Mchinji DEHO committed in supporting MCGs in promoting of vaccine immunization
Mchinji District Environmental Health Office (DEHO) says they are committed to working with Mother Care Groups (MCGs) in promoting vaccine immunization and ensuring that there is sustainability in the event that the campaign phases out. Robson Kayira MchinjiMchinji DEHO committed in supporting MCGs in promoting of vaccine immunization
Mchinji District Environmental Health Office (DEHO) says they are committed to working with Mother Care Groups (MCGs) in promoting vaccine immunization and ensuring that there is sustainability in the event that the campaign phases out. Robson Kayira Mchinji District Environmental Health Officer (DEHO) said this on the sidelines of side visits tour with journalists organized […] The post Mchinji DEHO committed in supporting MCGs in promoting of vaccine immunization appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi. Read more