أكد اليوم السيد رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق حمادي الجبالي إن ما يشاع حول علاقة المصاهرة بينه وبين رجلي الأعمال المقبوض عليهما أخيرا كمال الشملي وصلاح الدين الشملي لا أساس له من الصحة ومثل هذه اﻹدعاءات الكاذبة والافتراءات الباطلة تأتي في إطار حملات التشويه والاستهداف للرموز التونسية الوطنية وقياداتها الشرفاء من طرف مواقع مشبوهة وصفحات مأجورة. ...
أعربت النقابة العامة للإعلام التابعة للاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل في بلاغ لها اليوم السبت، عن ترحيبها بقرار إقالة الرئيس المدير العام للتلفزة التونسية « إلياس الغربي » اثر تأخير لنشرة الأخبار لمدة ساعة ونصف، معتبرة أن التأخير يتحمل مسؤوليته المسؤول الأول بالمؤسسة. وأكدت النقابة أن « الغربي » زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة منذ فترة وفي ...
وقال زعيم حزب العمال جيريمي كوربين بعد اعادة انتخابه في إزلينغتون الشمالية ان الوقت قد حان لتيريزا ماي للذهاب و “إفساح المجال” للحكومة التي من شأنها أن تكون “ممثلا حقيقيا للشعب في هذا البلد.” وقال انه “فخور جدا” بالنتائج حتى الآن، وقال انه “صوت الأمل في المستقبل”، وقال ان الشعب “يدير ظهره على التقشف “.
Un colloque se tient les 19 et 20 mars à l’Assemblée de Polynésie. Experts, élus et membres du gouvernement sont réunis pour analyser les causes de la flambée des prix et proposer des solutions concrètes. Mais qu'est-ce que cela changera vraiment pour les Polynésiens ? Nous avons posé la question à plusieurs acteurs de cet événement.
For film fans of a certain generation, few actresses possess the class, talent and sophistication of the legendary Catherine Deneuve - but it appears Gwyneth Paltrow could be a contender.
Adolescence arrived on the streaming service on March 13 and has captivated its viewers with its gripping storyline and star-studded cast.
Millions of RSA token keys have been inadvertently exposed, significantly compromising the security of digital communications worldwide, Jamaica’s National Security Operations Centre has disclosed. RSA tokens are widely used mainly by the local...
After closing its office in Portmore, St Catherine in 2021, the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) is moving to launch a new in-person service hub in the municipality. The Portmore business was one of 10 offices closed by JPS as it moved from physical...
The Government is establishing a second compressed natural gas (CNG) fuelling facility to service the 70 new CNG buses being added to the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) fleet. The disclosure was made by Minister of Transport, Daryl Vaz,...
A widow who sued a Jamaican car rental company after her husband’s death has lost her case, but the Supreme Court has warned the industry over poor documentation of vehicle safety. In a March 10 judgment, Justice Tania Mott Tulloch-Reid dismissed...
A high-level police probe is under way to identify and apprehend those responsible for a shipment of 30 firearms and over 100 rounds of ammunition to Jamaica, which were seized on Tuesday. According to the police, the seizure took place at a...
Moscow and Washington will continue Ukraine peace negotiations on Sunday, according to Steve Witkoff Read Full Article at RT.com
Warsaw and Baltic NATO states previously called for lifting a ban on the weapons, citing a perceived threat from Russia Read Full Article at RT.com
A report from Moscow’s newly opened pavillion honoring Russian soldiers and commemorating the Ukraine conflict Read Full Article at RT.com
Residents of Sunita Williams’s ancestral village offered prayers and performed traditional rituals to celebrate her return to Earth Read Full Article at RT.com
US President Donald Trump has floated the idea of Washington taking over Ukraine’s energy facilities to give them more “security” Read Full Article at RT.com
Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu, the main rival to Turkish President Erdogan, has been arrested and charged with corruption and terror links Read Full Article at RT.com
19 mars 2025 – En sa qualité de Président du Conseil de Paix et de Sécurité (CPS) de l'Union africaine (UA) pour le mois de mars, le Maroc a convoqué, ce mardi à Addis-Abeba, des consultations informelles avec plusieurs pays africains en transition politique, dont le Gabon, le Burkina Faso, la Guinée, le Mali, le Niger et le Soudan. Ces échanges, selon l'Ambassadeur Représentant permanent du Maroc auprès de l'UA, Mohamed Arrouchi, s'inscrivent dans le cadre du mandat du CPS et visent à (...) - COOPERATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON
«In further meetings, the teams can agree on all necessary aspects of advancing toward lasting peace and security guarantees,» Vladimir Zelensky added
The tire plant plans to produce winter and summer products of the Cordiant brand and about 30 SKUs
Artyom Dzyuba became the top scorer in the history of the Russian national team
According to Axios, it is still unclear whether the deadline starts counting from the moment the Iranian authorities received the letter in early March or from the moment when negotiations on the nuclear deal may begin
The Russian Foreign Ministry pointed to an incident that took place earlier on Wednesday, when Moldovan police locked down the Russian embassy in Chisinau for several hours citing an alleged bomb threat
Whether or not Hudson's Bay Company will have to undergo a full liquidation or will be able to keep some stores afloat is still unknown — the indebted retailer has received another extension from an Ontario judge that will push the decision to the end of the week.
En raison d'une panne technique, la compagnie domestique Air Moana est contrainte d'annuler tous ses vols prévus ce mercredi 19 mars.
Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump confirmed during a telephone conversation on Tuesday their intention to continue efforts to resolve the Ukrainian conflict and to further consider the American leader's proposals
The Times said earlier that about $30 bln of assets of the Central Bank of Russia were frozen in the United Kingdom
Donald Trump said that «the United States could be very helpful in running those plants with its electricity and utility expertise»
According to the statement, «Ukraine and America will continue working together to bring about a real end to the war»
«They reviewed the situation in Kursk and agreed to share information closely between their defense staffs as the battlefield situation evolved,» Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said
Warsaw and Baltic NATO states previously called for lifting a ban on the weapons, citing a perceived threat from Russia Read Full Article at RT.com