Rwanda: FEAJ Elects New Leadership
[IFJ] Eric Charles Oduor, Secretary General of the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) was elected as president of the new Federation, while Patrick Oyet of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) was elected as Vice - President. Solange Ayanone of the ARwanda: FEAJ Elects New Leadership
[IFJ] Eric Charles Oduor, Secretary General of the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) was elected as president of the new Federation, while Patrick Oyet of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) was elected as Vice - President. Solange Ayanone of the Association of Rwandan Journalists (ARJ) was elected as Secretary/ Treasurer. Mussa Juma, President of the Journalists Workers' Union of Tanzania (JOWUTA) was elected as a member of the Executive Committee as well as Promise Twinamukye of the Uganda Read more