
EU Fact Sheets - The European Neighbourhood Policy - 27-05-2024

The European neighbourhood policy (ENP) applies to Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine. It aims to strengthen the prosperity, stability and security of
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - The European Neighbourhood Policy - 27-05-2024

The European neighbourhood policy (ENP) applies to Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine. It aims to strengthen the prosperity, stability and security of all. It is based on democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights and is a bilateral policy between the EU and each partner country, with regional cooperation initiatives: the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and the Union for the Mediterranean[1]. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Plants produced using new genomic techniques - 28-05-2024

On 5 July 2023, the Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on certain new genomic techniques (NGTs). It establishes two categories of plants obtained by NGTs: plants comparable to naturally occurring or conventional plants, and plants with modification
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Plants produced using new genomic techniques - 28-05-2024

On 5 July 2023, the Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on certain new genomic techniques (NGTs). It establishes two categories of plants obtained by NGTs: plants comparable to naturally occurring or conventional plants, and plants with modifications that are more complex. The two categories will be subject to different requirements to reach the market, taking into account their different characteristics and risk profiles. Feedback from stakeholders is mixed. While industry interest groups hailed the 'game-changing proposals' bringing innovation in plant breeding, the organic food and farming movement criticised the Commission's plan to take NGTs out of the existing legal framework, as it could leave organic food systems unprotected. In a vote on 7 February 2024, the Parliament adopted its first-reading position with 307 votes for to 263 against and 41 abstentions. MEPs agreed to support a simplified registration for plant varieties produced using NGTs that are deemed to be equivalent to conventional varieties, while retaining stricter controls for others that are not (plants resulting from targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis). The Council is yet to reach a general approach. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages in the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Moetai Brotherson annonce une aide dans le cadre des émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie

Le président du Pays était invité sur notre plateau le 27 mai. Il a répondu aux questions de Cybèle Plichart sur la situation de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, les critiques de l'opposition et son deuxième séjour à Singapour, entre autres.

Moetai Brotherson annonce une aide dans le cadre des émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie

Le président du Pays était invité sur notre plateau le 27 mai. Il a répondu aux questions de Cybèle Plichart sur la situation de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, les critiques de l'opposition et son deuxième séjour à Singapour, entre autres.

«On a senti une odeur horrible» : un yacht accusé d'avoir déversé ses excréments dans la baie d'Opunohu, le capitaine s'explique

Samedi 25 mai, des riverains remarquent une tache marron nauséabonde dans la baie d'Opunohu à Moorea, aux alentours de 9 heures. Elle provenait du yacht Hanse Exporer en mouillage à cet endroit... Le capitaine du bateau assure qu'il ne s'agissait pas d'exc

«On a senti une odeur horrible» : un yacht accusé d'avoir déversé ses excréments dans la baie d'Opunohu, le capitaine s'explique

Samedi 25 mai, des riverains remarquent une tache marron nauséabonde dans la baie d'Opunohu à Moorea, aux alentours de 9 heures. Elle provenait du yacht Hanse Exporer en mouillage à cet endroit... Le capitaine du bateau assure qu'il ne s'agissait pas d'excréments mais d'une fuite accidentelle d'huile de cuisson mélangée à des sédiments.

Un vol prévu mardi pour rapatrier les Calédoniens bloqués à Tahiti

Une partie des Calédoniens bloqués en Polynésie vont eux aussi bénéficier d'un rapatriement. Le vol est prévu mardi 28 mai, annonce le haut-commissariat de la Polynésie dans un communiqué, ce lundi soir.

Un vol prévu mardi pour rapatrier les Calédoniens bloqués à Tahiti

Une partie des Calédoniens bloqués en Polynésie vont eux aussi bénéficier d'un rapatriement. Le vol est prévu mardi 28 mai, annonce le haut-commissariat de la Polynésie dans un communiqué, ce lundi soir.

Briefing - European cross-border associations - 27-05-2024

The European Parliament has consistently advocated for the creation of an EU-wide legal framework for non-profit and not-for-profit entities operating within the EU. In 2013, it called for the adoption of common EU rules for mutual societies, and made a simil
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - European cross-border associations - 27-05-2024

The European Parliament has consistently advocated for the creation of an EU-wide legal framework for non-profit and not-for-profit entities operating within the EU. In 2013, it called for the adoption of common EU rules for mutual societies, and made a similar call in 2018 for social and solidarity-based enterprises. In February 2022, it adopted a resolution on cross-border associations and non profit organisations, urging the European Commission to propose a regulation establishing a statute for a European association. This statute would outline the conditions and procedures for the establishment, governance, registration and regulation of legal entities in the form of a European association. The resolution also called for a directive that would simplify the process for non-profit organisations in the EU to exercise their rights in the internal market. In response to the Parliament's resolution, the Commission presented a proposal for a directive on European cross-border associations on 5 September 2023. The proposed directive aims to coordinate the conditions for establishing and operating 'European cross-border associations' (ECBAs) in order to help non-profit associations exercise their rights in relation to the freedom of establishment, free movement of capital, freedom to provide and receive services and free movement of goods in the internal market. During its plenary session of 13 March 2024, Parliament adopted a legislative resolution on the proposal at first reading, using the report drawn up by the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) as the basis for its position. The resolution was adopted ahead of any trilogues. The Council of the EU has not yet started examining the proposal. First edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - 'Safe country of origin' concept in EU asylum law - 27-05-2024

EU Member States have a shared responsibility to give protection to asylum-seekers, and to ensure they receive fair treatment and that their cases are examined in accordance with uniform standards. The common European asylum system (CEAS) establishes common s
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - 'Safe country of origin' concept in EU asylum law - 27-05-2024

EU Member States have a shared responsibility to give protection to asylum-seekers, and to ensure they receive fair treatment and that their cases are examined in accordance with uniform standards. The common European asylum system (CEAS) establishes common standards for Member States in their procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection. A critical aspect of a common approach to international protection is application of the 'safe country of origin' concept. In the context of refugees, the term 'safe country of origin' (SCO) has been used to refer to countries whose citizens should not, in theory, be granted international protection, since those countries are widely regarded as safe. The concept can refer to the automatic exclusion from refugee status of nationals originating from SCOs, or it can raise a presumption of safety that those nationals must rebut. Several international and regional human rights bodies have either raised concerns about the use of the SCO concept or proposed appropriate safeguards to ensure that fundamental rights of persons in genuine need of international protection, but who originate from SCOs, are respected. At EU level, the concept has gradually developed as part of the CEAS, culminating in the adoption of the provisions on the common EU list of SCOs. Many Member States have already established national SCO lists. With the new asylum legislation, transposition of the SCO concept will be mandatory for all Member States, which will also be able to retain or introduce national SCO lists other than those designated at EU level. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Reception of asylum-seekers – Recast directive - 27-05-2024

Asylum-seekers and refugees must be treated according to the standards laid down in human rights and refugee law. The 2015 migration crisis revealed wide divergences in the reception conditions in the EU Member States. While some encounter difficulties in ens
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Reception of asylum-seekers – Recast directive - 27-05-2024

Asylum-seekers and refugees must be treated according to the standards laid down in human rights and refugee law. The 2015 migration crisis revealed wide divergences in the reception conditions in the EU Member States. While some encounter difficulties in ensuring adequate and dignified treatment of applicants, others offer more generous standards of reception. This has led to secondary movements of asylum-seekers and refugees, putting pressure on some Member States. The aim of the proposed recast Reception Conditions Directive, to replace the current one, is to ensure greater harmonisation of reception standards and more equal treatment of asylum-seekers across the entire EU, as well as to avoid 'asylum shopping', whereby asylum-seekers choose the Member State with the highest protection standards for their application. The Commission tabled its proposal on the recast directive in 2016. After reaching a partial provisional agreement on its text in 2018, the Parliament and the Council reached a final agreement on 15 December 2022. The Parliament adopted the agreed text at first reading at its plenary session of 10 April 2024, and Coreper approved the agreement on 8 February 2024. After the presidents of both institutions signed the directive on 14 May 2024, it was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 22 May 2024 and will enter into force in June 2024. Member States will then have 2 years to transpose the provisions of the directive into their national laws. Sixth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Reforming asylum and migration management - 27-05-2024

In September 2020, the European Commission submitted a proposal on asylum and migration management, to replace the 2013 Dublin Regulation that determines the EU Member State responsible for examining asylum applications. While the proposal 'essentially preser
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Briefing - Reforming asylum and migration management - 27-05-2024

In September 2020, the European Commission submitted a proposal on asylum and migration management, to replace the 2013 Dublin Regulation that determines the EU Member State responsible for examining asylum applications. While the proposal 'essentially preserves' the current criteria for determining this responsibility, it would also make changes and additions to the regulation, especially on solidarity and responsibility-sharing for asylum-seekers among Member States. The proposal came after a failed attempt to reform EU asylum policy following the 2015 migration crisis. While the migratory context had since changed, the migration situation remained fragile. According to the Commission, addressing this situation required a relaunch of the reform of the common European asylum system. The new system would ensure international protection for those who need it and be effective and humane towards those who have to be returned. On 20 December 2023, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on the proposal. The Parliament adopted the agreed text at first reading at its plenary session of 10 April 2024, and Coreper approved the agreement on 8 February 2024. After the presidents of both institutions signed the regulation on 14 May 2024, it was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 22 May 2024. The regulation enters into force in June 2024 and into application on 1 July 2026. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Un séisme secoue les Tonga : «Les habitants se sentent nerveux»

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 a secoué l'archipel des Tonga lundi, dans le Pacifique Sud, a annoncé le service géologique américain.

Un séisme secoue les Tonga : «Les habitants se sentent nerveux»

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 a secoué l'archipel des Tonga lundi, dans le Pacifique Sud, a annoncé le service géologique américain.

Les premiers Polynésiens rapatriés de Nouvelle-Calédonie : «On est soulagés»

Coincés à Nouméa depuis deux semaines pour certains, 80 Polynésiens vont pouvoir retrouver le fenua. Le premier vol de rapatriement décolle ce lundi de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, et arrive à Tahiti dimanche soir, heure locale. Un deuxième voyage est prév

Les premiers Polynésiens rapatriés de Nouvelle-Calédonie : «On est soulagés»

Coincés à Nouméa depuis deux semaines pour certains, 80 Polynésiens vont pouvoir retrouver le fenua. Le premier vol de rapatriement décolle ce lundi de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, et arrive à Tahiti dimanche soir, heure locale. Un deuxième voyage est prévu la semaine prochaine.

DIRECT. Miss Tahiti 2024 : la magie de la perle noire lors de la soirée de gala

Rendez-vous le samedi 25 mai 2024 en direct sur la page Facebook de Polynésie la 1ère pour suivre la sublime soirée de gala Miss Tahiti, placée sous le thème «Poerava» : la perle noire dans son écrin. Une soirée magnifique où chaque candid

DIRECT. Miss Tahiti 2024 : la magie de la perle noire lors de la soirée de gala

Rendez-vous le samedi 25 mai 2024 en direct sur la page Facebook de Polynésie la 1ère pour suivre la sublime soirée de gala Miss Tahiti, placée sous le thème «Poerava» : la perle noire dans son écrin. Une soirée magnifique où chaque candidate foulera le podium et se préparera pour la soirée d’élection, le 21 juin dans les jardins de la mairie de Papeete.

XTERRA 2024. Delbi Villa Gongora, grand vainqueur des 100 kilomètres

La Xterra 2024 a réuni 500 participants le soir du vendredi 24 mai. Plusieurs parcours étaient proposés, du plus court au plus long. Cédric Wane remporte le 25 kilomètres, Thomas Lubin, le 50 kilomètres et Delbi Villa Gongora accomplit l'exploit des 10

XTERRA 2024. Delbi Villa Gongora, grand vainqueur des 100 kilomètres

La Xterra 2024 a réuni 500 participants le soir du vendredi 24 mai. Plusieurs parcours étaient proposés, du plus court au plus long. Cédric Wane remporte le 25 kilomètres, Thomas Lubin, le 50 kilomètres et Delbi Villa Gongora accomplit l'exploit des 100 kilomètres !

OFC CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Pirae perd la finale contre Auckland City : «ils nous ont donné une leçon de haut niveau»

L’exploit n’a pas eu lieu pour l’AS Pirae, vendredi 24 mai, au stade Pater. L’équipe de football tahitienne a été sèchement battue en finale par Auckland City 4 buts à 0. Le club Néo-zélandais remporte son douzième titre de champion d’Océan

OFC CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. Pirae perd la finale contre Auckland City : «ils nous ont donné une leçon de haut niveau»

L’exploit n’a pas eu lieu pour l’AS Pirae, vendredi 24 mai, au stade Pater. L’équipe de football tahitienne a été sèchement battue en finale par Auckland City 4 buts à 0. Le club Néo-zélandais remporte son douzième titre de champion d’Océanie.

Shiseido Tahiti Pro 2024 : Vahine en quarts de finale, Mihimana Braye aux repêchages

Après trois jours de waiting period, la Shiseido Tahiti pro a démarré le samedi 25 mai, à Teahupoo. Vahine Fierro est qualifiée pour les quarts de finale tandis que Mihimana Braye passe aux repêchages.

Shiseido Tahiti Pro 2024 : Vahine en quarts de finale, Mihimana Braye aux repêchages

Après trois jours de waiting period, la Shiseido Tahiti pro a démarré le samedi 25 mai, à Teahupoo. Vahine Fierro est qualifiée pour les quarts de finale tandis que Mihimana Braye passe aux repêchages.

Nouvelle-Calédonie : un premier vol pour rapatrier «plusieurs dizaines» de Polynésiens

Alors que la fermeture de l'aéroport international de Nouméa a été prolongée jusqu’au mardi 28 mai, un premier vol de rapatriement devrait pouvoir embarquer «plusieurs dizaines» de Polynésiens lundi, (heure de Calédonie). Le vol doit arri

Nouvelle-Calédonie : un premier vol pour rapatrier «plusieurs dizaines» de Polynésiens

Alors que la fermeture de l'aéroport international de Nouméa a été prolongée jusqu’au mardi 28 mai, un premier vol de rapatriement devrait pouvoir embarquer «plusieurs dizaines» de Polynésiens lundi, (heure de Calédonie). Le vol doit arriver dimanche en début de soirée à Papeete.

POLITIQUE. Le sénateur Teva Rohfritsch inquiet face au bilan du gouvernement Brotherson

Après le Tapura Huiraatira mardi, c'est au tour du parti Ia Ora Te Nunaa mené par Teva Rofritsch de faire le bilan sur la première année de gouvernance de Moetai Brotherson. Le sénateur a convié les médias ce matin pour une conférence de presse, lors

POLITIQUE. Le sénateur Teva Rohfritsch inquiet face au bilan du gouvernement Brotherson

Après le Tapura Huiraatira mardi, c'est au tour du parti Ia Ora Te Nunaa mené par Teva Rofritsch de faire le bilan sur la première année de gouvernance de Moetai Brotherson. Le sénateur a convié les médias ce matin pour une conférence de presse, lors de laquelle il a également annoncé son soutien au candidat Moerani Frébault pour les élections européennes.

Briefing - European deposit insurance scheme (EDIS) - 24-05-2024

As part of its ambition to complete the banking union, the European Commission has proposed to introduce a European deposit insurance scheme (EDIS) to reduce the potential spill-over risk of local bank failures on the financial stability of the economic and m
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - European deposit insurance scheme (EDIS) - 24-05-2024

As part of its ambition to complete the banking union, the European Commission has proposed to introduce a European deposit insurance scheme (EDIS) to reduce the potential spill-over risk of local bank failures on the financial stability of the economic and monetary union as a whole. According to the proposal of 24 November 2015, the EDIS would be the third pillar of the banking union. It would be introduced gradually, in three separate phases between 2017 and 2024, complementing national deposit guarantee schemes. The proposal would also have implications for the overall resolution framework for banks under the single resolution mechanism (SRM), so the Commission proposes to amend the SRM Regulation (EU) No 806/2014, introducing a common deposit insurance system as of 2024. In the meantime, the Commission has tabled a package of proposals for bank crisis management and deposit insurance. In Parliament, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) is responsible for the file. While the first draft report was never adopted by ECON, a second draft report was adopted in ECON in April 2024. The report suggests focusing on the first step of EDIS – namely the liquidity insurance fund, now called 'EDIS I' – and reiterates the need for a fully-fledged EDIS, to be adopted through a new Commission proposal. Second edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Reform of the Qualification Directive - 24-05-2024

The 2015 refugee and migrant crisis in Europe called into question existing EU legislation on asylum, in particular the criteria according to which applicants for international protection can qualify for refugee or subsidiary protection status, as recognised
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Briefing - Reform of the Qualification Directive - 24-05-2024

The 2015 refugee and migrant crisis in Europe called into question existing EU legislation on asylum, in particular the criteria according to which applicants for international protection can qualify for refugee or subsidiary protection status, as recognised in the Qualification Directive. Although national asylum rules are more closely aligned than they were, there continue to be major differences in approach across the EU. This can lead asylum-seekers to claim refuge in Member States whose asylum systems appear to be more generous, rather than in the Member State officially responsible for their asylum applications. The European Commission's proposal of 13 July 2016 proposed to replace the Qualification Directive with a regulation, setting uniform standards for the recognition of people in need of protection and for the rights granted to beneficiaries of international protection. The European Parliament and the Council reached provisional agreement on the text in June 2018. After being blocked since 2018, the two institutions reached a final agreement on the regulation on 15 December 2022. Coreper approved the agreement on 8 February 2024. Parliament adopted the text during its plenary session of 10 April 2024. The regulation enters into force in June 2024 and into application on 1 July 2026. Fourth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Rikitea : un jeune touriste mordu par un requin

Un touriste de 20 ans a été grièvement mordu par un requin, jeudi 23 mai, à Rikitea aux Gambier. Le jeune homme doit être évacué vers le CHPF, ses jours ne seraient pas en danger.

Rikitea : un jeune touriste mordu par un requin

Un touriste de 20 ans a été grièvement mordu par un requin, jeudi 23 mai, à Rikitea aux Gambier. Le jeune homme doit être évacué vers le CHPF, ses jours ne seraient pas en danger.

Emmanuel Macron en Nouvelle-Calédonie : le président a quitté le territoire cette nuit après de longues discussions mais sans réelle avancée

Le chef de l'Etat aura passé une journée marathon en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Mais il a repris l'avion dans la nuit sans avoir obtenu de véritables avancées. Il a appelé à la fin des émeutes et promet de ne pas «passer en force» sur le dégel d

Emmanuel Macron en Nouvelle-Calédonie : le président a quitté le territoire cette nuit après de longues discussions mais sans réelle avancée

Le chef de l'Etat aura passé une journée marathon en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Mais il a repris l'avion dans la nuit sans avoir obtenu de véritables avancées. Il a appelé à la fin des émeutes et promet de ne pas «passer en force» sur le dégel du corps électoral.

Les 20 ans du Taui : retour sur cet événement en 6 actes

Le 23 mai 2004, une grande réception est organisée à la Présidence pour fêter la victoire attendue de Gaston Flosse aux élections territoriales. Sauf que ce soir-là, c'est Oscar Temaru et l'UPLD qui gagne les élections ! Un tournant dans l'histoire po

Les 20 ans du Taui : retour sur cet événement en 6 actes

Le 23 mai 2004, une grande réception est organisée à la Présidence pour fêter la victoire attendue de Gaston Flosse aux élections territoriales. Sauf que ce soir-là, c'est Oscar Temaru et l'UPLD qui gagne les élections ! Un tournant dans l'histoire politique de la Polynésie française.

Study - Addressing challenges to European multi-country collaboration models for rare diseases - 23-05-2024

Rare diseases – defined as diseases that affect no more than one person in 2 000 – currently impact between 30 and 35 million EU citizens. Limited patient volume hinders research on these diseases, to the detriment of understanding of their biology, recru
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - Addressing challenges to European multi-country collaboration models for rare diseases - 23-05-2024

Rare diseases – defined as diseases that affect no more than one person in 2 000 – currently impact between 30 and 35 million EU citizens. Limited patient volume hinders research on these diseases, to the detriment of understanding of their biology, recruitment to clinical trials and survival rates. Real-time sharing of primary health data within and between rare disease healthcare centres and across Member States is feasible but there are obstacles. This report focuses on childhood cancer as a rare disease prototype, addressing volume challenges by reviewing cooperative structures, exploring attitudes towards data sharing, and presenting policy options for multi-country collaboration. Interviews show support for collaboration among rare disease healthcare centres, and for sharing medical files and expertise. The policy options proposed seek to promote research and expertise-building for the benefit of rare disease patients. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Research for REGI committee - Absorption Rates of Cohesion Policy Funds Final Study - 23-05-2024

This study analyses the absorption rates of the EU Cohesion Policy funds in 2014-2020 over time across funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, and REACT-EU), and across Member States and regions. It also provides a comparison with 2007-2013 absorption. A summary of absorption
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Research for REGI committee - Absorption Rates of Cohesion Policy Funds Final Study - 23-05-2024

This study analyses the absorption rates of the EU Cohesion Policy funds in 2014-2020 over time across funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, and REACT-EU), and across Member States and regions. It also provides a comparison with 2007-2013 absorption. A summary of absorption drivers, obstacles and undertaken solutions is presented based on the relevant literature and the findings of case studies. Conclusions and recommendations on improving the absorption of funds are set out. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - A new operational framework for the European Central Bank - 22-05-2024

The European Central Bank's operational framework is a set of tools it uses to control the amount of money flowing through the economy in order to keep prices stable. The calibration of those tools determines how quickly and strongly the central bank can stee
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - A new operational framework for the European Central Bank - 22-05-2024

The European Central Bank's operational framework is a set of tools it uses to control the amount of money flowing through the economy in order to keep prices stable. The calibration of those tools determines how quickly and strongly the central bank can steer short-term interest rates and ultimately how monetary policy affects economic output and inflation. The operational framework concerns how a monetary decision is implemented, not what the decision is. Over the last 10 years, the ECB has introduced several new policy tools, which has led to a significant increase in excess liquidity – that is, reserves held by banks beyond minimum requirements. In the course of recent monetary tightening efforts, the ECB has started to shrink its balance sheet, and excess liquidity has fallen by about €1.2 trillion. The new operational framework is a reaction to ongoing changes in the liquidity environment, from a situation of abundant excess liquidity to one of less ample liquidity. To this end, the ECB has effectively made a small adjustment to the width of the corridor between two policy rates, which will be implemented as of September 2024. In addition, two new instruments will be added to the ECB monetary policy toolbox: a structural portfolio of assets, and long-term refinancing operations. No specific details have been provided on the new tools in terms of technical features or the timing of their introduction. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Étudiants : plus 20 000 Fcfp pour les bourses du territoire

À l'heure du bilan de sa première année de Gouvernance, le président Moetai Brotherson a annoncé que le système de bourses serait modifié et élargi pour bénéficier à davantage d'étudiants. Une bonne nouvelle car le montant de l'aide serait de 20 0

Étudiants : plus 20 000 Fcfp pour les bourses du territoire

À l'heure du bilan de sa première année de Gouvernance, le président Moetai Brotherson a annoncé que le système de bourses serait modifié et élargi pour bénéficier à davantage d'étudiants. Une bonne nouvelle car le montant de l'aide serait de 20 000 Fcfp en plus des 40 000 Fcp perçus actuellement sur les 10 mois de vie étudiante. Un bémol pourtant : cette aide ne concernerait que les étudiants boursiers de l'université et certaines filières...

Émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : «On est oublié, piégé, coincé», les Polynésiens attendent leur rapatriement

Plus d'une centaine de Polynésiens sont actuellement bloqués en Calédonie, et une trentaine de Calédoniens à Tahiti. Moetai Brotherson, en déplacement à Singapour, a annoncé la mise en place d'une plateforme pour que les personnes concernées puissen

Émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : «On est oublié, piégé, coincé», les Polynésiens attendent leur rapatriement

Plus d'une centaine de Polynésiens sont actuellement bloqués en Calédonie, et une trentaine de Calédoniens à Tahiti. Moetai Brotherson, en déplacement à Singapour, a annoncé la mise en place d'une plateforme pour que les personnes concernées puissent s'enregistrer. Ces listes seront ensuite communiquées aux représentants de l'État. En attendant, les locaux bloqués sur l'archipel s'impatientent.

At a Glance - United Kingdom: Economic indicators and trade with EU - 21-05-2024

This infographic provides an insight into the economic performance of the United Kingdom compared with the European Union (EU) and looks at the trade dynamics between them. United Kingdom’s GDP per capita at the beginning of the series was significantly hig
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - United Kingdom: Economic indicators and trade with EU - 21-05-2024

This infographic provides an insight into the economic performance of the United Kingdom compared with the European Union (EU) and looks at the trade dynamics between them. United Kingdom’s GDP per capita at the beginning of the series was significantly higher than the EU27 average. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the GDP per capita at PPP between the EU and the United Kingdom took converging directions. The exchange rate between the Pound Sterling and the Euro stabilized at approximately 0.9 after the 2016 increase. The inflation rate increased with similar trends in both the United Kingdom and the EU, but in the latter, the rate decreased more rapidly, reaching 6.3% in 2023. The EU is the leading trade partner for the United Kingdom, and their imports and exports are mainly composed of the exchange of mechanical appliances, vehicles and aircraft, and energy components. For the United Kingdom, the EU is its main trade partner, accounting for 51.8% of its total trade in goods (exports plus imports). Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Making representation of third countries' interests more transparent - 21-05-2024

According to the Flash Eurobarometer 528 survey, released in December 2023, 81 % of Europeans believe that foreign interference in our democratic systems is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. The current geopolitical tensions highlight the followin
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Making representation of third countries' interests more transparent - 21-05-2024

According to the Flash Eurobarometer 528 survey, released in December 2023, 81 % of Europeans believe that foreign interference in our democratic systems is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. The current geopolitical tensions highlight the following dilemma: while international cooperation is required to tackle global challenges such as climate change, including the participation of third countries in the EU debate, such activities also carry the risk of foreign interference in EU policymaking, which can be defined as the harnessing of EU policy proceedings through coercive, covert or deceptive means. On 12 December 2023, the Commission published the defence of democracy package, which includes a proposal for a directive establishing harmonised requirements on transparency of interest representation carried out on behalf of third countries, as well as two proposals for Council recommendations, one on inclusive and resilient electoral processes in the Union, and one on promoting the engagement of citizens and civil society organisations in public policymaking. The majority of Member States have already adopted legislative or non-legislative measures to regulate interest representation activities in general, with several of them having also established specific registers. This proposal is about ensuring the transparency of interest representation activities geared towards influencing policymaking in the EU as a whole, while also facilitating the exercise of such activities across the single market. First edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Jours fériés : pourquoi la plupart des commerçants restent fermés

Qu'on soit étudiant ou salarié, le mois de mai est toujours apprécié pour ses jours fériés. En 2024, il en compte quatre, dont ce lundi de Pentecôte. En revanche, pour les quelque 500 commerçants de la ville, ces jours fériés sont synonymes de baiss

Jours fériés : pourquoi la plupart des commerçants restent fermés

Qu'on soit étudiant ou salarié, le mois de mai est toujours apprécié pour ses jours fériés. En 2024, il en compte quatre, dont ce lundi de Pentecôte. En revanche, pour les quelque 500 commerçants de la ville, ces jours fériés sont synonymes de baisse de chiffre d’affaires...

REPLAY. Emeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : «Nous allons reconstruire» promet le gouvernement, l'aéroport restera fermé jusqu'au 23 mai

L'aéroport restera fermé au moins jusqu'au 23 mai. Le gouvernement promet dans son point presse du jour de reconstruire un pays sinistré. Les gendarmes poursuivent les opérations contre les émeutiers. Un nouveau conseil de défense est convoqué par le p

REPLAY. Emeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : «Nous allons reconstruire» promet le gouvernement, l'aéroport restera fermé jusqu'au 23 mai

L'aéroport restera fermé au moins jusqu'au 23 mai. Le gouvernement promet dans son point presse du jour de reconstruire un pays sinistré. Les gendarmes poursuivent les opérations contre les émeutiers. Un nouveau conseil de défense est convoqué par le président de la République cette nuit, à Paris.

Tehea Fichaux combat les clichés comme les déchets

Tehea Fichaux, aussi appelée Mamie Propre, c’est la dame aux cheveux courts que vous croisez souvent au bord de la route, en train de ramasser les pehu, début Paea. D’abord critiquée puis félicitée, rien ne l’a freiné. Elle nettoie inlassablement

Tehea Fichaux combat les clichés comme les déchets

Tehea Fichaux, aussi appelée Mamie Propre, c’est la dame aux cheveux courts que vous croisez souvent au bord de la route, en train de ramasser les pehu, début Paea. D’abord critiquée puis félicitée, rien ne l’a freiné. Elle nettoie inlassablement les rues de sa commune. Rencontre.

Ruarii Mataoa : «homme assistant», la passion du mordant

C’est un métier dont on parle peu : homme assistant. Il joue pourtant un rôle essentiel dans les concours canins. Un métier qui passionne Ruarii Mataoa, le seul Polynésien dans le Pacifique à être diplômé de niveau 2.

Ruarii Mataoa : «homme assistant», la passion du mordant

C’est un métier dont on parle peu : homme assistant. Il joue pourtant un rôle essentiel dans les concours canins. Un métier qui passionne Ruarii Mataoa, le seul Polynésien dans le Pacifique à être diplômé de niveau 2.

Moorea : trop de vols dans les champs d'ananas, des patrouilles désormais en place

Suite aux nombreux vols d’ananas subis par les agriculteurs de l’île sœur depuis des années, une équipe de la nouvelle brigade territoriale de Moorea organise désormais des patrouilles dans les champs. Objectif : lutter contre ces vols à répétitio

Moorea : trop de vols dans les champs d'ananas, des patrouilles désormais en place

Suite aux nombreux vols d’ananas subis par les agriculteurs de l’île sœur depuis des années, une équipe de la nouvelle brigade territoriale de Moorea organise désormais des patrouilles dans les champs. Objectif : lutter contre ces vols à répétition. La première ronde composée de deux gendarmes a eu lieu samedi 18 mai.

Pepena prévoit un «petit live» musical en soutien à la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Le chanteur Raimana Bareille était l'invité de notre rubrique Te Hono Rahua, samedi 18 mai. Il est revenu sur les événements organisés par son groupe, Pepena, qui prévoit de chanter en soutien à la Calédonie.

Pepena prévoit un «petit live» musical en soutien à la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Le chanteur Raimana Bareille était l'invité de notre rubrique Te Hono Rahua, samedi 18 mai. Il est revenu sur les événements organisés par son groupe, Pepena, qui prévoit de chanter en soutien à la Calédonie.

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