
VOA60 America - Hurricane Milton could strike Florida Wednesday

Floridians continue to evacuate ahead of powerful Hurricane Milton. The storm center is expected to come ashore Wednesday in the Tampa Bay region. Over half a million people were ordered to evacuate, in the state's largest evacuation since 2017.

VOA60 America - Biden: Milton could be one of the worst storms in 100 years

The southeastern U.S. state of Florida braced Wednesday for the arrival of powerful Hurricane Milton amid warnings of heavy rains, strong winds and life-threatening storm surge. The center of the storm was expected to make landfall late Wednesday or early Thu
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VOA60 America - Biden: Milton could be one of the worst storms in 100 years

The southeastern U.S. state of Florida braced Wednesday for the arrival of powerful Hurricane Milton amid warnings of heavy rains, strong winds and life-threatening storm surge. The center of the storm was expected to make landfall late Wednesday or early Thursday.

VOA60 World - Japan PM dissolves parliament for snap election

Japan: New Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba dissolved Japan's lower house of parliament Wednesday to set up an October 27 election and seek a mandate from voters for his 9-day-old government.
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VOA60 World - Japan PM dissolves parliament for snap election

Japan: New Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba dissolved Japan's lower house of parliament Wednesday to set up an October 27 election and seek a mandate from voters for his 9-day-old government.

VOA60 Africa - Mozambicans casts ballots for president and parliament, ruling party likely to win

Mozambique: Voters cast their ballots Wednesday for a new president and parliament, with the Frelimo party, ruling for 49 years, expected to hold on to power. The election comes as the southern African nation struggles with persistent poverty and inequality.
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VOA60 Africa - Mozambicans casts ballots for president and parliament, ruling party likely to win

Mozambique: Voters cast their ballots Wednesday for a new president and parliament, with the Frelimo party, ruling for 49 years, expected to hold on to power. The election comes as the southern African nation struggles with persistent poverty and inequality.

VOA60 Africa - Burkina Faso suspends Voice of America for three months

Burkina Faso: The junta has suspended Voice of America for three months over comments about a jihadist insurgency in West Africa's Sahel region, and temporarily banned local news outlets from using any international media reports, authorities said late on Mon
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VOA60 Africa - Burkina Faso suspends Voice of America for three months

Burkina Faso: The junta has suspended Voice of America for three months over comments about a jihadist insurgency in West Africa's Sahel region, and temporarily banned local news outlets from using any international media reports, authorities said late on Monday.

VOA60 World - Pioneers in artificial intelligence win the Nobel Prize in physics

John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on Tuesday for discoveries and inventions that formed the building blocks of machine learning, commonly referred to as artificial intelligence.
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VOA60 World - Pioneers in artificial intelligence win the Nobel Prize in physics

John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on Tuesday for discoveries and inventions that formed the building blocks of machine learning, commonly referred to as artificial intelligence.

የሴቶች እና ህጻናትን ጥቃት በዘላቂነት ለመቅረፍ መፍትሄው ምን ይሆን?

ባለፉት ጥቂት ወራት የህጻናት ሴቶች በአስሰቃቂ ሁኔታ የአስገድዶ መደፈር ዜናዎች በተደጋጋሚ ሲሰሙ ሰንብተዋል። በተለያዩ መገናኛ ብዙኃን እና ለጉዳዩ ቅርበት
የአሜሪካ ድምፅ

የሴቶች እና ህጻናትን ጥቃት በዘላቂነት ለመቅረፍ መፍትሄው ምን ይሆን?

ባለፉት ጥቂት ወራት የህጻናት ሴቶች በአስሰቃቂ ሁኔታ የአስገድዶ መደፈር ዜናዎች በተደጋጋሚ ሲሰሙ ሰንብተዋል። በተለያዩ መገናኛ ብዙኃን እና ለጉዳዩ ቅርበት ያላቸው ተቋማትም በፍትህ አሰጠጣጥ ዙሪያ እንዲሁም ለችግሩ መንስዔ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ በሚሏቸው ጉዳዮች ላይ አስተያየት ሲሰጡ ሰንበተዋል።

እስራኤል ጋዛ ውስጥ በሚገኝ መስጂድ ላይ በፈጸመችው ጥቃት 19 ሰዎች ተገደሉ

ዲር አል-ባላህ፣ ጋዛ ሰርጥ — እስራኤል በጋዛ ሰርጥ በሚገኝ መስጂድ ላይ  እሁድ ማለዳ  በፈጸመችው ጥቃት በትንሹ 19 ሰዎች መሞታቸውን የፍልስጤም ባለስልጣናት
የአሜሪካ ድምፅ

እስራኤል ጋዛ ውስጥ በሚገኝ መስጂድ ላይ በፈጸመችው ጥቃት 19 ሰዎች ተገደሉ

ዲር አል-ባላህ፣ ጋዛ ሰርጥ — እስራኤል በጋዛ ሰርጥ በሚገኝ መስጂድ ላይ  እሁድ ማለዳ  በፈጸመችው ጥቃት በትንሹ 19 ሰዎች መሞታቸውን የፍልስጤም ባለስልጣናት ገለፁ ። ከኢራን- አጋር ታጣቂ ቡድኖች ጋር የምታደርገው ጦርነት እየተስፋፋ በሚገኝበት በአሁኑ ሰዓት፣ እስራኤል በሰሜን ጋዛ እና በደቡባዊ ቤይሩት ላይ የምታደርገውን የቦምብ ድብደባም አጠናክራለች ። በማዕከላዊ ዲር አል ባላህ ዋና ሆስፒታል አቅራቢያ በሚገኘው ጥቃት የተፈጸመበት  መስጂድ  ውስጥ የተፈናቀሉ ሰዎች ተጠልለው እንደነበር ተነግሯል ።በከተማዋ አቅራቢያ የተፈናቀሉ ሰዎች በተጠለሉባቸው ትምህርት ቤቶች ላይ በተፈፀመ  ሌላ ጥቃት ተጨማሪ አራት ሰዎች ተገድለዋል። የእስራኤል ጦር ሁለቱም ጥቃቶች ታጣቂዎች ላይ ያነጣጠሩ ናቸው ቢልም ማስረጃ ግን አላቀረበም ። የአሶሼትድ ፕሬስ ጋዜጠኛ በአል-አቅሳ ሰማዕታት ሆስፒታል የሚገኙ አስከሬኖችን ቆጥሯል ። በመስጂዱ ላይ በደረሰው ጥቃት  የሞቱት  በሙሉ ወንዶች መሆናቸውን የሆስፒታሉ መረጃዎች ያሳያሉ። ሀማስ ጥቃት ከሰነዘረ ከአንድ አመት በኋላ አሁንም እስራኤል ከቡድኑ  ጋር እየተፋለመች ሲሆን ፣ በሊባኖስ  አቅጣጫ ከሂዝቦላህ ጋር ለመፋለም አዲስ ግንባር ከፍታለች።  ሂዝቦላ የጋዛ ጦርነት ከጀመረበት ጊዜ አንስቶ በድንበር አካባቢ ከእስራኤል ጋር የተኩስ ልውውጥ ሲያደርግ ቆይቷል።ቴህራን ባለፈው ሳምንት በእስራኤል ላይ የባላስቲክ ሚሳኤል ጥቃት ከሰነዘረች በኋላ እስራኤል ኢራንን ለማጥቃት ዝታለች። እየሰፋ ያለው ግጭት ለእስራኤል ወሳኝ ወታደራዊ እና ዲፕሎማሲያዊ ድጋፍ የምትሰጠው ዩናይትድ ስቴትስን እንዲሁም የአሜሪካን ኃይሎች የሚያስተናግዱ የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ አጋር የአረብ ሀገራትን ወደ ጦርነቱ እንዳያስገባ ስጋት አጭሯል።  ይህ በእንዲህ እያለ ፣ የእስራኤል ጦር  በሰሜናዊ ጋዛ በምትገኘው ጃባሊያ  አዲስ የአየር እና የምድር ጥቃት መፈጸሙን አስታውቋል።ጃባሊያ እስራኤል ከተመሰረተችበት የ1948ቱ ጦርነት ማግስት  ጀምሮ  የብዙ ሕዝብ መኖሪያ የሆነው የስደተኞች መጠለያ ጣቢያ መገኛ ናት ።ዘገባው የአሶሼትድ ፕረስ ነው ። 

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