
توضيح حمادي الجبالي رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق

أكد اليوم السيد رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق حمادي الجبالي إن ما يشاع حول علاقة المصاهرة بينه وبين رجلي الأعمال المقبوض عليهما أخيرا كمال الش
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

توضيح حمادي الجبالي رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق

أكد اليوم السيد رئيس الحكومة التونسية الأسبق حمادي الجبالي إن ما يشاع حول علاقة المصاهرة بينه وبين رجلي الأعمال المقبوض عليهما أخيرا كمال الشملي وصلاح الدين الشملي لا أساس له من الصحة ومثل هذه اﻹدعاءات الكاذبة والافتراءات الباطلة تأتي في إطار حملات التشويه والاستهداف للرموز التونسية الوطنية وقياداتها الشرفاء من طرف مواقع مشبوهة وصفحات مأجورة. ...

النقابة العامة للإعلام: إلياس الغربي زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة

أعربت النقابة العامة للإعلام التابعة للاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل في بلاغ لها اليوم السبت، عن ترحيبها بقرار إقالة الرئيس المدير العام للتلفز
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

النقابة العامة للإعلام: إلياس الغربي زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة

أعربت النقابة العامة للإعلام التابعة للاتحاد العام التونسي للشغل في بلاغ لها اليوم السبت، عن ترحيبها بقرار إقالة الرئيس المدير العام للتلفزة التونسية « إلياس الغربي » اثر تأخير لنشرة الأخبار لمدة ساعة ونصف، معتبرة أن التأخير يتحمل مسؤوليته المسؤول الأول بالمؤسسة. وأكدت النقابة أن « الغربي » زرع سياسة التسيب واللامبالاة منذ فترة وفي ...

كوربين: فخور جدا بنتائجنا

وقال زعيم حزب العمال جيريمي كوربين بعد اعادة انتخابه في إزلينغتون الشمالية ان الوقت قد حان لتيريزا ماي للذهاب و “إفساح المجال” للحكومة ا
biladi news / Tunisie, actualité, news, sport, économie, politique

كوربين: فخور جدا بنتائجنا

وقال زعيم حزب العمال جيريمي كوربين بعد اعادة انتخابه في إزلينغتون الشمالية ان الوقت قد حان لتيريزا ماي للذهاب و “إفساح المجال” للحكومة التي من شأنها أن تكون “ممثلا حقيقيا للشعب في هذا البلد.” وقال انه “فخور جدا” بالنتائج حتى الآن، وقال انه “صوت الأمل في المستقبل”، وقال ان الشعب “يدير ظهره على التقشف “.

Haryana: JJP leader Ravinder Minna shot dead in Panipat

JJP leader Ravinder Minna was shot dead in Panipat on Friday, with his cousin and another person also injured in the attack. Five police teams have been formed to apprehend the accused. This incident follows the killing of BJP leader Surendra Jawahra in Sonip
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Haryana: JJP leader Ravinder Minna shot dead in Panipat

JJP leader Ravinder Minna was shot dead in Panipat on Friday, with his cousin and another person also injured in the attack. Five police teams have been formed to apprehend the accused. This incident follows the killing of BJP leader Surendra Jawahra in Sonipat over a land dispute.

Law firm Paul Weiss agrees to deal with Trump, prompting criticism

The law firm will provide $40 million in pro bono legal services to support Trump’s agenda after the president threatened to rescind some government contracts with the firm and its clients.
Post Politics

Law firm Paul Weiss agrees to deal with Trump, prompting criticism

The law firm will provide $40 million in pro bono legal services to support Trump’s agenda after the president threatened to rescind some government contracts with the firm and its clients.

Unidentified gunmen open fire on Iraqi consulate in Istanbul — Foreign Ministry

The street around the diplomatic mission remains blocked, as Turkish authorities have 'launched an investigation into the incident'

Unidentified gunmen open fire on Iraqi consulate in Istanbul — Foreign Ministry

The street around the diplomatic mission remains blocked, as Turkish authorities have 'launched an investigation into the incident'

Militants kill over 40 people in southwestern Niger

The government has pledged to find and bring to justice not only those who committed the crime but also their accomplices, sponsors, and supporters

Militants kill over 40 people in southwestern Niger

The government has pledged to find and bring to justice not only those who committed the crime but also their accomplices, sponsors, and supporters

Ukraine's leadership agrees to hold presidential election — envoy Witkoff

American journalist Tucker Carlson recalled that 'the Russian position is he is not elected,' so one 'can't sign any kind of treaty with him'

Ukraine's leadership agrees to hold presidential election — envoy Witkoff

American journalist Tucker Carlson recalled that 'the Russian position is he is not elected,' so one 'can't sign any kind of treaty with him'

Israeli strike on Gaza kills at least five people — Al Jazeera

According to the report, the Israeli military also struck the southeastern city of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza in recent hours and shelled the Netzarim corridor, along with the town of Rafah in the southern part of the enclave

Israeli strike on Gaza kills at least five people — Al Jazeera

According to the report, the Israeli military also struck the southeastern city of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza in recent hours and shelled the Netzarim corridor, along with the town of Rafah in the southern part of the enclave

Former lawyer M Ravi spotted on walkabout with Red Dot United in new Jalan Kayu SMC

Former lawyer M Ravi was spotted at a walkabout with opposition party Red Dot United (RDU) on Friday (March 21) evening in the new Jalan Kayu single-seat ward. Donning a lanyard identifying him as a volunteer, the 55-year-old was seen chatting with resident

Former lawyer M Ravi spotted on walkabout with Red Dot United in new Jalan Kayu SMC

Former lawyer M Ravi was spotted at a walkabout with opposition party Red Dot United (RDU) on Friday (March 21) evening in the new Jalan Kayu single-seat ward. Donning a lanyard identifying him as a volunteer, the 55-year-old was seen chatting with residents and distributing flyers near Fernvale LRT station and at the hawker centre in Fernvale Community Club. When asked if he is contesting in the coming general election, Ravi told the media after the hour-long walkabout that he has «pledged his support» to RDU as a «strong alternative voice in Parliament». While not a member, Ravi said he is attracted to party due to its «sustainable policies». «I live here, and I was born in Jalan Kayu, and so this place is very special to me, he said. »I also know that RDU is contesting in Nee Soon GRC, where I spent my teenage years." Ravi was part of the Reform Party slate that challenged for the six-member Ang Mo Kio GRC against the People's Action Party(PAP) during the 2015 General Election. The PAP, led by then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, won with 78.6 per cent of the votes.

Former Wah!Banana scriptwriter-TikToker found guilty of raping woman he met on Tinder

A TikToker and former scriptwriter-actor with local YouTube comedy channel Wah!Banana was convicted by the High Court on March 21 for raping a woman he met on the dating app Tinder. Lev Panfilov, a Singapore permanent resident originally from Russia, was fou

Former Wah!Banana scriptwriter-TikToker found guilty of raping woman he met on Tinder

A TikToker and former scriptwriter-actor with local YouTube comedy channel Wah!Banana was convicted by the High Court on March 21 for raping a woman he met on the dating app Tinder. Lev Panfilov, a Singapore permanent resident originally from Russia, was found guilty of two counts of rape, one count of sexual assault by penetration, and one count of outrage of modesty. The 28-year-old will be sentenced at a later date. The assault took place on Jan 12, 2021, in his bedroom after he took the woman back to the flat he shared with flatmates to work on her script. The woman, who was then 30 years old, had worked as an actress and model and was trying to branch out into comedy writing. She and Panfilov presented different accounts of the incident. During the trial, which began in May 2023, she was cross-examined for an “unprecedented” 13 days, according to the prosecution’s written submissions. The two matched on Tinder and later moved their chat to WhatsApp before arranging to meet in person at a restaurant in Robertson Quay.

Infection à méningocoque : un enfant pris en charge à Tahiti

Le ministère de la Santé informe qu’un cas d’infection à méningocoque a été diagnostiqué chez un enfant résidant à Tahiti. Présentant des signes évocateurs de méningite le 12 mars, l’enfant a été rapidement pris en charge au Centre hospita

Infection à méningocoque : un enfant pris en charge à Tahiti

Le ministère de la Santé informe qu’un cas d’infection à méningocoque a été diagnostiqué chez un enfant résidant à Tahiti. Présentant des signes évocateurs de méningite le 12 mars, l’enfant a été rapidement pris en charge au Centre hospitalier de la Polynésie française (CHPF) et son état évolue favorablement.

Live updates: Trump asserts Rubio still has deportation authority despite court ruling

Get the latest news on President Donald Trump’s return to the White House and the new Congress.
Post Politics

Live updates: Trump asserts Rubio still has deportation authority despite court ruling

Get the latest news on President Donald Trump’s return to the White House and the new Congress.

Magali Wora : engagée pour l'essor de la culture et les arts vers leur félicité

Magali Wora, femme de culture et des arts, a animé une conférence de presse ce jeudi à Libreville. Cette rencontre avec les hommes et les femmes des médias s'inscrit dans l'optique d'accompagner le président de la transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema

Magali Wora : engagée pour l'essor de la culture et les arts vers leur félicité

Magali Wora, femme de culture et des arts, a animé une conférence de presse ce jeudi à Libreville. Cette rencontre avec les hommes et les femmes des médias s'inscrit dans l'optique d'accompagner le président de la transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, candidat à la présidentielle gabonaise du 12 avril prochain. Soucieuse d'assainir le secteur de la culture et des arts, et d'accompagner la candidature de Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, Magali Wora a décliné trois axes. Lesquels axes, (...) - ARTS & CULTURE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Transgabonais /PMS : Setrag réceptionne 3 242 Rails

Ils proviennent de Chine et la livraison s'est faite au Port d'Owendo. Dans le cadre de la poursuite de modernisation et de sécurisation du réseau ferroviaire, la Setrag, Concessionnaire de l'Etat gabonais vient de réceptionner au Port d'Owendo, 3 242 rail

Transgabonais /PMS : Setrag réceptionne 3 242 Rails

Ils proviennent de Chine et la livraison s'est faite au Port d'Owendo. Dans le cadre de la poursuite de modernisation et de sécurisation du réseau ferroviaire, la Setrag, Concessionnaire de l'Etat gabonais vient de réceptionner au Port d'Owendo, 3 242 rails 60 Kgs de 25 mètres de long. Cette acquisition marque la matérialisation et le début d'exécution du programme de Modernisation et de Sécurisation de la voie ferrée en abrégé (PMS), récemment lancé par les autorités. Ces rails seront (...) - TRANSPORTS / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Gabon : lancement de l'atelier de sensibilisation pour une Stratégie nationale de l'Intelligence Artificielle

Le Gabon avance vers l'essor de l'intelligence artificielle avec le lancement de l'atelier de sensibilisation et d'appui à l'élaboration d'une stratégie nationale de l'IA qui s'est tenu du 20 au 21 mars 2025 Cet événement de deux jours a réuni des acteu

Gabon : lancement de l'atelier de sensibilisation pour une Stratégie nationale de l'Intelligence Artificielle

Le Gabon avance vers l'essor de l'intelligence artificielle avec le lancement de l'atelier de sensibilisation et d'appui à l'élaboration d'une stratégie nationale de l'IA qui s'est tenu du 20 au 21 mars 2025 Cet événement de deux jours a réuni des acteurs clés pour définir une politique nationale qui fera de l'IA un moteur du développement durable L'atelier a rassemblé des universitaires et des experts du numérique permettant au Gabon d'exploiter l'IA dans plusieurs secteurs comme (...) - SOCIETE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Police issue update on source of Heathrow Airport blaze - as boss of chaos-hit travel hub claims it will return to '100 per cent operation'

Follow the latest updates on the Heathrow Airport closure on MailOnline's live blog.
News | Mail Online

US set to hold meeting with Ukraine in Riyadh one day ahead of talks with Russia — media

The Diplomatic website notes that Washington aims to make swift progress to announce a ceasefire agreement as soon as possible

US set to hold meeting with Ukraine in Riyadh one day ahead of talks with Russia — media

The Diplomatic website notes that Washington aims to make swift progress to announce a ceasefire agreement as soon as possible

Russian central bank chief pours cold water on crypto

Cryptocurrencies are still too volatile to serve as a means of payment but could be used for investments, the Bank of Russia has said Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Russian central bank chief pours cold water on crypto

Cryptocurrencies are still too volatile to serve as a means of payment but could be used for investments, the Bank of Russia has said Read Full Article at RT.com

Ukrainian drone strikes apartment block in southern Russia – governor (PHOTOS)

A Ukrainian drone has struck a tall residential building in Russia’s Rostov Region, the regional head has said Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Ukrainian drone strikes apartment block in southern Russia – governor (PHOTOS)

A Ukrainian drone has struck a tall residential building in Russia’s Rostov Region, the regional head has said Read Full Article at RT.com

Two dead in Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian border region – governor

Two people have been killed and seven injured in Ukrainian drone strikes against Russia’s Belgorod Region, its governor has said Read Full Article at RT.com
RT - Daily news

Two dead in Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian border region – governor

Two people have been killed and seven injured in Ukrainian drone strikes against Russia’s Belgorod Region, its governor has said Read Full Article at RT.com

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