Malawi’s Choice: Sovereignty or Subjugation? Sacrificing Bushiri Means Selling Our Future to Foreign Masters
Malawi stands at a crossroads. One road leads to self-determination, economic empowerment, and a refusal to be bullied by foreign powers that apply the law only when it suits their interests. The other road leads to spineless submission, the auctioning of ouMalawi’s Choice: Sovereignty or Subjugation? Sacrificing Bushiri Means Selling Our Future to Foreign Masters
Malawi stands at a crossroads. One road leads to self-determination, economic empowerment, and a refusal to be bullied by foreign powers that apply the law only when it suits their interests. The other road leads to spineless submission, the auctioning of our own people, and the eternal curse of begging while sacrificing the very assets […] The post Malawi’s Choice: Sovereignty or Subjugation? Sacrificing Bushiri Means Selling Our Future to Foreign Masters appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi. Read more