Daily roundup: 5 hot wards to watch in GE2025 — and other top stories today
Stay in the know with a recap of our top stories today. 1. GE2025: 5 hot wards to watch The electoral boundaries of Singapore have been redrawn — which means election season is almost here. New faces from various political parties have been spottedDaily roundup: 5 hot wards to watch in GE2025 — and other top stories today
Stay in the know with a recap of our top stories today. 1. GE2025: 5 hot wards to watch The electoral boundaries of Singapore have been redrawn — which means election season is almost here. New faces from various political parties have been spotted on the ground over the past few months, with some opposition parties laying early claims on certain constituencies... » READ MORE 2. CDL saga: Kwek Leng Beng ends lawsuit, all parties to remain in roles Read more