
EU anti-piracy forces respond to Somali coast attack on Liberian-registered German cargo ship

Nairobi (HOL) — The European Union's anti-piracy force, Operation Atalanta, is responding to a reported attack on the Liberian-flagged merchant vessel Basilisk off the coast of Somalia. The incident highlights the resurgence of piracy in the region, which h

ATMIS handover of Middle Shabelle base to Somali forces marks key phase in troop drawdown

Mogadishu (HOL) — The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) announced on Monday that it handed over the Middle Shabelle region's Ceel Eglow military base to the Somali National Army (SNA). This marks the third base transferred during the thir
Hiiraan Online

ATMIS handover of Middle Shabelle base to Somali forces marks key phase in troop drawdown

Mogadishu (HOL) — The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) announced on Monday that it handed over the Middle Shabelle region's Ceel Eglow military base to the Somali National Army (SNA). This marks the third base transferred during the third phase of ATMIS's troop drawdown, which aims to prevent a security vacuum in Somalia.

Chinese envoy urges parties in Somalia to put interests of country, people first

UNITED NATIONS - A Chinese envoy on Monday called on all parties in Somalia to prioritize the interests of the country and its people, and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation.
Hiiraan Online

Chinese envoy urges parties in Somalia to put interests of country, people first

UNITED NATIONS - A Chinese envoy on Monday called on all parties in Somalia to prioritize the interests of the country and its people, and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation.

Somaliland rejects Somali president’s proposal to Ethiopia over port accessibility, says interior minister

Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland officials have dismissed Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's proposal to Ethiopia, citing the plan's impracticality due to Somalia's lack of accessible ports.
Hiiraan Online

Somaliland rejects Somali president’s proposal to Ethiopia over port accessibility, says interior minister

Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland officials have dismissed Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's proposal to Ethiopia, citing the plan's impracticality due to Somalia's lack of accessible ports.

ONLF alleges election fraud in Jigjiga, predicts Prosperity Party victory

JIGJIGA, Ethiopia (HOL) — ONLF spokesman Adani Hirmooge has raised concerns about irregularities in the recent repeat election for the Jigjiga city administration, predicting that the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) will secure more votes despite ONLF's widesp
Hiiraan Online

ONLF alleges election fraud in Jigjiga, predicts Prosperity Party victory

JIGJIGA, Ethiopia (HOL) — ONLF spokesman Adani Hirmooge has raised concerns about irregularities in the recent repeat election for the Jigjiga city administration, predicting that the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) will secure more votes despite ONLF's widespread support.

Somali police capture fugitive killer at Mogadishu airport

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somali police have apprehended a fugitive murderer at Aden Adde International Airport in Mogadishu. The suspect, Mohamed Omar Isse, is accused of killing Mohamed Ahmed Farah in the Nugal region on May 17, 2023.
Hiiraan Online

Somali police capture fugitive killer at Mogadishu airport

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somali police have apprehended a fugitive murderer at Aden Adde International Airport in Mogadishu. The suspect, Mohamed Omar Isse, is accused of killing Mohamed Ahmed Farah in the Nugal region on May 17, 2023.

Euro 2024: Italy stuns Croatia, Spain advances with perfect record

Mattias Zaccagni's last-grasp 1-1 equalizer against Croatia sent reigning champion Italy through the Euro 2024 group stage while Spain capped a perfect Group B run with 1-0 win over Albania in the last round of group play on Monday.
Hiiraan Online

Euro 2024: Italy stuns Croatia, Spain advances with perfect record

Mattias Zaccagni's last-grasp 1-1 equalizer against Croatia sent reigning champion Italy through the Euro 2024 group stage while Spain capped a perfect Group B run with 1-0 win over Albania in the last round of group play on Monday.

Somali police arrest man for alleged murder of mother and nephew in Mogadishu

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali police have arrested Mohamed Hassan Ali Dhiblawe, who is accused of killing his mother and nephew in the Denyiile district of Mogadishu.
Hiiraan Online

Somali police arrest man for alleged murder of mother and nephew in Mogadishu

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali police have arrested Mohamed Hassan Ali Dhiblawe, who is accused of killing his mother and nephew in the Denyiile district of Mogadishu.

President Mohamud inaugurates EAC conference in Mogadishu, condemns Ethiopia's water ambitions

Mogadishu (HOL) — President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia inaugurated a consultative conference of the East African Community in Mogadishu on Monday. The conference focused on opportunities for businesses and civil society.
Hiiraan Online

President Mohamud inaugurates EAC conference in Mogadishu, condemns Ethiopia's water ambitions

Mogadishu (HOL) — President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia inaugurated a consultative conference of the East African Community in Mogadishu on Monday. The conference focused on opportunities for businesses and civil society.

Kulmiye Party chairman pledges to respect Somaliland election results; denounces use of force in politics

Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland's Minister of Internal Affairs and Kulmiye Party Chairman, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, declared on Monday that neither force nor coercion would determine political power in Somaliland, emphasizing the importance of respecting democrati
Hiiraan Online

Kulmiye Party chairman pledges to respect Somaliland election results; denounces use of force in politics

Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland's Minister of Internal Affairs and Kulmiye Party Chairman, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, declared on Monday that neither force nor coercion would determine political power in Somaliland, emphasizing the importance of respecting democratic processes.

Somali Week festival held in Twin Cities

Somali Week is an event hosted by Rising Impact, a non-profit that focuses on supporting Somali youth. The week includes events that focus on learning, exploring and celebrating Somali culture.
Hiiraan Online

Somali Week festival held in Twin Cities

Somali Week is an event hosted by Rising Impact, a non-profit that focuses on supporting Somali youth. The week includes events that focus on learning, exploring and celebrating Somali culture.

Security Council warns of urgent need for post-ATMIS force in Somalia to ensure stability by 2025

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia faces critical humanitarian and security challenges exacerbated by climate impacts and terrorist threats from Al-Shabaab, as highlighted in a recent UN Security Council meeting. UN and US officials emphasized the urgent need for in
Hiiraan Online

Security Council warns of urgent need for post-ATMIS force in Somalia to ensure stability by 2025

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia faces critical humanitarian and security challenges exacerbated by climate impacts and terrorist threats from Al-Shabaab, as highlighted in a recent UN Security Council meeting. UN and US officials emphasized the urgent need for international support to address these issues.

Somalia delays ATMIS troop withdrawal due to Ethiopian incursions

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia's ambassador to the United Nations, Abukar Dahir Osman, announced that Ethiopia's recent incursions forced Somalia to postpone the next withdrawal of African Union peacekeeping troops (ATMIS) from July to September.
Hiiraan Online

Somalia delays ATMIS troop withdrawal due to Ethiopian incursions

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia's ambassador to the United Nations, Abukar Dahir Osman, announced that Ethiopia's recent incursions forced Somalia to postpone the next withdrawal of African Union peacekeeping troops (ATMIS) from July to September.

At least ten killed, 15 wounded in inter-clan fighting in Mudug region

Galgacyo (HOL) - At least ten people were killed and 15 others wounded in inter-clan fighting that erupted in the Labi Maygaag area in the east of the Mudug region in north-central Somalia on Sunday.
Hiiraan Online

At least ten killed, 15 wounded in inter-clan fighting in Mudug region

Galgacyo (HOL) - At least ten people were killed and 15 others wounded in inter-clan fighting that erupted in the Labi Maygaag area in the east of the Mudug region in north-central Somalia on Sunday.

Somali forces capture Yemeni Al-Shabaab leader in Galgaduud

Dhusamareb (HOL) —The Somali National Army (SNA) and local forces in the El-dher district of the Galgaduud region have captured a foreign national believed to be an Al-Shabaab operative. The suspect, identified as a Yemeni national, was apprehended while at
Hiiraan Online

Somali forces capture Yemeni Al-Shabaab leader in Galgaduud

Dhusamareb (HOL) —The Somali National Army (SNA) and local forces in the El-dher district of the Galgaduud region have captured a foreign national believed to be an Al-Shabaab operative. The suspect, identified as a Yemeni national, was apprehended while attempting to flee by boat from the Mareeg beaches area. This arrest marks a significant victory in the ongoing efforts to dismantle Al-Shabaab's presence in central Somalia.

Somalia plays second fiddle to Djibouti again: Hon. Fawzia Yusuf Adam's candidacy to AU

In the recent allegations made by Hon Fawsia Yusuf Adam about her candidacy to the African Union Chairwoman or leader - who stated that the Somali Government's leadership requested she pull out of the contest in favour of the Djibouti candidacy even after sh
Hiiraan Online

Somalia plays second fiddle to Djibouti again: Hon. Fawzia Yusuf Adam's candidacy to AU

In the recent allegations made by Hon Fawsia Yusuf Adam about her candidacy to the African Union Chairwoman or leader - who stated that the Somali Government's leadership requested she pull out of the contest in favour of the Djibouti candidacy even after she received verbal and formal assurances from the Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

FAO secures 25mln USD deal to improve food security in Somalia

MOGADISHU (Xinhua) -- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced on Sunday that it has inked a 25-million-U.S.-dollar project to improve food security and resilience in Somalia.
Hiiraan Online

FAO secures 25mln USD deal to improve food security in Somalia

MOGADISHU (Xinhua) -- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced on Sunday that it has inked a 25-million-U.S.-dollar project to improve food security and resilience in Somalia.

Kenya’s Ruto agrees ‘for conversation’ with protesters over tax hikes

The weeklong protests have caught Ruto’s government off-guard, as discontent mounts over his economic policies.
Hiiraan Online

Kenya’s Ruto agrees ‘for conversation’ with protesters over tax hikes

The weeklong protests have caught Ruto’s government off-guard, as discontent mounts over his economic policies.

UN to discuss Somalia's political reforms, Ethiopian tensions, and security threats

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia's political turmoil and escalating security threats will be under intense scrutiny on Monday when the United Nations Security Council convenes for an open briefing followed by closed consultations. Acting Special Representative of
Hiiraan Online

UN to discuss Somalia's political reforms, Ethiopian tensions, and security threats

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia's political turmoil and escalating security threats will be under intense scrutiny on Monday when the United Nations Security Council convenes for an open briefing followed by closed consultations. Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, and Special Representative of the AU Commission Chairperson for Somalia, Mohamed El-Amine Souef, will lead the session.

Egypt blames Hajj deaths on 'unregistered' Mecca arrivals

Cairo said it will prosecute some 16 travel agencies for illegally taking pilgrims to Mecca. Hundreds are believed to have died during the Muslim pilgrimage this year, the majority being from Egypt.
Hiiraan Online

Egypt blames Hajj deaths on 'unregistered' Mecca arrivals

Cairo said it will prosecute some 16 travel agencies for illegally taking pilgrims to Mecca. Hundreds are believed to have died during the Muslim pilgrimage this year, the majority being from Egypt.

Somali football star Abdihafid Mohamed announces retirement citing disappointment

Mogadishu (HOL) — In a surprising turn of events, Abdikhafid Mohamed, a rising star for Somalia's national football team, has hung up his boots. The announcement came via a video that sent shockwaves through Somali social media, with fans grappling to under
Hiiraan Online

Somali football star Abdihafid Mohamed announces retirement citing disappointment

Mogadishu (HOL) — In a surprising turn of events, Abdikhafid Mohamed, a rising star for Somalia's national football team, has hung up his boots. The announcement came via a video that sent shockwaves through Somali social media, with fans grappling to understand why such a promising talent would call it quits.

Al-Shabaab hideouts targeted by Somalia government forces in Galgaduud

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia's federal government forces, supported by local residents, conducted a major operation targeting Al-Shabaab hideouts in the Galgaduud region, recovering a significant amount of weapons and inflicting casualties on the militant grou
Hiiraan Online

Al-Shabaab hideouts targeted by Somalia government forces in Galgaduud

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia's federal government forces, supported by local residents, conducted a major operation targeting Al-Shabaab hideouts in the Galgaduud region, recovering a significant amount of weapons and inflicting casualties on the militant group.

2 dead in Kenya youth protests

A 21-year-old man died after being hit by a tear gas canister during protests in Kenya this week, a human rights official and the victim's relative said Saturday, in the second fatality in connection with the youth-led demonstrations.
Hiiraan Online

2 dead in Kenya youth protests

A 21-year-old man died after being hit by a tear gas canister during protests in Kenya this week, a human rights official and the victim's relative said Saturday, in the second fatality in connection with the youth-led demonstrations.

Measles outbreak claims 15 lives in Amhara's Wagihimra Zone amid severe drought

At least 15 people have died in the Wagihimra Zone of Ethiopia’s Amhara region due to a measles outbreak exacerbated by ongoing drought conditions.
Hiiraan Online

Measles outbreak claims 15 lives in Amhara's Wagihimra Zone amid severe drought

At least 15 people have died in the Wagihimra Zone of Ethiopia’s Amhara region due to a measles outbreak exacerbated by ongoing drought conditions.

Three Somali fishermen found safe in Maldives after being lost at sea for over three months

Mogadishu (HOL) - Three Somali fishermen who had been lost at sea for more than three months were reportedly found in the Maldives on Saturday.
Hiiraan Online

Three Somali fishermen found safe in Maldives after being lost at sea for over three months

Mogadishu (HOL) - Three Somali fishermen who had been lost at sea for more than three months were reportedly found in the Maldives on Saturday.

Somalia moves closer to enjoying perks of joining EAC

Somalia held a consultative road map meeting last week, which would see its legal structures aligned to those of the East African Community (EAC) to enable it to benefit from the regional bloc.
Hiiraan Online

Somalia moves closer to enjoying perks of joining EAC

Somalia held a consultative road map meeting last week, which would see its legal structures aligned to those of the East African Community (EAC) to enable it to benefit from the regional bloc.

Over 37,000 Somali students begin 12th-grade national exams this year

Mogadishu (HOL) - More than 37,000 Somali students from 736 schools are sitting for the 12th-grade national examinations for the 2023-2024 academic year on Saturday throughout the country.
Hiiraan Online

Over 37,000 Somali students begin 12th-grade national exams this year

Mogadishu (HOL) - More than 37,000 Somali students from 736 schools are sitting for the 12th-grade national examinations for the 2023-2024 academic year on Saturday throughout the country.

Somali American Social Service Association awarded $1 million grant

ROCHESTER, Minn.- The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is awarding $12 million in workforce development grants to organizations serving communities in need across the state.
Hiiraan Online

Somali American Social Service Association awarded $1 million grant

ROCHESTER, Minn.- The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is awarding $12 million in workforce development grants to organizations serving communities in need across the state.

EU, US hesitate to fund new mission replacing ATMIS in Somalia

Mogadishu (HOL) — Negotiations over the financing of new forces to replace the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) have become difficult. According to diplomatic sources, both the European Union and the United States have expressed reservati
Hiiraan Online

EU, US hesitate to fund new mission replacing ATMIS in Somalia

Mogadishu (HOL) — Negotiations over the financing of new forces to replace the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) have become difficult. According to diplomatic sources, both the European Union and the United States have expressed reservations.

Las Anod students excluded from Somaliland certificate exams for first time in 15 years

Las Anod (HOL) — At least 38,000 students in the breakaway state of Somaliland, including those in the eighth grade of middle school and the fourth grade of high school, sat for the national certificate exam on Saturday. However, students from Las Anod did
Hiiraan Online

Las Anod students excluded from Somaliland certificate exams for first time in 15 years

Las Anod (HOL) — At least 38,000 students in the breakaway state of Somaliland, including those in the eighth grade of middle school and the fourth grade of high school, sat for the national certificate exam on Saturday. However, students from Las Anod did not participate.

Somali government denies involvement in detention of two MPs in Nairobi

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Somali government has refuted allegations made by two Somali opposition lawmakers who linked their brief detention in Nairobi last week to the federal government of Somalia.
Hiiraan Online

Somali government denies involvement in detention of two MPs in Nairobi

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Somali government has refuted allegations made by two Somali opposition lawmakers who linked their brief detention in Nairobi last week to the federal government of Somalia.

ATMIS says troops' drawdown show of commitment to rebuild Somalia

MOGADISHU (Xinhua) -- The withdrawal of troops by the African Union from Somalia is a sign of progress and Somalia's commitment to rebuilding their country, an AU peacekeeping official said Friday.
Hiiraan Online

ATMIS says troops' drawdown show of commitment to rebuild Somalia

MOGADISHU (Xinhua) -- The withdrawal of troops by the African Union from Somalia is a sign of progress and Somalia's commitment to rebuilding their country, an AU peacekeeping official said Friday.

At least 200 injured, 100 arrested in Kenya tax protests: Rights groups

At least 200 people were injured and more than 100 arrested across Kenya in nationwide protests against government tax hike plans, rights groups have said.
Hiiraan Online

At least 200 injured, 100 arrested in Kenya tax protests: Rights groups

At least 200 people were injured and more than 100 arrested across Kenya in nationwide protests against government tax hike plans, rights groups have said.

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