
'He always said yes to our requests': Couple loses $7,000 after getting duped by 'property agent'

A couple seeking to rent an apartment believed they had done their due diligence to avoid a scam but they still fell victim to one. After verifying their property agent's licence and meeting his assistant for house viewings, a woman and her husband found the

توضيح حمادي الجبالي رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق

أكد اليوم السيد رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق حمادي الجبالي إن ما يشاع حول علاقة المصاهرة بينه وبين رجلي الأعمال المقبوض عليهما أخيرا كمال الش
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

توضيح حمادي الجبالي رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق

أكد اليوم السيد رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق حمادي الجبالي إن ما يشاع حول علاقة المصاهرة بينه وبين رجلي الأعمال المقبوض عليهما أخيرا كمال الشملي وصلاح الدين الشملي لا أساس له من الصحة ومثل هذه اﻹدعاءات الكاذبة والافتراءات الباطلة تأتي في إطار حملات التشويه والاستهداف للرموز التونسية الوطنية وقياداتها الشرفاء من طرف مواقع مشبوهة وصفحات مأجورة. ...

النقابة العامة للإعلام: إلياس الغربي زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة

أعربت النقابة العامة للإعلام التابعة للاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل في بلاغ لها اليوم السبت، عن ترحيبها بقرار إقالة الرئيس المدير العام للتلفز
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

النقابة العامة للإعلام: إلياس الغربي زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة

أعربت النقابة العامة للإعلام التابعة للاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل في بلاغ لها اليوم السبت، عن ترحيبها بقرار إقالة الرئيس المدير العام للتلفزة التونسية « إلياس الغربي » اثر تأخير لنشرة الأخبار لمدة ساعة ونصف، معتبرة أن التأخير يتحمل مسؤوليته المسؤول الأول بالمؤسسة. وأكدت النقابة أن « الغربي » زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة منذ فترة وفي ...

كوربين: فخور جدا بنتائجنا

وقال زعيم حزب العمال جيريمي كوربين بعد اعادة انتخابه في إزلينغتون الشمالية ان الوقت قد حان لتيريزا ماي للذهاب و “إفساح المجال” للحكومة ا
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

كوربين: فخور جدا بنتائجنا

وقال زعيم حزب العمال جيريمي كوربين بعد اعادة انتخابه في إزلينغتون الشمالية ان الوقت قد حان لتيريزا ماي للذهاب و “إفساح المجال” للحكومة التي من شأنها أن تكون “ممثلا حقيقيا للشعب في هذا البلد.” وقال انه “فخور جدا” بالنتائج حتى الآن، وقال انه “صوت الأمل في المستقبل”، وقال ان الشعب “يدير ظهره على التقشف “.

Four additional health centres to be built in St James

Residents of St James are to benefit from the construction of four additional health centres in the parish. The project, to be funded by the National Health Fund (NHF) at a cost of $500 million, will see centres being built in Farm Heights,...

Four additional health centres to be built in St James

Residents of St James are to benefit from the construction of four additional health centres in the parish. The project, to be funded by the National Health Fund (NHF) at a cost of $500 million, will see centres being built in Farm Heights,...

Clarendon family gifted retrofitted container house following Hurricane Beryl loss

Custos Rotulorum for Clarendon, Edith Chin, on Friday handed over one of two retrofitted container houses, developed under an initiative she spearheads, to a family residing in Rocky Point in the parish who lost their possessions during Hurricane...

Clarendon family gifted retrofitted container house following Hurricane Beryl loss

Custos Rotulorum for Clarendon, Edith Chin, on Friday handed over one of two retrofitted container houses, developed under an initiative she spearheads, to a family residing in Rocky Point in the parish who lost their possessions during Hurricane...

Mint unveils single mine gold coin sourced in northern Ont.

The Royal Canadian Mint has introduced its latest Gold Maple Leaf bullion coin – made entirely from gold sourced from a single mine in northern Ontario
CTVNews.ca - Canada - Public RSS

Mint unveils single mine gold coin sourced in northern Ont.

The Royal Canadian Mint has introduced its latest Gold Maple Leaf bullion coin – made entirely from gold sourced from a single mine in northern Ontario

'We didn't earn any profits': Angry investors demand refund from gemstone scheme, police called to Ubi office

SINGAPORE — Investors trying to get their money back from a gemstone scheme which bears the hallmarks of a multi-level marketing programme say they have been stonewalled for years. The investors, who set up a chat group of about 100 participants, include

'We didn't earn any profits': Angry investors demand refund from gemstone scheme, police called to Ubi office

SINGAPORE — Investors trying to get their money back from a gemstone scheme which bears the hallmarks of a multi-level marketing programme say they have been stonewalled for years. The investors, who set up a chat group of about 100 participants, include a number of elderly retirees. On Aug 23, about 10 of them turned up at the fourth floor of Ubi Techpark, in Ubi Crescent, and thumped tables and shouted at staff. The police were called in to restore calm. The Straits Times understands that they are looking into the investors' complaints. The investment scheme involved amber gemstones. Investors were awarded points, which could be redeemed for cryptocurrency tokens that promised high returns. Shonna Seow, 42, a business owner, turned up at the Ubi Techpark office on Aug 23 with her parents, who are in their 80s. She said her parents each invested $35,000 in 2017 with Global GC. Her mother told ST in Mandarin: «We didn't earn any profits, not even one cent. We only got a few hundred dollars from introducing new members. They said those were profits, but it was actually only commission.»

Singaporean arrested in Batam for alleged sexual abuse of underage stepdaughter

JAKARTA — Police in Batam, Indonesia, have arrested a Singaporean for allegedly sexually abusing his underage stepdaughter for more than two years.   Police arrested the 50-year-old man, whom they identified as AH, at his house in Mutiara View housing c

Singaporean arrested in Batam for alleged sexual abuse of underage stepdaughter

JAKARTA — Police in Batam, Indonesia, have arrested a Singaporean for allegedly sexually abusing his underage stepdaughter for more than two years.   Police arrested the 50-year-old man, whom they identified as AH, at his house in Mutiara View housing complex in Sekupang, Batam, Riau Islands, on Sept 7. They also confiscated two mobile phones and a passport, among other items.  «Based on our investigation, the perpetrator had sexual intercourse some 120 times with the victim. He did that repeatedly every week during his return trips to Batam,» Senior Police Commissioner Heribertus Ompusunggu, chief of Barelang precinct police, said on Sept 21. Under Indonesian law, any sexual act with a person under 18, without or with mutual agreement, including through persuasion or lies, is considered a crime. The case came to light after Sekupang police received a report from a friend of the mother of the 16-year-old victim, identified as AF. The alleged sexual abuse began soon after AF, who used to live with her grandmother in Karawang, West Java, moved to Batam to be with her mother in June 2022.

'It's going to be hard to forget him': Son of Kaki Bukit fire victim says carpenter dad built almost everything at home

SINGAPORE — When his father did not return home for dinner on Sept 19, his mother waited with concern. But it was not unusual for Lim Choon Siew, 65, to dine out after work and have drinks with friends, said his younger son, Lin Qiyang. At about midnigh

'It's going to be hard to forget him': Son of Kaki Bukit fire victim says carpenter dad built almost everything at home

SINGAPORE — When his father did not return home for dinner on Sept 19, his mother waited with concern. But it was not unusual for Lim Choon Siew, 65, to dine out after work and have drinks with friends, said his younger son, Lin Qiyang. At about midnight, the police came knocking at the family's home in Hougang, bringing tragic news — Lim, a carpenter, was one of two victims of a fire that ravaged a signage shop, Amen International, at an industrial building in Kaki Bukit Road 4. Lin told The Straits Times at his father's wake on Sept 22: «My mother has been unstable since the fire and can't sleep. My older brother and I have to be strong for her. But I have many questions about the incident.» The distraught 28-year-old, who works in the technology and sales industry, said he wants to know if a fire alarm or sprinkler system had been triggered by the fire, and whether the two victims heard the fire alarm if it had gone off. The blaze on the fifth floor of the Synergy@KB building occurred just before 1pm, witnesses told ST.

Le Chef de l'Etat prend part à l'ouverture du Sommet de l'Avenir

New York, le 22 septembre 2024-Le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'Etat le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a pris part ce jour à l'ouverture du Sommet de l'Avenir qui se tient parallèlement à la 79ème AGNU. Evè

Le Chef de l'Etat prend part à l'ouverture du Sommet de l'Avenir

New York, le 22 septembre 2024-Le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'Etat le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a pris part ce jour à l'ouverture du Sommet de l'Avenir qui se tient parallèlement à la 79ème AGNU. Evènement de haut niveau dont les travaux ont été ouverts par monsieur Philémon Yang, Président de la 79ème session de l'AGNU, le Sommet de l'Avenir rassemble de nombreux dirigeants du monde afin de discuter des questions présentes et futures, (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Déclaration du (RENAFEM-GA), affilié au Réseau des Femmes Médiatrices de la CEEAC, à l'occasion de la Journée Internationale de la Paix

En ce jour important, marquant la célébration de la Journée Internationale de la Paix (JIP), dont le thème cette année est « promouvoir une culture de la paix », nous, membres du Réseau National des Femmes Médiatrices de Paix du Gabon, nous réunisso

Déclaration du (RENAFEM-GA), affilié au Réseau des Femmes Médiatrices de la CEEAC, à l'occasion de la Journée Internationale de la Paix

En ce jour important, marquant la célébration de la Journée Internationale de la Paix (JIP), dont le thème cette année est « promouvoir une culture de la paix », nous, membres du Réseau National des Femmes Médiatrices de Paix du Gabon, nous réunissons pour affirmer notre engagement indéfectible envers la paix, la justice et l'inclusion dans le processus de transition, dans les sphères décisionnelles et politique. La culture de la paix est définie par les Nations-Unies comme « un (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Decision on strikes into Russia unlikely to come after Biden-Zelensky talks — The Times

The newspaper noted that the decision on strikes deep into Russian territory is unlikely to change turn the tide of the conflict, because Russia has withdrawn its planes and missile systems from the range of Western-made weapons, used in the Ukrainian conflic

Decision on strikes into Russia unlikely to come after Biden-Zelensky talks — The Times

The newspaper noted that the decision on strikes deep into Russian territory is unlikely to change turn the tide of the conflict, because Russia has withdrawn its planes and missile systems from the range of Western-made weapons, used in the Ukrainian conflict

Harris shows gains in latest Post polling average; Trump resists another debate

Get the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail in the contest between Vice President Harris and former president Donald Trump.
Post Politics

Harris shows gains in latest Post polling average; Trump resists another debate

Get the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail in the contest between Vice President Harris and former president Donald Trump.

Le Chef de l'Etat s'entretient avec l'Administrateur du PNUD

New York, le 21 septembre 2024-En séjour à New York aux USA dans le cadre de sa participation à la 79ème Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies qui se tient du 22 au 27 septembre 2024, le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef d

Le Chef de l'Etat s'entretient avec l'Administrateur du PNUD

New York, le 21 septembre 2024-En séjour à New York aux USA dans le cadre de sa participation à la 79ème Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies qui se tient du 22 au 27 septembre 2024, le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'Etat le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema s'est entretenu ce jour avec monsieur Achim Steiner, Administrateur du PNUD. Cet entretien entre le Chef de l'Etat et le diplomate Allemand, expert des politiques environnementales a été (...) - COOPERATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Activité de reboisement : Un geste pour la planète

La communauté francophone de la Sous-Région Afrique centrale s'est mobilisé pour l'activité de reboisement appelée "Umuganda francophone, mon geste pour la planète. C'était ce vendredi 20 septembre 2024 au l'arboretum de Sibang de Libreville. L'activit

Activité de reboisement : Un geste pour la planète

La communauté francophone de la Sous-Région Afrique centrale s'est mobilisé pour l'activité de reboisement appelée "Umuganda francophone, mon geste pour la planète. C'était ce vendredi 20 septembre 2024 au l'arboretum de Sibang de Libreville. L'activité a eu lieu, en marge du séminaire régional de la Francophonie dans le Bassin du Congo, organisée en partenariat avec l'OIF à travers sa Représentation en Afrique Centrale, le Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Conflit Homme-Faune (...) - ENVIRONNEMENT / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Sudbury police cleared in incident where suspect suffered broken neck during struggle with officers: SIU

Ontario's police watchdog has decided there are no grounds to believe Sudbury police committed a crime during a difficult arrest in May where the suspect's neck was broken.
CTVNews.ca - Canada - Public RSS

Sudbury police cleared in incident where suspect suffered broken neck during struggle with officers: SIU

Ontario's police watchdog has decided there are no grounds to believe Sudbury police committed a crime during a difficult arrest in May where the suspect's neck was broken.

Keir Starmer shows off new Downing Street cat called Prince: Siberian kitten was 'part of deal' with PM's kids to move into No 10

The Prime Minister is pictured at his desk with Prince the Siberian kitten getting his tiny paws on some paperwork.
News | Mail Online

Keir Starmer shows off new Downing Street cat called Prince: Siberian kitten was 'part of deal' with PM's kids to move into No 10

The Prime Minister is pictured at his desk with Prince the Siberian kitten getting his tiny paws on some paperwork.

Senior Russian diplomat meets with UN coordinator for Gaza in New York

«The sides exchanged views on the current situation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict amid the continuing Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip,» the press service of the Russian mission to the United Nations said

Senior Russian diplomat meets with UN coordinator for Gaza in New York

«The sides exchanged views on the current situation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict amid the continuing Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip,» the press service of the Russian mission to the United Nations said

Scholz speak in favor of reforming UN Security Council

At the same time, he said that he doesn’t understand Russia’s position on the Pact for the Future, which was adopted ahead of general discussion of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly

Scholz speak in favor of reforming UN Security Council

At the same time, he said that he doesn’t understand Russia’s position on the Pact for the Future, which was adopted ahead of general discussion of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly

Des va'a naviguent sur la Seine !

La dixième édition de la TraverSeine s'est tenue samedi 21 et dimanche 22 septembre 2024. Une occasion unique de traverser Paris par la Seine en pirogue, canoë, kayak, paddle ou encore dragon-boat !

Des va'a naviguent sur la Seine !

La dixième édition de la TraverSeine s'est tenue samedi 21 et dimanche 22 septembre 2024. Une occasion unique de traverser Paris par la Seine en pirogue, canoë, kayak, paddle ou encore dragon-boat !

Election 2024 latest news: Harris shows gains in latest Post polling average; Trump resists another debate

Get the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail in the contest between Vice President Harris and former president Donald Trump.
Post Politics

Election 2024 latest news: Harris shows gains in latest Post polling average; Trump resists another debate

Get the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail in the contest between Vice President Harris and former president Donald Trump.

Concerns for fish after burned Kamloops, B.C., bridge collapses

Concerns are mounting over the potential environmental impact on fish populations following the destruction of Kamloops' historic Red Bridge, which collapsed into the South Thompson River during a fire.
CBC | Canada News

Concerns for fish after burned Kamloops, B.C., bridge collapses

Concerns are mounting over the potential environmental impact on fish populations following the destruction of Kamloops' historic Red Bridge, which collapsed into the South Thompson River during a fire.

Calgary water restrictions end as feeder main comes back online

The Bearspaw south feeder main has been reconnected to Calgary's water distribution system, city reservoirs have been filled and all water use restrictions have been lifted, Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek said at a news conference Sunday morning.
CBC | Canada News

Calgary water restrictions end as feeder main comes back online

The Bearspaw south feeder main has been reconnected to Calgary's water distribution system, city reservoirs have been filled and all water use restrictions have been lifted, Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek said at a news conference Sunday morning.

Dekedaha’s CAF Champions League dream ends with 8-0 defeat to Esperance

Dekedaha FC defenders try to stop Esperance de Tunis forward Youcef Belaili during their CAF Champions League match at Stade de Radès. Belaili scored a hat-trick as Esperance dominated Dekedaha 8-0 to advance to the group stage. Credit: Mosaique FM
Hiiraan Online

Dekedaha’s CAF Champions League dream ends with 8-0 defeat to Esperance

Dekedaha FC defenders try to stop Esperance de Tunis forward Youcef Belaili during their CAF Champions League match at Stade de Radès. Belaili scored a hat-trick as Esperance dominated Dekedaha 8-0 to advance to the group stage. Credit: Mosaique FM

Language barriers prevent Somali voters in Minnesota from accessing polling help

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn (HOL) — Despite Minnesota's efforts to ensure accessible voting, language barriers remain a significant hurdle for Somali-speaking residents in Stearns County. With no legal requirement for Somali interpreters at polling stations, many eli
Hiiraan Online

Language barriers prevent Somali voters in Minnesota from accessing polling help

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn (HOL) — Despite Minnesota's efforts to ensure accessible voting, language barriers remain a significant hurdle for Somali-speaking residents in Stearns County. With no legal requirement for Somali interpreters at polling stations, many eligible voters face difficulty casting their ballots due to limited English proficiency.

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