
British Airways plane is struck by LIGHTNING on approach to Heathrow forcing urgent diversion

Passengers on board the Flight BA919 from Stuttgart to Heathrow told of their 'shock' after the incident which forced crews to divert to Gatwick.

Abortions in Seychelles: Majority recorded among 20-39 year-olds - citing financial issues, failed relationships

The number of legal abortions recorded in Seychelles has remained fairly constant between 400 to 500 every year from 2008 until 2023, according to records from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).  Meanwhile, for the same period the average number of
Seychelles News Agency

Abortions in Seychelles: Majority recorded among 20-39 year-olds - citing financial issues, failed relationships

The number of legal abortions recorded in Seychelles has remained fairly constant between 400 to 500 every year from 2008 until 2023, according to records from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).  Meanwhile, for the same period the average number of live births annually for the same period has remained constant at around 1500. In 2023, 58 teenagers had an abortion at the Seychelles Hospital. Out of a total of 405 abortions, 53 were 15-19 years old while five were between 10 to 14 years old. This represents about 13 percent of the total recorded abortions for the year. From those ages 20 up to 39 years, there were 317 cases recorded representing a majority at 78 percent. There was also a group of 30 women from the ages of 40 up to 49 who also had abortions in 2023 and this represents about 7 percent of the total number. These figures do not include the number of illegal and backstreet abortions, which are believed to be numerous and not recorded, unless the mother experiences an infection and needs further health assistance. Some of these women use strong medications for other illnesses to induce abortions, and therefore, statistics on these practices are not publicly available. In Seychelles, women can have an abortion under the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1994. According to the Act, a pregnancy may only be terminated under section 3 or section 4 before the end of the 12 weeks of pregnancy, unless in the opinion of the director of Health Services, there are exceptional grounds for later termination. According to the Act, a gynaecologist may terminate a pregnancy if it involves risk to the life of the pregnant woman or a risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman.   It can also be done if there is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped. Additionally, if a judge determines that the pregnancy is the result of rape, incest, or defilement; or that the pregnant woman is unfit to have the care of a child because she is mentally retarded or deficient. However, there are also other reasons that women are choosing the termination of pregnancy. A member of the Termination of Pregnancy Board and the specialist consultant of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department at the Seychelles Hospital, Dr Robert Michel, said, «Something that stands out here in Seychelles is the fact that a lot of these mothers do not want the pregnancy because they don't have a house or they are not financially stable. There are also a lot of requests where they list social issues linked to failed relationships or infidelity. They all have a reason for wanting a termination.» He said that the figures clearly show that there is a need for more sexual education given that the majority of abortion cases are above the age of 20. «The link between the school and the Ministry of Health is there, but it needs to be re-enforced and more emphasis should be placed on it. Contraceptives are free and there are 10 different forms. These numbers should not be the case if contraceptives were being used correctly and consistently,» said Michel. He said that the statistics for cervical screenings, known as Pap smears, also indicate a need for more sexual reproductive education or responsibility and that this is a necessary procedure as it can also help detect cervical cancer. «Contraceptives work in tandem with Pap smears. Both are provided by Family Planning. If a woman was regularly doing her Pap smears, she would have been taking her contraceptives because the Family Planning nurse would have inquired about it. If the Family Planning services available in the country were used appropriately as they were, the intended two statistics would go down; cervical cancer and the number of abortion cases,» said Michel. Meanwhile, the founder of the 'Elles Foundation, practising midwife Lorea Rassool, said they work mainly with to support pregnant teenagers who end up pregnant. The foundation also advocates for sexual and reproductive health in schools. In 2023, out of 1553 live births, 191 babies were born to teenage mothers with 15 aged less than 15 years old and 176 between 15 – 19 years old. This represents about 12.29 percent of the total live births in Seychelles. Out of the 191 births, 29 of these mothers gave birth to their second child, of which 1 was below the age of 15. «One of the key concerns at present is the lacuna within the current laws of Seychelles which allows a 15-year-old to freely consent to sexual relations but maintains that they require parental consent to be able to access effective methods of contraception such as the pill. This is a key area that requires reform alongside further education,» she told SNA. Rassool emphasized the importance of addressing teenage pregnancy especially to mitigate the effects that it has on society as a whole. «It has an economic impact, it has an impact on the level of education, it has an impact socially, it has an impact on the health system, a psychological impact, it underlines the terrible situation of abuse and many other social issues we have. [...] It is an issue that affects everyone in Seychelles,» she added. Rassool said that education is also an important factor, describing it as one of their main missions to educate the youth, the adults and the community as a whole. «I find it heartbreaking when in a workshop in a school students aged 14 will explain to me what is an abortion and sometimes how it happens illegally instead of being able to explain to me how to take a contraceptive pill. This is really showing how bad the situation is,» she said. Rassool highlighted the abuse that is happening in Seychelles, especially to young girls who sometimes do not know better. «We have made anonymous questionnaires in the past where we would ask teenagers if they have received sexual education at school and if they feel like it was sufficient. Many said they did not have classes for a very long period of time and only a few will say the content was sufficient. Most of the time teenagers learn about sexuality with children the same age or with adults who are way older than them and who are abusing them. How can a child explain sex and all its risks to a peer, and how will an abuser tell his victims that what he is doing is wrong?» she said. Rassool said there is not enough sexual education and there is a need to review what is being taught in school. «This subject cannot be taboo. We all know that abuse happens every day, that children have their first sexual intercourse very early, that they are often abused without knowing it, that unplanned and unwanted pregnancy is a big problem in our country and that many backstreet abortions happen daily putting the youth and the women in general at risks,» she explained. Additionally, Rassool also noted that apart from pregnancies, these statistics also portray a worrying trend, especially for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). «Most of these teenage pregnancies, if not all, are unplanned and happen because the kids did not use any contraceptives but also did not use condoms, so many people are having sexually transmitted diseases. Many people will find out they have STDs during pregnancy because it's the only time they are being tested! This also needs to improve and we need to talk about it more and more and inform the general public of all the risks, consequences but also statistics,» she said. 

B.C. judge denies status for victims' families in Pickton evidence application

A Supreme Court judge has dismissed applications by relatives of Robert Pickton's victims to intervene in court proceedings over the RCMP's plans to destroy evidence from the investigation into the serial killer. - Canada - Public RSS

B.C. judge denies status for victims' families in Pickton evidence application

A Supreme Court judge has dismissed applications by relatives of Robert Pickton's victims to intervene in court proceedings over the RCMP's plans to destroy evidence from the investigation into the serial killer.

Somali militiamen seize heavy weapons after looting convoy

At least five people were killed when militiamen ambushed a convoy in central Somalia and seized heavy weapons, the local government and residents said on Tuesday, seven months after a decades-long arms embargo was lifted.
Hiiraan Online

Somali militiamen seize heavy weapons after looting convoy

At least five people were killed when militiamen ambushed a convoy in central Somalia and seized heavy weapons, the local government and residents said on Tuesday, seven months after a decades-long arms embargo was lifted.

Kenya police fire tear gas as protesters call for Ruto to quit

Police have fired tear gas to disperse antigovernment protesters who took to the streets of Kenya demanding that embattled President William Ruto resign.
Hiiraan Online

Kenya police fire tear gas as protesters call for Ruto to quit

Police have fired tear gas to disperse antigovernment protesters who took to the streets of Kenya demanding that embattled President William Ruto resign.

Somaliland expresses concern as civilians seize heavy weapons in central Somalia

Hargeisa (HOL) - The Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed concern over heavy weapons seized by civilians when militiamen ambushed two truckloads of arms in central Somalia on Monday.
Hiiraan Online

Somaliland expresses concern as civilians seize heavy weapons in central Somalia

Hargeisa (HOL) - The Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed concern over heavy weapons seized by civilians when militiamen ambushed two truckloads of arms in central Somalia on Monday.

200 more Kenyan police deploy to tackle Haiti violence

Another 200 Kenyan police officers arrived in Haiti Tuesday under a UN-backed mission to try to quell rampant gang violence in the troubled Caribbean nation, where they were welcomed by senior Haitian and Kenyan police officials. Haitian sources say the new
Seychelles News Agency

200 more Kenyan police deploy to tackle Haiti violence

Another 200 Kenyan police officers arrived in Haiti Tuesday under a UN-backed mission to try to quell rampant gang violence in the troubled Caribbean nation, where they were welcomed by senior Haitian and Kenyan police officials. Haitian sources say the new batch brings the total to 400 Kenyan boots on the ground in violence-ravaged Port-au-Prince, part of a closely watched offer to send some 1,000 police officers to help stabilize the country. The Kenyan contingent of what is shaping up to be a multinational mission has run into persistent legal challenges in Nairobi, where embattled President William Ruto is simultaneously trying to calm roiling anti-government protests at home. The East African nation is leading a force expected to number a total of some 2,500 personnel. Other countries, mostly in Africa and the Caribbean, are also contributing to the mission, which is blessed but not managed by the United Nations. «In the name of the government and the transitional presidential council, welcome,» Rameau Normil, director general of the Haitian police, told the soldiers alongside Godfrey Otunge, the Kenyan commander of the police contingent in Haiti. On July 1, Kenya's National Police Service issued a statement to scotch rumors that seven officers had been killed in Haiti. The forces deployed had been «received warmly», and were «all safe and ready to discharge their clear and specific mandate,» it said. They were «working closely with their host, the Haitian National Police, and have so far undertaken strategic mapping of the likely areas of operational concerns and conducted several joint patrols within Port-au-Prince.» - Rule of law - Kenyan police sources say 600 officers have left for Haiti, counting those that arrived Tuesday. «More will be departing soon until we have all the 1,000,» a source told AFP. The deployment was approved by a UN Security Council resolution in October, only to be delayed by a Kenyan court decision in January that ruled it unconstitutional. The court said Ruto's administration had no authority to send officers abroad without a prior bilateral agreement. While the government secured that agreement with Haiti in March, a small opposition party, Thirdway Alliance Kenya, has filed a lawsuit in another attempt to block it. The United States had been eagerly seeking a country to lead the mission and is supplying funding and logistical support. US President Joe Biden flatly ruled out putting US boots on the ground in Haiti -- the poorest nation in the Americas, where Washington has a history of intervention. Human Rights Watch has raised concerns about the Haiti mission and doubts over its funding, while watchdogs have repeatedly accused Kenyan police of using excessive force and carrying out unlawful killings. Haiti has long been rocked by gang violence, but conditions sharply worsened at the end of February when armed groups launched coordinated attacks in Port-au-Prince, saying they wanted to overthrow then-prime minister Ariel Henry. The violence in Port-au-Prince has affected food security and humanitarian aid access, with much of the city in the hands of gangs accused of abuses including murder, rape, looting and kidnappings. © Agence France-Presse

Seychelles' media gather for 2nd meeting on fisheries transparency reporting 

Determining how best to work with the local media to use available Seychelles' fisheries information was the aim of a half-day workshop organised by the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) in collaboration with the Danny Faure Foundation (DFF) on Tu
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' media gather for 2nd meeting on fisheries transparency reporting 

Determining how best to work with the local media to use available Seychelles' fisheries information was the aim of a half-day workshop organised by the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) in collaboration with the Danny Faure Foundation (DFF) on Tuesday. Held at the National Library in Victoria, the workshop was attended by representatives from the media houses. Yannick Memee, the Seychelles FiTi focal point, said, «We at FiTi can see that the media has an important role in disseminating information found in the reports we publish and have the public start a conversation.» He explained that the training was also a chance to link the media with the work FiTI is carrying out with the national Multi-Stackholders Group (MSG), which is the one that makes this report - the members are the face of FiTI in Seychelles. The MSG includes representatives from non-governmental organisations such as Sustainability for Seychelles (S4S), the Seychelles Fisheries Authority (SFA) and representatives of the industry. During the session, media representatives learned the different avenues available to them when writing about fisheries stories. Seychelles has released four country reports to FiTI - the latest for 2022 was released on April 24, 2024. FiTI is a global multi-stakeholder partnership based in Seychelles where governments, businesses, and civil society collaborate. It seeks to increase transparency and participation for the benefit of more sustainable management of marine fisheries and the well-being of citizens and businesses that depend on the marine environment. «Our workshop aims to explore how the media can actively support FiTI's goals by effectively communicating its principles, achievements and challenges to the broader public,» said the Foundation's representative, Fatime Kante, an economist. The Danny Faure Foundation and FiTI signed a partnership agreement in 2023 with the common aim of advancing sustainable fisheries in the Indian Ocean through transparency and collective action. 

West’s security guarantees intended to keep Kiev away from NATO — diplomat

These guarantees were invented by Western countries in order not to admit Kiev to the alliance, appease the disappointed Kiev government and encourage it to continue the armed confrontation with Russia, Alexey Polishchuk said

West’s security guarantees intended to keep Kiev away from NATO — diplomat

These guarantees were invented by Western countries in order not to admit Kiev to the alliance, appease the disappointed Kiev government and encourage it to continue the armed confrontation with Russia, Alexey Polishchuk said

Global catastrophe possible, but Russia is trying to prevent it — Medvedev

Deputy chairman of Russia’s security council noted that Russia has moral and legal grounds to give an adequate symmetric or asymmetric response to any direct threat to its security and sovereignty

Global catastrophe possible, but Russia is trying to prevent it — Medvedev

Deputy chairman of Russia’s security council noted that Russia has moral and legal grounds to give an adequate symmetric or asymmetric response to any direct threat to its security and sovereignty

Three Israeli airstrikes on Gaza Strip kill 48 — TV

Al Jazeera points out that 38,713 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed since the start of Israeli military operations against Gaza

Three Israeli airstrikes on Gaza Strip kill 48 — TV

Al Jazeera points out that 38,713 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed since the start of Israeli military operations against Gaza

Fact-checking Day 2 of the 2024 Republican National Convention

Speakers made false or misleading claims about fentanyl, Kamala Harris, migrant voting, energy independence and peace during Trump’s presidency.
Post Politics

Fact-checking Day 2 of the 2024 Republican National Convention

Speakers made false or misleading claims about fentanyl, Kamala Harris, migrant voting, energy independence and peace during Trump’s presidency.

Photos from Day 2 of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

Speakers featured on the second day included former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump.
Post Politics

Photos from Day 2 of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

Speakers featured on the second day included former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump.

Gaza is worst human catastrophe in modern history, Saudi envoy tells UN Security Council

NEW YORK CITY: The global order is in one of the most dangerous phases it has experienced since the end of the Cold War, Saudi Arabia’s permanent representative to the UN said on Tuesday. Abdulaziz Alwasil blamed this on “some major powers” putting th
Saudi Arabia

Gaza is worst human catastrophe in modern history, Saudi envoy tells UN Security Council

NEW YORK CITY: The global order is in one of the most dangerous phases it has experienced since the end of the Cold War, Saudi Arabia’s permanent representative to the UN said on Tuesday. Abdulaziz Alwasil blamed this on “some major powers” putting their own interests ahead of the principles on which the UN was built, as a result of which the organization is unable to uphold its responsibilities because its agencies and mechanisms are “shackled with procedures and rules that allow a small number of states to control the destiny of helpless peoples and countries.”

England cricket ace James Vince says his young family are living in fear after their home was attacked twice in the dead of night: Police have no idea of motive and fear sportsman is victim of shocking case of mistaken identity by thugs

James Vince's Southampton area home and two cars were first vandalised in April around 3am. The family's property was targeted yet again, one month later.
News | Mail Online

British men shot dead in 'gangland hit' in Sweden had been reported missing by worried family: Murder probe continues after pair were found in burned-out car as officials 'support' shocked relatives

The driver and passenger, who are believed to be British citizens, were found in the gutted remains of a Toyota RAV4 that had been rented in Denmark and driven across the border to Sweden.
News | Mail Online

British men shot dead in 'gangland hit' in Sweden had been reported missing by worried family: Murder probe continues after pair were found in burned-out car as officials 'support' shocked relatives

The driver and passenger, who are believed to be British citizens, were found in the gutted remains of a Toyota RAV4 that had been rented in Denmark and driven across the border to Sweden.

'THIRD Strictly pro named as a person of interest amid show probe' after Graziano Di Prima and Giovanni Pernice scandals as BBC crisis deepens

A third Strictly Come Dancing professional has reportedly been named as a 'person of interest' in the wake of abuse and bullying allegations overshadowing the show.
News | Mail Online

'THIRD Strictly pro named as a person of interest amid show probe' after Graziano Di Prima and Giovanni Pernice scandals as BBC crisis deepens

A third Strictly Come Dancing professional has reportedly been named as a 'person of interest' in the wake of abuse and bullying allegations overshadowing the show.

Rachel Reeves urged to consider an inheritance tax raid on pension pots which could raise up to £2 billion a year - as Chancellor faces pressure to meet public spending targets

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), a leading economic think-tank, suggested that unspent cash in defined contribution funds should no longer be exempt from the death tax.
News | Mail Online

Rachel Reeves urged to consider an inheritance tax raid on pension pots which could raise up to £2 billion a year - as Chancellor faces pressure to meet public spending targets

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), a leading economic think-tank, suggested that unspent cash in defined contribution funds should no longer be exempt from the death tax.

Labour's tax raid on North Sea oil and gas industry could cost up to 100,000 jobs and £30billion worth of investments, business leaders warn

Investment worth £30billion and tax receipts totalling £20billion could also be lost by 2029, according to the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce.
News | Mail Online

Labour's tax raid on North Sea oil and gas industry could cost up to 100,000 jobs and £30billion worth of investments, business leaders warn

Investment worth £30billion and tax receipts totalling £20billion could also be lost by 2029, according to the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce.

The only house-building debate will be 'how, not if' says Starmer - as he pledges to 'take the brakes off Britain' in bumper King's Speech: Residents will lose right to oppose building on some green belt

Sources said today's King Speech will include a new Planning Bill which will curb residents' ability to block controversial developments.
News | Mail Online

The only house-building debate will be 'how, not if' says Starmer - as he pledges to 'take the brakes off Britain' in bumper King's Speech: Residents will lose right to oppose building on some green belt

Sources said today's King Speech will include a new Planning Bill which will curb residents' ability to block controversial developments.

RNC highlights: Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis speak at the Republican convention

Live updates from the 2024 election campaign trail, with the latest news on Biden, Trump and the Republican National Convention.
Post Politics

RNC highlights: Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis speak at the Republican convention

Live updates from the 2024 election campaign trail, with the latest news on Biden, Trump and the Republican National Convention.

Haley embraces Trump, says ‘unified’ GOP ‘essential’ to ‘saving’ country

‘For the sake of our nation, we have to go with Donald Trump,’ the 2024 GOP primary candidate told convention delegates
Post Politics

Haley embraces Trump, says ‘unified’ GOP ‘essential’ to ‘saving’ country

‘For the sake of our nation, we have to go with Donald Trump,’ the 2024 GOP primary candidate told convention delegates

US rock band cancels tour after Trump assassination joke (VIDEO)

US actor and musician Jack Black has put Tenacious D’s “creative plans” on hold after his bandmate Kyle Gass’s controversial remark on stage Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

US rock band cancels tour after Trump assassination joke (VIDEO)

US actor and musician Jack Black has put Tenacious D’s “creative plans” on hold after his bandmate Kyle Gass’s controversial remark on stage Read Full Article at

Trump says he doesn’t ‘love sanctions’

US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has expressed skepticism over sanctions but refused to say if he would lift restrictions against Moscow Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Trump says he doesn’t ‘love sanctions’

US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has expressed skepticism over sanctions but refused to say if he would lift restrictions against Moscow Read Full Article at

Man escapes the gallows after apex court acquits him of capital drug charges

SINGAPORE – A 63-year-old man who was sentenced to death in 2020 for trafficking heroin has avoided the gallows, after the Court of Appeal acquitted him of two capital drug charges on July 16. Instead, Mohamed Mubin Abdul Rahman pleaded guilty to two amend

Man escapes the gallows after apex court acquits him of capital drug charges

SINGAPORE – A 63-year-old man who was sentenced to death in 2020 for trafficking heroin has avoided the gallows, after the Court of Appeal acquitted him of two capital drug charges on July 16. Instead, Mohamed Mubin Abdul Rahman pleaded guilty to two amended charges for possession of methamphetamine. The court sentenced him to time served, and ordered his release from prison. Arrested on Oct 5, 2015, Mubin has spent more than eight years and nine months in custody. The acquittal came after the court on May 8 set aside Mubin’s conviction on the grounds that the prosecution had run an inconsistent case during his trial regarding when the heroin was delivered to him. In its judgment at the time, the court said the evidence did not support a finding that was beyond a reasonable doubt on when exactly two bundles of heroin were delivered to Mubin. The court then adjourned the case for written submissions to be filed on whether an acquittal should follow or whether a retrial should be ordered, bearing in mind the relevant legal principles.

'Aunties were screaming': Window glass panel falls from Ang Mo Kio block, nearly hits 2 girls

Two girls had a close shave after a glass panel from a window came crashing down from a four-storey block in Ang Mo Kio and narrowly missed them. The incident happened at around 3.50pm last Saturday (July 13) at Block 712A Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6, Shin Min D

'Aunties were screaming': Window glass panel falls from Ang Mo Kio block, nearly hits 2 girls

Two girls had a close shave after a glass panel from a window came crashing down from a four-storey block in Ang Mo Kio and narrowly missed them. The incident happened at around 3.50pm last Saturday (July 13) at Block 712A Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6, Shin Min Daily News reported. The panel fell from a window of the third-storey office occupied by law firm Hoh Law Corporation, landing and shattering in front of the two girls, who are friends. One of the girl's mother, surnamed He, told the Chinese publication: «My daughter was going to her friend's house to play and was terrified after the incident.  »I often tell her to walk under the eaves, but she doesn't listen. I believe she will be more careful after this incident." Besides Ang Mo Kio, the law firm has seven other branches in other parts of Singapore, including its head office in Paya Lebar. Speaking with AsiaOne over the phone on Tuesday, the firm's human resource executive Patricia Chek said that the Ang Mo Kio office is undergoing renovation.

Younous Omarjee, élu réunionnais, à la vice-présidence du Parlement européen

Le député européen Younous Omarjee a été élu vice-président du Parlement européen ce mardi. C’est une première pour un député issu des Outre-mer. Il exercera ses fonctions aux cotés de la présidente Roberta Metsola et des 14 vices-présidents a

Younous Omarjee, élu réunionnais, à la vice-présidence du Parlement européen

Le député européen Younous Omarjee a été élu vice-président du Parlement européen ce mardi. C’est une première pour un député issu des Outre-mer. Il exercera ses fonctions aux cotés de la présidente Roberta Metsola et des 14 vices-présidents au Parlement européen.

Summer fruit season kicks off in AlUla

ALULA: The Royal Commission for AlUla has announced the launch of the area’s summer fruit season, which offers a variety of the finest local products at the farmers market in Manshiya Plaza, from July 17 to 24. AlUla’s seasonal goods project aims to pro
Saudi Arabia

Summer fruit season kicks off in AlUla

ALULA: The Royal Commission for AlUla has announced the launch of the area’s summer fruit season, which offers a variety of the finest local products at the farmers market in Manshiya Plaza, from July 17 to 24. AlUla’s seasonal goods project aims to provide support to farmers and small business-owning families and increase sustainable demand for organic fruits and other products, which will provide new opportunities for economic diversification within and beyond the agricultural community.

Kernels of promise in Asir as farmers ready for summer harvest

RIYADH: As the summer rains loom, farmers in Saudi Arabia’s Sarawat Mountains of Asir are in a race against time to bring in their wheat harvest. This year’s crop is notable for both its abundance and superior quality, the Saudi Press Agency reported re
Saudi Arabia

Kernels of promise in Asir as farmers ready for summer harvest

RIYADH: As the summer rains loom, farmers in Saudi Arabia’s Sarawat Mountains of Asir are in a race against time to bring in their wheat harvest. This year’s crop is notable for both its abundance and superior quality, the Saudi Press Agency reported recently. The wheat-cultivation cycle in Asir, which begins in February and spans five to six months, culminates in the traditional harvest known as Al-Sareem.

Have a sunkissed and safe summer

RIYADH: As the summertime rolls in, recreational tanning becomes a popular trend among young Saudi men and women who seek a sunkissed glow all year-round. Despite the allure of a bronzed complexion, the dangers associated with recreational tanning cannot be o
Saudi Arabia

Have a sunkissed and safe summer

RIYADH: As the summertime rolls in, recreational tanning becomes a popular trend among young Saudi men and women who seek a sunkissed glow all year-round. Despite the allure of a bronzed complexion, the dangers associated with recreational tanning cannot be overlooked, especially if one skips applying sunscreen. Jumana Ghassan, 25, told Arab News that she remains steadfast in her belief that sunscreen will get in the way of a proper bronze tan.

Saudi Cabinet reiterates calls for immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza

RIYADH: The Saudi Cabinet on Tuesday condemned the “continued genocidal massacres” against the Palestinian people amid Israel’s battle with Hamas in Gaza, Saudi Press Agency reported. During Tuesday’s session, which was headed by Crown Prince Mohamm
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Cabinet reiterates calls for immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza

RIYADH: The Saudi Cabinet on Tuesday condemned the “continued genocidal massacres” against the Palestinian people amid Israel’s battle with Hamas in Gaza, Saudi Press Agency reported. During Tuesday’s session, which was headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Cabinet also renewed calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and for providing protection for civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories, SPA added. 

Saudi crown prince receives US senator Chris Van Hollen 

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received in Jeddah on Tuesday visiting Senator Chris Van Hollen, a member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and his accompanying delegation. The meeting discussed bilateral relations and
Saudi Arabia

Saudi crown prince receives US senator Chris Van Hollen 

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received in Jeddah on Tuesday visiting Senator Chris Van Hollen, a member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and his accompanying delegation. The meeting discussed bilateral relations and cooperation, in addition to issues of mutual interest, the Saudi Press Agency said. Saudi Minister of Defense Prince Khalid bin Salman, National Security Adviser Musaed Al-Aiban, and US ambassador to the Kingdom Michael Ratney attended the meeting.

Russia can sell its LNG despite new EU sanctions — deputy premier

The sanctions that the West has been imposing on Russia since 2014, eventually lead to economic growth by spurring import substitution, Alexander Novak said

Russia can sell its LNG despite new EU sanctions — deputy premier

The sanctions that the West has been imposing on Russia since 2014, eventually lead to economic growth by spurring import substitution, Alexander Novak said

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