Maximum employment period for work permit holders lifted, employment age raised to 63
To allow companies to retain older and more experienced workers, the maximum employment period for all work permit holders will be lifted, said Manpower Minister Tan See Leng during the Committee of Supply (COS) debate in Parliament on Thursday (Mar 6). CurrMaximum employment period for work permit holders lifted, employment age raised to 63
To allow companies to retain older and more experienced workers, the maximum employment period for all work permit holders will be lifted, said Manpower Minister Tan See Leng during the Committee of Supply (COS) debate in Parliament on Thursday (Mar 6). Currently, workers who are not from Malaysia or the North Asian territories of Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea and Taiwan can be employed in Singapore for a maximum of 14 to 26 years, depending on their skill levels and industry sector. This restriction had caused firms to let go of experienced workers «who could be at prime working age», stated Dr Tan. Additionally, existing work permit holders will be allowed to work until 63, in line with Singapore's retirement age. Currently, they can work only till 60. The age limit for new work permit applications will also be raised to 61. At present, Malaysian applicants must be aged below 58 while non-Malaysian workers must be aged below 50. These changes take into account the recommendations made by the Alliance for Action on Business Competitiveness, and will be implemented from July 1. Read more