
Congo-Kinshasa: Guterres Appeals for Mediation to End Crisis in Eastern DR Congo

[UN News] Now is the time to end the crisis in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the UN Secretary-General said on Thursday in a briefing to journalists in New York.

توضيح حمادي الجبالي رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق

أكد اليوم السيد رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق حمادي الجبالي إن ما يشاع حول علاقة المصاهرة بينه وبين رجلي الأعمال المقبوض عليهما أخيرا كمال الش
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

توضيح حمادي الجبالي رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق

أكد اليوم السيد رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق حمادي الجبالي إن ما يشاع حول علاقة المصاهرة بينه وبين رجلي الأعمال المقبوض عليهما أخيرا كمال الشملي وصلاح الدين الشملي لا أساس له من الصحة ومثل هذه اﻹدعاءات الكاذبة والافتراءات الباطلة تأتي في إطار حملات التشويه والاستهداف للرموز التونسية الوطنية وقياداتها الشرفاء من طرف مواقع مشبوهة وصفحات مأجورة. ...

النقابة العامة للإعلام: إلياس الغربي زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة

أعربت النقابة العامة للإعلام التابعة للاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل في بلاغ لها اليوم السبت، عن ترحيبها بقرار إقالة الرئيس المدير العام للتلفز
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

النقابة العامة للإعلام: إلياس الغربي زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة

أعربت النقابة العامة للإعلام التابعة للاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل في بلاغ لها اليوم السبت، عن ترحيبها بقرار إقالة الرئيس المدير العام للتلفزة التونسية « إلياس الغربي » اثر تأخير لنشرة الأخبار لمدة ساعة ونصف، معتبرة أن التأخير يتحمل مسؤوليته المسؤول الأول بالمؤسسة. وأكدت النقابة أن « الغربي » زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة منذ فترة وفي ...

كوربين: فخور جدا بنتائجنا

وقال زعيم حزب العمال جيريمي كوربين بعد اعادة انتخابه في إزلينغتون الشمالية ان الوقت قد حان لتيريزا ماي للذهاب و “إفساح المجال” للحكومة ا
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

كوربين: فخور جدا بنتائجنا

وقال زعيم حزب العمال جيريمي كوربين بعد اعادة انتخابه في إزلينغتون الشمالية ان الوقت قد حان لتيريزا ماي للذهاب و “إفساح المجال” للحكومة التي من شأنها أن تكون “ممثلا حقيقيا للشعب في هذا البلد.” وقال انه “فخور جدا” بالنتائج حتى الآن، وقال انه “صوت الأمل في المستقبل”، وقال ان الشعب “يدير ظهره على التقشف “.

'Everybody has a dream': Snaking lines at Hougang Singapore Pools outlet for $12m Toto Hong Bao Draw

«Everybody has a dream - to pursue our dreams, we must win,» said Keith Yeo, one of the many Toto Hong Bao Draw hopefuls this year. Yeo, 46, was queuing outside Tong Aik Huat, a popular Singapore Pools retailer in Hougang, when interviewed by

'Everybody has a dream': Snaking lines at Hougang Singapore Pools outlet for $12m Toto Hong Bao Draw

«Everybody has a dream - to pursue our dreams, we must win,» said Keith Yeo, one of the many Toto Hong Bao Draw hopefuls this year. Yeo, 46, was queuing outside Tong Aik Huat, a popular Singapore Pools retailer in Hougang, when interviewed by AsiaOne on Friday (Feb 7) morning. Back in 2024, one of the winning tickets was sold at that outlet, marking the fifth time that the outlet has produced a winning Group 1 ticket that year. The large jackpot pool of $12 million attracted a crowd in Hougang, where the queue at Tong Aik Huat easily exceeded over a hundred people and stretched well into the HDB car park behind the outlet. Yeo said that he tries his luck every year - this year, he's pooled together $500 with his friends in hopes of striking it big to fulfill his dreams.

Former transport minister Iswaran to serve remaining sentence at home

Former transport minister S Iswaran has been placed on home detention as of Friday (Feb 7). Iswaran will serve the remaining eight months of his one-year sentence at home, under specific conditions. These include curfew monitoring using an electronic moni

Former transport minister Iswaran to serve remaining sentence at home

Former transport minister S Iswaran has been placed on home detention as of Friday (Feb 7). Iswaran will serve the remaining eight months of his one-year sentence at home, under specific conditions. These include curfew monitoring using an electronic monitoring tag, being gainfully occupied either in work, study or training, and reporting to the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) for counselling. «He has been assessed suitable for emplacement on the scheme, as he is of low risk of re-offending, did not commit any institutional offence in prison, and has strong family support,» a SPS spokesperson said in response to AsiaOne's queries. Under the Prisons Act, inmates who display good conduct in prison are eligible for remission after serving either two-thirds or 14 days of their sentence, whichever ends later. A prisoner is also eligible to be released on the home detention scheme for a period not exceeding 12 months if they are serving a sentence of four weeks or more and have served at least 14 days of their sentence.

Raymond Ng handed 12 cheating charges linked to vending machines

SINGAPORE — Raymond Ng Kai Hoe, who is the husband of anti-vaccine group Healing the Divide founder Iris Koh, was on Feb 7 handed 12 cheating charges involving nearly $61,000. In 2019 and 2020, he allegedly committed multiple counts of cheating linked to

Raymond Ng handed 12 cheating charges linked to vending machines

SINGAPORE — Raymond Ng Kai Hoe, who is the husband of anti-vaccine group Healing the Divide founder Iris Koh, was on Feb 7 handed 12 cheating charges involving nearly $61,000. In 2019 and 2020, he allegedly committed multiple counts of cheating linked to a company called Vendshare that dealt with vending machines. There were 12 alleged victims and around $60,800 was involved. The amounts ranged between $1,000 and $13,900 per person. Between Aug 25 and Dec 25, 2019, Ng, 51, who is a former director at the firm, allegedly cheated a man by duping him into believing the payments made to Vendshare were for the co-ownership of coffee vending machines. According to court documents, Ng purportedly dishonestly induced him to make payments totalling $2,500 to Vendshare. Ng also allegedly cheated 11 other people by using a similar method. One of the men, who was purportedly duped between November 2019 and June 2020, was allegedly cheated of the largest amount — $13,900. On Feb 7, the court heard that Ng is not pleading guilty, and his case will be mentioned again on March 7.

Port-Gentil/Les auxiliaires de commandement à l'école du nouveau Code électoral

Le ministère en charge de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité a lancé une série de formation à l'endroit des auxiliaires de commandement depuis ce jeudi 6 février 2025. La formation va s'étendre sur quatre jours. Il y aura des simulations et des exercices

Port-Gentil/Les auxiliaires de commandement à l'école du nouveau Code électoral

Le ministère en charge de l'Intérieur et de la Sécurité a lancé une série de formation à l'endroit des auxiliaires de commandement depuis ce jeudi 6 février 2025. La formation va s'étendre sur quatre jours. Il y aura des simulations et des exercices pratiques qui permettront d'évaluer ceux qui y prennent part. Nicaise Moulombi, acteur de la Société civile et Pierre Lauretta Ngoma, magistrate de formation, experte en matière électorale ont été mandatés à Port-Gentil par le ministère, à cet (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Kenya sends community elders to Somalia to negotiate release of 5 abducted chiefs

Kenya has sent a multi-agency team led by community elders to neighboring Somalia to start negotiations for the release of five abducted chiefs.
Hiiraan Online

Kenya sends community elders to Somalia to negotiate release of 5 abducted chiefs

Kenya has sent a multi-agency team led by community elders to neighboring Somalia to start negotiations for the release of five abducted chiefs.

Israel considers sending Gazans to Puntland – and the Somalian state could be open to it

Israel is considering plans to send Gazans to Puntland, an autonomous region of Somalia, after Donald Trump’s pledge to resettle them in “far safer and more beautiful” communities.
Hiiraan Online

Israel considers sending Gazans to Puntland – and the Somalian state could be open to it

Israel is considering plans to send Gazans to Puntland, an autonomous region of Somalia, after Donald Trump’s pledge to resettle them in “far safer and more beautiful” communities.

Le Chef de l'État procède à l'inauguration de l'usine Sofavin

Owendo, le 6 février 2025-Le Président de la Transition ,Président de la République, Chef de l'État, le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a procédé ce jour à l'inauguration de la nouvelle usine de fabrication des produits de la marque Coca-Cola p

Le Chef de l'État procède à l'inauguration de l'usine Sofavin

Owendo, le 6 février 2025-Le Président de la Transition ,Président de la République, Chef de l'État, le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a procédé ce jour à l'inauguration de la nouvelle usine de fabrication des produits de la marque Coca-Cola par la Société Sofavin située dans la commune d'Owendo. Cette cérémonie à laquelle prenaient également part les membres du gouvernement, le corps diplomatique et les représentants de «The Coca-Cola company» à été ponctuée par la coupure (...) - ECONOMIE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

«Le Ministre de la Justice soucieux des conditions de travail et de vie des personnels du corps judiciaire n'a de cesse d'œuvrer à la recherche des solutions»

Depuis la reconduction du mouvement de grève du Syndicat National des Magistrats du Gabon (SYNAMAG) le 13 janvier 2025, et l'entrée en grève du Syndicat National des Greffiers du Gabon (SYNAGREF) le 09 janvier 2025, le Ministre de la Justice, Garde des Sce

«Le Ministre de la Justice soucieux des conditions de travail et de vie des personnels du corps judiciaire n'a de cesse d'œuvrer à la recherche des solutions»

Depuis la reconduction du mouvement de grève du Syndicat National des Magistrats du Gabon (SYNAMAG) le 13 janvier 2025, et l'entrée en grève du Syndicat National des Greffiers du Gabon (SYNAGREF) le 09 janvier 2025, le Ministre de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux, soucieux des conditions de travail et de vie des personnels du corps judiciaire n'a de cesse d'œuvrer à la recherche des solutions. Le Ministre de la Justice constate pour le déplorer que le service minimum n'est pas suivi à la (...) - COMMUNIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

La première promotion dénommée Marcel Doupamby Matoka célébrée par ESIITECH

L'Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénierie et d'innovation Technologique( ESIITECH) a célébré les diplômés de sa première promotion. C'était le samedi 1er février 2025, à l'auditorium du ministère des Eaux et Forets. La mémoire de Marcel Doupamby Matoka a

La première promotion dénommée Marcel Doupamby Matoka célébrée par ESIITECH

L'Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénierie et d'innovation Technologique( ESIITECH) a célébré les diplômés de sa première promotion. C'était le samedi 1er février 2025, à l'auditorium du ministère des Eaux et Forets. La mémoire de Marcel Doupamby Matoka a été honorée lors de cette cérémonie riche en couleurs et en émotions. Elle l'a été, non seulement par les responsables de l'établissement et de la Fondation éponyme, mais surtout par les récipiendaires ayant promis de promouvoir et de perpétuer son (...) - ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Catch My Drift: A rustic retreat overlooking the enchanting Caribbean Sea

Tucked away in the lush greenery of Boscobel, St Mary, overlooking the serene coastline, Catch My Drift Villa is more than just a vacation rental – it’s a home away from home. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful solo retreat, a romantic getaway, or...

Catch My Drift: A rustic retreat overlooking the enchanting Caribbean Sea

Tucked away in the lush greenery of Boscobel, St Mary, overlooking the serene coastline, Catch My Drift Villa is more than just a vacation rental – it’s a home away from home. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful solo retreat, a romantic getaway, or...

Clarendon Youth Council honours outstanding leaders

On January 26, the Clarendon Parish Youth Council, a key sub-council of the National Youth Council of Jamaica (NYCJ), hosted the 4th Annual Clarendon Youth Awards at the Clarendon Youth Innovation Centre (YIC). This prestigious event celebrated...

Clarendon Youth Council honours outstanding leaders

On January 26, the Clarendon Parish Youth Council, a key sub-council of the National Youth Council of Jamaica (NYCJ), hosted the 4th Annual Clarendon Youth Awards at the Clarendon Youth Innovation Centre (YIC). This prestigious event celebrated...

Three rural schools to get buses from Japan

The Embassy of Japan has signed three grant contracts amounting to $28.8 million, to purchase school buses for Rest Primary and Infant, and Bustamante High schools in Clarendon, and Port Antonio Primary School in Portland. Two 29-seater Toyota...

Three rural schools to get buses from Japan

The Embassy of Japan has signed three grant contracts amounting to $28.8 million, to purchase school buses for Rest Primary and Infant, and Bustamante High schools in Clarendon, and Port Antonio Primary School in Portland. Two 29-seater Toyota...

BGLC urges unlicensed gaming operators to get regularised

The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) is urging operators of unlicensed gaming machines and locations to take advantage of its compliance drive to regularise their operations without penalties. Director of Enforcement at the BGLC,...

BGLC urges unlicensed gaming operators to get regularised

The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) is urging operators of unlicensed gaming machines and locations to take advantage of its compliance drive to regularise their operations without penalties. Director of Enforcement at the BGLC,...

Late submission of documents delays British woman’s cocaine trial

WESTERN BUREAU: The trial of Brandi James, a British national who was reportedly caught with 16 pounds of cocaine at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay on August 6, 2024, has been postponed to March 20 due to the late submission of...

Late submission of documents delays British woman’s cocaine trial

WESTERN BUREAU: The trial of Brandi James, a British national who was reportedly caught with 16 pounds of cocaine at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay on August 6, 2024, has been postponed to March 20 due to the late submission of...

Rwanda: Witness Implicates YouTuber Theoneste Nsengimana, Co-Accused in Alleged Conspiracy

[New Times] The High Court in Kigali on February 6 resumed the trial of YouTuber Theoneste Nsengimana and his co-accused, including Sylvain Nsanzimana, Claudine Uwimana, and Alexis Rucubangana, among others, who face charges related to conspiracy against the
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Rwanda: Witness Implicates YouTuber Theoneste Nsengimana, Co-Accused in Alleged Conspiracy

[New Times] The High Court in Kigali on February 6 resumed the trial of YouTuber Theoneste Nsengimana and his co-accused, including Sylvain Nsanzimana, Claudine Uwimana, and Alexis Rucubangana, among others, who face charges related to conspiracy against the government.

Congo-Kinshasa: Guterres Appeals for Mediation to End Crisis in Eastern DR Congo

[UN News] Now is the time to end the crisis in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the UN Secretary-General said on Thursday in a briefing to journalists in New York.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Congo-Kinshasa: Guterres Appeals for Mediation to End Crisis in Eastern DR Congo

[UN News] Now is the time to end the crisis in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the UN Secretary-General said on Thursday in a briefing to journalists in New York.

Congo-Kinshasa: Fighting Resumes in DR Congo's South Kivu Ahead of Crisis Talks

[RFI] In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Congolese authorities said its troops and its allies clashed with the M23 rebel group, supported by Rwandan soldiers, in the mining town of Nyabibwe in South Kivu.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Congo-Kinshasa: Fighting Resumes in DR Congo's South Kivu Ahead of Crisis Talks

[RFI] In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Congolese authorities said its troops and its allies clashed with the M23 rebel group, supported by Rwandan soldiers, in the mining town of Nyabibwe in South Kivu.

Embracing diversity key to India's resilience: RKM Chicago monk

Swami Ishatmananda highlights India's inclusive and secular nature, rooted in the concept of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'. He cautions against narrow nationalist ideologies and emphasizes that India's strength lies in unity and diversity, urging a focus on economi
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Embracing diversity key to India's resilience: RKM Chicago monk

Swami Ishatmananda highlights India's inclusive and secular nature, rooted in the concept of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'. He cautions against narrow nationalist ideologies and emphasizes that India's strength lies in unity and diversity, urging a focus on economic development and religious harmony.

'Football tournament of Kuki militants?' Meitei group flags cultural event in Manipur brandishing guns

A troubling video from Manipur shows football players, some possibly underage, holding assault rifles during a match at Nohjang Kipgen Memorial Playground. The footage also featured cultural performances attended by over 300 people. The Meitei Heritage Societ
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'Football tournament of Kuki militants?' Meitei group flags cultural event in Manipur brandishing guns

A troubling video from Manipur shows football players, some possibly underage, holding assault rifles during a match at Nohjang Kipgen Memorial Playground. The footage also featured cultural performances attended by over 300 people. The Meitei Heritage Society has expressed concern and urged authorities to investigate the open display of weapons by these participants.

Black Hawk's tracking tech was turned off when it crashed into plane as mangled wreck is pulled from Potomac

The Black Hawk was performing a training mission in an effort to renew 28-year-old Captain Rebecca M. Lobach's annual certification when it crashed into American Airlines Flight 5342.
News | Mail Online

Black Hawk's tracking tech was turned off when it crashed into plane as mangled wreck is pulled from Potomac

The Black Hawk was performing a training mission in an effort to renew 28-year-old Captain Rebecca M. Lobach's annual certification when it crashed into American Airlines Flight 5342.

Recall of USAID’s global workforce causes havoc and distress

USAID employees stationed overseas are struggling to navigate the sudden upheaval, having received little clear information from the Trump administration.
Post Politics

Recall of USAID’s global workforce causes havoc and distress

USAID employees stationed overseas are struggling to navigate the sudden upheaval, having received little clear information from the Trump administration.

Japan’s Ishiba will try to sell Trump on importance of alliances in Asia

Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba will go to the White House to try to rekindle Japan’s relationship with President Donald Trump — and to fend off potential tariffs.
Post Politics

Japan’s Ishiba will try to sell Trump on importance of alliances in Asia

Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba will go to the White House to try to rekindle Japan’s relationship with President Donald Trump — and to fend off potential tariffs.

What locals in SoHa (South Harlesden to you and me) REALLY think of how their neighbourhood is portrayed in BBC's Motherland spin-off

Now Harlesden in north-west London has a new and rather more welcome claim to fame - as the setting for the eagerly awaited new BBC comedy Amandaland.
News | Mail Online

What locals in SoHa (South Harlesden to you and me) REALLY think of how their neighbourhood is portrayed in BBC's Motherland spin-off

Now Harlesden in north-west London has a new and rather more welcome claim to fame - as the setting for the eagerly awaited new BBC comedy Amandaland.

President Zelensky warns 'frozen conflict' will lead to Vladimir Putin returning to Ukraine with 'aggression' - as footage shows wounded Russian troops hobbling into battle on crutches

Speaking in Kyiv , the Zelensky told ITV News that any attempt to stop the war without ironclad security guarantees would encourage the Russian leader to return and take what remains of Ukraine.
News | Mail Online

President Zelensky warns 'frozen conflict' will lead to Vladimir Putin returning to Ukraine with 'aggression' - as footage shows wounded Russian troops hobbling into battle on crutches

Speaking in Kyiv , the Zelensky told ITV News that any attempt to stop the war without ironclad security guarantees would encourage the Russian leader to return and take what remains of Ukraine.

Migrant shambles as unnamed judge lets paedophile we cannot name (to protect HIS privacy) stay in UK because pervert's Pakistani family might disapprove of him lusting after 'barely pubescent girls'

A Pakistani father-of-two had been jailed for grooming young girls for more than a year - but an unnamed judge ruled removing him from the UK would be 'unduly harsh', a tribunal heard.
News | Mail Online

Migrant shambles as unnamed judge lets paedophile we cannot name (to protect HIS privacy) stay in UK because pervert's Pakistani family might disapprove of him lusting after 'barely pubescent girls'

A Pakistani father-of-two had been jailed for grooming young girls for more than a year - but an unnamed judge ruled removing him from the UK would be 'unduly harsh', a tribunal heard.

Elon Musk's top DOGE staffer Marko Elez quits over racist social media posts

Marko Elez was one of two employees at the Department of Government Efficiency granted access to $5trillion in the Treasury payment systems following an 11th hour court hearing.
News | Mail Online

Elon Musk's top DOGE staffer Marko Elez quits over racist social media posts

Marko Elez was one of two employees at the Department of Government Efficiency granted access to $5trillion in the Treasury payment systems following an 11th hour court hearing.

Meghan plays perfect hostess for Netflix - but with no cooking, no recipe ideas... and barely a glimpse of Harry, writes ALISON BOSHOFF

According to sources who have seen a preview of the series, the Duchess of Sussex won't be seen going through recipes step by step and measuring out ingredients.
News | Mail Online

Meghan plays perfect hostess for Netflix - but with no cooking, no recipe ideas... and barely a glimpse of Harry, writes ALISON BOSHOFF

According to sources who have seen a preview of the series, the Duchess of Sussex won't be seen going through recipes step by step and measuring out ingredients.

The baby-faced schoolboy who became £20million international drug smuggling mastermind - as he and his glamorous 'gangster's moll' face years in jail

Eddie Burton, together with his glamorous 'gangster's moll' Sian Banks, had been running a £20 million international drug smuggling operation which he founded while still in his teens.
News | Mail Online

The baby-faced schoolboy who became £20million international drug smuggling mastermind - as he and his glamorous 'gangster's moll' face years in jail

Eddie Burton, together with his glamorous 'gangster's moll' Sian Banks, had been running a £20 million international drug smuggling operation which he founded while still in his teens.

Lagon de Tiahura saturé : «l'objectif n'est pas de fermer ce qui se fait mais de lever le pied sur les nouvelles autorisations» répond le CGEM

Les prestataires touristiques ont récemment partagé leurs inquiétudes quant aux potentielles restrictions sur le site de Tiahura, où ils ont l'habitude d'emmener leurs clients pour observer les raies et les requins. Le comité de gestion de l'espace marit

Lagon de Tiahura saturé : «l'objectif n'est pas de fermer ce qui se fait mais de lever le pied sur les nouvelles autorisations» répond le CGEM

Les prestataires touristiques ont récemment partagé leurs inquiétudes quant aux potentielles restrictions sur le site de Tiahura, où ils ont l'habitude d'emmener leurs clients pour observer les raies et les requins. Le comité de gestion de l'espace maritime rassure : il ne s'agit pas d'interdire mais de limiter les activités sur la zone pour des raisons avant tout écologiques.

«On est loin de tout et c'était notre challenge de les faire venir au Heiva Taure'a» : les collégiens de Rikitea préparent leur grande première à To'atā

La 8ème édition du Heiva Taure'a est prévue du 06 au 08 mars à To'atā. Cet événement culturel réunit des centaines de jeunes artistes et permet aux collégiens de tous les archipels de s'exprimer sur la mythique scène de Papeete. 39 élèves du coll

«On est loin de tout et c'était notre challenge de les faire venir au Heiva Taure'a» : les collégiens de Rikitea préparent leur grande première à To'atā

La 8ème édition du Heiva Taure'a est prévue du 06 au 08 mars à To'atā. Cet événement culturel réunit des centaines de jeunes artistes et permet aux collégiens de tous les archipels de s'exprimer sur la mythique scène de Papeete. 39 élèves du collège St Raphaël de Rikitea y participeront pour la toute première fois.

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