two having been mistakenly unloaded at Mauritius. Those arrived a month later.»   It was erected at the intersection of Francis Rachel Street (currently Rue Pierre de Possession), State House Avenue, Albert Street, and Independence Avenue. The clock tower, which was originally black, was painted lustrous silver in 1935 during celebrations to commemorate King George V's Jubilee. One interesting fact about the clock tower is that its chimes were heard for the first time 96 years after it was erected. The sound of its bell was first heard on September 17, 1999, following the replacement of its spring-driven mechanism by an electronic one. After this complete refurbishment, the clock tower will be restored to its former glory, and its chimes will resonate in one of the smallest capitals in the world. Kalebi added that the institute will document the whole process and all stages, of the refurbishment works, and the same will feature in an exhibition to coincide with the unveiling of the refurbished clock tower. 

Trump, Harris clash in fiery presidential debate

Kamala Harris savaged Donald Trump as «extreme» and the friend of dictators, while the Republican branded her a «Marxist» in a bitter televised debate Tuesday that poured fuel on an already explosive US presidential election. On hot-b
Seychelles News Agency

Trump, Harris clash in fiery presidential debate

Kamala Harris savaged Donald Trump as «extreme» and the friend of dictators, while the Republican branded her a «Marxist» in a bitter televised debate Tuesday that poured fuel on an already explosive US presidential election. On hot-button issues ranging from abortion and race to the fate of US democracy, the two held their first -- and possibly only -- debate ahead of the November 5 election, with each hoping for a breakthrough in an agonizingly close race. Trump, who only a few weeks ago had believed himself to be cruising to victory, reacted to pressure from Harris by raising his voice and resorting to the kinds of colorful invective and often meandering insults that he uses at his rallies. Harris, 59, responded by looking on in amusement, then clearly got under his skin, declaring that she represents a fresh start after the «mess» of the Trump presidency -- and saying: «We're not going back.» The ABC News debate began when the Democratic vice president unexpectedly approached the Republican former president to shake his hand, before they took to their lecterns in the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Then the niceties ended. Within minutes, 78-year-old Trump called her a «Marxist» and also falsely claimed that she and President Joe Biden had allowed «millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums.» Harris pointed out that Trump is a convicted felon, called him «extreme» and  said it is «a tragedy» that throughout his career he had used «race to divide the American people.» One of their most jarring exchanges was on Trump's unprecedented refusal to accept losing to Biden in the 2020 election, before trying to overturn the result. In front of the audience expected to run into the tens of millions of voters, Trump doubled down, insisting there is «so much proof» that he really won. Harris turned to Trump and said that his own former security officials in the White House have called him a «disgrace.» «World leaders are laughing at Donald Trump,» she said. Trump would «give up» Ukraine to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, «a dictator who would eat you for lunch,» she charged. «Dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again.» Another intense exchange was on abortion. Trump insisted that while having pushed for the end of the federal right to abortion, he wanted individual states to make their own policy. Harris said he was telling a «bunch of lies» and called his policies «insulting to the women of America.» - Harris mocks Trump rallies - The last presidential debate in June doomed Biden's reelection campaign, after he delivered a catastrophic performance against Trump. Harris took over as nominee amid Democratic fears that Biden was too old and infirm to defeat the scandal-plagued Republican. Harris has earned a reputation in past debates and while serving as a US senator for ice-cold put-downs and tough questions. Her five days of intensive preparation appeared to pay off against Trump, perhaps the most brutal public speaker in American politics. Trump has long defied political gravity by seeming invulnerable to usual attacks. He has been convicted of falsifying business records to cover up an affair with an adult film star, found liable for sexual abuse, and faces trial on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election. But Harris clearly needled him on one of his favorite, if less serious topics -- his trademark rallies. Attendees, she said, prompting an angry retort, were leaving early out of «exhaustion and boredom.» At another moment where Trump appeared to be losing his cool, he talked at length about a debunked conspiracy theory that Haitian immigrants have been eating local people's pets in Ohio. «They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats,» he said before being corrected by the ABC News moderator that the authorities in the town of Springfield have said this did not happen. With only 56 days left before the election, the intense spotlight was a rare opportunity for both candidates to shift the balance in what polls show is an almost evenly split contest. And the debate was a key chance for Harris to introduce herself to more voters after only jumping into the race less than eight weeks ago, when 81-year-old Biden abruptly quit. © Agence France-Presse

Deadly Israeli strike hits Gaza humanitarian zone

Israel struck a declared safe zone in Gaza on Tuesday, in a strike the Hamas-run territory's health ministry said killed at least 19 people and the Israeli military said targeted Palestinian militants. The strike hit Al-Mawasi in the southern Gaza Strip, whi
Seychelles News Agency

Deadly Israeli strike hits Gaza humanitarian zone

Israel struck a declared safe zone in Gaza on Tuesday, in a strike the Hamas-run territory's health ministry said killed at least 19 people and the Israeli military said targeted Palestinian militants. The strike hit Al-Mawasi in the southern Gaza Strip, which Israel had designated as a «humanitarian zone» early in the war, and prompted condemnations from the region and beyond. Samar al-Shair, one of tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians who have sought refuge in the coastal area, said the attack came «as we were sleeping in our tents». She told AFP the Israeli military had asked Palestinians to go to Al-Mawasi, «telling us it was safe. Where is the safety?» Israel has carried out occasional operations in and around the area, including a strike in July that the military said killed Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, and which Gaza health authorities said left more than 90 people dead. As mediation efforts again appeared to stall, Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said a truce and hostage release deal was a «strategic opportunity» that would give his country a «chance to change the security situation on all fronts». Gallant said that after more than 11 months of war in Gaza, Hamas «as a military formation no longer exists» and has been reduced to «guerrilla warfare». In Al-Mawasi, the military said it had targeted «significant Hamas terrorists who were operating within a command-and-control centre embedded inside the humanitarian area», which the Palestinian group has denied. The Gaza health ministry said 19 bodies had been brought to hospitals since the early morning strike, but more victims were probably still buried in the sand. The territory's civil defence agency earlier gave a death toll of 40, which the Israeli military said did «not align with the information» it had. - 'Heavy weapons' - Survivors of the strike scrambled to retrieve belongings from the rubble, including mattresses and clothing, an AFP journalist reported. The Israeli military said some of the dead were «directly involved in the execution» of Hamas's October 7 attack. Hamas said claims its fighters had been present at the scene were «a blatant lie». Civil defence spokesman Mahmud Bassal said people sheltering in the camp in the dunes along the Mediterranean coast had not been warned of the strike, which left «three deep craters». «There are entire families who disappeared under the sand,» he said. UN chief Antonio Guterres condemned the strike, his spokesman Stephane Dujarric said, adding that «the use of heavy weapons in densely populated areas is unconscionable». Turkey said the strike added to Israel's «list of war crimes», Egypt denounced «the continuation of Israeli massacres» and Saudi Arabia decried «a new attack in a repeated series of violations by the Israeli war machine». Arab League ministers, meeting in Cairo, decided to «formally intervene» in support of an International Court of Justice case brought by South Africa that accused Israel of «genocidal acts» in Gaza. British Foreign Secretary David Lammy condemned «the shocking deaths», which he said showed «how desperately needed» a Gaza ceasefire was. - Truce efforts stalled - Following another strike on the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, resident Mohammed Awad said: «After 340 days, we've been killed in every way imaginable, we've experienced every kind of death. »The world hasn't reacted in the past, so what's the point of getting angry or begging now? We have no one but God to help us.« Hamas's October 7 attack resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures, which includes hostages killed in captivity. Militants seized 251 captives during the attack, 97 of whom are still held in Gaza, including 33 the Israeli military says are dead. The Israeli military on Tuesday released footage of a tunnel where it said militants killed six hostages whose bodies were recovered earlier this month. »They were in this tunnel for weeks or days... in horrific conditions, where there is no air to breathe,« military spokesman Daniel Hagari said. Israel's retaliatory offensive in Gaza has killed at least 41,020 people, according to the territory's health ministry. The UN rights office says most of the dead are women and children. Elsewhere, the UN's Dujarric said a polio vaccination campaign convoy in Gaza was held at gunpoint at an Israeli checkpoint, shots were fired and its vehicles were rammed by a bulldozer. He called Monday's incident »the latest example of the unacceptable dangers and impediment that humanitarian personnel in Gaza are experiencing«. The Gaza war has drawn in other Iran-aligned armed groups across the region, with Israeli forces trading regular fire with Hezbollah in Lebanon. On Tuesday the military and a source close to Hezbollah said an Israeli strike on eastern Lebanon, far from the border, killed a commander from the Iran-backed group. The war has left large swathes of Gaza in ruins and displaced the vast majority of its 2.4 million people at least once. »The entire population of the Gaza Strip is now concentrated on 10 percent of the territory," said Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA. © Agence France-Presse

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